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Posts posted by arramus

  1. 4 hours ago, Dragoness_ said:


    That was about 30+ minutes of flying around the Desert in God Mode to see what was appearing.

    I also have Bee Hives mod installed and they will be competing to spawn a little as well.


    I found:

    15 tomatoes. They stick out like a sore thumb in the dark and are easy to see in the day as well.

    3 jalapenos. I went alongside some Biome borders at times.

    9 red peppers.

    3 pineapples.

    1 turnip. Biome border again.


    Tricky to see at any time of day.





    The pineapple, tomato, and pepper go through this spawning process.


    They start as a snake (entity) and then change into a fixed plant (block) which can then be harvested as an item. This allows them to be dynamic and keep reappearing from time to time randomly.


    However, they have not been tested to the full and tweaking the spawn values is still necessary based on feedback. Thank you for your feedback about this.


    If you go to the spawning.xml file in the Hydroponic Farm folder we can see this entry.


    <append xpath="/spawning/biome[@name='desert']">
            <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="3" time="Any" entitygroup="DesertPlants" />


    This tells the game how many to spawn and how often to spawn. The pepper and tomato spawned a lot more than the pineapple with the tomato being at crazy levels. Even though they are all set to spawn at the same amount, the game does not always follow the rules for whatever reason.


    Here are two things you can try:


    1. If you are happy that enough Desert plants like this are appearing overall but just want some more pineapple in the mix then go to the entitygroups.xml in the Hydroponic Mod and use these values:


                     <!-- Day/Night Group Desert -->
        <entitygroup name="DesertPlants">
            <entity name="animalWildPepper" prob="0.33"/>
            <entity name="animalWildPineapple" prob="1.0"/>
            <entity name="animalWildTomato" prob="0.2"/>


    Based on what I found, tomatoes appeared 5 times more than pineapples. Peppers appeared 3 time more than pineapples.

    Maybe these values will help balanced things out a little if you are experiencing something similar to this. I have no idea why there would be such a high ratio of tomatos to pineapples over a reasonable high test volume BUT sometimes that is just the way the game is. Maybe these values will settle things down and be more proportional. If your own spawning experience is different based on the mix of mods you have, then these values can be further edited.


    2. If you are not happy with the overall amount of desert spawning, you can edit the spawning.xml file to something like:


    <append xpath="/spawning/biome[@name='desert']">
            <spawn maxcount="2" respawndelay="1.5" time="Any" entitygroup="DesertPlants" />


    This will spawn double the amount of desert fruit/veg. It will respawn them in half the time. 1.5 equates to one and a half game days (based on the explanation given in the default game files).


    Trying both of these things at the same time, and seeing how things go for a few days will let you see if they are balancing out in what appears and how often they appear.


    Please share further feedback on any testing you do as this will allow us to set those values for the future as what is uploaded for everyone to use.

    If you want to share your community server IP, I can visit for a few days and see how things are working out.


  2. 2 hours ago, Dragoness_ said:


    Thank you for sharing about this.


    I shall first check the code for any abnormalities for spawning...


    Yep, that looks good.

    	             <!-- Day/Night Group Desert -->
    	<entitygroup name="DesertPlants">
    		<entity name="animalWildPepper" prob="0.1"/>
    		<entity name="animalWildPineapple" prob="0.1"/>
    		<entity name="animalWildTomato" prob="0.1"/>

    And check it still exists in other areas...


    animalWildPineapple is in the entityclasses, yep.

    And it automatically dies when spawning and turns into the WildPineapple plant that we see. And yes, that is in the right place.


    Now, I'll check in game to see if I can find one.

    A small update to the Storage Containers.


    - 4 more metal boxes

    - Easier to see upper/lowercase text in colours to contrast

    - And a 'broken' version so that if they break once, they leave an insecure version. Good for PvP or acid attacks.








  3. 6 hours ago, RAGE PVE said:

    Installed and tested working perfectly!  Sharks abit much for me but the rest are class thanks for updating this to A20 its brill! 

    If you get chance to check on the extended party or let me know how to mod the party size then I'll get onto that next thanks



    I sent a message to my bud @Evilspartan who used an 8 player party mod on their community server for A19 to see if a copy is still around that we can update, if needed. We'll see.

  4. 43 minutes ago, RAGE PVE said:

    Installed and tested working perfectly!  Sharks abit much for me but the rest are class thanks for updating this to A20 its brill! 

    If you get chance to check on the extended party or let me know how to mod the party size then I'll get onto that next thanks

    The extended party mod is for allowing more than 6 players to join a party group at the same time right? That's not a mod I have been involved with.


    There is a section in the "...\Data\Config\XUi\controls.xml" which appears to govern party size.

    The file mentions party_entry and companion_entry. It is possible the extended party mod made edits to increase the visible depth/size to add more players.

    There is a section in the forum that is specifically for making mod requests if this mod no longer exists or is difficult to track down. I had last seen it used in a server in A19 so it's out there somewhere.

  5. Update to Github development build.


    - Caught Chicks have been added to a default loot group rather than a custom loot group for stability.

    It was spawning chicks in nests at about 50% even though it was set much lower.

    Adding to a default group sees it spawn at about 20% which is less than eggs (30%) but still requires a little bit of effort.

  6. 59 minutes ago, RAGE PVE said:

    haha I was just about to ask the exact same question!

    Sorry for being blind but I can't locate it in the repository and I was wondering do you have any writes up on your mods anywhere, some of them look quite interesting!  Thanks

    All the mods are written up in this forum somewhere but the Search function has its limitations.

    These are the most popular two server side only ones. The Weapons and the Zombies.


    Weapons Expansion




    Snufkin Zombies PLUS




    And one more server side only version which allows players to craft ammo and resources using 'mining' tools.



  7. 1 minute ago, RAGE PVE said:

    Nice, we have installed these as BM zombies, removing some of the less zombie themed ones however, since you know your mods by looks would you know if the Snufkin server sided vehicles one is compatible with A20?

    I do believe I already responded to your post about compatibility (not compatible) and posted an alternative for A20 with a reduced vehicle choice.

  8. The Oakforge was updated with a new model since accessing it while operational could be troublesome. The cause was the smoke causing collision/access challenges.



    The Workstation icons also received a little attention to help them standout better and show them face on.



  9. Added a small update to both versions since these are critical for efficient play throughs:


    - 0-Score was updated and the NPC quest kills will be registered to the totals.

    - Oak Forge was given a new model as the smoke effect was making it hard to access while it was operating.

  10. 32 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    Ohhh, fancy. Looks really nice.


    Regarding the Dragon Friend vehicle: I can´t figure out what to do to get one. I can´t craft it (looking into the admin menu, i saw that there is the workbench as a required crafting station), buy it and i see no quest that has it as a reward.


    Unless it´s the dragon slayer quest. Wich would be a bit late in game. Once i am able to kill dragons regulary, the playtrough is basically over. At that point there isn´t much to do.


    And we can´t seem to figure out how to craft all the items from the mod, like chairs, thrones and statues. Are those even craftable?

    The Dragon Friend vehicle was purely experimental to check the limitations of attaching the Beast's models to vehicles. It is still in the xml as it is a nice bookmark for any future additions. It is not hooked into recipes, traders, or any other reward system. Server Admin are welcome to sell it or gift it though.


    The other decoration items haven't been added to crafting (yet).

  11. A small update has already been pushed to Github and is uploading to Moddb.


    - The Cooking Stations were missing the Glue and Paint recipes.


    - A new dynamic for Supply Drops.


    A dragon with a trailing particle replaces the aircraft.



    A 'dragon egg' replaces the Crate. Both are courtesy of Oakraven.


  12. What do they look like? A few too many to bring up an image of each. Best to F6 in game and line them all up.

    How much health do they have? Once they are lined up and you are in God Mod, it will be possible to see their health stats.




    - Archon - Throws ranged fireballs with burn buff
    - Banshee - Screams and makes vision blurred
    - Bomber - Explodes when up close but more player damage than block damage
    - Cowhead - Melee
    - Geist - Throws ranged shock bolts with electrocute buff
    - Juggernaut - Fires rockets

    - Mantis - Spits chemicals and distorts vision
    - Parasite - Makes players bleed and steals health recovery
    - Psycho - Melee
    - Scarecrow - Melee
    - Scorcher - Flamethrower with quite long range
    - Siren - Makes Navezgane Trader sounds and attracts other zombies
    - Undertaker - Knocks players to the ground
    - Wendigo - Fast and strong
    - Wrestler - Radiates speed or slow down buff


    - Geist Archer - Like Geist but burning arrows

    - Golden Juggernaut - No rockets but high auger block damage

    - Hammer Spammer - Electric shock melee

    - Hell Bear - Jumps over defences
    - Hell Boar - Jumps over defences
    - Hell Flyer - Drone attack
    - Hell Lion - Jumps over defences
    - Hell Shocker - Drone attack
    - Hell Wolf - Jumps over defences

    - Hisser - Translucent spitting snake
    - Mittens - Radiated giant boar

    - Mother Clucker - Spits eggs (giant chicken)
    - Motorhead - Melee and high block damage

    - Navezgane Slasher - Like Parasite

    - Oni - Melee and high block damage
    - Paindeer - Strong front defense

    - Pogo - Jumps over defences
    - Shark WFLB - Flying shark
    - Snow Bear - Melee and high block damage

    - Tipsy Pink Squatch - Makes players feel drunk

    - Tipsy Squatch - Makes players feel drunk

    - Wight Radiation Shower - Causes radiation sickness with close proximity

    - Zombie Direwolf - Melee and high block damage

  13. Added a little info on current reported issues to the first post. More may have been mentioned but these ones stood out most.



    - The NPCs are not governed by low level protection rules and initial spawning may be met with a hostile or friendly interaction.
    Response: Run to a safer place, ideally close to a friendly who will attack the hostile by default.
    - The NPCs sometimes pause, disappear, do not follow requests promptly, attack too much, or show other odd actions.
    Response: They are what they are, and as good as it gets for now, which is actually very functional and adds immersion. For major issues, report in the NPCMod thread.

    - Quests are not registering kills.

    Response: Has been reported to the developers in the previous comment thread.

    - Fetch quests can be exploited.

    Response: Place the fetch items in your inventory before handing in to the trader. This exploit can be both beneficial and negative depending on the sequence. This uses a built in game quest feature and will hopefully get resolved in the future.

    - It is not possible to open some crates when a light/object is placed above or under it.

    Response: This requires some changes to the models and will be resolved in due course.

  14. 6 hours ago, FloppyDingo said:

    Hey, this mod is amazing so far, and I love the concept. If I may, I have a little bit of feedback, and a a couple of bugs (so far) to report:

    Buying the 'get 3 honey' quest from the baker, with 3 honey in my inventory, made it so I could turn it in immediately. For free. He doesn't take the honey. I got 3 farm boxes this way.
    NPC's killing enemies near me counted for my 'zombie' killing quest for some reason. Meaning I just had to watch them go to town on a stone circle area and reap the benefits for free.
    Goblins and Orcs sometimes just seem to... forget they're in combat. Seems to be an AI issue. It makes them less threatening because they suddenly just... stand still.

    I love the NPC's, and they make the world feel alive, and the enemies are entertaining - however:

    I frequently have the problem of having a large number of fighting npc's around who just non-stop kill -everything- around. It's like I don't even have to fight sometimes because there's 3-4 guys doing it for me. 

    Spawning in, enemies start to spawn immediately, and there are times where as soon as you start the map, you have an orc barreling down the plains at you, while you only have a torch to fend for yourself and whatever else you spawn with. It's not a huge problem to get a wood club while trying to outrun it - but it's still not exactly a great way to start a playthrough.



    If you guys need any assistance beyond just playtesting, let me know.

    This is some helpful feedback and feel free to share the NPC related feedback directly in the NPCMod thread.

    I'm sure any assistance you can offer beyond play testing would be very welcome. The NPCMod project is very much based on community input and if you are able to patch any hardcoded game traits to reflect your feedback, it would be very much welcomed. And any assistance you can offer for only NPCMod specific coding would be equally supportive.


    Things such as:

    - Adding a patch to ensure players are given some protection from NPCs until a certain level, as is possible with the zombie class.
    - Giving friendly hired NPCs a command to place them in 'attack only when attacked' option so they remain in a passive state until requested otherwise.

    (As for non hired battling it out in the background, for some that is what makes it)

    - NPCs giving XP/Kill benefit for party members but not the owner has been reported as an issue, and if it also relates to quest kill benefits this needs patching as well.

    - Patching non responsive NPCs. This appears to happen when NPCs are attempting to perform a similar action to another NPC in close proximity. During such freeze states there is often another NPC close by and it creates a 'decision loop' where one task needs to be completed before they free themselves from the freeze state.


    As for the honey bug, this is actually a built in 7 Days fetch and return feature. If it's exploitable, it'll either be removed, reworked where possible within the constraints of what is available, or given a warning and players can choose how they play it.


    I'm not sure what assistance you were suggesting you could offer, but it seems the NPCs made up a large part of your feedback and any assistance there would be great.



  15. Pushed a small update for the xcostum_Medieval_Windmill_Retro(by_Pashmina) POI. The Windmill with the Water wheel next to it.

    It works very well for some players but is unstable for others and has been commented on in the past here and on the Guppy's Discord.

    I could also experience some double spawning, and delayed spawning when doing some intensive testing and something wasn't quite right.


    The update is heading to both the Github and Moddb locations as this can be deemed as a potential bug.


    The POI itself is perfectly fine and set up properly. It has a very similar volume setup to default Army Camp with nested volumes and priority volume settings.

    However, the new animal spawning feature inside POIs and the more intricate nesting Sleeper Volume setup are not playing well together with double spawning, very delayed spawning, and general instability.


    The timid animals and snakes have been removed for now and nested volumes are now in their own unique areas. The dogs and vultures will remain and the Undead allowance has been slightly increased and moved to new areas.

  16. Slowly building content for the Oakraven Modpack with a nice selection of NPCMod Zombie packs and Darkstardragon's Survivorz. It'll be quite a nice expansion to regular gameplay and more like a DLC than anything.



  17. 41 minutes ago, Scomar said:

    the reciepe "woodBranchBundled" is taged as learnable, but there is no way to unlock it. so you cant craft it but need it for an stone axe. Just need to delete tags="learnable" and all seems fine.

    Hello Scomar. Can you let us know which mod this refers to please?

  18. 12 hours ago, as2369 said:

    Please tell me how to fix it. a20 New Bug Drink Fighters https://youtu.be/bx5s1XlhuCs

    The Wasteland Mod is also being used and the Wasteland Raiders are holding water glasses. I wonder what other selection of mods you are using.

    This is not something specifically related to the NPCMod and Wasteland Mod as they work very well together. I wonder if something else you have added to the Mods folder is the culprit. Maybe you can remove other mods one by one to find any conflict. That is the best way to find the cause and fix it.

  19. There have been a lot of pushes this week with the aim of expanding and testing new POIs to help give greater coverage to all Tiers.

    Here is the last push with another T4 placed in the Medieval Town and also in the Wilderness. They will be identical for both locations as it offers quite a challenge.




    - This T4 is a reworking of the Hostile Church that was placed in the Wilderness but had no real function until the special quests were worked out. It has been populated with Bandit types (Orcs and friends). It is a TFP POI but has been fully repaired and re-pathed.


    In the town.



    And Wilderness.



    This gives 7 unique T4 POIs (although Bone Henge and Demon Henge use the same POI with a different experience) and gives the potential for 7 unique choices from Trader offerings.


    - The friendly church version which contained a Royal NPC collection has been removed. The Friendly Jousting POI serves the same purpose with the additional main quest.



    - Food spoilage has been set to 'false'. This means food spoilage is still hooked up but will be optional by toggling a command inside one of the folders. Here are instructions on how to turn on/off food spoilage depending on which build you are using.


    Step 1. Go inside your '1-NMMCore / Config folder and open the blocks.xml file.

    Step 2. On Line 4 you can see this code line.


    <set xpath="/blocks/block[@name='ConfigFeatureBlock']/property[@class='FoodSpoilage']/property[@name='FoodSpoilage']/@value">false</set>

    (may say true at the end depending on your version)


    Change the false to true to turn on food spoilage.

    Change the true to false to turn off food spoilage.

  20. Added two more T4 POIs to the NMM Moddb and Github along with accompanying Worlds. One is a revisit to TFP's remnant church and another was shared by Stallionsden as it will be making its way into the CP49. It was a lot of groundwork and is much appreciated.


    Remnant Church is rather beat up but has a scripted route to Quest loot and for finding the Undead.





    And ReKrypta by_Redzero83 is a crypt type POI. The colour coded lights are for a reason and signify trigger pairings. Very Doomesque key cards.





    As for POIs, in the Town Tiling system this gives us.


    Jarls Estate (F+C) - Medieval House 2 (F+C) - Galera (F+C) - Medieval Dragon New (F+C) - Blacksmith (F+C) - Stables 1 (F+C) - Remnant House 04 (F+C) - Bric a Brac (F+C) - Church (F+C) - Oakraven Trading (F+C)

    Windmill (F+C) - Tower (F+C) - Stone Church (F+C) - Mill (F+C) - Lion's Pride (F+C) - Medieval House (F+C) - Bakery (F+C) - Alchemist (F+C) - Shema House 1 (F+C) - Skinny Finger (F+C) - Shema House 2 (F+C)

    Watermill (F+C) - House Pigeon (F+C) - Castle Destroyed (F+C) - Castle 05 (F+C) - Castle Zyncosa (F+C) - Bone Henge (F+C)

    Windmill Retro (F+C) - Bandits Joust Arena (F+C) - Cursed Manor (F+C) - Remant Church (F+C) - ReKrypta (F+C)

    Tudor Village (F+C) - Tavern (F+C) - Stillwater Castle (F+C) - Sly Ship (F+C) - Notre Damn (F+C) - Galeon Docks (F+C) - Doune Castle (F+C) - DnY Castle M1 (F+C) - Clock Tower (F+C) - Castle Spartan (F+C) - Castle Libby (F+C)


    Total town and wilderness questable POIs account for:


    13 T1 Quests

    11 T2 Quests

    9 T3 Quests

    6 T4 Quests

    13 T5 Quests


    T1 and T2 is very nicely supported.

    T3 is very acceptable.

    T4 is reasonable.

    T5 is very nicely supported.

  21. 20 hours ago, swmeek said:

    Is there a way to pick up the drawbridges after you've placed them?

    I made one of the 3x8's and placed it down and naturally it placed the wrong way.

    Thank you! 

    These are all extensions of the default drawbridges and some classes can accept such things and some not.

    It's on the list for testing though.

  22. Added to first post:



    There are an abundance of Quests beyond regular Fetch and Clear.

    - One is automatically provided upon entering the game and after completing the 'Tutorial' stage. It gives Skill Points for completing a certain number of eliminations during Horde Night. Players who prefer not to have this automatic quest can delete it from their quest tree list.

    - One can be found in the player tool belt and starts an entity quest to eliminate the Undead faction. This has 5 quest stages and awards experience and skill points upon full completion. Others in this series can be purchased from Traders.

    - Another is also shared in the tool belt and offers a mixed quest of collect / craft / defend. This can also be purchased again from Traders.

    - Some Traders have their own specific side quests which only they will offer.

    The Main Quest

    - The Main Quest is one which requires visiting certain POIs in a certain order based on the scroll instructions. This quest is primarily designed for SP or smaller groups who share as a party. It is not designed for large communities or public servers. A starter scroll is found at a certain central POI (which can be found in multiple towns) and leads players on a sequential quest mission. These POIs and scrolls will not reset and once taken or complete are gone forever. However, a server admin using server admin tools can reset the specific POIs or region that they sit in to provide a 'loot respawn' equivalent which will then bring them back into place.


    The names can be provided to server admin on request but will not be publicly shared to avoid any spoiler disappointment.

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