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Posts posted by arramus

  1. Here is a list of things which are considered burnable:


    wood, cloth, corn, grass, plastic, leaves, cactus, mushroom, hay, paper, trash, backpack, organic (plants and trees)



    Cobblestone, iron, concrete, steel, and other materials not in the above are not considered burnable.

    Creating a start up cobblestone base in NMM from a very early game stage is within all player's capability because the Traders stock cobblestone in much higher volumes than default. This can give players a safe house where they are guaranteed a protection from fire. Naturally, the end goal is conversion to steel.

    The biggest threat at base will be the fire and acid projectiles and this will require a little planning and fire breaks/walls to protect personal assets.



    Care will also need to be taken with certain weapon types at the moment. Even without the fire mod implemented, the Dragon Cannon lays down a molotov type field of fire. This is exacerbated with the ability to cause fire on burnable surfaces.



    Now is certainly a time for testing and balancing and feedback will be much appreciated.

  2. A small update from both the fire/bucket creator and Score which powers things.


    - The bucket is now good for 1 use. After that it will be replaced by the empty water bucket and placed in the backpack in the same way as if you were drinking from a jar.


    - The Fungus zombies still have their ability to spit their vomit or globules and set things on fire. This will be removed for regular gameplay as Questing will become a thing of the past. This POI contained 2 Fungus entities and it got a bit too hot to stick around. However, we can have a Blood Moon version that has the fire capability. Your cobblestone bases and above will be safe as they cannot be set on fire.



    This is how it works.

    1. Craft your water bucket. You can do this on your player or Workbench and is requires minimal resources.



    2. Fill it up at any water source (including custom NMM wells/stand pipes)



    3. It is now ready to be used to extinguish a fire.



    4. Point the crosshairs towards the flames and use your left mouse button (or equivalent) to 'throw' the water. It will show water spray.



    5. It covers a surface area of about 5 blocks. As such, it may require multiple attempts for fires that are well established. Once the water bucket is used it will be placed in the backpack as an empty water bucket. It's helpful to carry a few.



    6. Each water bucket can only be used 1 time with this update and then it 'downgrades' back to the empty water bucket that can be refilled and used again.


    There is still some balancing to do so the Moddb version will continue to be fully updated but have the fire aspect turned off until things look like they will make the experience positive rather than overwhelming. ^^


    And when this feature finally becomes default, we can provide a small optional modlet which turns off this fire feature for players and communities that find it a bit too much.


    This was always a hope for the NMM since that is what dragons are all about, and @Guppycur and @sphereii took it far beyond what could be hoped for.

  3. 5 hours ago, Chajda said:

    I did, 8k, 6k and also temporarly deleting POIs to create random map all by guide - nothing worked 

    The patches were removed for A20.6(b9) Stable version. This is because they were integrated into the NMM and also XNPCCore was updated for Stable.


    Please share your log, to show if there are any issues in the load out process, or any other messages relating to other factors.

  4. 3 hours ago, Maxim said:

    Hello, I have a problem, after the last update I played for a couple of hours, then I quit the game, now I can't log in to the game, an error in one of the files, if you delete the file, a new one will be created and the problem will disappear, but my house will disappear! Of the mods, there were storage boxes, a workbench with mod weapons and a forge. Is there any way to fix this?

    There are a few posts about this in this forum. The above may be closest to your issue since it is possibly mod related.


    Did you remove any mods before trying to start the game again? The mod assets may still be hooked up in that region and causing the region to corrupt. Add the mods back into the game.


    However, if you did not remove any mods, then that region may have just corrupted. I have seen no tools to repair corrupted world regions.

  5. 3 hours ago, DefiantDucky said:

    Still having trouble finding out what is wrong with the mods, can the custom weapons pack have something to do with it? It keeps bringing up shortburst wave in the red error codes. Something to do with some kind of attack/weapon or effect 


    XML failed to load: onSelfRangedBurstShot shows up as an error when trying to load in 


    I loaded 2 single mods.

    The most recent Snufkin Zombies.


    The most recent Snufkin Weapons.



    The load out was clean with no console warnings. The Snufkin Zombies do not have an entry for onSelfRangedBurstShot. It was changed to onSelfRangedBurstShotEnd to match TFP's update.


    The Snufkin weapons have no references to onSelfRangedBurstShot at all.


    Try to load up only these two mods at first to check the result.

    Then add in all of your other mods one by one until the error appears.


  6. 2 hours ago, RAGE PVE said:



    I just remembered after writing they were in the Weapons mod....thanks.

    If we wanted to cancel the shark, what would happen if we deleted <entity_class name="SharkWFLB" extends="animalTemplateHostile"> and all its code from entity classes, but didnt delete the date in the entitygroups?

    If you delete the entity, but not entitygroups.xml hook up, you will witness a critical cascade of errors starting with the entitygroups.xml to fail.
    The result will be a barren world with no entities, and console spam when you trigger POI sleeping volumes. Test server stuff ;)



  7. Here is the localisation text from the Snufkin Weapons.


    SpeakerHat,item_modifiers,mod,,,Speaker Hat Mod,,,,,
    SpeakerHatDesc,item_modifiers,mod,,,"Increases Strength, Damage resistance, Fire and Electric Shock resistance, and resists the effects of Banshee screams, Mantis narcotics, Parasite leaching, and Archon shields. Can be found in hardened chests as a lootable item and installed in the armor headware paint slot. This hat mod is visible to other players."


    The Speaker Hat will provide a buff to counteract multiple attack types. The localisation describes the benefit of all other hat/clothing mods as well.


    The Snufkin Zombies are only added to general Biome spawns. These are independent of Game Stage and Hordes and cannot be changed based on player level. They spawn independently and if they join a horde it is purely coincidental.

  8. Pushed an update to the NMM Github Build and Moddb build for Score and NPCCore for A20.6 stable.


    This removes the need to use any patches and they have been removed from the first post as they have been integrated into these builds.


    The Github Development Build has also received a 'fire' feature where certain materials can be set alight (and extinguished). The Moddb version has exactly the same files but this 'fire' feature has been turned off for now while it is being balanced.








    Darkstardragon will explain in much more detail as things progress.

  9. The 0-Score Mod and the 0-XNPCCore Mod which power the NPC Mod for the NPC entities have both been updated.


    The 0-XNPCCore has been updated to A20.6 Stable and this means we no longer need the patch. It shall be removed from Moddb and the first post.

  10. 26 minutes ago, Ru Melin said:

    Hy, So often I can say thank you a lot Modding team for such great work.  I am not sure if it is a known problem, but when I load the game I get some yellow bug (particel effect) when steam is loading Fish Farm, Working stations and torches) A friend of me says red warnings from torches, but he didn´t see exactly what. Is it a known problem? Best regards

    It is known that there will be some yellow warnings for particle effects as steam is loading. It reads the particles as being duplicated for whatever reason.


    Red warnings from the torches mod is something I haven't experienced yet, simply because I haven't used them enough. If you friend can copy their log or share a good quality screenshot of the warning it will help understand what is happening.

  11. 47 minutes ago, RAGE PVE said:

    Oh nice I'll check, what is this one on the wolf?  Looks good, I might have been asleep or something but I thought I only saw like 2 new zombies in the latest release.....

    These animals with riders are the 'Hell Lion' and other 'Hell' type entities. Some are carrying a rider but the smaller ones are on their own. There is a picture of them all lined up together in the opening post.


    I believe the modified lines were linked to enZombies during the invisible entity search. Nothing related to the Snufkins. It's good to go as it is, beyond any custom changes you add to remove entities or increase damage.

    The most recent releases brought 3 new entities; Crispy, Bogeyman, and Demolition Derby.

  12. 1 hour ago, Ru Melin said:

    Hy, thanks please let me ask. What is this for a NPC Patch? Where can I find it? I play with all modern NPC Files. Best regards

    This patch is stored in the NPCMod team area on this Github account, and is added just like any other mod in the Mods folder.


    TFP made a small update in their xml code from A20.68(b8) from 'onSelfRangedBurstShot' which has become obsolete to 'onSelfRangedBurstShotStart' or 'onSelfRangedBurstShotEnd'. This patch uses 'onSelfRangedBurstShotStart' so we'll see things like gun muzzle flashes begin very quickly when a weapon is discharged.

  13. I'm running the NMM mod which is powered by Score/XNPC on the stable version A20.6(b9) and also using the NPC patch which continues to be compatible.


    I could load out with no warnings.



    For anyone seeing errors, it is possible other mods (particularly those with connections to weapons) also need to be updated for exactly the same issue that the NPC Mod was patched for.

  14. The 0-Score Mod has been updated from version to
    This update was pushed to the Score depository in the last hour, and is built into both versions of NMM; Github Development Build and Moddb.


    One feature it offers is the block fire feature where wood can be set ablaze by the fire breathing dragon... ... ...


    More on that from Darkstardragon in due course.

  15. 13 minutes ago, DefiantDucky said:

    @arramus could it be the enzombies and it's compatibility mod for your pack?

    From what I have seen for the enZombies compatibility patch, it places the Snufkin Zombies into the custom enZombies Biome groups and nothing more than that. It should not be related to this enZombies patch.


    This issue is typically related to a weapon entry that can be found in items.xml, buffs.xml, or progression.xml

    For the Snufkin's it linked back to the Juggernaut Rocket Launcher and the Bomber explosion. These were patched for the most updated Snufkin's release.


    We can pinpoint the cause by checking the log to see which file that red error relates to. It tells us before that error starts to spam the console.

  16. 3 hours ago, RAGE PVE said:

    Where do we access this new Derby zombie, looks brilliant.

    500 block damage, I mean with steel blocks with thousands of hit points etc its not that much a deal really, actually on BM I've even had to increase the settings to 150% block damage because the demolisher wasn't doing anything of note.  Is on the list to edit this somewhat.

    I noticed there was an update the other day, I saw the 2 new zombies but was there more?

    The link for the most updated version is in the very first post. It is currently showing the stable build version A20.6(b9).


    Demolisher offers 500 block damage per single melee strike + 5000 explosion damage if detonated (7500 for Demolition Derby).
    If you need more than that, feel free to customise further.

    3 hours ago, DefiantDucky said:

    image.thumb.png.c12e0c0b3389eadcbbdf4968210a255a.png                                    @arramus sorry to bother you, having this issue after updating to the new stable version of the game, no version currently fixes this issue both A20.5 and 20.6 versions cause this error. 

    I am unable to replicate this issue with the stable version of 7D2D A20.6(b9) and the most updated version of the Snufkins which was first updated for this issue in A20.6(b8) and remains compatible. Check your versions or other mods which may need updating.



  17. 7 minutes ago, WhiteLion said:

    Tried to use this mod with Darkness Falls. when crafting "Meat Grinder" an error at the console appears:

    [XUi] Error while updating window group 'crafting':
    Object reference not set to an instance of an object

    Any idea how to fix this ?

    Edit: The Battery Bank seems to have the same error. While the crafting of the Fish Oven and the Fish Farm seems to be craftable. 

    @Janarah posted about some recent DF issues with crafting on Oakraven workstations. I believe there may be some discussion happening directly with the DF team. I could place an Oakraven Workstation in DF, and even craft some non Oakraven items on that Oakraven Workstation. However, errors came up when attempting to craft Oakraven recipes. The Oakraven Forest Collection adds directly to the default unmodified files. DF has overhauled a lot of those files and it will require some compatibility patching, which is beyond the scope of this thread.

  18. 22 hours ago, RAGE PVE said:

    Interesting, we only use Snufkin (mainly) on BM's and there brilliant has to be said but we are starting to get some server spikes after the BM's and I'm not sure why.  Only happening after BM's, my log checking skills are limited but if anyone can give me some pointers I'll try checking thanks.  Were kind of watching and restarting when we need to atm

    Is it possible to make a request for another flying one similar to Archon that rains high entity damage down and another type of demolisher, the players shudder when they see this one as I turned the block damage upto 150, may even go further! 😛

    We tested adding more flyers and the feedback was not positive. It was becoming overkill because they acted like a tag team.
    The Geist put players into shock, and this was followed up with Archon and Geist Arrow burning, drone drain, and the shark being in your face.


    Your server doesn't use the Shark, so there is room for a replacement. I can't provide that replacement as it'll upset other servers who do use the Shark which puts some servers close to tipping point.


    The Die Hard Community copied the settings for the Juggernaut, attached it to a vulture and let it fly around like Archon. They balanced the rocket damage to keep player damage low but block damage high. It suits their server well and is something they created using copy/paste from this and that entity.


    As for the Demolisher. I brought over the Demolisher from 'The Oakraven Modpack' and pushed it as an update. The Demolisher's 500 block damage is already appropriate, and that doesn't change. This upgraded version has greater explosive block damage, and speed.


    Demolition Derby

    His face is covered by a timed explosive to depersonalise him and he is pretty powered up all over.



    His body is in a constant glow cycle which rises and falls.



    He has his own special kind of back pack. He can still put some fear into experienced parties.



    The Shark was given a bit of a cosmetic overhaul to bring in some more of that cyborg feature and context for its ability to remain airbourne. This was the intention from the beginning. Some communities love it and others hate it. These extra cosmetic features may help move the spectrum along if it provides an appropriate context.





  19. Not Medieval Mod has received a somewhat substantial update to both the Github Development Build and Moddb Stable Build.


    1. Fix

    The Blunderbuss weapons were missing an 'unlock' property tag. While it was not critical, it didn't allow players to see the unlock/lock icon for crafting to show what Perk they were governed by. This has been rectified.


    2. New Entity.

    Crispy NMM joins the NMM collection. He will only appear during a Blood Moon event. He is fast and melee attacks can set players on fire.



    3. New Weapon

    Here is the Dragon Cannon - Ranged by @oakraven. It is hooked up to Dead Eye and has its very own skill perk tree since it is the only weapon governed by it.



    The Dragon Cannon can use 3 types of ammo; Boom, Fire, and Shock. On this occasion it was used at close range, but it is best used from greater distances because reload time is slow and approaching hostiles will often reach you before you are ready. It seems to have great potential for hunting larger monsters.





    Another trade off is the costly ammo production requirements. Not really one for lower Game Stages.



    One small addition to localisation is adding (2 wide) and (3 wide) for the Oak Chemistry Table and Oakraven Forge, so that players know exactly how much space they need for these irregular sized work stations.


    And thank you to @khzmusik for supporting the NPC Mod with a feature that allows the NPCs to be less reactive during Quests. This has now been added to NMM as a default setting. This provides better opportunity for stealth game play, as well as giving POIs a more modular feature where you won't be rushed by practically everything as soon as you breach their territory.

  20. Added a new forge that was also updated in the Forest Collection.


    Oakraven Copper Forge.

    It matches the Tatarin Forge on the right in most respects beyond the Steam Punk type copper fittings in the top section.



    A small update to Localisation for the Oakraven Forge and Oakraven Chemistry Stations adds (3 wide) and (2 wide) after their names to let players know exactly the dimensions for spacing purposes.

  21. The Work Stations received an update for the Oakraven Copper Forge. It is a contemporary of the Tatarin Forge but with a Steam Punk theme as suggested by @josefdarks. Other features are still being tested in the Modpack for stability and compatability and will be brought into stand alone mods when appropriate.


    Oakraven Copper Forge alongside the Tatarin Forge.


  22. These characters have been added to both the Snufkin Custom Zombies and Oakraven Modpack.
    They use different names and there will be no conflict if both mods are running at the same time.


    Crispy will attempt to burn the player.



    Bogeyman will throw radiated goblets, up from 5 to 7 based on the default version. They are both faster, have higher HP, and stronger. They will drop boss loot and better XP as the trade off.



    As with the other 'boss' type entities of this nature, they will only appear during a Blood Moon event at a regulated spawn rate.

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