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Posts posted by arramus

  1. It was reported that the ranged zombies were no longer shooting with the update to V1.0 b312/3. The Server Side Zombies PLUS received an update to allow the ranged zombies to be compliant with a change for V1.0 b312/3 and the possible removal of some older legacy/remnant code. They have received an update to reflect the current format and are shooting like there's no tomorrow.

  2. Here is a small update:


    The following vehicles do not appear in recipes and cannot be crafted.

    - Hell Car

    - Magic Bus

    - Sled

    These vehicles have a lot more customization than other vehicles and will take longer to bring to V1.0 standard and compliance. In addition to removing them from recipes, they will also no longer appear in the Creative Menu. This will ensure they are not accessible unless their Creative Menu status is enabled.

    In addition, the opening post specifically describes what is available and what remains under development.

  3. Correct. The Magic Bus and Hell Car are not functional at the moment. That is a reason they cannot be crafted in the recipes. The opening post shows what vehicles are currently functional and the Magic Bus and Hell Car are not shown. The closing message mentions 'require some more time'...


    Under normal circumstances, the Magic Bus and Hell Car are not accessible. It seems they now also need to be removed from the Creative Menu to ensure they are totally non accessible.

  4. For No.1 keep watching for this to be updated from ocbMaurice.



    For No. 2 keep watching for this to be updated from Wookie Nookie.



    Alternatively, try the 15 slot toolbelt from Khaine.



    This area of the forum is generally for Mod creators. It is not for asking for mod requests.

    Asking for requests is done in the Discussion and Requests thread.



    Good luck with your searches.

  5. 4 hours ago, vajdaati said:
    Hello! We have been using the mod on our server for years, so thanks to everyone who participated in its creation! :) I found a littlebug in the new version, which was caused by a change in the magazine system.  Black Widow cannot be manufactured because the maximum bow skill is 75 and the weapon requires 95-100.


    Thank you for sharing this feedback, and finding this mismatch. Bow type weapon progression has been changed from Level 100 (in A21) down to 75 (in V1.0). The Railgun also received a little change in its progression since it used to be shared by itself, but replaced the Vampire Knuckles since they no longer match the new character system.


    An update has been added to Nexus, but if you want to change manually, if you haven't already, here are the changes.




    Black Widow

    	<!-- Black Widow -->
    	<append xpath="/progression/crafting_skills/crafting_skill[@name='craftingBows']">
    		<display_entry item="gunBowT3BlackWidow" unlock_level="70,71,72,73,74,75" />
    	<append xpath="/progression/crafting_skills/crafting_skill[@name='craftingBows']/effect_group">
    		<passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="70,75" value="1" tags="gunBowT3BlackWidow"/>
    		<passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="71,72,73,74,75" value="1,2,3,4,5" tags="gunBowT3BlackWidow"/>


    and for the Railgun so it matches other types fairly.

    	<!-- Railgun -->	
    	<append xpath="/progression/crafting_skills/crafting_skill[@name='craftingRifles']">
    		<display_entry item="Railgun" unlock_level="95,96,97,98,99,100" />
    	<append xpath="/progression/crafting_skills/crafting_skill[@name='craftingRifles']/effect_group">
    		<passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="95,100" value="1" tags="Railgun"/>
    		<passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="96,97,98,99,100" value="1,2,3,4,5" tags="Railgun"/>

    I could confirm that all of the other weapons match the max levels, and no other weapon crafting type max level has changed.


    Much appreciated.

  6. Oakraven will be the voice of authority on this, but he's currently up to his eyeballs in updating this collection, the Wild West Mod, and any other things he's been involved with in Unity.


    The Chicken Coops and Bee Hives were traditionally left unlocked since they required the Workbench as a prerequisite to crafting. This decision was based on potential conflict with other mods, and restrictive UI capacity. Some of these mods require unlocking and are pegged to existing game assets. The Ammo Press it tagged to the Cement Mixer, and the Drill is tagged to the Chemistry Table. Some other mods kind of shuffle that around and can break these connections, and moreso if they rewrite the progression steps in their own way. This ultimately sees these issues arrive in this thread with fingers pointing at the Oakraven Collection when the issue lies elsewhere. Keeping things as simple as possible reduces these issues, although they cannot be totally avoided.


    Saying that, these mods do get used elsewhere, such as The Wild West Mod, Ravenhearst, Preppocalypse, Age of Oblivion, and Outback Roadies. They are then reintegrated as the overhaul creators see fit. For example, some require crafting and placing Chicken Coops as part of an overall sequence of Quests. Some allow them to be picked up from custom POIs, and others will lock them into their own progression system.


    Oakraven pretty much releases these mods for the community to integrate and expand on and they are generally released with just the core assets in place to be taken further elsewhere.

  7. Just testing how it looks without Old West Trader Bob placed directly inside an Old West Town.


    This load out was an 8K RWG with more towns and wilderness POIs. It placed 4 Old West Towns with one in each biome except the Wasteland. This is as expected.


    The Desert placed a Trader Bob as a Gateway Trader leading into town. He'll either be pretty close by or directly on the road leading in and that guarantees a desert Bob.



    The Snow didn't place a Trader in a Gateway tile leading into town. In fact the closest one away is about 800 - 1000 blocks away. The reason is that there are two towns in the Snow as well as the Old West Town. Those other two towns received a Trader Hugh each. This Old West Town will be a Trader Ghost Town... but that'll happen at times, and the POIs will still show up in the quest list from time to time.



    In Burnt, Jen was placed along a main road in one of the rest areas. The Old West Town can be seen in the distance. This type of Trader placement can be rather redundant at the best of times... About 700 blocks away to the Old West Town along that long road.



    And Trader Rekt is also directly on the Gateway Tile leading into an Old West Town in the Pine Forest... much to everyone's delight, I'm sure.



    Overall, 2 of the Old West Towns had their own Trader, and the other 2 require a bit of a journey. Different seeds will bring different results and the World Editor can always place an appropriate biome Trader closer by for those wanting to customize. The compromise had to happen if players aren't able to receive their 10 Tier next trader prompt. Thanks for the recent reports on all of these things. Let's hope things settle down for b312.

  8. That should do it. There were 3 copies of V1.0 OldWestMigration in Nexus' holding area along with an A21 version and it's a little testy in there for the past few days. Their success is making things a little unstable at the moment. Roll on their hosting upgrades.

  9. Here is an update for the Old West Migration mod for V1.0.


    - Old West Trader Bob has been removed from appearing in the Old West Town. This is because he does not allow for Next Trader Progression once all 10 quests are complete in the instance he is the first trader we see in the Pine Forest. If we completed all 10 quests, he would only show regular quests and not the special quest.

    However, visiting Rekt would show that special quest even if we had never seen him at all since joining the world. It looks like some hardcoding that is not accessible to the type of modding for this mod.


    Since we have just received the next experimental b312, which has a fair amount of POI and Tile related updates, a new World is pretty much beneficial. I did test on an old World when updating from b309 to b312 on a dedicated server and it remains compatible without any warnings, but POI updates in that abundance...


    Farewell, for now....


  10. After testing a World repeatedly under the following parameters:


    1. Start close to an Old West Town in the Pine Forest.

    2. Complete starter quests and receive Old West Trader Bob as the first trader.

    3. Receive initial special quest for the buried supplies.

    4. Start regular quest.

    5. Complete all quests to complete the Tier.


    I can confirm that Old West Trader Bob is unable to give the player the next end of Tier Special Quest for the next Trader 'Jen'.

    However, if a player visits their closest Trader Rekt, even if they haven't met him before, and completed zero quests for him, he will still have Special Quests in his list and that will be for Trader Jen.


    I cannot currently find a workaround for this. The xml has no specific relationship between Rekt and Jen for completing that first Tier. Based on that, it appears there is some hardcoding that is not available to modders without a Harmony Patch. A modder more versed in xml may find a workaround, but that's beyond me based on what is available.


    As such, Old West Trader Bob will be totally removed.


    Here is what will happen now.


    1. A player will start in a World in Pine Forest.

    2. Since there is no Old West Trader Bob, he can never be the first Trader if the Old West Town is next to a player.

    3. The Old West Town is hooked up to receive a Gateway Trader on its entry way and since it is the Pine Forest, that will be Trader Rekt.


    It is unfortunate, but necessary to maintain progression. It is good timing that b312 experimental has just launched since it has a fair few POI and Tile updates which warrants a new World anyway. I can confirm existing Worlds on b309 are still functional when the server and client is updated to b312. I shall be testing from b312 from hereon though without Old West Trader Bob.

  11. (V1.0) Server Side Vehicles can be downloaded here:



    (V1.0) Server Side Vehicles adds upgraded versions of existing vehicles along with some novel inclusions. This mod is based on the original Snufkin Vehicles that introduced an experimental selection. This latest update provides a selection with some helpful performance tweaks and decorative overlays. As the name suggests, this is a Server Side Only mod that doesn't need to be downloaded by other players who join your server or client host.

    Features include:
    - Higher top speed than default
    - Hop feature for land vehicles to assist with jumping over low obstacles
    - Spider Bike knocks down and stuns zombies that come into contact
    - Ability to travel under water at a regulated rate
    - 3 seater Gyroscope (Whirligig)
    - Shark Blimp
    - Decorative attachments
    - Unlocked but require existing vehicle to craft


    Here are a few images to demonstrate:

    This images presents the vehicles which are currently available. They include:

    Hell Best, Hell Fire, and Hell Dog (Motorcycles), Spider Bike (Minibike), Hell Spikey and Hell Hound (4x4), Whirligig (Gyro), and Shark Blimp (Blimp). Other vehicles remain under development since they require a greater level of customization.



    3 Seater Whirling with helicopter style take off and landing (courtesy of Bdubyah), higher speed, and easier handling.



    Shark Blimp with very easy handling and rapid acceleration.



    A hop features for land based vehicles to assist with late appearing obstacles when at full speed.



    Hell bikes with performance and decorative enhancements.



    Some classic vehicles from previous builds require some more time to consider their future, since the default vehicles were overhauled and it may require reworking from the ground up. For now, this selection offers a spread of the vehicles we have all come to appreciate.


    To be specific, the following vehicles do not appear in recipes and cannot be crafted:

    - Hell Car

    - Magic Bus

    - Sled


    They can also not be accessed in the Creative Menu to avoid instability when placed. The code remains in place while they continue development.

  12. Thank you.


    An update has been added to Nexus. However, it is easy to manually change as it requires an edit in a single line:




    Line 39 changes from

    <property name="FlameEffect" value="ItemModEffects/mod_spear_steel_flamePrefab"/>


    <property name="FlameEffect" value="@:ItemModEffects/mod_spear_steel_flamePrefab.prefab"/>



  13. Attempting to spawn in an Animal Guard is successful.

    However, attempting to spawn in a Turret Guard is not successful. It appears more of the older, and no longer applicable, assets have been removed from the game or made non functional.


    Bringing in a Turret Guard brings in the following error.

    Exception: Model class 'NpcUMA' not found!
      at Entity.InitEModel () [0x00044] in <34a370e167474eb1949fe72b029cec58>:0 
      at Entity.Init (System.Int32 _entityClass) [0x0000d] in <34a370e167474eb1949fe72b029cec58>:0 
      at EntityAlive.Init (System.Int32 _entityClass) [0x00000] in <34a370e167474eb1949fe72b029cec58>:0 
      at EntityFactory.CreateEntity (EntityCreationData _ecd) [0x00474] in <34a370e167474eb1949fe72b029cec58>:0 
      at EntityFactory.CreateEntity (System.Int32 _et, System.Int32 _id, ItemValue _itemValue, System.Int32 _count, UnityEngine.Vector3 _transformPos, UnityEngine.Vector3 _transformRot, System.Single _lifetime, System.Int32 _playerId, System.String _skinName, System.Int32 _spawnById, System.String _spawnByName) [0x0001b] in <34a370e167474eb1949fe72b029cec58>:0 
      at EntityFactory.CreateEntity (System.Int32 _et, System.Int32 _id, UnityEngine.Vector3 _transformPos, UnityEngine.Vector3 _rotation) [0x0000c] in <34a370e167474eb1949fe72b029cec58>:0 
      at EntityFactory.CreateEntity (System.Int32 _et, UnityEngine.Vector3 _transformPos, UnityEngine.Vector3 _rotation) [0x00000] in <34a370e167474eb1949fe72b029cec58>:0 
      at BlockSpawnEntity.UpdateTick (WorldBase _world, System.Int32 _clrIdx, Vector3i _blockPos, BlockValue _blockValue, System.Boolean _bRandomTick, System.UInt64 _ticksIfLoaded, GameRandom _rnd) [0x0012b] in <34a370e167474eb1949fe72b029cec58>:0 
      at WorldBlockTicker.execute (WorldBlockTickerEntry _wbte, GameRandom _rnd, System.UInt64 _ticksIfLoaded) [0x0002e] in <34a370e167474eb1949fe72b029cec58>:0 
      at WorldBlockTicker.tickScheduled (GameRandom _rnd) [0x0016b] in <34a370e167474eb1949fe72b029cec58>:0 
      at WorldBlockTicker.Tick (System.ArraySegment`1[T] _activeChunks, EntityPlayer _thePlayer, GameRandom _rnd) [0x00015] in <34a370e167474eb1949fe72b029cec58>:0 
      at World.OnUpdateTick (System.Single _partialTicks, System.ArraySegment`1[T] _activeChunks) [0x00052] in <34a370e167474eb1949fe72b029cec58>:0 
      at GameManager.UpdateTick () [0x00073] in <34a370e167474eb1949fe72b029cec58>:0 
      at GameManager.gmUpdate () [0x0038a] in <34a370e167474eb1949fe72b029cec58>:0 
      at GameManager.Update () [0x00000] in <34a370e167474eb1949fe72b029cec58>:0 

    The NpcUMA not found error infers that it no longer exists for how it is being used. Under the current system, based on that error, I'm not in a position to update to V1.0. There may be another way to resolve it, such as replacing human guards with armed animals, but that will ultimately be a decision for Oakraven to make.





    NpcUMA not found.


  14. 3 hours ago, Soapy said:

    Hi it's my first time using this mod in 1.0.

    I have no idea how to craft the loot boxes.. I have a green ticket but when I try to craft the loot box it just makes me track it. Is there a specific bench I need to craft them in? Thank you!

    The Loot Box comes from a Loot Box Machine. A Loot Box Machine is crafted on the Workbench. The Loot Box Machine does not need to be unlocked. Tickets are traded for Loot Boxes inside the Loot Box Machine. Loot Boxes provide one of the weapons with better Tier weapons coming from rarer Tickets.

  15. Thank you for reporting on that. It will require some investigation to find a workaround, or removal for Old West Bob. We shall see how it goes.

    This will have some pretty far reaching consequences for some of the overhauls with custom Traders, let alone repurposing existing traders.

  16. Yes, this is very much a try and see at the moment since there were some loot changes to the main game for V1.0 and any balancing will be based on feedback as it is tried and tested.


    The grunt, feral, and boss loot bags will are pretty balanced.

    Grunt will only drop Green and Yellow tickets. The chance to receive Hat Mods is also low.

    Feral will drop all tickets but Red and Purple will be hard to come by as with Hat Mods.

    Boss will drop all tickets and Hat Mods with increasing chance for all types since these loot bags are rarer and only come from Demolishers.

    In all cases, the weapon durability mod has increased for V1.0


    Chances from safes and treasure chests remains the same as A21, which is pretty low based on the competition.


    Horde Night will be the only big chance to really accumulate Server Side Weapons loot, unless players are focussing on the other locations intently.


    However, if Server Side Zombies is also running then Boss loot drops will be much more of a thing. The trade off for greater chance for better tickets and loot will be the additional challenge of the Server Side Zombies. Their HP has increased quite substantially in some cases because they have also seen some pretty substantial increases for default zombies such as Radiated.

  17. Ah yes. The whole of A21 was a constant cycle of approval requirements, third party checks, and a bit of a delay process. My last few weeks have been instant and after a year or so, maybe I have been given a higher grade of approval based on frequency and content. I really don't know. I understand the reason for it as spam bots were a constant thorn in A20. The response was extreme but such is I suppose.

  18. Ooo dear. Got into a bit of a pickle.


    Mods will add things or change things to those original in game Config folder xmls and they need to be written up in a different way. We can pinpoint the exact nodes we want to change or use broad sweeping rules to cover everything. In this case you are attempting to do 2 things:


    1. Increase the loot drop bags to 50%.

    2. Increase the stay time for loot drop bags to 99999.


    Here are a couple of pointers.



    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
        <Name value="ZbagDropIncrease" />
        <DisplayName value="Zbag Drop chance" />
        <Description value="Increases drop chance to around 50/50 chance, and extends duration of bag in the game world." />
        <Author value="Jeffreylane" />
        <Version value="" />
        <Website value="https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/4982" />



    <set xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[contains(@name, 'zombie')]/property[contains(@name, 'LootDropProb')]/@value">.5</set>


    As for the loot drop bags, 99999 has the potential to cause a heap of performance issues during a Horde Night. With 50% of eliminations converting to bags, there will be a loot mountain and player performance will degrade. A party on a server will come screaming... ^^


    Default TimeStayAfterDeath for zombie bags remains at 1200 seconds for V1.0. That is already 20 minutes with a Horde Night event on a 60 minute day cycle being 15 minutes. Those loot bags will still remain and create a mountain. Good luck with finding the balance for that.


    An example of how that is governed in Preppocalypse, but with 120 day cycles in mind, and with default loot drop percentages.

        <!-- Zombie Loot Bag Time Stay Extensions -->
        <set xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='EntityLootContainerRegular']/property[@name='TimeStayAfterDeath']/@value">2000</set> <!-- Default is 1200 secs (20 mins) and good for 60 min cycle at (15 min BM) but not 90 (22 min 30 sec BM) -->
        <set xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='EntityLootContainerStrong']/property[@name='TimeStayAfterDeath']/@value">2000</set> <!-- Provides a 3 min 20 sec buffer for 120 min cycle -->
        <set xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='EntityLootContainerBoss']/property[@name='TimeStayAfterDeath']/@value">2000</set>


    Spherii, Xyth, and a number of other community members have shared guides and tutorials on how to get modding. It is how I learned, and continue to learn.


    The ModInfo.xml and XpathModding Explanation Thread will assist.

    Once you feel a little more familiar with modding, visit the thread for the Unnofficial Modding Discord and join the Guppy's Discord.


  19. Here is a link for the (V1.0) Server Side Weapons:



    V1.0) Server Side Weapons provides players with some custom weapons, hat mods, and a loot box ticket system using only in game assets. As such it only needs to be installed on the server or client host. Other players who are joining do not need to install it.

    The concept for this mod was shared by Snufkin in Alpha 18. Original Snufkin weapons still exist in the mod, but they have had to undergo many changes as the game moved through the Alphas to V1.0. Additions and expansion have been added by Oakraven and arramus. The last few updates and necessary transitions have been shared by arramus. The original concept has been retained as much as possible, but removal of game assets and some overhauls to existing assets has required some necessary changes.

    Features are as follows:

    - A Loot Box Machine crafted on the Workbench
    - 12 custom weapons loosely placed into 3 tiers
    - A ticket and loot box system that allows tickets to be traded for a loot box which contains a weapon
    - Hat mods which can be placed into the helmet/hat dye slot
    - Chance to find weapons, mods, and tickets in loot bags, safes, and treasure chests

    Known issues:
    - The larger bag mod will not remove from the player until they leave the game and join again. It has been a thing since A20 and just one of those things that cannot be resolved. There appears to be a hard coding issue. That appears to be the only known issue at present.


    A few images to demonstrate:


    A player with the Pumpkin Head Mod added to the dye slot in their helmet. They are also carrying a Snufkin Kronos auto shotgun. A very powerful combination that will assist with higher tier zombies or Server Side Zombies.



    All of the assets found in the Server Side Weapons mod. The weapons have been laid in rows with 4 in each row. This follows below in the 3 separate columns.

    That signifies the way the weapons have been tiered for the Loot Box Machine and chance to appear based on a green, yellow, red, or purple ticket.

    It is certainly not an exact science, but it has considered balance.



    The Loot Box Machine can be crafted on the Workbench. Tickets can be traded for a Level 1 - 4 Loot Box. A Level 1 Green Loot Box has a higher chance to pay out a lower tier Server Side Weapon. However, there still remains a chance to receive a higher Tier Server Side Weapon even at this stage. In contrast, A Level 4 Purple Loot Box has a higher chance to pay out a higher tier Server Side Weapon. There is a random and weighted element for pay out.



    A player wearing the Cow Head Hat Mod while using the Oakraven Zeus.



    This image shows the Pumpkin Man Mod being placed in the Assassin Hood in the dye slot.



    The Brainsaw and the updated Dismemberment and Claret system made quite a combination.



  20. The Quest code suggests that once you have completed Tier 1, the Tier 2 next trader prompt will be to Jen. It doesn't restrict this prompt to any particular biome, even though Jen is supposed to be in the Burnt. However, Jen is tagged for the Burnt Forest in the RWG Mixer. Based on that, even if the first Trader in the Forest is Old West Bob, the end of tier request should take you to Jen in the Burnt. No next trader prompt should take you to Old West Bob because he isn't hooked up for next tier. Time will tell how it all works out though.

  21. Here are links to the Oakraven Collection Mods.


    Permission is not immediately granted to use in overhauls or mod packs. Please ask first in this thread.

    More information about TFPs modding policy can be found here: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/4189-tfp-official-modding-forum-policy/


    (V1.0) Oakraven Ammo Press


    This mod provides a small form factor Ammo Press which allows bulk ammo to be crafted in half the time. Unlocks at Level 40 with Forge Ahead Magazine.


    (V1.0) Oakraven Briston's Pistons


    This mods provides a Tier 3 melee weapon which provides 10% better stats than Steel Knuckles. It can only be found in loot and at the traders for purchase or as a quest reward.


    (V1.0) Oakraven Can Can Bat


    This mod provides a Tier 1 melee weapon which provides 10% better stats than a baseball bat. It can only be found in loot and at the traders for purchase or as a quest reward.


    (V1.0) Oakraven Chicken Coops


    This mod allows players to craft Chicken Coops. Place 2 Caught Chicks in the Coops and over time you can collect eggs, feathers, and domesticated chickens.

    WARNING:- Do not install this mod on an existing World. It replaces the nests with custom nests and will cause issues. Only add this mod to a new World.


    (V1.0) Oakraven Rock Drill


    This mod allows players to craft and place an Oakraven Rock Drill. It can be given a Rock Drill Gas Can to power one mining cycle. Mining resources will be collected as loot for each cycle.

  22. That RWG Filler Mod is loading after the Old West Migration Mod. As such, it is overwriting it with its own subtle changes to the Old West Towns.

    Adding Z in front of the Old West Migration Mod will allow it to load after and achieve the following result.




    The RWG Filler Mod may well need a rename to allow it to load before the Old West Migration Mod as this will always be a thing moving forward.

    Yes... Here is a renamed version to V1-FillerRWGPOI to ensure the load order will not wipe out any changes that the Old West Migration Mod is attempting to do. The mod will still be called RWG POI Filler, but the updated folder name will give compatibility.



  23. These are similar values used in an earlier 'light' version which was option in A19 and A20 and bundled into the mod. Feedback on these values was positive. With this post being in the forum thread, it will allows others who prefer to regulate spawning a little more to use this as a template. Some players would use a 'light' version first, and then switch back to the default version as their level and weaponry improved. It offered a progression feature when they felt it was appropriate.

  24. The biome spawning entities have no hook up into game stage at the moment. It would require a Harmony Patch Mod to override the current default process, unless a well versed modder has another approach. Very unfortunate as it would offer a helpful solution for challenge and progression to slowly feed in more challenging zombies, which could ultimately include the flyers, but at a time they feel appropriate.

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