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You can't say that this not purposefully punative.


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Not watching the video so I don't know if he was on a quest or just busted into a random POI, but aside from his own obvious bad play(and yes, for an experienced player doing all the things he did simultaneously is obvious badplay) I do think it is a bit crazy to run into ferals on T1 quests, which has happened to me repeatedly - but again my deaths there would have been avoidable (probably, I kinda struggle with ferals in general lol), but like many experienced players here I still have unlearning to do for A17. An excellent point brought up earlier in the thread, as a noob he had nothing to unlearn.


this thread is a great read while sitting at work lmao, guy comes in with his temper flaring, community say his friend play stupidly...


I wish my work had popcorn haha


Was thinking exactly the same thing. Have some popcorn.

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Saw where he died. Dude is a freaken idiot and the comment section on his own channel is also tearing him apart for playing like a moron. Dude drank beer and ran into a room power swinging a pick axe that killed his stamina. He had guns but didn't use them, no way to heal a bleeding effect like others have said. He could have easily survived if he wasn't playing so terribly. Don't blame someone who is obviously playing bad on a game. Is this alpha 17 experimental perfect no, but don't blame his death on anything else besides his terrible gameplay.

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Yeah, this was just poor planning by the player. I wouldnt dare loot a place with the potential of having running enemies without both bandages & stamina drinks on my hotbar. That small strategy alone would have let him survive this situation. I've been saying it since the A12 days... always have those stamina drinks on your belt. If you cant beat em, you can at least be guaranteed to run away from em.

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the difference between me and him is that I was prepared to fight anything or find an exit immediately. If you aren't a problem solver and jump to complain at any sort of difficulty, maybe video games aren't for you.


I'm proud that you would have done things differently. I totally agree that video games aren't for this guy who runs a gaming channel with 800,000+ subscribers. What is he thinking trying to play 7D2D?

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I see a lot of people criticizing his game play but a lot of people really did not listen to his explanation.


* His guns are useless. Almost no ammo! As stated by him. Almost every person here that commented did not bother to finish the video it seems. Also his guns are useless as he was unable to get back to his backpack easily on first dead. And the "experts" here know that firing those guns in a closed building, will have been a even bigger dead sentence with Zombie cells triggering all around.


* Bandages are useless in his situation as they only restore the HP bar, not health. His mistake for not having any to stop bleeding damage, yes but with him getting 2 shot by the feral, no bandage is going to save you anyway.


* Yes, he made a mistake running in the room but having feral's on Day 8 showing up is unreasonable. Too many POIs have ferals from the start. He learns from this mistake but that did not diminish his issues with the game.


* No food to heal. He had almost no food ( 9 meat at home, that was it. That is one grilled meat at best ). People think because they had a good game with lots of food, that everybody their start is as easy.


* Zombies in hidden spots is breaking the whole "people died and becomes zombies" meta.


- Zombies in hidden roof spots

- Zombies in beer vats ( 8! ) that only get triggered when you run close by.

- Zombies in cabinets

- Zombies behind fake walls.


Its all too much designed to create a "horror" effect but it breaks in my eyes the feeling of the world. The idea that the "Duke" is going to let valuable loot laying around but places infected prisoners everywhere in hidden spots is ridiculous. Let alone that some of those turn out into green feral! By that logic, the Duke is a idiot because he leaves real loot around, when he can just leave a empty container + hidden zombies. Voila, just broke the whole "The Duke did it" meta.


* People complaining about his play style but totally ignoring the points he made. Steal is broken and triggers zombies way to easily on every bump.


* He is not a new player ( he played 18 alphas if you count pre alpha ). He made a few mistakes but a lot of people seem to think they are so experts. I bet a lot of people here have also a lot of embarrassing moments when they first discovered hidden ferals. But act all brave now :cocksure:


I personally HATE hidden Zombies as its feels so meta breaking in the game. You can so tell that the developers deliberately made those trigger spots and there is nothing natural about them.


It was my impression, that with sleepers we will have had: You enter a home, in the dark attic you see a body. It may be a sleeper, it may be a dead body. But instead we get standing still zombies in deliberately made cubicles and holes, just to be trigger by players passing specific spots. It feels like a lazy way to create cheap horror effects.


I even find the whole Ferals just as him ridiculous. They use the same texture / model assets and most of the time you do not even see their eyes. At minimum introduce some different models with different sounds for ferals instead of cheeping out with the same model every time.


Let alone how many zombies are in houses??? A lot of houses have so many zombies, that a town that holds maybe 200 people based upon the houses, seems to hold 1000+ zombies. Its like this with every town, building, poi. It turns the game from quality to quantity.


Yes, it plays like a brand new game but its not the game that i spend money on. And i am not the only person with this attitude.

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* He is not a new player ( he played 18 alphas if you count pre alpha ). He made a few mistakes but a lot of people seem to think they are so experts. I bet a lot of people here have also a lot of embarrassing moments when they first discovered hidden ferals. But act all brave now :cocksure:


I bet most of those people didn't go blaming the devs for their deaths (or have their friends do it for them).

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Lovely how ppl think they totally know what he ought to have done, but dont even realize, that he has no amm for his guns and the pick WAS the best option (because of the knockdown)


PPL SERIOUSLY if you want to feel superior, at least put some effort in.




I do KNOW what I would have done..


Frankly, he died more times in that video that I have in the past year and a half - and died over 10% more than I have since the achievements were tracking deaths.


The last time I died at the hands of a Zombie was approximately 13 months ago. So yeah while I might sound like an elitist - I saw sooo much wrong with his playstyle and HE was the cause not the game. Dude was using a heavy steel pixaxe and complaining about stamina and had no bandages on his toolbelt - was looting a dungeon POI needlessly at that time, never got regrouped to go back in - just charged in carelessly. The game SHOULD NOT be nerfed because he hasn't learned to play this version yet.

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Lovely how ppl think they totally know what he ought to have done, but dont even realize, that he has no amm for his guns and the pick WAS the best option (because of the knockdown)


PPL SERIOUSLY if you want to feel superior, at least put some effort in.




OKay, how about not having a pickaxe as your main melee weapon? You literalyl start the game crafting a wooden club, and can easily craft an iron one on the same day. Even without barbed or spiked mod, it's better than a pick. No bandages on bar, low health, and no food isn't an excuse. If you don't have food (which idk how, I never have less than 200 meat by day 3), and low on hp, the hell are you doing going into an area you KNOW has enemies like that?


F- on situational awareness, and he paid the price. the no ammo thing is a dumb excuse. "Oh no, I have no bullets -- better go charging into a building packed with enemies!" If YOU want to challenge others, how about you put some effort into it? -.-

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I see a lot of people criticizing his game play but a lot of people really did not listen to his explanation.


I personally HATE hidden Zombies as its feels so meta breaking in the game. You can so tell that the developers deliberately made those trigger spots and there is nothing natural about them.


It was my impression, that with sleepers we will have had: You enter a home, in the dark attic you see a body. It may be a sleeper, it may be a dead body. But instead we get standing still zombies in deliberately made cubicles and holes, just to be trigger by players passing specific spots. It feels like a lazy way to create cheap horror effects.



I agree with most of your points, unfortunately, people often concentrate on the messenger rather than on the message.


I find zombies in walls and closets immersion breaking. Entering a large house feels like shaking a hornet's nest. There are so many zombies inside you can't help but think how artificial it all feels.


Zombies should slowly swarm and block you; it's the inevitability of them slowly approaching that's scary, not some cheap jumps and gotchas.

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He didnt have any food?

He respawn in home.


We can discuss if they should be feral or not at beginning, but we have to change the chip and not play as we do in 16.

It was too easy, that's why almost everyone plays at maximum difficulty.


It seems good to me that at the beginning we can not pretend to enter any building and be able to deal with enemies,

If you get more powerfull at same way your enemies... its linear dificult, no?


We have the option to run away,

in fact he does it and leaves unharmed,


...but he just stopped just going down the stairs...!?

And then what happened had to happen, the feral has gone down and killed him. And his dog has bitten his ass.

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I learned that jumping makes enough noise to awaken zombies even though chopping doors does not. To the person who suggested ladders and ramps, thanks for the tips. I'm going to try exploring my next POI without jumping and see how it goes.


Yeah, I always keep frames and ladders on me. Also, those awesome wooden bars are worth having. Quick barricade you can shoot stuff through ;)

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It's not making a single mistake that's bad play, we all make mistakes.

How many did he make?


Guns but no ammo - it happens, but then you should have a club as a backup at the very least

No melee weapon - steel pick stamina drain is monstrous, I doubt that is a proper melee weapon for anyone

No bandages - there is just no excuse for this in A17, yes they don't heal you, but they do stop you bleeding out

No food - again it happens


What was he doing in that POI to begin with then? It became pretty obvious pretty damn quick to most of us that POIs are pretty dangerous for the unprepared. If you're lacking basic equipment then, do not pass go, do not collect $200, go get what is needed. Basic club and/or bow & arrows, bandages, padded armor are all easily obtained without putting yourself in danger. I'll admit food is more RNG dependant, since if you can't find meat or fields or buy from vending machine you've probably got to brave a POI, but there's no excuse for not having your basics.


I'm not much for telling people how they should enjoy the game (which is still considered a level-able skill around here by most), but FFS, there are certain basics, and then especially when you are going to rage about it instead of maybe asking for tips and making suggestions, then it's pretty laughable.


I've even seen multiple viable suggestions on this thread alone about how to go about this, I generally stealth through and arrow headshots - which works for me most of the time, but my backup strat needs work and I picked up useful tips here myself.

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I've been taking my OWN traps when I go looting. I use spikes, barbed wire, mines, etc Then sneak in and set up some traps in strategic areas within and outside the POIs. It's not necessary of course at first, but once your gamestage gets sufficiently high enough to where you're constantly being confronted with the radiated zombies it does wonders.

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I've been taking my OWN traps when I go looting. I use spikes, barbed wire, mines, etc Then sneak in and set up some traps in strategic areas within and outside the POIs. It's not necessary of course at first, but once your gamestage gets sufficiently high enough to where you're constantly being confronted with the radiated zombies it does wonders.


I always carry barbed wire with me in case I have to run from dogs but I never thought about booby trapping a POI ahead of waking them up. This sounds like a lot of fun.

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I always carry barbed wire with me in case I have to run from dogs but I never thought about booby trapping a POI ahead of waking them up. This sounds like a lot of fun.


Yep, VERY fun and incredibly satisfying.


I think the key to doing the harder POIs without too much risk is to just avoid them altogether until you build your character and equipment. You can get plenty of material without ever stepping foot in a dungeon. Once prepared - then just go to town on them. Eventually, you're quite OP in this version of the game. Yeah - you're weak and slower than ever at first - but by the time you get a lot of the perks and maybe a few mods on your weapons, you're a killing machine.


You can take down the harder zombies much faster now than you ever could in A16 once you're established. Ferals and other boss zombies used to tank bullets for days in the POIs which made for very tedious looting - but now you can take them out relatively quickly - especially with some trap placement to compliment.

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I always carry barbed wire with me in case I have to run from dogs but I never thought about booby trapping a POI ahead of waking them up. This sounds like a lot of fun.


Who knew there were more ways to take on POIs than running in yelling LEROY with barely any health and no proper weapons or tools?:rapture:

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I think the key to doing the harder POIs without too much risk is to just avoid them altogether until you build your character and equipment. You can get plenty of material without ever stepping foot in a dungeon.


So true. I find a ton of those destroyed corner POIs (has some combination of a sink, a toilet, an oven, and trash), and I load up on loot. No sleepers. :)


Who knew there were more ways to take on POIs than running in yelling LEROY with barely any health and no proper weapons or tools?:rapture:


At least I have chicken.

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Pills are the only source of instant health in the game. Even early game, as soon as you find pills, you should keep them in your quickbar. Same thing with bandages. Cloth isn't hard to find and you should never leave the house without at least a stack, especially if you're going melee.


This was my go-to setup on my last game.

Antibiotics, Club (Main weapon), Sledge (breaking stuff), First aid bandages, bandages, food, coffee, medkit if you have any, pills, and then beer, honey, forged iron, iron for the club, repair kits if you use guns etc.


Leaving the base without all of that stuff had a high likelyhood of making me end up dead. Over prepare, it'll save your life.


With that said, I started a new game recently, looted a new dungeon POI that had a feral as the boss (On day 2), almost kicked my butt but I managed to survive that, and enjoyed some neat loot. Then I prepared better and looted an identical house next door and got my ass kicked by not one but three ferals as the bosses.

On day 3.


Welp =\

One feral I could take, I had plenty of shotgun, arrows and hunting rifle munitions but 3 ferals on day 3 hidden in a corner when I expected 1 is not very nice.

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Just watch this video and tell me you think this is a bug and not intentionally made this way. You can't because it's clear that the entire purpose of this player trap is to ensure that you die and that you can never retrieve your stuff.



Oh, the zombies wont come down from the ceiling until you cross some imaginary barrier. And when they do, and you die because it's day 8 and there are glowing zombies and feral soldiers that you do not have the DPS to kill or the stamina to run away from, now they are gonna somehow magically climb back up in the ceiling trap because dirty exploiting players might lure them outside so that they retrieve their gear. Can't have that. Players outsmarting zombies is forbidden and makes the dungeon master very angry! What good is the stealth skill if the zombies are triggered anyway? So you can't pretend that would have saved him. Not to mention the death buff removing stats that might possibly give him a fighting chance.


I tell you one thing. If that had happened to me I would just be done with this game. After watching it, I am not even sure this game is being developed by adults anymore. Royal has a truck load of patience. I would have immediately shut off the game. No point in even trying.


Let's hear it Pimps. Hand wave this CF away. I dare you!


Why did this happen? Tell my why you think chain death is compelling game play?


I already know what you are going to say. Oh he is playing on default difficulty and that is too high. DEFAULT is too high.

You gonna try and tell me that it's a bug that the zombies just magically reset? Clearly intentional.

Oh he had a lot of guns though. Why didn't he use them? Because he didn't have any ammo. Wouldn't have mattered anyway since the guns are the worst weapons on his tool belt. The best weapon he had was a steel pick axe.


clear example of someone who plays the game wrong.

First, do not loot big POI early in the game when you are weak.Then if you decide to go inside, go prepared, with heal items, ammo.If you know you don't have them, then go loot the smal pill POI, etc. After first death, what is the point of going back with only one stone axe?

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To prove a point of how bad he was that game this is my current most recently started game, I am on day 5 currently, I have no base yet, so what you see here is my entire inventory. How he had no food, no water, no cloth, no arrows etc on day 8 is beyond me.



Only thing I bought from the trader was the hunting knife I have. Rest was all looted, and I found a forge in a wilderness poi. I'm lv 18 as well on day 5.

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I'm proud that you would have done things differently. I totally agree that video games aren't for this guy who runs a gaming channel with 800,000+ subscribers. What is he thinking trying to play 7D2D?


Streamers are entertainers, lets not forget it. Some of them deliberately do stupid things or take unbelievable risks to make their videos interesting. Some of them are just great talkers and it doesn't matter to their audience how good they are.


We can safely say that he either played bad or PLAYED to be bad. From the 800k followers we can just infer that he seems to be a good entertainer. Nothing more, nothing less.

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