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Posts posted by arramus

  1. Here's an update for the Snufkin Zombies PLUS collection.


    A Wasteland/Burnt Forest tag team.


    Bogeyman and Crispy.



    Bogeyman is quite fast and causes radiation damage just like Radiation Shower Wight.



    In addition, the radiated globules increase from 5 to 7 which greater block damage to reflect the stronger PLUS collection, compared to the Mutated Feral/Radiated version. This one has ample supplies of radiated material built into his chest barrel.


    Crispy is very fast, just like the regular Burnt Forest type and if you get caught, melee will cause burning.



    He is easy to spot at night and will make it easier to stay away.



    Both of these new entities have been given a lower spawn rate for regular day to day interactions as well as Blood Moon interactions. They will spawn at the same rate of Radiated Shower Wight and Hammer Spammer. This brings in two upgraded entities from existing Biomes and will pair well with Snufkin Custom Xpansion Weapons.

    These updates are for A20.6(b8) and onwards.

    They have been tested successfully with the latest experimental A20.6(b9).


    The download link has been updated in the first main post.


  2. A small update for the Horde Night spawns. The mutated zombie will make a show to give some additional mid-close range projectile attacks as an intermediary for the long range police officer.


    It's getting a little toasty on the way up with one of the traps, but does its job well enough. It will spawn at the same rate as default zombies and appear at the same Game Stage for grunt, feral, and radiated. There is also a Radiated version of Wight which emits a damaging radiation cloud when close to players, as well as a stronger Radiated Demolisher to add to the custom Horde Night skeletons.



  3. The Bee Hives received a small update to change their 'food' display (Food/Water/Health/Stamina stats) to the 'infection cure' display (Food/Health/Cure stats) since the primary use is for food and infection as they are dry type food items. This covers the honey bread, honey comb, and honey pumpkin pie. The honey beer remains under the soda speed boost display as this effect will be much more noticeable. It still cures very low infection in the background and this is described in the description area. Unfortunately, both cannot be displayed as the game is not coded in that way.



  4. Just double checking.


    This pretty much covers all of the Collection and all updates, plus other things bundled on top.



    The new Cottage Bake for the Collection Cooking Stations is crafting.



    And over at another wall, the Tatarin Forge is just being loaded up.



    And a check on the Tatarin Forge for icon/crafting.


    The Workbench craft option shows with the icon.



    The player self-crafting option also appears.



    If you can share the server log/log it may help us assist with rolling back based on the error you are receiving.

    While the older copies have been deleted from Moddb, the Github Modpack compilation keeps a very accurate overview of changes over time.



  5. 1 hour ago, Janarah said:

    is it possible to get the mods 1 or two updates prior? The new updated versions are giving error with window group crafting, obj ref not set to instance of obj, has to do with cooking and work stations mods. The tatarin forge also seems to be missing a png. Not sure what's going on, tried downloading twice and still giving the same errors. Errors occur when opening the crafting and selecting any of the craft stations (cooking or work)

    when clicking on the oak raven forge, cooker, mixer, slate sink, and other benches in the crafting menu: 
    xui error while updating window group 'crafting' 
    object reference not set to instance of an object

    not sure what you guys changed, but yeah, it's causing serious issues for me now with all work stations, cooking stations, and so on

    Unfortunately, Moddb deletes prior versions and replaces them with the current updated versions.


    I'm sorry to hear you are getting these issues because we try to follow a 3 step process to reduce conflicts. For example:


    Step 1. Test the update in the mod on its own to check everything checks out; icons, localisation, and no warnings.

    Step 2. Integrate the updates into the Oakraven Modpack version to see how it fits in with pretty much the full Collection range, NPC Mod, and other integrated mods. This is done on an existing World and Saves to make sure it is being accepted without issue.

    Step 3. Release it as a stand alone mod.


    This all checks out on a dedicated test server that is fully up to date.

    That being said, this test server only uses the Oakraven Modpack with its necessary Add Ons (Score/XNPCCore) and some very gentle quality of life mods such as vehicle respawner and double skill points.

  6. The Oak Cooking Stations mod has been updated and pushed to the Moddb.

    The aim of this update was compliance, integration and expansion.


    Here are the additions and changes:


    There are two new meal recipes.


    Cottage Bake. This recipe requires Minced Meat and Bone Meal, which can only be 'crafted' on the Grinder, in addition to regular resources. This makes it more worthwhile to craft the Grinder since the meal is not locked to any Progression, beyond unlocking the Grinder.



    Stats are comparable to Meat Stew.



    Feral Acorn Bread Casserole. This recipe requires Acorn bread which is governed by both the Blender and Mixer for Acorn Meal and Acorn Dough. It also requires Minced Flesh from the Grinder. This incorporates 3 of the cooking stations.



    There is some game hardcoding for different food types. For example, honey is connected to infection, while stew is connected more to stamina. Since a primary benefit is from the Acorn Bread 'honey' it was added to the infection stats.



    While it suggests there is No max stamina buff, the player stats suggests a 7 min benefit plus a water benefit. The primary benefits of Food, Health, and Infection cure are the most important thing.



    With this in mind, the Blender items have also been switched from 'Coffee' to 'Yucca Smoothie' so that the food benefit can show.

    4 of the drinks have been updated to show their Food, Health, and Water as these are the primary features. The food wasn't being shown before. The cold resist is just a bonus. ^^



    The red dreams is all about calming the digestive tract, should that be necessary.



    The updates add to the Cooking Stations mod and help to clarify the function and usefulness of the recipes to allow players to be more selective and know exactly what the primary benefits add.

  7. 33 minutes ago, swmeek said:

    Is there a separate download somewhere I can get those barb wire and spike traps at ?

    With the initial release of Collection mods, it was easy to post them in the Collection thread and work through updates with them that way.

    With the Modpack being released it is not as practical to have the Modlet version and Modpack at the same time to. This avoids any conflicts or mismatches being introduced.

    The traps have been well tested and one of the barbed types requires a little more care with collision to allow it to be repaired. One Cactus type will also need a new buff eventually as it hurts entities but not fully hurts the player in the way it should. There is a separate modlet with nails instead of teeth and more glue instead of spider sac as the primary version and this will be released as a separate download soon enough once these are ironed out. The Modpack also helps to see how the modlets are running in combination with other mods at the same time as well; just to ensure they can fit in.

  8. Here is an update for the NMM for both the Github development build and the stable Moddb version. They will both be identical for this release.


    1. The Oakraven Forge was given a small upgrade from 2 input slots to 3 input slots along with a few extra crafting benefits. This matches the original Oakraven Collection update.



    2. Libby's Castle POI got a small paint brush up for some missing textures or mismatches.

    Small cosmetic things that will keep it matching where needed. For example:



    And here is something optional:


    @khzmusik's Variable NPC Sleepers



    By default, the Score which powers the NPC, turns on/off some features which can be toggled. For example, the food spoilage can be turned on for players who prefer that depth of realism. This mod toggles the NPCs in sleeper volumes so that they will not be so hyper alert when we go near a POI. There have been a lot of comments about the Orc Jousting Arena, Stables, and some other POIs that are quite challenging, or don't allow stealth to be incorporated. This mod calms things down and gives the player some breathing space to consider options for a stealth strategy.


    A few images to demonstrate:

    In the Jousting Arena, players are pretty much flooded as soon as they open the main doors. With this mod we can open the doors and get an idea of what's to come and where the NPCs are placed in their idle state. It is no free ride though. Venture about 10 blocks forward and the flood begins.



    Here I have reached just past the arena joust battle area and they are waking up. This will give players the option to play NMM or NMM 'Stealth'.



    For the Stables, we can get just inside the main stable area before they become aware.



    And for Guppy's house, we can stealth upstairs without being flooded.



    It all depends on your game style.


  9. An important update for players who feel that the custom NPC POIs are a little overwhelming since NPCs can be ultra sensitive to the player's presence and attack in bulk numbers from the outset.


    This update incorporates @khzmusik's 2-khzmusik_variable_NPC_sleepers. It turns 'off' how quickly the NPC becomes aware of the player and in practice brings back a sense of the stealth potential even though that is not specifically targetted. This has been tested on A20.6. and noticeably calms down NPC awareness.


    This images shows how close I can get to the spiders in their nest in a darkened area before they began to attack. By now I would have been flooded by spiders on the outside of the nest and it resulted in a patchy game play experience.



    This was also tested in the day light at the Snow Orc compound and game play felt more balanced and in context with proximity and player movements.


    For players who already have the latest build and prefer not to download again from Github, it requires 2 small updates.


    For blocks.xml in the 1-OakModpackCore in the same area at the top which toggles on/off other Score tweaks such as the Advanced Locks and Health Bar.


        <set xpath="/blocks/block[@name='ConfigFeatureBlock']/property[@class='AdvancedNPCFeatures']/property[@name='AttackVolumeInstantAwake']/@value">true</set>


    And for the entityclasses.xml of the same folder. There is also a specific NPCMod tweaks area at the top. A20.6 experimental also sees a few odd moments for the NPCMod where behaviour is a little different to the current stable build and we're monitoring that. Feedback will be appreciated.


        <set xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class/property[@name='SleeperInstantAwake']/@value">false</set>
  10. A small update for the new Daggers. They have been given intermediary attack/recipe values so they are 'better' than knives but not quite at the same level of a machete, although their power attack and divine mod are something to behold.


    The Hermit Helper recipe has also dropped from 5 Lion Mushrooms to 4, to help servers that change the spawn settings to increase other spawns at the detriment of some of the hydroponic plant collection (wild plants and mushrooms).

  11. The Modpack received an update for the new Traps.


    Two additional Barbed Wire Traps for 2 blocks wide and 3 blocks wide. They are connected directly to the regular Barbed Wire Trap and will allow repairs.

    However, the recipe is proportional to size. 1 block requires 8 scrap iron, 2 needs 16, and 3 needs 18.











  12. 22 minutes ago, magejosh said:

    Hey, i didn't see anything here so this may be unconnected entirely. Have you had anyone reporting console spamming of invalid layer index 3 or 1 in conjunction with the hydroponic farming plant entities? It seems that crops up a lot followed by a line about one of them dying to convert to the plant corpseblock. Could be unrelated but it seems to trigger when i add that mod back into the mix. Doesn't seem to be breaking anything, but i do notice fps dips sometimes when it's spamming more than a few lines in the console. I'm on a lower end machine though and have a lot going on, so just checking if it's been seen by you or anyone else.


    Oh yes, it is a constant. lol
    The snake spawns, dies, and goes to the corpseblock (on a set timer so the cycle repeats dynamically in different spawn locations). If it spawns on ground it will convert to a block like the bee log, stump, mushroom, etc. The invalid layer warning may well be related to if it attempts to convert to a block on road, gravel, or other surface that is not compatible. I sometimes see the snake spawn on the road only to disappear and not leave a block.

  13. I have not seen an UL version, and on a server that had already stripped pretty much everything from populated areas, I just had to keep questing for respawns.


    Check the Mods > UndeadLegacy > blocks.xml file.

    That appears to be where the bulk, if not all of the UL vehicles are added.


    Things which are listed as ulmVehicle appear to govern what will appear. For respawning, this mod carefully considers the correct end stage of the wrenching process just before total destruction. Good luck with that. The TOU for UL is very generous and if you ultimately come up with something beneficial it looks like something to share in the UL thread/discord.

  14. I am sure Oakraven will read your request about expanding the Collection version with some of the Modpack version features in separate modlets, as well as adding updates such as the bronze pipe. The Modpack is a good way to test many of the Collection modlets in a combined setting to check for stability.

    The Tatarin forge was tested in the Modpack first on a dedicated server and then added into the Collection version. But sometimes it is created as a Collection item first and then added to the Modpack if it is appropriate. The feedback from the Modpack will help with balancing the Modpack and considering features for the Collection modlets.

  15. 40 minutes ago, ThunderSn1per said:

    is there anywhere I can post a suggestion for these sort of things to the developers so that hopefully in the future changing the container COULD be as simple to extend this to other users that can't grasp more advanced "coding" but so they could also have the ability to create quests? :) EDIT: or if POIs where able to have their questtags edited in XML etc. just something that makes it more available to others people that might want to create some really interesting and unique storylines that could expand the game a lot.

    It seems this area attracts suggestions right across the spectrum from basic tweaks for existing assets right up to complex overhaul features.


    The individual POI xml's would certainly provide a lot of scope for highly customised individual POIs if that were opened up with custom made questing and settings in mind. What gifts we get given in one hand (A20 tiling system and tagging) can see other things taken from the other (specific Biome POI placement removed). It's unfortunate this hasn't been cumulative over time, but the Devs have mentioned Steam Workshop integration and that may infer more focus on community tools/modding kits.

  16. 4 minutes ago, Kilroy5150 said:

    Yes, i have tried it on several mod sites and GitHub...I "think" i defeated the issue using the GitHub desktop app. Otherwise, i get errors on all the other sites.

    I see. All other sites should ultimately link back to Github unless they have downloaded it and are self hosting. A mod site such as 7daystodiemods.com is linking directly to the zip on Github which allows direct download. Unfortunately, the download is ultimately governed by Github and this is the first instance in the thread commenting about unstable download.

  17. 53 minutes ago, Kilroy5150 said:

    I keep getting unexpected end of file on the download from multiple places and i get this on no other mods

    This mod has not been uploaded to multiple places.

    Does your comment mean that each download attempt fails at a different place in the download process from the Github repository?


    Here is the only source of the mod.



    1. Downloading.



    2. Download completion.


    3. Unzipping the latest 2022August08 build.



    I am unable to duplicate the error of unexpected end of file.

  18. Here's an update for the Modpack.


    Oak Traps

    There are 3 place-able ground traps that can be crafted directly to the player, or Workbench in the same manner as simple regular traps. They can be crafted without any Skill requirement but the necessary resources can be restrictive.


    The 3 traps are (from top to bottom):

    Spider Sac Trap - Sticky and slows down entities and players.

    Cactus Teeth Trap - Causes blood loss to entities and confuses players.

    Lava Trap - Burns entities and players.




    Spider Sac is a required resource for the Spider Sac Trap and is harvested from spiders. Each spider, regardless of size, has 1 Spider Sac. The recipe also requires glue and a little steel.


    Cactus Teeth Trap requires harvesting teeth from the Snow Orcs. Each Snow Orc can share between 16 - 32 teeth. However, they have a very rapid despawn speed and the player needs to harvest quickly before they disappear. The corpse only has 100 hit points and can be harvested quickly with a little invested in bladed weapons. In addition to Snow Orc Teeth, the recipe requires harvesting Cactus and a little steel.


    The Lava Trap uses basic resources that can be found around town.


    The Spider Sac shows in the harvest count.



    And the recipe.



    Pulling out teeth before he despawns.



    And the recipe.



    And the Lava Trap.



    The benefits are decent damage and slow down potential.

    The trade off is no XP if the trap eliminates the entity and no ability to repair the trap.



    The buffs for each trap will require a little tweaking in time, but for now it's a decent opportunity to give them a full test and expand the 'tower defense' features offered in 7D2D.

  19. 3 hours ago, ThunderSn1per said:

    Hi All,


    Has been a little while since I did any modding in 7 Days but since my girlfriend is besotted with the game it has pulled me back into it!

    I would like to create some quests that remain immersive but extend upon the current rather basic, yet still fun, quests that are currently built into the game.

    If I remember correctly the list of quests obtainable from a trader is: Fetch, Clear, Fetch & Clear, Restore Power


    This is what I would like to extend, quests give the game a huge boost and keep you playing for far longer, not to mention being able to direct a new sense of lore in your own spin-off creation to tie into the apocalyptic world we play in. So anyway, I have created a new quest, it works perfectly, I've added all the Localization.txt stuff in and it performs great, values work where they need to and you can complete the quest with no problems.


    The only issue I have is, as the title states, I would like to change the default fetch container from being the Courier Satchel, this is important due to the nature of the quest. I believe I have Google'd this one to death, and tried to expel as much of my ability as possible into getting this to work but unless this is hard-coded into the game, I can't figure out how to change the container even despite creating my own container, checking it works as I can place it in-game and there is the option to search it, displaying a 6x2 grid of empty cells. This works. But the quest will ALWAYS spawn a Courier Satchel instead (which DOES contain the correct custom quest item).


    I have tried changing the "default_container" to my own container, no luck. I have looked as deep into the XML files as possible but there isn't much helping us to see what's possible. Looking at the quests XML file there seems to be quite a lot of properties that could use some explaining so that we have some idea on what is actually happening with those settings.


    What I have stumbled upon and not managed to get working is the 'blockplaceholders.xml' there are two nodes that caught my eye:

    'cntQuestRandomLootHelper' and 'cntQuestNoPHRandomLootHelper'


    These appear to assign the Courier Satchel (cntFetchQuestSatchel) however, I have tried to append my own container and this doesn't seem to work as the Courier Satchel has 'questtags' and I'm not sure how to assign these, or what they even do since they don't appear in the 'quests.xml' file or anywhere I've looked. When I've tried to set my 'questtags' to a value and then COPIED that valued and pasted it into the 'blocks.xml' file of my mod where my container is and setting the same value on the property 'ValidQuestTags' I get an error on loading saying 'EXC Requested value 'TSIQ_friend' was not found.' (The TSIQ_friend is the tag I was using, however, I have tried other unique things as well)


    When I set this in my 'blockplaceholders.xml' to 'fetch' which is the same as the Courier Satchel uses then it works without throwing an error. So I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but perhaps this is the final piece of the puzzle??



    I'd like to mention I have tweeted to the devs about this multiple times but never once had a response and I'm not sure on a good and legit way to get in touch?


    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated and thank you very much :)


    Let me confirm. You'd like to change the cntQuestRandomLootHelper model that appears in the editor POI and the in-game cntFetchQuestSatchel model that will appear somewhere in the POI when the fetch quest has been activated. A small edit for that file using a set replacement brings favourable results for a default model for the Quest Rally Marker.


        <set xpath="/blocks/block[@name='cntFetchQuestSatchel']/property[@name='Model']/@value">Entities/Quests/rally_pointPrefab</set>





  20. 1 hour ago, swmeek said:

    OOOH what happened to workstations 10 ?

    It jumped from V9 that I downloaded last night to V11 ! 

    That model looks great too! 

    It has been uploaded again to V.12


    The letters 'Ta' in Tatarin were not embedded with unicode for English text in the Localization.txt file, and if you look for Tatarin in the list of craftable items, it will be at the very bottom of the list. This update rewrites the text with English unicode and it will now appear in the correct alphabetical order.


    Instances of 'Tatarin' in this file can be manually deleted and rewritten so that the correct unicode can be embedded, or simply downloaded again.

  21. This is a tricky problem that the original creator had trouble with.


    It appears the weapons have some hard coding for some of the weapon mods.

    The reflex mod has many different types now for all of the weapons. It appears the default is the one used on the Assault Rifle.


    The weapon mods placements are governed by the item_modifiers. Weapons have their reflex mod added 'manually' so it fits well on the gun and has a little zoom if necessary for the model.


    As we see in game, the assault rifle has this one.



    And the SMG is given this one.



    And many other weapons have their own new default types as well from A20.


    The PP Bison is given this one (when it is hooked up to the item_modifiers so it can appear).



    Which appears to be slightly out of its targetting with the holo mark a bit below.



    For the silencer, the original creator used a cosmetic method where the silencer model mesh is attached to the weapon mesh rather than just attached as a mod.


    If the Reflex Sight is hooked up to the PP it will not appear in regular game play.
    If the player goes to F5 for 3rd person and then P for camera mode and then P again to turn off camera mode and then back to 1st person, the Reflex Sight may magically appear as this image shows, but using the 'wrong' Reflex Sight mod model which is why it looks offset.


    A creator could potentially add the Reflex Mod just as the silencer is added using a cosmetic prefab attachment method. However, it requires looking deeper into the game code to find the most appropriate Reflex Mod model. The same could apply for the Scope model.



  22. A small update for the Workstations.


    The Tatarin Forge has been added to the Worstations. It is a compact single block type that still benefits from the 3 block input.



    The active stage has some smoke and light for context.



  23. Here is an update for the Oakraven Collection Modpack.


    1. Expanded Oakraven Forge features.

    The Oakraven Forge takes up 3 blocks and it is not practical to stack on top of each other.

    As such, it has been given 3 Input Slots, 5 Crafting Slots, and 6 Output Slots. The extra Output Slot compared to the Crafting Slots allows players to place their wood/coal for storage. 3 types of layout were tested with Input and Output being in one border, Input and Output with more modular features, and this version below which was the most user friendly and practical.


    The 3 Input Slots line up nicely with the craft-able resources text. The 6 Slot Output area is nicely lined up with its own custom logo (default Collection version with default backpack slots), and gives realistic crafting slots to match.



    2. POI update.

    One of the CP 48 POIs needed a Quest Marker added to the Fabbers tiling system. These things happen from time to time when there are over 1000 POIs to govern and we submitted a bug report to the CP team. As soon as it is updated in the CP we shall download the new Fabbers pack. For now, our own update will allow this POI to be questable. Without the Quest Rally Marker there is no way to initiate the Quest and it has to be removed.


    It is possible to update the POI in an existing World. By going into Debug Mode 'dm' in F1 for players with Admin rights, we can stand over the POI and type 'chunkreset f' in the console and it will reset the area around you. This will replace the POI with the new version with the Quest Rally Marker.




    3. Hermit Helper XP'lixir

    There are a number of resources in Oakraven Forest Modpack that will have a limited life once the essentials are in place.

    For example, once you have collected enough Queen Bees, Fireflies, and Chicks (unless you are making a Chick Chop smoothie) to populate the Hives, make Firefly lights (or snack on them), and populate Coops, they become redundant.


    The Hermit Helper XP'lixir is a 'magical forest syrup' that provides players with a +10% XP boost in the same way Lernin' Elixir offers a +20% XP boost.


    A few images to demonstrate.

    Unlock Master Chef to Skill 3. In addition to unlocking the default canned dishes such as Chili dogs and Fish Tacos, you will have access to Hermit Helper XP'lixer.



    This elixir is made on the Blender and requires a Smoothie Blade.

    The recipe is 5 Caught Chicks (abundant), 2 Queen Bees (quite abundant), 1 Firefly Bug (easy to find at night), 5 Lion Mushroom (1 from a Firefly Bug stump and easy to find at night as its own lit up stump), and mineral water. With the expanded backpack, there is plenty more space to pick up these resources on the way to other tasks or during a harvest session.




    It is a custom version of the default elixir flask.

    Hermit Helper (Portrait inspired by the naked hermit from 'Life of Brian' - Monty Python actor Terry Jones)



    The +10% XP buff is unique and not connected to the Learnin' Elixir. It has the same duration as Learnin' Elixir but with half the XP benefit. This warrants the Skill 3 unlock. One useful feature is the stacking benefit. If you are wearing your nerd specs, dring a Learnin' Elixir and drink a Hermit Helper, you will receive +10% for nerd specs, +10% for Hermit Helper, and +20% for Learnin' Elixir. A +40% gain on the base XP value.



    Your 400 XP reward with no buffs.



    Jumps to 560 XP for that +40% gain of 160 XP for nerd glasses, Learnin' Elixir, and XP'lixir.



    This Elixir offers the balance of being +10% at a more mid GS than when +20% Learnin' Elixir typically becomes available, gives a reason to keep collecting those chicks, bees, fireflies, and lion shrooms, and requires the Blender and appropriate tool.



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