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What do you do at night in Alpha 17?


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I used to just mine underground, but now that seems prohibitively dangerous and nights have become boring. I'm thinking that the answer may be to just turn off zombies run at night and ignore the day night cycle even though that would remove some of the excitement of staying out exploring as long as possible. I'm not a big fan of going out at night when zombies are running as I frequently die when there are more than a couple of running zombies after me.

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In the settings turn off running zombies. Will remain those that with burning eyes, but they balance the game.

Although 17 did perks, such that you can not be afraid of anyone. Even when I was attacked by a pack of dogs, when I opened the safe in a small room, I just waved my knife. When all the dogs died, I was cured. Do not panic when the zombies attacked, they still do not have time to kill you with full health.

And there very quickly now you get a good firearm. So no zombies are scary at night with AK.

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Honestly I continue farming at night if I dont have crafting to do. Lone or small-packs don't bother me much, I just pick em off with a bow and when they get close club them down *shrug*. Nighttime is my prime tree and plant gathering time. Once you get melee down it's rather OP. Or do what Roland does, throw rocks at them.

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I go out in the open and cut trees and harvest rocks, While sneaking and watching around every 4 seconds like a paranoid.


Yeah lol. The only zombies I fear at night are the hyped-up 20-30 crazed packs. Small groups or singles I can handle all night, but those guys I better have a few AK clips or a rocket

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The new AI that zigzags to skip any trap in front of it, the lack of underground mining because of the bionic hearing perk the zombies have, the "random" zombie stealth hordes at night that appear without a sound and go running towards where you are... are some of the turn-offs the game has, for me at the moment.


At this point they should just add an option to click your bedroll and skip the night. Rest for XX hours. You know... like Fallout.


Keep calling it... Double jump perk coming 2019!

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no no no...Throw rocks to the right or left of them


But the thud of a rock hitting one is so satisfying D:


Although, tis rather funny to watch them go mad over rocks.


The new AI that zigzags to skip any trap in front of it, the lack of underground mining because of the bionic hearing perk the zombies have, the "random" zombie stealth hordes at night that appear without a sound and go running towards where you are... are some of the turn-offs the game has, for me at the moment.


At this point they should just add an option to click your bedroll and skip the night. Rest for XX hours. You know... like Fallout.


Keep calling it... Double jump perk coming 2019!


Or learn to adapt and fight them? Nah, that makes too much sense. -.- give me 2 or 3 beers, a pain killer, some bandages and an iron reinforced club with barbed wire mod (I find one every playthough) or without and a bow with some arrows and a nighttime pack is dead. Hard work, work I'd rather avoid, but it's possible.

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Yeah lol. The only zombies I fear at night are the hyped-up 20-30 crazed packs. Small groups or singles I can handle all night, but those guys I better have a few AK clips or a rocket


I mostly fear silent zombies that will creep on me and hit me while im not looking, make me have a heart attack, and possibly even kill me if they stun and land a couple solid hits. I play survivalist difficulty and a lumber jack can kill you in 2-3 hit if you have 100 hp and light armor.

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I mostly fear silent zombies that will creep on me and hit me while im not looking, make me have a heart attack, and possibly even kill me if they stun and land a couple solid hits. I play survivalist difficulty and a lumber jack can kill you in 2-3 hit if you have 100 hp and light armor.


I always keep a headset on and ambiance down a little bit to 75%, I never get snuck up on lol.

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But the thud of a rock hitting one is so satisfying D:


Although, tis rather funny to watch them go mad over rocks.




Or learn to adapt and fight them? Nah, that makes too much sense. -.- give me 2 or 3 beers, a pain killer, some bandages and an iron reinforced club with barbed wire mod (I find one every playthough) or without and a bow with some arrows and a nighttime pack is dead. Hard work, work I'd rather avoid, but it's possible.


Remember to press Q again and F1 to turn off the DM mode after that.

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I'm generally a fan of running off, so I do whatever I damn well please just like in the daytime.

Until stable release, trying to give the game a go with defaults and no mods so I am a bit more cautious outside, and try to time the bulk of my "around the house" activities to be done at night, but if I have nothing to do at home then out I go. Exception being on the first night if the day wasn't good to me I may crouch in the corner and cry (silently of course so as to not attract zeds)


no no no...Throw rocks to the right or left of them


D'Oh! No wonder it wasn't working for me.

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The new AI that zigzags to skip any trap in front of it, the lack of underground mining because of the bionic hearing perk the zombies have, the "random" zombie stealth hordes at night that appear without a sound and go running towards where you are... are some of the turn-offs the game has, for me at the moment.


At this point they should just add an option to click your bedroll and skip the night. Rest for XX hours. You know... like Fallout.


Keep calling it... Double jump perk coming 2019!


You can do a similar thing by going to the main menu when night starts, change day length to 10 minutes, sit through the 2 minute night, and then exit and change the day length back to normal.

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At night I am out gathering resources, killing zombies with a bow in the area, only thing I don't really do is explore poi's at night due to the amount of zombies in some of them, and how easy it is to wake the entire poi up. Bascally I mostly loot poi's during the day, and at night I work on gathering stuff like iron, clay, wood, and killing the odd zombie I happen to see, maybe work on a base a little bit while checking around me. If you get a wandering horde at night, your actually safer outside than in a poi. I've died inside poi's from wandering hordes at night, but never outside as I can see them coming and get out of the way.

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1. Take a break. It's been 40 minutes, it's a good time to stand up.

2. Perk allocation. It's dangerous to stand around during the day with your nose in your menu.

3. Inventory management. Pull items out of my "Dump chest" and sort them into appropriate storage containers.

4. Establish a plan for the next day. What is my priority? Do I need to resource/build for horde night, or do I need to go raiding?

5. Road cleanup. Go out with a wrench and an axe and pick up tires and roadkill. Bicycles are amazingly quiet and great way to get around the roads at night.

6. Pre-travel. If I have to walk/run to the trader, or start a long trip to my desert mine, getting an early start saves valuable daylight.


Being outside at night is OK, but it requires some consideration: You need to be in good shape, well armed with a melee weapon, and to keep moving to dodge hordes. Night time isn't a good time to be banging on rocks, trees, and for the love of all that's still holy, nothing metal.

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I make wooden spikes. Thousands of wooden spikes. If you are ever on a MP server and you come across looted POIs that are full of spikes, you'll know I was there. I never put the spikes in main paths or in front of loot because my aim is not to kill other players. It just makes it easier to deal with all the back spawning, trigger spawning BS the devs thought was a good idea in this patch. So watch out for spikes. Like I said, my intention is not to kill other players but even I have stepped in my own traps on occasion.

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