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Posts posted by arramus

  1. The Rock Drill has been updated on Moddb to include the ability to repair it.

    Repairs will only be possible in its initial passive resting state.

    It will use Duct Tape, Springs, and Mechanical Parts at half the rate of crafting a new one. In addition, the amount required will be proportional to the amount of damage. It will not require any further steel to repair it.


    From 23/100 health.



    The repair requirement was 1 Duct Tape, 4 Mechanical Parts, and 2 Springs.



    If the Rock Drill receives a little damage in its drilling state or harvest state, it will automatically be repaired as it changes to harvest state or back to passive state. If it is left in passive state for a lengthy period, it is well worth repairing as the relatively low health is a trade off for the convenience it brings.

  2. 7 hours ago, Mr.Nice said:

    Is the oak raven drill able to be repaired? Maybe I’m just missing something, I have been destroying and replacing them so I can collect and refuel. 

    thanks in advance, Matt

    It should be able to be repaired and it is clearly missing something.

    I shall add something appropriate and upload it to Moddb with the changes.

    Thank you for reporting it.

  3. 6 hours ago, Mystiana said:

    Good day! 


    I'm having problems with the Mushroom Planter.  It reaches the fruiting stage okay, but it vanishes afterwards.  Just...POOF!  Any idea why this might be happening?

    I tested the Mushroom Planter in more detail for A20 and could confirm the issue.

    The Mushroom Planter has a growth stage that is governed by the 'Crops Growing Master' and it is this stage that is causing the issue.


    The 'Crops Growing Master' is hard coded to only allow things to be grown on a 'natural ground' type surface.


    This shows one Mushroom Planter being destroyed when placed next to another and adding the Mycelium Starter on gravel.





    This shows the Mushroom Planter being destroyed when placed next to each other on a 'crafted' wooden surface.





    and as you saw, it will further be destroyed if it moves to the final stage after fruiting.


    However, when the Mushroom Planter is placed directly on a ground type surface (Forest Top Soil, Desert Ground, Clay, Snow, Wasteland/Burnt Forest), and this includes manually adding something like 'Top Soil' as a substrate, it will successfully complete the growth cycles.


    4 Mushroom Planters placed next to each other on a grass type surface. They went through the whole cycle without issue.



    2 Mushroom Planters placed next to each other on 'Top Soil' placed by the player.



    These could go to full harvesting stage.



    And accept starter.



    Clay is OK.



    As is Desert, and so on.



    I have updated the description of the Mushroom Planter to read.


    "Put on the ground (Forest top soil, clay, desert, snow, wasteland/burnt forest), add Mycelium Starter, and wait. Do not place directly onto road, gravel, or player made blocks as it will be destroyed. You can add a ground surface inside your base as a substrate."


    and uploaded the change to the download. It seems the 'Crop Growing Master' is sensitive to substrate and to keep it server side only, we will just have to adapt how things are done and stay within its requirements.



  4. 8 hours ago, swmeek said:

    I went to play the other night and noticed it requires a repair kit to fix the fish stick now ! 

    IMO it's seems kind of silly when i can just scrap it and make a new one out of the scrapped wood or a few sticks out of bushes.

    ( I will get down off of my stool now ) 

    It has been reverted back to the wood resource for repair and it won't happen again...


    Line 604:

        <property name="RepairTools" value="resourceWood"/>

  5. 4 hours ago, Mystiana said:

    Good day! 


    I'm having problems with the Mushroom Planter.  It reaches the fruiting stage okay, but it vanishes afterwards.  Just...POOF!  Any idea why this might be happening?  I've also had turret guards seem to disappear.  I'm not sure if a mob destroyed the turret, but I actually watched as the Mushroom Planter disappeared.  Any help would be appreciated.

    We'll take a look at the mushroom planter and see if the upgrade to A20 caused any issues. It was working just fine in A19 but this feature wasn't tested for A20 as some other things took precedence such as the Turret Guard class being removed from A20.


    Sometimes the Turret Guards will disappear. This is an issue with the NPCMod guards as well. It was a bit of an issue with the TFP sledge as well as it would sink under a block from time to time.

    It seems to be cause when a player leaves the area and that chunk of the world unloads everything. When the player returns and everything reloads, it could be that the Turret Guard is loading slightly before the ground reloads and they fall under the world to never be seen again. We have seen Turret Guards on top of towers sink down to ground level and get trapped inside the blocks. These ones were just able to survive as the ground spawned just in time to give them something to land on.

  6. 8 hours ago, swmeek said:

    I went to play the other night and noticed it requires a repair kit to fix the fish stick now ! 

    IMO it's seems kind of silly when i can just scrap it and make a new one out of the scrapped wood or a few sticks out of bushes.

    ( I will get down off of my stool now ) 

    Ahh yes. This was updated for the Oakraven Forest Modpack to be this way and inadvertently slipped over to the Oakraven Forest Collection version as well. It will be switched back to wood repair since it can only ever be a Q1.


    For the Collection

    It will be returned to wood repair for the Collection version. It still has Baseball Bat Q4 type entity damage BUT that Power hit is far and beyond. The trade off was the requirement to repair frequently, albeit with only wood.


    For the Modpack

    This is actually a very valid point for the Modpack version and here is the logic on the customisations if anyone asks, as it will apply to everyone and impact early to mid game dynamics (if not beyond) quite acutely.


    The Fish Stick was carefully play tested to fit in with default weapons in the Pummel Pete range.


    Players spawn in with the Fish Stick Starter Kit. It contains a Fish Stick and some Perch Pie.

    The Fish Stick is actually guaranteed to be a Quality Level 5 or 6 and the aim is that, with care and attention, it can last for the duration of the game.


    If players make their own new Fish Stick from scratch it is only ever guaranteed to be a Quality Level 1 as it is not connected to any kind of progression and crafting is easy with some scrapped wood. This will fall between a Quality 1 Wooden Club and Quality 1 Baseball Bat.


    The Quality 5-6 Fish Stick that we spawn with falls into the Quality 4 Baseball Bat range but will also allow 3 or 4 mods on top.

    I received a Q 5 Fish Stick on this load out and it just falls slightly under the Q 4 Baseball Bat for Entity Damage. However, the stamina cost for the Baseball Bat is substantially more, and the attacks per minute and durability also fall under the Q 5 Fish Stick. A Q 6 Fish Stick has the potential to surpass a Q 4 Baseball Bat and from load out this is a pretty sweet deal that gives players the chance to start from where they left off if they are moving onto the Modpack after a regular play through.




    The tier system stats are:


    Wooden Club
    Entity Damage 13.8 with a x2 for Power Attack

    Stamina Drain 17.4 Regular Attack and 26.1 Power Attack

    Attacks Per Minute 55

    Degradation 60 - 110 based on Quality Level


    Fish Stick

    Entity Damage 15.6 with about a x2.1 for Power Attack

    Stamina Drain 10.9 Regular Attack and 18.6 Power Attack

    Attacks Per Minute 70

    Degradation 200 - 500 based on Quality Level


    Baseball Bat

    Entity Damage 17.4 with a x2 for Power Attack

    Stamina Drain 20.9 Regular Attack and 35.6 Power Attack

    Attacks Per Minute 52

    Degradation 200 - 500 based on Quality Level


    It is faster to use by quite a large margin, has a decent Power Attack value, degrades slowly due to its starting Quality Level, and with a low Skill requirements on Sexy Rex will not be a burden on player stamina. There will even be features the Steel Bat can only wish for.


    This still offers a very decent set of stats which is why the Entity Damage was reduced to ensure it wouldn't be a one hit weapon of mass destruction and allow zombies to have the chance to get up.

    The trade off for the remaining generous traits was stepping up from the wood repair to tool kit for the Q5-6 model but still allowing players to make a simple Q1 version with wood. Players investing in Pummel Pete and Flurry of Blows will see further damage benefits and that instant decapitation chance quite readily.


    The Quality 5-6 spawn out Fish Stick can become a pneumatic zombie basher with minimal investment and is verging on Legendary status.

  7. Here is a small update for the NMM. It has been pushed to both the Github and Moddb versions.


    The updates include:


    The Bee Hives were updated in the Oakraven Forest Collection with a small cosmetic change (aged and varnished wood) as well as an easier method to see which direction the 'front' is. The front now shows a honey drip plate on all 3 Hive types.





    The Cooking Stations have been optimised to reduce the file size. The size reduced from about 140mb to 80mb. This was achieved by tinkering with the shaders.

    This shows the full updated set although NMM has not hooked up the mixers and blenders.



    The Moddb file size has reduced from about 1.94gb to 1.88gb.

  8. Oakraven optimised the Cooking Stations and they have been pushed to the Oakraven Forest Modpack.

    This reduced the size from about 140mb to 90mb for this particular part of the Modpack. As this image shows, there has be no major change to the cosmetics.


  9. The Cooking Stations Mod has been updated and pushed to Moddb for download.

    There have been minimal cosmetic changes, but the primary change is optimisation its impact on file size.


    Moddb registered the previous version as about 140mb and this has now reduced to about 90mb. This is very beneficial for Modpacks, overhauls, and community servers where file size can be a critical factor.



  10. The Bee Hives in the Oakraven Forest Collection received an update and that has been brought into the Modpack as well.


    Varnished Bee Hives.



    And a placement locator to show which direction is 'front' and shows where the Queen Bee will appear at harvest time.


  11. I was sent a Direct Message that shows an RWG Seed failure.

    This RWG locks up when Creating Wilderness POI Paths.



    However, changing the Seed from 9 to 0 in the last digit is successful.



    The Oakraven Forest Modpack does not remove any regular Wilderness POIs. It adds a few custom Wilderness POIs which is common place and built into the RWG.

    I cannot offer a solution for this issue beyond trying another Seed. The same issue appears in the 'Not Medieval Mod' which totally strips out regular Wilderness POIs and replaces them with a fully custom set up. The same solution brings positive results.


  12. 58 minutes ago, magejosh said:

    Fantastic work as always Oakraven and Arramus!

    I'd like to use a couple of these in Trapped in Purgatory Overhaul if that's okay with you. Full credits and links back here will be provided. 

    You are always very welcome to use them for Trapped in Purgatory Overhaul as they are or amended to fit in with the theme.

  13. A small update for the Rock Drill Mod bundled into the Modpack. This has also been updated for the base mod in the Oakraven Forest Collection.


    Reduced bundle size to 1 and increased the economic value.


    The initial release required selling 5 at the same time with a terribly low base size. It extends from growing plants and used their values.

    It is set to a more appropriate value from a base price of 12 for a bundle of 5.



    To 1000 per unit which players can increase/decrease based on their own preference.


  14. A small update for the Rock Drill Mod.


    Reduced bundle size to 1 and increased the economic value.


    The initial release required selling 5 at the same time with a terribly low base size. It extends from growing plants and used their values.

    It is set to a more appropriate value from a base price of 12 for a bundle of 5.



    To 1000 per unit which players can further increase/decrease.


  15. 37 minutes ago, Frozenflames507 said:

    Ah ok, that would be it then. I do have the SMXUI. I use it for the big bagpack. Thanks for the speedy response.

    On some occasions it has been possible to allow the Oakraven mods to load after the SMXUI by renaming it to something like 0-SMXUI so it loads first (numerical and alphabetical load order) and doesn't overwrite things that load after it. Best to test it on a copy save/load out if you do try it to ensure it doesn't cause any issues.

  16. 1 hour ago, itssofluffy94 said:

    I was curious if anyone else is having issues with creating in the hydroponic station. I went to craft and got the error EXC NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. So far everything else is working amazingly and looks beautiful! Just wasn't sure if there is something that I am missing that needs to be done. Thank you in advance.

    I am just reaching that stage of game play and produced one on the Workbench.

    My experience was error free on this occasion.



    I wonder if any additional modlets had been added to the World once it was created and up and running. It seems A20 is much less forgiving than previous Alpha builds for adding mods to existing builds. I shall be interested to see if this issue appears for other players as well.

  17. 9 hours ago, Frozenflames507 said:



    I've downloaded the Cooking stations pack, but they dont seem to work. When I attempted to blend something, this message comes up ERR[XUi] error while updating  windowgroup `workstation_silverblender`:. I'd like to note that, by all of them, when you put in wood/coal no burntime appears.

    I'm attempting to get the same result with the XUi error.


    I grind up some acorns in the Cooking Stations Blender to make Acorn Meal.



    Then they go in the Cooking Stations Mixer for some Acorn Dough.



    And the craft into Acorn Bread on the Cooking Stations Pot Stove.



    I was unable to duplicate the issue on 3 types of Cooking Station. I can also confirm the Meat Grinder was functioning just fine.


    I wonder if you are using a mod that changes the user interface such as SMXUI or something similar that will overwrite the Cooking Stations interface.

  18. 3 hours ago, Ado125 said:

    Hello, so there is some issue I have. With lvl5 of all tools inside autominer, I get some calculated result for amount of gas when i start mining. After a bit, it lowers itself to nonprofitable amount. For example with oilshale, I actualy lose more gas than produce, even with gas stack crafting, even though at start it shows it will be a little profitable. Same with any other resource. Im attaching my screenshots. There was nothing taken from autominer in the process



    If you can post in this thread below, you should be able to get a specific response to the AutoMiner (using the Auger, Sledgehammer, and Drone).

    The Auto Bots in this thread provide an auto mining and crafting service but use forge tools and have no association with Oil Shale. The last post in this thread below shows the creator of the Mod I believe you are using.


  19. A small update for the block replacement features have been added to the Github download.


    A retro looking cash register and modern upright scanner.



    And some replacement machines for standard, player, and ATM type machines.



    These updates do not require a new world as they replace existing game assets.

  20. Here is an additional sample World for the Oakraven Forest Modpack.


    This Pack02 is an 8K World. It adds a little more variety to the 8K 'Pack02' RWG World and ensures Snow Orc POIs are surrounded by Snow and the Old West is surrounded by Desert.


    It has been uploaded to Moddb and can be download here.



    A preview of the map but added as a Spoiler if you would like to spawn without any prior knowledge.





  21. @wickidaurazgaming has systematically introduced each individual mod as a You Tube video hosted on the Wickidauraz channel. They have all been added to the first post as a hyperlink on each mod's name. The pacing of each explanation and the level of clarity serves an international audience very well. Here is a sample of what has been created for the Chicken Coops.




  22. A nice introduction and analysis of the Rock Drill Mod from @wickidaurazgaming. Much thanks.



    The Oakraven Forest Modpack has been given a small update to bring in a few replacement items for crates and some kitchen bits.

    As these simply switch out with the original version, there is no need to start a new world.





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