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Everything posted by pApA^LeGBa

  1. Why does it actually matter so much right now if you aren´t at home anyways? I just know that the game wasn´t able to show you the whole map revealed at some point. But that was in A18 or A17, didn´t check since then.
  2. @Phil Well those are from May 2021. So A19.
  3. @Phil Where did you download the maps? Afaik there isn´t any compopack maps yet for DF. Compopack for A20 isn´t released yet. If those are already A20 maps i need a link please.
  4. I was talking about the pregenerated DF maps that come with the mod. Sure hope there will be DF maps with CP again. @stallionsden
  5. I am happy with the vanilla generation as long as there is a way to get more T5 POI´s. It´s annoying that there is so few of them. Especially with CP there needs to be way more T5´s. Also really hope the DF maps with compopack will have enough of them. I could just play any map with DF as long as i have all the DF specific POI´s, but it would be way more convenient to have the pregenerated maps.
  6. So it doesn´t change to appdata in 20.4 anymore now?
  7. I also find it kinda weird doing this in the middle of an alpha. Like let every modder adapt to the changes and then let´s add another quite importnant change. That´s nothing you overlook tbh. Could have done for A21 also.
  8. Answering to that kind of post just isn´t worth my time. Just gonna add to my original post that they should have waited with such changes until they add support for workshop.
  9. Yeah sure, let´s make it even more complicated.... Moving this to appdata is opposite of making the game mod friendly. Wich is something TFP always claimed they wanted it to be. As Khaine and Sylen already pointed out, many people already struggle with the current method of simply unzipping and putting it into the mods folder. Now add problems with storage space on the C drive and finding appdata. Not mod friendly at all. Even looks like they want to reduce the amount of people playing mods.
  10. What? A lot of games do have the save folder there. Every gamer needs this folder. Also still not a reason, there are system folders that even more people will never touch that aren´t invisible. MS is weird. We need a linux that is easily accessible and runs all games. MS is getting more and more annoying every new version of windows...
  11. I still don´t see why MS made that folder invisible. Is there any good reason for this?
  12. Well. There goes our builder propably, it was the one argument that brought her back in the game. Or our ability to upgrade to a newer version of DF. It sucks that we can´t have nice things due to some idiots. Finally something that let´s you have your base look a bit nicer. Meh. Just fail to see how that is your problem tbh. This game is PEGI 18 and ESRB rates it as M for mature. I guess you are sick of complaints about it. Any chance you can PM the part of the XML where this is in? I might just modify it myself for our private server.
  13. Oh please tell me that i can enable them myself again if that happens. They really add such a nice flair to our base. This would be heartbreaking to our builder tbh. Maybe have them as a addon so server owners can deceide for their own?
  14. @Canute Not a small lag. It´s a total freeze basically. 0-1 FPS, CPU ramping up to 100% usage and it´s not over after a few seconds. I have to use task manager to get out of the game not even alt+F4 works. But as said, that isn´t really a problem for us now that we know about it and are able to avoid it easily. Not expecting a fix for this. I don´t need to restart the server, every thing is back to normal after i log in again.
  15. MP issues are generally not beeing adressed? There is also that total freeze you get when someone near you does load an url into a enhanced sign. (We haven´t figured out yet how far away you gotta be to not be effected) Just found out about that. No biggie though, now that we know what the problem is. Our builder is often home alone, so we just need to time it right.
  16. Got a weird bug with traders. Sometimes when i click on show me your inventory, it will not open the traders inventory and stay in the selection screen of the trader. And i can´t move properly anymore after that. I can move forward, backward, sideways, but i can´t use mouse movement anymore aka i can´t turn. Logging out and back in does give me normal movement back, but i keep getting that bug afterwards if i try again until i restart the server. I had a case where i could use another trader just fine and one case where it happened with every trader i tried after logging in again. Happened to another member of my group aswell, so it´s either a server problem or a bug from DF i guess? This happened in v4.01 aswell as in V4.02. We didn´t change anything in the mod besides adding the Krunch map to the server for the v4.02 playtrough. Playing v4.01 we used the medium DF map.
  17. Yeah, never change a running system. There is a reason why i don´t switch OS unless i have to. 7 days doesn´t seem to be the only game, saw some tests about the ryzen CPU´s, there was a difference in performance between WIN 10 and 11. But that was only with 12th Gen Intel CPU´s.
  18. Hmm, i just wanted to set up my server with the Krunch map on G-portal (still have some money left there i need to use up before i can switch to bluefang) but the map isn´t available there, the other new maps do show up. Do i have to add it manually? Edit: I added the map and the files from the prefab folder to the server, both into the folders found in the servers Data folder. Seems to work. I have all the extra POI´s. Have yet to see if the DF quest chain still works, but that wouldn´t be too bad if not, we can simply pretend it works as we have done them twice already in our recent playtroughs (and you can´t share the quests properly anyways, at least not the progression so really no big deal)
  19. Very nice. Great work. Just to bad that CP48 is still not out. Really hope 20.4 drops very soon so we can get the CP maps. I guess the demon nerf can be undone by a simple xml edit? It was the challenge that kept on giving. Even maxed out on perks and gear, we have to pay attention during hordenight and in the wasteland. For me that´s one of the reasons to play DF, it´s dangerous even in the endgame stage.
  20. I am not indecisive. I know exactly what i want. Sprint toggle in the game without the needs of macros or mods. Wich is an easy to make QoL update for the game. Having such things added, benefits the devs and the players. I do love my standard office keyboard for 15€. Not gonna bother with anything else tbh.
  21. Flying. The current lack of T5 and having to travel 7km to the only other T5 besides Higashi and Dishong makes autorun very tempting. I would be happy with a toggle sprint already though, it´s really just having to hold shift all the time that bothers me when driving/flying. No need for autorun or toggle sprint when running though.
  22. I would actually mostly use it for flying large distances, where you don´t have to pay attention to anything else than flying in the right direction anyways. I wouldn´t mind a simple auto sprint also, where i only need to hit the shift key once and keep on sprinting but still need to press W. It´s only having to hold down shift for ages that really bothers me.
  23. Yeah, each to their own. But why not let have people auto run who want it? As an option to turn on, wich is literally just a single click in the menu, so no one is forced to use it.
  24. Auto run is a well known feature in gaming. It´s a simple QoL update for the devs. There are people playing games who are struggling to take screenshots on the PC and upload them. And you say macros are the solution? And yes i am dead serious about the screenshots. Seen that a lot in gaming FB groups. And those people, mostly the older generation are exactly those who struggle without autorun up to a point where it is a painfull experience when flying/driving for longer distances.
  25. Yeah much needed with the horrible map generation right now and having to travel a lot if you want to see T5 POI´s other than Dishong or Higashi. That is if you even get any other T5´s. Seriously this needs to be fixed also. I had a map with 4 T5´s only. Appartment building, Dishong x2, Higashi. Sure let´s spend money on a keyboard, instead having the devs adding a QoL feature, that is propably very easy to add. @Pernicious And before anyone brings the stupid argument that people will blame TFP for dying because they ran out of stamina due to autorun: Make it an option that is set to "off" at default. Problem solved.
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