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Posts posted by arramus

  1. The NPCMod team have approved a patch for the NPCMod to allow it to run with A20.6(b8).


    This has been added to the initial post and is ready for download. The 0-XNPCCore-A20.6(b8) has been uploaded to the Oakraven Forest Collection area since duplicate uploads are not accepted. It is compatible with the NPCMod which both Modpacks are powered by.


    3. A20.6(b8) Experimental Build

    For players who want to update to A20.6(b8) it is necessary to install these 2 patches into the Mods folder. A20.6(b8) has some critical updates and these patches provide compatibility.


    1-NMMCore-A20.6(b8) - https://www.moddb.com/downloads/1-nmmcore-a206b8#downloadsform

    0-XNPCCore-A20.6(b8) - https://www.moddb.com/mods/oakraven-forest-collection/downloads/0-xnpccore-a206b8

  2. The NPCMod team have approved a patch for the Oakraven Forest Modpack to function with A20.6(b8).


    If you have updated to the experimental version A20.6(b8) it is necessary to download this patch and place it in your Mods folder.

    If you are using the current Stable version without updating, this extra installation step is not necessary.


    It has been uploaded to Moddb and can be downloaded here:


    Here is an additional World to add to the collection.


    This is a 10K World that used Pack03 as the seed name. It has been customised so the Biome is painted to better match the POIs.

    For example, the Old West is all placed in the Desert Biome and the Snow Orc POIs are all in the Snow Biome.


    It has been uploaded to Moddb here:



    Here is an image of how the World looks. It has been tagged as a Spoiler for players who prefer not to see what is on offer.




  3. Oakraven updated the Air Supply Drop with a few improvements.

    This has been pushed to Github.


    The landing smoke is wispier.



    It is easier to access the barrel.



    And the audio has a gentle tailing off at the end with reduction in volume.


    You may notice the images show A20.6(b8) and this test was using a small patch to make the NPCMod compatible.

    This will allow players to stay with the current stable build or opt for the experimental build which has a couple of fundamental changes which require updates to mods. It is being checked by the NPCMod team and will be released (or not) upon approval.

  4. Just a heads up on experimental build A20.6 (b8).


    A buffs.xml call for the NPCMod and elsewhere for onSelfRangedBurstShot is no longer recognised and has changed to with onSelfRangedBurstShotStart or onSelfRangedBurstShotEnd. It has been reported to the NPCMod team and will be resolved as and when.


    For the time being, updating to A20.6 (b8) will cause a game 'crash' with NRE errors on the load out screen.

  5. Just a heads up on A20.6 (b8).


    It is not compatible with the current NMM build as TFP has updated a few features which will requires updates for NMM Progression and the NPCMod.

    It has been reported to the NPCMod team and will take a little time to resolve.

  6. 2 hours ago, Witos said:

    hello, the mod crashes with version 20.6 buffs.xml 

    Here is a small update for the Snufkin Zombies for A20 20.6 (b8)


    Download here.



    Alpha 20.6 (b8)
    This update required a buffs.xml update.
    References for onSelfRangedBurstShot have been updated to onSelfRangedBurstShotEnd to match default values.
    The effect is a delayed muzzle flash for the Juggernaut rocket launch and delayed explosion elimination for the Bomber.


    For gameplay purposes, players will notice the Juggernaut rocket muzzle flash is a little more delayed than earlier builds.



    The Bomber self destruction prompt triggers as normal with the regular explosion but he may show extended signs of life on the way up, but certainly not on the way down.







    Updating the buffs.xml file removed any mod load warnings. If there are any additional issues, please report them so they can be investigated.

    The top post will show 3 download choices for A19, A20 up to A20.5 (b2), and this new update for A20.6 (b8).

  7. Another small update was pushed to the NMM Github Development Build to reduce the Water Well size by 30mb and lower the volume of the dripping faucet sounds.


    This update is also being pushed to the Moddb build. This decreases the download size to about 1.83gb.


  8. A small update has been pushed for the Water Wells. This update reduces the volume of the dripping faucets and optimises the wells. This optimisation reduces file size by 30mb. These optimisations are starting to add up and reduce download time.

  9. 8 hours ago, swmeek said:

    When you have time would you lower the drip noise or the amount of times it makes the dripping noise on the standpipes.

    Please and Thank you

    The Water Wells mod has been updated and pushed to Moddb with a reduction in sound for the dripping sounds.


    In addition, optimisation has reduced the file size by about 30mb.

  10. A new Work Station has been added to the Oak Modpack and pushed to Github for download.


    The Oakraven Cement Mixer. This Work Station unlocks at Advanced Engineering Skill 2 and receives the standard 20% speed buff at this point.



    The Trade-Offs.

    It requires Steel Ingots to construct and is fueled by Wood. However it allows players to craft Concrete Bundles in 1000 units.

    The economics are similar to other regular bundle crafting at 800 of each resource to create 1000.

    In addition, the bundle further reduces crafting time by another 20%. This was placed without Skill 2 and default time is 29:20 compared to 36:40 for 1000 individual units. This further drops to 23:28 upon reaching Advanced Engineering Skill 2.


  11. Here is an update for the Oakraven Work Stations mod.


    The Oakraven Cement Mixer (alongside the regular Cement Mixer)



    It has all the features of a regular cement mixer and takes the same amount of time to craft. It also unlocks with Skill 2 of Advanced Engineering and receives the 20% speed buff at this point.


    One additional feature is does have is the ability to craft Concrete Stacks (1000) with a 20% reduction in resources. The 20% reduction in resources also impacts the overall craft time with a further 20% reduction.


    The regular Cement Mixer at Skill 2 for Advanced Engineering requires 29:20 for 1000 concrete.



    The same applies for the Oakraven Cement Mixer.



    The Oakraven Cement Mixer stacked bundle of 1000 drops to 23:28



    The trade off is replacing iron ingots for steel ingots as the primary crafting resource. We hope this provides a balanced increase in efficiency and resource management. You'll see Oakraven has added the full concrete bucket to show when the Cement Mixer is producing. This should add further quality of life to the Oakraven Forest Collection without going overboard. Schematics are not hooked up for the Work Station items and have been removed. A21 appears to be removing schematics beyond mod crafting and this sets up this mod for that time.




  12. 1 hour ago, swmeek said:

    When you have time would you lower the drip noise or the amount of times it makes the dripping noise on the standpipes.

    Please and Thank you

    I checked the ig Nobles website for a paper on 'The optimum drip frequency and volume to avoid localised annoyance' but didn't get any hits.

    I do recall a discussion on how telephone ring tones were set at a frequency and tone to be the most annoying. I'm sure Oakraven can possibly test a range with a willing participant.

  13. Pushed a small update to the NMM Github Development Build to include lower chicken vocalisations when collecting eggs, feathers, and chickens.

    This was requested for the Oakraven Forest Collection and is added to NMM for compliance.

  14. Update to Chicken Coop:


    Chicken vocalisation volume reduction when harvesting Coop.

    12 hours ago, Faith_Of_Sin said:

    Hello and thank you for the mods!
    We installed some of them on our server, they are very nice :)
    There is just one thing I would like to mention - we noticed that the chicken-sound of the chicken coops when harvesting is veeeeeeery loud. Too loud in our mind. Maybe we are not the only people who noticed that, just wanted to drop this here :)

    The Chicken Coops have been uploaded with a quieter Coop harvest sound.

  15. 30 minutes ago, Janarah said:

    Those look amazing, though with running darkness falls and sorcery (wish there were a different magic mod), I think compatibility options might be limited?

    Correct. The Snufkin Weapons pack could be patched into DF, and there's a post and link in that thread about that somewhere, by hooking up to the DF Progression system using two of the very basic perks. However, these weapons are already bundled into the Oakraven Forest Modpack which has its own entities and other non compatible assets on top of the weapons. A project in itself.

  16. 4 minutes ago, Janarah said:

    I'd like some assistance with a steampunk weaponry mod if at all possible. Maybe a little more damage than the basic weaponry, by one to five points. I am willing to get the assets of course. Here are some images of the weapons that I've come across:

    I have a few others, but that's the general gist of it. Sorry about the large images. Feel free to message me if you might be interested in setting this up.

    Interesting. The Oakraven Forest Modpack, which is a compilation of many items from this Collection, in addition to custom RWG tiling/POIs in collaboration with the Compo Pack, entities in collaboration with the NPCMod, and a variety of other modifications, has taken some tentative steps with an assortment of pistol/revolver type weapons with a Steam Punk theme as follows:



  17. 22 minutes ago, Faith_Of_Sin said:

    Hello and thank you for the mods!
    We installed some of them on our server, they are very nice :)
    There is just one thing I would like to mention - we noticed that the chicken-sound of the chicken coops when harvesting is veeeeeeery loud. Too loud in our mind. Maybe we are not the only people who noticed that, just wanted to drop this here :)

    The Chicken Coops have gone through a number of sound decreases since this mod was originally released, and it was only a matter of time that the volume of the Chickens as they had their feathers plucked, eggs stolen, or a whole chicken removed would be mentioned... Oakraven will certainly read your message.

  18. 47 minutes ago, Janarah said:

    Yes indeed, though there is also the sorcery mod, so the fire, lightning, and ice essences as well. 


    You'd like to extract DF mining resources using the Rock Drill.

    You'd also like to extract/collect Sorcery Mod essences using the Rock Drill.


    These are very possible to extract by manipulating the Rock Drill loot.xml which governs how many types can be collected at once, how much of each individual item can be collected, and what probability the collection will be.


    It's probably best if you share these wishes directly with the DF/Sorcery communities though if the necessary xml changes aren't quite your thing at the moment. Oakraven certainly shares these mods for the community to use as they see fit but assisting with modifications for other overhauls/modpacks may not be welcome by the creators.

  19. 2 hours ago, Morph3us said:

    Are these mods still actively being worked on? Specifically looking for an update to the visual armor mod

    Snufkin appears to be taking a bit of an extended break and these mods are not being actively worked on.

    Some of the mods have been taken over and updated but I haven't seen anything updated for the Visual Armor Mod. The last time I tested it, it was spitting back a critical error which makes it look like there may be some hardcoded elements restricting what it was trying to do to specific apparel only, since everything else what identically modded. It seems the UMA overlay system has possibly become restricted.

    Guppycur has released some Mask mods which perform a buff overlay and it wouldn't hurt to check if it'll be expanded to include some of the apparel added in the Visual Armor Mod.

  20. 15 hours ago, Janarah said:

    @oakraven @arramus
    I'd like to use your stuff with df, but am rather ignorant with the xml editing. Is there a way to get a drill or what not that will also pull the df ores as a patch?
    Not sure if there are any other issues with compatibility, I'd like to use the majority of your stuff with df.

    What are the current DF ores/mined resources? Are they Titanium, Uranium, and Plutonium?

  21. The Rock Drill has been updated on Moddb to include repair capability while in its passive state.


    While it will self repair when changing to active and harvest state, this allows players to ensure it is kept maintained when not in use. Half the crafting amount of Craft Tape, Mechanical Parts, and Springs will be required in proportion to the damage. There is no need for further steel.20220728163644_1.thumb.jpg.803fd3f16aff55f4deceba4f88392981.jpg

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