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Everything posted by pApA^LeGBa

  1. So if i try and use this with Darkness Falls wich has SCore as part of the mod (wich isn´t a good idea to use any mod with an overhaul i know, but i gotta try) i would still need to install SCore seperatly?
  2. It´s as simple to install as any other mod. Usually mods that use it, do include it with the download. No clue why this is seperate here.
  3. Tracking resources is a thing in RL. But there is nothing that points you at that resource. Otherwise it wouldn´t be a skill. Everyone could do it if there is signs showing where the resources. Wouldn´t mind if this was added. Just as an optional skill please, so i don´t have to see all that stuff on my screen. I do hate screen clutter.
  4. Even just not agreeing with people who want a release immediately is enough to get such nice messages.
  5. @Roland Why do you act like i want those people here or that i approve their behaviour? I just said that Khaine is right when he says people don´t come here for that reason.
  6. @Roland It´s not only steam where this happens and it´s not only toxic people. This is a wide spread opinion. Wrong or not doesn´t matter. It´s a reason people don´t come here. @KhaineGB My condolences. 😛 That community is something else. I am not a big fan of the game myself, it has basically every horror franchise, so we won´t see any other games from those anytime soon. Wich does suck tbh.
  7. @Roland We will see. There is a few. Project Zomboid for example let´s people stay at home and build, farm and cook without any disadvantages if others go out looting. That also works for Conan Exiles. Or Sons of the Forest once it´s released (Assuming it didn´t change too much from the first part). Also Subsistence, but that one still lacks content, but it´s early access also. And surely a few others i haven´t discovered yet. @Jost Amman You know very well that what @KhaineGB says about the forums is true. You are very active in the steam forums and you have seen exactly that argument a lot of times. People don´t come exactly for that reason and you know it.
  8. That can be done with a hybrid of LBD and perks. Like Darkness Falls does it. Crafting and things like SexyRexy, Iron gut and such is done by putting skill points into perks wich are level gated so you can´t put in 5 points into tool crafting at day 2. Action skilly are leveled by using the tool/weapon and do have perks related to them where you need to put points into it, like blunt weapons has pummel pete, where you skill the weapon itself by using it and can get extra advantages by putting points into pummel pete. A mix of LBD/LBL sounds like a good idea also. By the looks of what was posted about the LBL system it just seems like certain playstyles will be punished if you don´t go out of your way and do things that are your least favorite part of the game for builders/miners. If that changes i am all in. Restricting the way how to play and i am out and hoping for mods. If mods can´t solve this, it´s time for a new game we can play together that let´s us play however we want.
  9. The miner and builder do have to deal with screamer hordes. And wandering hordes. Slower progression in their weapons would make this harder for them. So if they wanna be prepared properly they need to go looting more. Wich is not the part of the game they enjoy the most. The whole problem with this change is that you are forced to play in a certain way. And the freedom how to play is one of the key ingredients of this game. It´s the one thing that let´s people play together that have different interests when gaming. Take that away and a lot of people will be unhappy. Just wait how this will be received by people when it releases, you can be sure it will be a huge s-storm. Propably as huge as A17 death penalty.
  10. @ArmoredStone I forgot who and where exactly, but someone from the team said that the plan is A21, A22 and then Beta if everything works out as planned, if not there might be A23 also. @BenZ0 Nothing against a more fluid gameplay, but not at the cost of reducing the ways to play the game, the freedom you have is one of the biggest things that makes this game so good. If they wanted really fluid gameplay they would have sticked to learning by doing and would have fine tuned it over the years instead of removing it in A17. You need to take skill points to find more recipes. That´s the whole problem here. If it wouldn´t cost skillpoints to gather more magazines, this wouldn´t be a problem for miners/builders. I could just loot the magazines for them without having to invest points for it. This system will also lead to looting bookstores heavily. Every game, no matter wich playstyle you choose will focus on finding bookstores. This change will make them the most importnant building in the whole game. You will see bookstores over and over again, the system forces you to do so. Wich will lead to a whole bunch of problems on public servers.
  11. @BenZ0 You need to put skillpoints in the weapon skill to find more magazines for it. That´s the limiting factor here. I need to be a jack of all trades to provide everyone magazines who doesn´t enjoy fighting and looting. Wich means i can´t play the way i like to play anymore. No matter how you do it, someone has to take the bad pill and do things he doesn´t like to. And no you can´t make it right for everyone, but taking away the freedom of choice for how i wanna play a game is simply bad game design imo.
  12. @BenZ0 That works if they wanna use the same weapons that i use. If they wanna use different ones, they have to go looting themselves a lot more than they do now. None of us looters does use rifles or the sledgehammer. Our builder loves them. That´s gonna be a problem because i won´t find a lot of rifle/sledgehammer magazines as i am not specced into them. And that gets worse and worse the more i level my weapons. The higher my weapons skill are the lower the amount of magazines i find for other skills.
  13. Learning by looting is a horrible idea for MP Coop. We have usually 2 people who don´t loot a lot doing building and mining, wich they do enjoy a lot. They do go out fighting and looting, but it´s their least favorite part of the game. If they wanna use different weapons than us who go out looting they do have a big problem. They now have to choose to either do something they don´t enjoy as much more often or they can´t choose wich weapons to use. Another step into forcing players to play the game in a certain way. Meh. Just hope that mods can fix this. It´s actually sad that you need mods to maintain the freedom to choose your playstyle.
  14. I am having a problem with infinity, it won´t accept my appdata location. I am 99,99% sure i pasted the correct path into the pathsetting.txct. Am i missing something in my 7daystodie roaming folder, as it´s a brandnew installation.



    1. stallionsden


      Hi pApA


      OK as infinity requires a definite path to the right folders you will need to first run the game thru steam first.  This will put the necessary folders in the appdata/roaming/7daystodie folder.

      So your 7daystodie folder in appdata should have many folders in it.


      If this isn't done then infinity will give the save folder not found error.



    2. pApA^LeGBa


      Ahh i never started it with steam, only with the shortcut, thatwas the problem. Thx a lot. :)

    3. stallionsden


      No worries at all.  A player on the discord actually worked that 1 out a couple days ago so great full for that to be able to pass onto others to.

  15. Still not gonna happen that a game causes 4 cores to have 100% load under normal circumstances on PC.
  16. @Vampirenostra Does it have a dedicated GPU? If not that might be the reason. On a PC you need benchmarks like Prime95 or Cinebench to get all cores loaded at 100%. If a game does that, something is very wrong with the system. I have no clue about apple though.
  17. It should be in your history, simply do a search with region it´s in and it should show up in your history. Still sucks that you can´t see all your servers in the history if they are in different regions. The whole system is just bad. I don´t need a search filter 99% of the time when i go online. I just need to be able to get on my history list with ALL servers listed no matter where they are located. The search mask doesn´t need to be mandatory as the first thing you see when pressing "join a game" Let me in the serverlist first. So that i can simply use my history with all my servers on there. For people who need the search mask you could simply make a button they can use. The majority of players doesn´t need to do a search when they go online most of the time.
  18. He is talking about the sign that shows where the courier satchel is located. @Cherry Poppinz The bunker isn´t that big, You should be able to find the satchel without the icon, for me it usually was just standing around somewhere. Otherwise just cancelling the quest and doing it again should help i guess.
  19. Do you like drama? The author only mentioned one POI that he wants removed. Not a single word about the others.
  20. Reading the changelog, i see you didn´t change anything about using the modlet? @Deceptive Pastry In case Infinity is available again, i recommend using it. I get Megacity pretty consistently when using it. And i did a lot of maps these days. It´s still random so your results may vary, but it´s maybe worth a try.
  21. @Jandersk That´s an awesome Quality of LIfe upgrade. There is nothing hardcore about having to collect materials from a ton of chests to craft something. I wish more overhaul mods would use this. I rather grind zombie kills in the time i save with that upgrade.
  22. @NinjaTurtleBear Reboot definitly helps. Same problem with a G-portal server but no console error happening. FIrst i can´t talk to him, then i log out and join again and when i try to see the inventory, it doesn´t show up and i can move, but can´t look around. Only WSAD works, no mouse movement at all. Dude. Get a grip of reality. Seriously. You need help constantly and show an attitude like that? You should maybe take a look and see who created Darkness Falls in the first post of this topic. @Spadaa
  23. Yeah a modlet version would be nice please. Playing different worlds would be tedious otherwise.
  24. This means everyone playing on a server needs infinity or downloading and adding the prefabs used on the server, right? Very bad for people who play different maps. We would have to constantly switch around. Don´t see why you would remove options. Just keep the modlet and infinity maybe? No harm done to anyone. I see no difference in FPS at all between infinity and modlet. On our server we do use a map with the modlet. No FPS problems at all. Same FPS as without CP.
  25. Compopack maps contain POI´s you can find in the Compopack48, a modlet that contains a ton of usermade POI´s. Shortly said: New buildings made by users. For farming tips and DF tutorials in general i recommend this channel on YT: https://www.youtube.com/c/SnowBeeGaming He does a good job at explaining things for DF and has a video on farming in DF.
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