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Everything posted by pApA^LeGBa

  1. A T5 impact driver with iron breaker, woodsplitter and ergonomic grip is a good tool to break doors and wood walls in POI´s and saves you the slots for pick and fireaxe when looting POI´s. Iron breaker also helps for salvaging stuff. It´s also not too bad of a weapon vs standard Z´s if you get surprised granted you have some points into salvage operations.
  2. Video is private. I get the YT Frontpage when clicking on it @stallionsden
  3. You can´t craft a level 6 drone. Same as everything else that you can craft. Level 6 can only be obtained by looting or as a reward from the trader. Ofc there is a mod for that. At least there used to be for A19.
  4. Same, i checked out the new vanilla POI´s but now i am just waiting for compopack. The lack of T5 POI´s is annoying af, generated 30 maps, none of them had all T5´s. Just hope that vanilla rwg and compopack spawn more of them.
  5. Usually also carrying both. The guns for the "oh @%$#" moments mostly. @Sjustus548 Bow/Crossbows got a massive buff in A20. Very usefull for runningn zombies also, even if it´s not your main weapon if you have that book that let´s you slow them down if you shoot them in the leg with a bow/crossbow.
  6. Just because there is loot and it´s in first person doesn´t make this game a loot shooter. Borderlands is loot shooter. Where you farm bosses over and over again to get a particular drop with the right parts and stats.
  7. If it isn´t a lot less than in A19, all is good imo. Back to actually making your own ammo. Like it should be in a survival crafting game. After all this is not a loot shooter.
  8. I start with a POI that i don´t really change much, just take out everything that leads to the second floor and empty one room for some chests and forge/workbench. Sometime between day 7 and 14 i start building my own from scratch. Hordebase is always self built and seperate from my normal base.
  9. I see this kinda positive. The more studios/publishers MS buys, the more you can get for 10€ per month in the game pass. Afaik you can cancel it monthly, so no minimum running time. Actually doesn´t bother me too much anyways, i played 90% games from indie developers over the last decade.
  10. Well now think this through, why would you not want to play an unstable build when playing PvP? I will save you the time: To avoid excactly those situations to happen. It´s riddiculous even thinking about hosting a PvP server on an unstable build. If you can´t wait until it´s stable you gotta be willing to deal with things like that. Honestly can´t blame the developlers for this. There is a reason it´s called experimental and that it is opt in only. And i have no clue what you outlined there, those screenshots are so tiny i can´t read anything. Assuming what i do, and assuming wrong, is not an argument btw.
  11. Hordenights need to be endless after the first two bloomoons. That´s my opinion and only complaint about bloodmoon right now. It makes things way too easy that you can simply just craft a bunch of pipe bombs and end the horde way before 4am on day 35. Not gonna bother wasting time complaining/discussing about the AI behaviour before the game is finished.
  12. Easiest way to deal with screamers is still a moat filled with spikes, 2 rows. If you have no windows they can´t see you, so they can´t summon a horde and will simply die in the spikes. I don´t think there is an optimal number of forges, depends on how quick you need the materials and how much. Once your base is save from screamers it doesn´t really matter how many you have running. If you don´t mind to manage a ton of forges build as many as you can fit in your crafting area.
  13. I know it has been said already, but why on earth would you run a PvP server with the experimental branch of the game?.
  14. Iirc the issues was a birdnest spawning inside a tree. Wich would be a bug.
  15. Now where did i say lies or deceit? Don´t put words in my mouth. I just said it´s annoying af. You do realize that people take the informations they got and acutally use it to shut up trolls on the steam forums? Saw that a alredey. Guy got called a liar because he trusted info he got from a moderator. (Not me though, i wouldn´t care tbh, don´t give a F what the internet thinks of me)
  16. The player base is still bigger than ever. Sure it was going down after the release peak but that´s normal. And no it´s not complete. The map generation needs a lot of work (FOr example all T5 poi´s at least once per map, why is this so hard?) , the NPC´s aren´t in yet, the story is missing, The balancing is still way off, we have 300 levels and can beat everything with level 50.
  17. This game isn´t designed for massive multiplayer (8 players is the max supported number). Also it was never intended that one person feeds a whole server. I would tell your players to get their @%$# together and care for their own food. Yeah, in A20 on day 28, single player, i had tons of cooked meals. Enough to sell half of them to the traders and i would still have had enough to feed 2 more people.
  18. Different topics wasn´t meant as different threads of why zombies where removed. It´s the same with bandits and zombie AI. For a long time we were told the zombies behave way too intelligent because the devs use them as test objects for the bandit AI. Now it turned out that wasn´t the case at all. It´s annoying af at this point tbh. Same with the slider for spawn rate. Got told it was removed for balancing issues and that it will return after that it´s done. Now it´s a "maybe it will return".
  19. @Matt115 Mods as in moderators. @Roland It´s confusing af. And it´s not the first topic where this happens.
  20. Well at least that´s a reason i can get behind. But the mods should maybe stick to one version when telling people why they got removed.
  21. Someone said those zombies appeared in places where you wouldn´t see them before the apocalypse. But that is true for the biker, the nurse and the worker also. Also the amount of women running around in a short black dress is riddiculous tbh. I´d really like to know the real reasons.
  22. Food scarcity is not an issue at all in this game. You don´t need farming. It´s basically a nice to have. Not a must have. There is more animals than ever before now. More farm POI`s than in any other alpha. That´s why i have no issues at all with a cost of skillpoints for a guaranteed net gain. Also one point isn´t enough, you need lots of luck to get a self sustaining farm with one point in Lotl. 2 points is what you need for that. And 3 points can give you enough food to get rich with selling it at the trader. And the snow biome is always full of meat, you can go hunting there pretty early if you are cautios enough, no need to tough, there is enough in the other biomes. And again, they changed the system because you could get infinite food with no skill point. And you suggest a new method that doesn´t need skillpoints either. No matter what you think it costs in ressources changes that fact (that ressources are basically "free" not really but it´s not really an effort to get them, you don´t need to do any extra work for it). The whole point TFP wanted to achieve is gating it behind a perk.
  23. Also wanna add that you not really have to invest any time on getting rotten meat/bones. You get that by questing wich we do anyways all the time. Once you reach T5 you have dogs and birds in every quest location. T4 already has a lot of them and in T2 and T3 you just need to know wich locations to take when questing.
  24. I don´t ignore that. It´s still free food. All the things you need for fertilizer are things you would collect anyways. It´s not a real cost. Bones and rotten meat come from the same source. And that is not an infinite source btw. Your method would bring up severe problems for multiplayer. Especially on servers with up to 50 people. Nitrate is something you mine anyways, the part you need for fertilizer is small compared to what you need for gunpowder.
  25. I had a 20 plot farm and 10 mushrooms, took me not even 2 mins every 2 hours and i had enough food for 3 people at least.
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