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Everything posted by pApA^LeGBa

  1. Also wanna add that you not really have to invest any time on getting rotten meat/bones. You get that by questing wich we do anyways all the time. Once you reach T5 you have dogs and birds in every quest location. T4 already has a lot of them and in T2 and T3 you just need to know wich locations to take when questing.
  2. I don´t ignore that. It´s still free food. All the things you need for fertilizer are things you would collect anyways. It´s not a real cost. Bones and rotten meat come from the same source. And that is not an infinite source btw. Your method would bring up severe problems for multiplayer. Especially on servers with up to 50 people. Nitrate is something you mine anyways, the part you need for fertilizer is small compared to what you need for gunpowder.
  3. I had a 20 plot farm and 10 mushrooms, took me not even 2 mins every 2 hours and i had enough food for 3 people at least.
  4. Farming gets you the good stuff constantly. Looting/buying/hunting doesn´t do that. That´s why points are needed. For the good stuff that gives you a stamina bonus, lasts longer, heals more and even can give you an attribute bonus with the sham chowder. It just a few points. Fortitude is something where points should be put in anyways, no matter wich build you play. It´s a good system, those few points you need really don´t hurt. Not at all. I do play survivalist and i don´t miss those points. With fertilizer you would have a net gain of 4 guaranteed per seed. That´s infinite food with no skill invested. As we had in A19 and even more effective. Not gonna happen. TFP doesn´t want that. If you want to suggest a new method, it needs to be in a way that a guaranteed net gain needs skill points.
  5. Your method has a guaranteed gain without skill points. @bloodmoth13 Just a matter of time to get infinite food without needing any skill. That´s exactly what TFP doesn´t want. If you want guaranteed infinite food it´s only fair having to invest skill points. And farming is just a part of food. You act like it´s the only food source. We do have a functioning food system. It works too well to be honest, food isn´t a problem at all, wich kinda sucks for a survival game. Day 4 evening, didn´t do any extra hunting besides what i saw on my travels, didn´t go out of my way for vending machines other than those i came across on my travels. I did harvest 2 farm POI´s and bought cans, vegetables and some cooked meals from the trader.
  6. Well it´s only a bad deal if you don´t invest enough skill points as you said. But it isn´t mandatory to have a farm to get enough food. You can easily play without farming and never starve. You see farming as a seperate thing, while it is just a part of the whole food mechanic. I had tons of meat on day 20 when i started my farm and only had some minor food issues for the first 2 days. You can even get the good stuff where you need vegetables to cook it. You can loot/buy/harvest a lot of vegetables and ready cooked meals. Tell me one thing in the game where you can maximize the profit/effectivity without investing skill points and tell me why farming should be different please. This might sound a bit harsh, but if you can´t afford to spend those skill points, you dificulty is maybe too high.
  7. Not really sure but i get the feeling that feral sense makes it way harder to stealth trough a POI, seems like sleepers are also effected by it. Wich would be a bit weird tbh. Only played a few hours without feral sense with a friend, but it seems it was way easier to stealth in POI´s in that game.
  8. Yep, press tab and then press the "!" icon on the top right. there is also a popup over your toolbar if you get a new entry.
  9. I´d rather get my money back from the hosting services that let you rent servers for more than 8 people. There is no offical servers for 7 days. And it´s not a secret that this is only for up to 8 people, you can find that info easily. If you don´t inform yourself before renting a server that´s your own fault tbh.
  10. Depends. If there is a light/heavy version of each set i don´t mind the new system. If not it can you know what. Also i hope the redesign the nerdy armor. It looks like someone in a jumpsuit visiting the opera, just doesn´t fit the whole game atmosphere at all. @PoloPoPo It´s easier than many games out there. Armor rating of 50 means 50% less damage taken. How you wanna make that easier? And it´s a tool tip during the loading screen, also pops up as a journal entry during the game. If reading is too complicated then i don´t know what it could make even easier.
  11. I would already be happy if we could finally get a guaranteed spawn of all T5 POI´s. It´s so annoying having to generate a ton of maps until you finally get one where there is at least one of every T5. Really hope Kingslayer finds some time soon to make KingGen for A20 happen.
  12. I remember the "Forge ahead" book. You had to find it to make a forge. No other way. It could take weeks to find it if unlucky. And what a nice surprise it was if you found it in the first few days. Overall i don´t think people are unhappy with the changes in A20. There is a few whining threads, but if you break those topics down, it´s only a few making a lot of noise. See farming on the steam forums. It´s an endless thread, but only a few that really cry loud. Player numbers definitly speak for A20. The game had the all time high for peak and average players since A20 released. And not just by a little, it´s a huge increase.
  13. Nah, i like the charm of those small details on the weapons. The plain normal looking gun is boring tbh. Seen to often already in many games over the years.
  14. You can craft the "perfect" guns. You just need the right skill for it. Gunslinger for pistols, smg, magnum and desert eagle for example. Same for rifles or shotguns. If you have points in a gun skill you can craft that gun. You can ofc also find a schematic, but with no skill points invested in that gun you can only craft a tier 1 then. .
  15. They simply need to bring back the slider for zombie spawns in the game. That´s the best solution.
  16. @outhous Is there already a modlet for it? I hate that new sound. @unholyjoe can we pls get the old one back? It´s horrible. Somehow sounds like you hit a compressed piece of aluminum foil.
  17. Taming animals is something they don´t want in the game, has been stated a few times by TFP already over the years.
  18. Khaines Modlets. https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/25751-khaines-a20-modlets-bigger-backpacks-lockable-slots-behemoths-random-wandering-hordes-etc/ Well, exactly the link you posted already. 😛
  19. Lockable inventory slots. Truely a gamechanger. That way the sorting buttons really make sense. I can unload my whole inventory with a few clicks while keeping the things i always have on me. Sams working stuff. Sinks that give water (i do restrict myself to not use that before day 28 though) and ovens where you can cook in (It´s the same as the campfire, just looks nicer). Also includes all lights in the game, ofc only if you have power. 2x or 3x spawn modlet. Not sure yet, i want to play a bit with the normal spawnrate before i deceide that. (When will we finally get the slider in the menu back for that? @TheFunPimps) And once they are out for A20, ofc KingGen map generator for the nicer maps (even though generation is better now, it still lacks a lot of options that KingGen has, like not beeing able to guarantee the spawn of all T5 POI´s at least once) and compopack for a lot more different POI´s including a ton of T5 POI´s.
  20. Besides the fact that i would never fight the horde at my homebase i think this should work. They swim now so they are pretty fast in water, faster than you can swim, so you will need a bridge, otherwise you will surely die often on the way to your island. Funfact: Vultures can dive and attack underwater, wich shouldn´t be an issue in the snowbiome though. Also hope that this is not intended and will be fixed. While zombies will dig to get to you, i don´t see why they would do it from underwater when it´s faster to simply go on the island. You should maybe test that in a seperate game, give yourself XP and use cheatmode to get at least a halfdecent horde base for testing. Or you simply give them bridges from all sides so they can easily run on them to your horde base.
  21. That would be for the kitchen. To use it in a lab/chemstation you need more than just simple glas. Needs to be temperature resistent, hard to break and resistent to chemicals. Usually made out of borosilicate. But yeah, i am on day 24 and i have found one beaker. Ofc that was 1 day after i spent a lot of money buying a chemistry station.
  22. Well if someone doesn´t like farming then simply don´t do it. You can easily get meat and canned food by just playing the game. Until i have a farm up, i simply kill everything i see on my way, stop for farms or houses with pigs and other animals and buy from every vending machine i happen to see, while doing quests/looting. And ofc you find food when looting. I never starved and i have loads of meat. Farming is a guaranteed income of good food with low effort. Ofc you need to invest points if you want it to be profitable, that´s just fair tbh. Reseeding literally isn´t an issue. 2 mins if you are slow (for your food needs, ofc longer if you want sell food and need a bigger farm) I can live from 25 plots, 10 each for corn and potato, 5 for coffee and 10 mushrooms. I could feed 2 more people than just me with that. Not sure yet if i will get pumpkins later, but as said, they are rare, so i still have time left to deceide that.
  23. Yep during A18. We built a small city from zero, that took a while. We where at day 400 something before A19 dropped.
  24. It seems like the weapon mod for the drone got postponed, it´s actually already in the game files. Saw a vid on YT, so take that info with caution.
  25. @JCrook1028 Yeah that´s a gamplay issue, but that magic line is way more video gamey than everything waking up when you make noise. Especially because the system is only half arsed. I can break a wall 1m besides a sleeper and he won´t wake up, but if i take the intended path he wakes up when i step on a piece of paper 20m away from him or wakes up just because i cross that line. Doesn´t get more video gamey than that tbh.
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