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Everything posted by pApA^LeGBa

  1. This. Couldn´t agree more. Also explaining what you need to do to find your servers before forcing the changes onto the players would have helped a LOT. Never seen such a huge amount of people switching back one version just because there was no information on how to find a server from your history. Literally just about 15 mins of time posting detailed information on every platform would have helped a ton of people. This would also have been a non issue if introduced in the first version of a new alpha. And ofc telling people why changes are made that seem like two steps back because they where done in a hurry.
  2. @meganoth We had that too. No weather change when it happened, can´t really tell if it was fog as it was in a corridor, it simply got really dark. It only appeared in hordenight and always from 2:00-3:30. Now on the new map going from 20.3 to 20.4 it doesn´t happen anymore so far.
  3. @BafJo You can try and use a rwg map. But you have no guarantee that all darkness falls POI´s spawn that you need to finish the DF quest line. There is a list of the POI´s you need for the quests on page 366 of this thread.
  4. He doesn´t refuse to remove it. He simply doesn´t want to release a new version just to remove one POI. It will be removed once he updates the compopack. And it seems that the mods/admins removed the whole convo from the thread. It´s about this POI though @KhaineGB https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/21900-magolis-compo-pack-by-the-compopack/?do=findComment&comment=484264
  5. Well, i don´t think i can figure this out on my own, absolutly no experience in modding. Would it be ok to ask members in the CP discord for help though? And ofc i am aware that any problems are on my own if messing around with mods. Not gonna blame you or khaine for anything i mess up.
  6. I am trying to get megacity, zombieland, asia and mediveal town spawned in DF. So far i couldn´t get them to spawn. Is there any way to do that? I propably need to put them in the DF Prefab folder i guess? Or would i need the rwg mixer aswell? Really wanna play a DF with all the special things from CP. Don´t care about the DF specific POI´s, done the questline thrice already, so i don´t really need them. I know there will be CP maps coming for DF but as i understand they won´t have all the POI´s. @SnowDog1942 You wouldn´t miss out on any POI at all. They just exist in a different file version for fabbersville and megacity. Everything that can spawn in fabbersville and megacity, can spawn without them also. Megacity is huge though. You definitly miss having a really big city. Normal cities don´t get that big.
  7. Armor Specialist does reduce the movement penalty also. So you do run faster when wearing armor than you would without having skilled that perk.
  8. @Gamida I see a few below 100. They are constantly changing though. Like my own rented server, those under 100, go back and forth between 60 and 100. Region is Europe. And since when do you need to click on a server to see it´s ping? Is this also new or did i just never know about that?
  9. @Pernicious You mean joining via Steam favorites i guess? Because ingame you have to do a search first. The search mask is the first thing that pops up if you click "Join game" and if you have servers in different regions, you gotta remember to pick the right region to see it in your list.
  10. You couldn´t be more wrong actually. They do have people working on the netcode to make the multiplayer experience better for servers that go way over the offically supported 8 player limit. Multiplayer is popular in this game. They advertised it as multiplayer aswell. And if you have friends who play it, you will never go back to SP. It´s just utterly boring once you experienced MP with your friends. Just wish people would stop assuming that their way to play is the only one that matters. How do you stop people from complaining about things that are none of their business?
  11. So my FPS problems are pretty much gone. After a PC restart. Everything went fine. Until i was at the research vessel by Pille again. 10-15 FPS. Going to the city afterwards where i had no troubles at all before i went to the vessel, i also have bad lag now. Only in the wilderness with no POI´s it´s normal. As soon as there is POI´s near, it lags badly. So everything works just fine if i don´t go near the research vessel. That POI messes up my FPS everywhere wich only a restart fixes. At least for me. And a quick question using infinity: If i make a map using it, do all the others playing with me need the files i created in my mods and prefab folder? Or is it enough if they have the modlet installed? Same question for the server.
  12. Yes, it´s called "Robotics Inventor" and it´s locked behind the mechanics class.
  13. @KhaineGB Can we expect CP maps in the near future? Not trying to stress, we just would start on a rwg one (yeah i know what this means), but if it´s around the corner we might wait. @SenpaiThatIngnoresYou Questline does indeed work fine on the 12K Krunch map, i could complete all quests with no problems. And if you mean survivors, yeah those do spawn.
  14. @Visigoth The old mod location still works for now. You aren´t forced to use appdata. @SylenThunder Really now? Starting to insult people about reading skills? How about the devs would have invested like 15min of time to post the server search change on every possbile platform before release instead of expecting everyone to read the patch notes of a experimental version. A ton of people don´t even know about the experimental option. Jeez. Also the patch notes didn´t mention that you need to know the IP of the server in case the owners didn´t add the region to the config file already. And a lot of people didn´t give a flying F about the region when they first joined the server so even if the server is already available in the list, you can´t find it without IP. You can´t expect everyone that has a server to edit the config right after release of the patch. That takes at least 2 weeks until the majority of servers has this change.
  15. Does anyone have really bad lags using a compopack map? On the DF Kaptain Krunch 12K map with no compopack i never go under 45-50FPS and that happens only downtown. Usually i have 60FPS stable. That is with zombies. As soon as i am on a compopack map i have regular drops to 25-30FPS, down to 10-15 FPS in cities. And i don´t even have zombies on. Certain POI´s like the research vessel cause utterly bad stuttering lag.
  16. Very nice surprise for the sunday. Just a quick question: Do we need to use the new mod location to get it working? A m8 of mine has VERY limited space on his C drive and it would be good to use the old mod folder.
  17. Not 7 days. It´s heavily CPU bound. Even on ultra settings my GPU is basically never above 85% usage at 60 FPS 1920x1080. @Doomofman It would be actually quite importnant to know what resolution you are using and what GPU also. If you play WQHD (1440p) or 4K the CPU won´t do that much even in a CPU heavy game like 7 days. Sure a 3090 can still easily be bottlenecked by the CPU, but i am just assumming here that you aren´t one of the few actually using one. Upgrading to a 12700K is a bit expensive for the performance you get. Sure noticable, but @SylenThunder is right. Not worth it imo. In your case i would wait until AMD and Intel both released their next generation. If you really really badly wanna upgrade right now, than at least go balls to the wall and go for the AMD R7 5800X3D wich is the currently best gaming CPU. Still not worth it imo considering you need a new motherboard also (even worse with Intel where you need a new mother board and DDR 5 RAM also). I am gonna do that, but i can simply upgrade the CPU only, coming from a R5 3600 so my performance will go up about 40% getting the R7 5800X3D wich is imo a good deal considering i don´t need a new board and RAM.
  18. @SylenThunder @Roland What i mainly meant when talking about a warning is the server search changings that needed a warning before the change, no matter if this is the final form or not. A bit off topic here, i know, but you guys abandon the topics about that a bit. About the mod change it would have been a good idea that they maybe could have talked to modders before the change to see the obvious flaw that C is not ideal for many people before the change is done.
  19. That´s the overall load on all cores/threads. You are CPU bound if one core is at 100% and 7 other cores and the 8 logical threads are at 0%. Overall usage is still pretty low but your still limited by the CPU. Most games do rely on single core performance. That´s a bit simplified though, other cores are usually used also, but one core is doing most of the work.
  20. A lot of ranting could have been avoided if people knew beforehand what will happen. Modders could have been warned before and players informed that they need to write down the IP´s of the servers they play on and what server owners need to do so their servers can be found in the list. A matter of not even half an hour of work to post it on steam, FB, Twitter and ofc here. Having the option "any" at the search filter for the region would have helped a lot also. Or simply not beeing forced to use the search filter but seeing the whole server list and then having the option to use the new filter. And no i am not asking that devs do communicate everything before a release ofc. Just if you exactly know how much consufion a change like this will cause. Still wondering what will happen to prefabs. If MS doesn´t allow mods to be in the gamefolder, i assume that custom prefabs aren´t allowed either?
  21. @Boidster I was just anserwing his question. Neutral. Ofc they need money. They were at 12 million sold copies years ago. And now they are on 14 millions and they not only need to continue paying for the development of 7 days now, they also need money to develop their new game that they already work on. It´s understandable. But not like that. It caused a lot of trouble for many people that could have been easily avoided with detailed information (before the update) about what needs to be done on the userside once the update releases. Ofc they can´t always communicate everything they do in advance, but if you mess up things that bad, at least a warning would be needed. They also could have waited with this change until they can properly implement this i guess. I least i hope so, if this is such a mess because they implented this in a hurry due to badly needing money right now, that could be really bad for the game.
  22. Because MS says so and they are part of the MS gamepass and MS game store now. Same goes for the mod folder changes.
  23. @Roland Wrong. I did have servers i had to retrieve, but for me that wasn´t a challenge, it was annoying though. But it is literally impossible for a lot of people. It´s the horrible way that this was implemented and the total lack of communication about it that made this so infuriating. If you do such changes and know that things are going to get really complicated for the average gamer, you need to at least communicate BEFORE you force it onto your customer if things get messed up that bad. Alot of people have no clue what they need to do, can´t even fnd their own servers. A lot simply switch back to A20.3 because they are simply overwhelmed. Another thing that just came to my mind: What about custom POI`s? Are those going to be in the appdata folder also? I assume so, because that would also be changes to the game folder and that´s what this part of the update is about. That´s another huge pile of data if you look at compopack and how many POI´s it has.
  24. @Mr Ziffel You need to add a line into your serverconfig.xml. But you can also find it via IP, you should see your server IP somewhere on your commandcenter at your hosting website. Simply apply any search and click on "join via IP" in the bottom right once you are in the server list. Here you can find the line in the first post that you need to add to your serverconfig: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/28529-alpha-204-stable/
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