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Everything posted by pApA^LeGBa

  1. As google would have told you if you would have bothered to use it, it´s planned after the PC-Version is finished. There is even a pinned topic about this in the console section of the forum.
  2. @Matt115 They basically deceided it´s too much work, i am 99% sure it could be done. There is a lot of games with huge enemies (yeah, i know not full destructibel voxel, but still). And as said, i didn´t encounter any problems so far. There would be nothing wrong with a behemoth only beeing found outside. If the pathing and buildings is a huge problem they don´t need to be in horde nights either. The game would really need something like that. Like said, i don´t think bandits will do the trick, not even for novices as the limitation of enemies means if there is bandits there will be less zombies. Unless TFP suddenly became the literal gods of AI programming and the number of enemies is magically no problem anymore.
  3. Actually didn´t know the shark was in the game. Always assumed the vehicle mod that let´s you fly a shark put it in. Boats would be nice. But tbh after playing valheim wich absolutly nailed how sailing feels, it will be hard to compete. Also the amount of water is just too low. Would need some really big areas of water to make it usefull and worth it.
  4. @meganothI highly doubt that bandits will have a good enough AI to really be a huge threat. And we need a huge threat as we have absolutly no endgame at all right now. A slightly enhanced zombie AI with weapons won´t change that. Especially as we can´t have a lot of enemies at once. The bandits they add in will reduce zombie numbers. It will maybe add a few hours, but nothing that justifies having 300 levels. Or even 100 levels tbh. Never got hit trough a wall from a behemoth so far. Not even when there was only bars between us and the horde. What certainly can hit you behind a wall is demons spitting fire. Wich is intended afaik.
  5. @Matt115 you can choose where a certain type of zombie spawns. It could easily be a outside only zombie. Even specific to a biome or blood moon only. I have yet to see a behemoth spawn inside a building. And if he wants to follow you inside that actually makes things more interesting. A normal zombie will ruin 2 blocks of your base to get to you. The behemoth is a whole new level of danger to your structure. I can imagine it beeing more work for TFP, but that would have paid off imo. A much needed challenge for endgame. Now all we are promised for engame is bandits. Wich will do very little imo.
  6. No problem with extensive testing. Seeing if the quest chain works, doesn´t reveal a lot of the map actually. @Canute thx, i didn´t see that one. Well for now we are good with the existing ones, and the next playtrough will hopefully be on the maps with compopack, but i know that we are gonna want random maps after a while.
  7. Is there any way that we can have rwg maps that work with the mod or to put the DF POI´s/NPC´s needed in a map? I just realized that there is a lack of T5 POI´s. The 2 big maps don´t have a shamway factory. The 12K even has only the pop and pills factory, no hospital and only one appartment building. I assume we will get maps with compopack once it´s ready for A20, though it would be nice to have different maps to play even with CP.
  8. The behemoth is the model from TFP in Darkness Falls. Direct storage would allow a lot more zombies in the world, as the CPU has more time to calculate them not beeing busy with loading and processing assets.
  9. I don´t know the big zombies do work pretty good so far in Darkness Falls. Including the behemoth. And no one can ever convince me that a good graphic can make up for bad gameplay. That´s impossible. Ofc longer gaming time doesn´t automatically mean it´s a better game. Gameplay has to be good. With good gameplay a longer game IS better than a shorter one because if you have good gameplay you can have more fun with it.
  10. What this game really desperately needs is some endgame content. F the graphics tbh, they are fine. Gameplay > graphics. Right now we are on around 30-35 hours before everything get´s way too easy even on higher difficulties. Even less if you min/max as much as possible. Some may say that a lot of AAA titles give you the same time of playing and even less sometimes, yeah they do. That´s the reason i don´t buy AAA titles unless they are like 10€ in a sale.
  11. Ah well, thx. Typical newbie mistake. 😛
  12. Great work on the mod, it´s really fun and challenging. Is there any chance that we could get the wireless relay from sams working stuff?
  13. @Laz Man Well if i know they are able to, i can adapt to that, no problem, wouldn´t mind it. The problem is not that they are doing it, but that i didn´t calculate with it when building. Time is precious. And that´s one of the glitches that can cost a lot of time.
  14. No one said anything about every single post logging the IP. Obviously, as that account doesn´t have any posts. As far as i can tell my IP didn´t change for a while now. Not that i check that regulary though. What is logged (or was logged back then, it has been a while since i was mod/admin) in many forums is the IP when the users register, not necessarily visible for the mods, but with the option to check for multiple accounts. Now that isn´t a 100% reliable method, but it helped at least to sort out some spam/troll accounts and bots, at least those from lazy people. Not sure about the MAC-Adress but i guess there could be a software solution to read it out? @Fox Ever thought about that he might be able to understand english good enough to have an opinion on posts, but doesn´t wanna post himself because he maybe even uses google translator to read here? Or simply doesn´t wanna get blamed for his maybe bad english?
  15. In theory they can´t get trough one block openings. Reality is different. They squeeze themselves trough 1 block often enough. A single zombie in front of a 1 block opening never does it. But at a thight place when they pile up a bit in front of the 1 block gap they get trough regulary. Hopefully that glitch also gets fixed.
  16. It´s not like the mods need a proof from members other than checking if there is profiles with the same IP. At least in the forums where i was mod it was easy af to check for multiple accounts. If it really is a 2nd account from someone (sorry, i don´t trust random posts claiming the know it @n2n1) i doubt it´s someone from the dev team. Devs are imo to busy to go trouhg pretty much every topic and post.
  17. Yeah, it´s annoying. Literally a death trap when that happens. I started to avoid fighting when there is even a slight chance of them getting stuck. I rather retreat and lure them elsewhere if i can, even if that´s timeconsuming sometimes. Even started to cheese with putting frames down so they can´t get to me because there is a chance they get stuck if they get trough the door. And i really don´t like that kind of cheesing with the frames.
  18. Looks interesting. Like @Deverezieaux said it would nice to have a link to download to test it in my own game.
  19. Now that i started to play Darkness Falls, i doubt i can go back to the vanilla system and actually enjoy it. It didn´t bother me before though, but now that i have seen how it could be, the vanilla system seems unecessary restrictive. I think going back would be kinda frustrating, even when i can see that there isn´t enough challenge to give us more freedom and it would mess with the balance a lot.
  20. That was my first thought. She doesn´t offer it anymore, it´s from the white river lady that is in every trader. It´s basically the same like opening new trade routes when finishing a quest tier, like when you did 7 T1 quests the trader sends you to the trader next to him. Those quests are a seperate option in the trader menu and not listed under the usual jobs.
  21. So i deleted the Quest "Finding Eve" by accident (actually wanted to make it active while flying the gyro, sigh). Is there any way to get it back or does this mean i have to start over again to be able to progress in the story line?
  22. Playing since A8 (i think it was A8 when it released on steam) i only maxed out in one playtrough. That was A18 when we build our own village from scratch. In a normal playtrough things get way too easy far before even getting close to level 100. We are basically invincible once we reach like level 50. I do get the hoarding part, i also do that after a few days. In the beginning i would like to, but i really need every single point in the first days.
  23. Simplest solution is to set the maximum players to 1. There is no way anyone can join then. Not even bruteforce over years with tons of processing power would work.
  24. Well not exactly 30 or 40´s but Fallout Radio goes well with a lot of games. Glenn Miller isn´t exactly game music for me, but i like it.
  25. Well the old soundtrack basically was the 28 days later theme. I only do music during hordenight. And this song is perfect for me:
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