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Everything posted by pApA^LeGBa

  1. Well cobblestone frames are basically the new rebar frames in terms of getting XP for upgrading. The upgrading path is still in the game, you can just deceide to skip it if you want. Want the XP badly? Start with wood frame shapes. Upgrading that to steel gives you 816XP. You skip a part that costs you time, depending on what you build even a LOT of time, when building with concrete cubes. If you do that you skip the XP. Kinda fair tbh. No one is robbed of anything.
  2. I think that the part that TFP only supports MP up to 8 players should be made more accessible. Most people find out about that when they encounter problems with servers that have more players than that. The new cities are kind of a slap in the face tbh. Yes, they look great, it feels super nice, looks way more realistic. And i love them. But getting huge FPS drops on medium settings with a system that is way above the minimum requirements after beeing told over and over that we can´t have more zombies due to minimum requirements is quite the joke.
  3. There will be a story. White river citizens vs The Duke of Navezgane. That´s pretty much all we know. Story will be added at the very end of development, propably not gonna see it before release. Also NPC´s (besides the traders) aren´t in yet and we would need that for a story.
  4. It´s basically the oh @%$# weapon for dire wolves on the first two or three days.
  5. Same goes for toilet pistols and hunting knives. But tbh i rather have 2 pipe smgs in the toolbelt than one T1 pistol.
  6. That´s just bad luck i guess. I got it on my RWG maps at least before stable hit. Didn´t update yet. We really need a map generation that guarantees all T5 POI´s at least once on the map. Can´t be that hard.
  7. Nice. So that weird sound when hitting metal is intended? I thought my speakers broke for a second, gave me a mini heart attack. Can´t buy those babies anymore.
  8. I never need to know the exact numbers tbh and i really hope it stays this way. It amazes me everytime i see a DF screenshot or video how people can play with that massive HUD having those frames around everything.
  9. Actually they lowered the distances. Haven´t seen more than 1km when doing T1-T4. T5 is a different story for me though as there is only a few T5´s on the whole map. (and not even all of them, this needs to be fixed. Can´t be that hard to make sure all T5´s spawn on a random map) You gotta be really unlucky with the POI´s on your map generation. You can reset the trader jobs. Go into debug mode by opening the console with F1, type dm and press enter, exit the console with F1. Now you should have the options to reset quests and trader inventory when you talk to the trader.
  10. I never crafted sham and i usually had tons of sham cans purely from looting, did a shamway factory on the last day of A19 and came back with 20 sham cans. It´s a bit different in A20 though.
  11. @Matt115 Well, the lore in 7D is also mutants actually. That´s why things like the spider, screamer, feral whight, vomiting cops and vultures and what ever that new vomiting zombie is called exist.
  12. Easy way to find out. Start a game with cheat mode activated, press U and search for the recipe. Do you actually craft Sham? For me it needs way too much ressources for something that i can find and buy everywhere. Including acid i think. Wich is super rare in A20. We don´t even have enough for chemstations and vehicles in our MP. Had to buy wheels and chemstations.
  13. There is no zombie dogs in zombie movies? Resident Evil. And the dogs in the game definitly are RE dogs. The UI is good for me, played some newer survival games and they all aren´t as intuitive as this one. And usually more complicated in terms of crafting for example. The HUD is also very good in this game. I don´t get why people want more stuff cluttering their screen. It´s an immersion killer. I am still hoping that we can play with HUD off someday. Sure you can´t do that all the time, but it would still be sweet. You don´t need to press B to see your hunger and thirst. The hunger and thirst bars are under the toolbelt. For headshots only check out romero mod. No bloodmoon, all zombies walk, no rage mode. 8x spawn, huge wandering hordes. (Won´t be available before A20 stable though) And as someone a bit older than you, please use the white font. That blue is hard to read for people who start to need glasses for reading.
  14. I tried to use a seed from this thread. Triple checked that i had the same settings and got a different map. The region name was the same.
  15. Why would you need a big farm? I am talking SP here ofc. Famring isn´t a way to make money on servers anymore or good for selling at the trader, that´s true. Also a reason why they wanted to nerf it i guess. They never liked us making lots of money easily. Remember beds? They would make you rich. Once you planted a seed that plant gave you endless food for free. No time or work needed other than harvesting. Hence endless supply. And having at least 5 corn and mushroom wasn´t a big deal in week one. Also potatoes if you were a bit lucky. It really buffles me how many people are angry about that change in a game with survival elements.
  16. Not going into the block discussio here. Had enough of that on the steam forums. There is plenty of food until you can get a farm going. Not a problem at all in SP. The farming however is fine. Just did my first harvest in SP. (Finally, had to start over 2 times and was busy in MP) On day 22. Replanted every seed i got from the harvest, crafted seeds so i have the same amount of plants as before. Then i went cooking. And i have more than enough for a week. The good stuff. Gumbo, Spaghetti, Shepards Pie, Meat and Hobo Stew. Farming is fine. You need to invest points and you need a bit of patience though. You are not gonna get a huge farm going that delivers endless food before your first horde. Those days are over.
  17. Yeah, tell me that again when you fail stealth and all the Z´s from a T5 POI come at you. And because you use your gun, you summon a screamer. Also how does that even work? Shooting a bow crouched wakes up all the zombies in a room when i do it.
  18. What? if you put down a woodframe the stages where wood, reinforced wood, cobblestone, concrete, reinforced concrete, steel. There was no iron in between at least not in A17-19, honestly can´t remember before. @JCrook1028 Two stage are missing, that´s true, i was simply lazy when typing assuming people will know anyways. Otherwise the upgrading stayed the same. There is no more iron frames (not to be confused with rebar frames), but tbh, i never used those so i have no clue if they were removed in A20 or earlier.
  19. @unholyjoe They spawned within 1m of him. That shouldn´t happen under any circumstances. Read the first post again. He didn´t wake them up and they came towards him. He saw them spawning right in front of him, that´s a no go tbh and has nothing to do with the sleeper mechanics beeing a good idea or not. I really hope that´s a bug.
  20. So you are saying Z´s spawning right in front of you out of thin air is intended? Nahh. Please don´t do that.
  21. Wood to cobblestone to concrete and then steel isn´t new to A20. That is around for quite a while now. They took out the iron frames, yeah. I never used those, to much iron needed to upgrade, not viable for me, takes too much time to gather the iron.
  22. With all the new block shapes you can build an even more glorious and amazing tower. There is now over 1000 block shapes. But yeah it´s possible. Take a look here:
  23. You can always turn off horde night. Normal zombies and screamers shouldn´t sense you when deep enough. Don´t use a door, use a hatch on ground level. They usually ignore those. (Not sure for A20, haven´t done underground for ages now)
  24. Nah, let them have some sleep. There is mods for that. And you can always spawn in a trader in your base without even needing a mod. Never felt the need for it. In fact it adds another small challenge often enough. Getting back in time to finish a quest. It´s a small time managment issue not worth any dev time tbh.
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