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please don't cater to the HC crowd


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I'm not having any fun any more. I'm day 17 lvl 27. I'm a solo player and it's just boring. All I have time to do is kill Zs. Which I love but I also love exploring and looting and building and it feels like all that is gone now. I never get a break to do anything but kill zombies or wolves or dogs or vultures (love the vultures btw). But things like Day 4 or 5 I clear a bldg, I'm in the back room and a wolfpack comes thru the front all the way to the back room not a sound not a howl or a whimper. So me, 3 wolves and a small room with only a bow you fill in the rest. second hoard night and still have no time to buld a decent hoard base but the kicker first thing in the morning a roaming hoard with 3 cops and 8 hazmats as well as the usual suspects. I'm level 23 or 24 then (27 now ) so no work bench and no way to make ammo.

I'm a new 7d2d fan started with Alpha 16 and loved it. Became my fav game above skyrim and even Fallout. Now in 17 I'm just bored. You never get a break to do anything but kill Zombies. You break a house open 6 or 8 zombies come out plus the ones that sneak up. It takes for ever to loot one house. I feel like I'm playing the old call of duty zombie game where you had to keep boarding up the windows. I even had the Zs jump the fence and attack me in the trader shop lol. yes jumped the fence, I watched them do it. For a solo player, It just gets boring.And here' the kicker, I'm already playing 1 below default diff.

I was told by some tubers that if I came to the forums and expressed my opinion respectively that you would listen so thats what I'm trying to do. Please don't cater to the loud and proud Hard core community. You have a lot more customers/fans than just them. Many of us if not the majority are solo players. We're proud just not always loud. We usually just stop playing rather than engage with Devs.

So I'm hearing there will be balancing and etc so here's my input. Please don't forget the rest of us. We want to play your game, see the world you created, create our own bases and explore. Please allow us sole players to do that as well.

Thanks for litening

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I'm not having any fun any more. I'm day 17 lvl 27. I'm a solo player and it's just boring. All I have time to do is kill Zs. Which I love but I also love exploring and looting and building and it feels like all that is gone now. I never get a break to do anything but kill zombies or wolves or dogs or vultures (love the vultures btw). But things like Day 4 or 5 I clear a bldg, I'm in the back room and a wolfpack comes thru the front all the way to the back room not a sound not a howl or a whimper. So me, 3 wolves and a small room with only a bow you fill in the rest. second hoard night and still have no time to buld a decent hoard base but the kicker first thing in the morning a roaming hoard with 3 cops and 8 hazmats as well as the usual suspects. I'm level 23 or 24 then (27 now ) so no work bench and no way to make ammo.

I'm a new 7d2d fan started with Alpha 16 and loved it. Became my fav game above skyrim and even Fallout. Now in 17 I'm just bored. You never get a break to do anything but kill Zombies. You break a house open 6 or 8 zombies come out plus the ones that sneak up. It takes for ever to loot one house. I feel like I'm playing the old call of duty zombie game where you had to keep boarding up the windows. I even had the Zs jump the fence and attack me in the trader shop lol. yes jumped the fence, I watched them do it. For a solo player, It just gets boring.And here' the kicker, I'm already playing 1 below default diff.

I was told by some tubers that if I came to the forums and expressed my opinion respectively that you would listen so thats what I'm trying to do. Please don't cater to the loud and proud Hard core community. You have a lot more customers/fans than just them. Many of us if not the majority are solo players. We're proud just not always loud. We usually just stop playing rather than engage with Devs.

So I'm hearing there will be balancing and etc so here's my input. Please don't forget the rest of us. We want to play your game, see the world you created, create our own bases and explore. Please allow us sole players to do that as well.

Thanks for litening


Lower the difficulty?

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The devs are working on balancing the POIs and zombie behavior. I don’t know if they are taking a look at the wandering hordes or blood moons just yet. If there aren’t immediate balance changes don’t give up hope. There are several more weeks of experimental to go. I would also seriously consider lowering the difficulty to adventurer. There are plenty of people who played on insane difficulty in A16 with very few deaths who are dying regularly on nomad. In my mind adventurer should be the default difficulty level.

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as I said I'm already playing 1 lvl down in Diff. I don't understand why hte HC crowd wants me to have to play the game THEY want to play. I want them to have their game and me mine. At this point I'm waiting for the final stable version and hope the FPs fix it. Then if I have too I'll play easiest level and see if that's fun. If not I'm just going back to 16 and wait for 18. I hope the fact that there is a lot more money in making a game for everybody and not for just one small demograph will win the day

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Fataal has already reduced the noise detection range of zombies. There are multiple mentions in the dev thread by devs saying they are looking at POIs. And this from Roland:




TFP is looking at the balance of sleepers per POI and also the balance of XP earned by killing zombies vs doing other activities and plan to make some changes.


My personal belief is that the devs are probably also looking at zombie block damage.

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Fataal has already reduced the noise detection range of zombies. There are multiple mentions in the dev thread by devs saying they are looking at POIs. And this from Roland:






My personal belief is that the devs are probably also looking at zombie block damage.


TY. The dev thread is too painful for me to follow. I can't hardly keep up with the organized chaos in General.

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Yes maybe animal's may be a bit OP with their silence and sudden-striking and such, but here's the thing: the game was origionally made out to be a challenge. They broke AI and, combined with the fact that you were OP in half an hour, made the game a snooze, even on Insane with modded XMLs to pump out more spawns/reduce buffs and nerf things. You can't expect the "hardcore" crowed to have to do all of that just because you want the game to be like the way you want it. You stated "don't force me to play hc" well, don't force us to play easy-mode. You have difficulty settings, you have a quick-console command to give yourself items/xp. To make the game hardcore, we have to mod the hell out of the XMLs, you do not to make it easy. So, it's easier for you to make the "hc" game easy, and hard for us to make the easy game "hc". I knew way too many people who quit in A16 because, no matter how much we modded the game, we couldn't do what the devs did to ramp things up in 17. So please don't beg them to make the game easy-mode again, unless it's a in-game setting.

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TY. The dev thread is too painful for me to follow. I can't hardly keep up with the organized chaos in General.


If you are curious how the zombies path you can create a new single player game in Navesgane and then enter debug mode (dm in console) and hit numpad 0. This will show the hp and pathing information for zombies.

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A16 was easy even on Insane.

I now play Survivalist and I find the difficulty satisfying. Why would you want to take the game away from me by making it easier so that even the highest difficulty is easy ? I stopped playing A16 because of that. You can always lower your difficulty if you find it too much. Please don't tell me you are already at the easiest ?


At survivalist I can do other things beside fighting zombies so I am not sure why you say you can't do anything else. You must be doing a few things wrong. Yes the game throws a few frustrating cheeses at you and it still needs some balancing but nonetheless you can avoid alot of cheese death by being methodical and careful. I try to learn from every death and figure out how I could have survived what killed me. I often think of something that helps me get better. I try hard not to die as I have a house rule where I only have 3 lives. On the third death it's game over and I delete my save file. Back on a16 I was playing permadeath with 1 life.

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Yes maybe animal's may be a bit OP with their silence and sudden-striking and such, but here's the thing: the game was origionally made out to be a challenge. They broke AI and, combined with the fact that you were OP in half an hour, made the game a snooze, even on Insane with modded XMLs to pump out more spawns/reduce buffs and nerf things. You can't expect the "hardcore" crowed to have to do all of that just because you want the game to be like the way you want it. You stated "don't force me to play hc" well, don't force us to play easy-mode. You have difficulty settings, you have a quick-console command to give yourself items/xp. To make the game hardcore, we have to mod the hell out of the XMLs, you do not to make it easy. So, it's easier for you to make the "hc" game easy, and hard for us to make the easy game "hc". I knew way too many people who quit in A16 because, no matter how much we modded the game, we couldn't do what the devs did to ramp things up in 17. So please don't beg them to make the game easy-mode again, unless it's a in-game setting.


as I said I don't want anyone to "have " to play my game in game settings would be fine even more diff settings would be fine or in game settings but as i said playing one level lower now


- - - Updated - - -


is there a way to shorten the reaper debuff?

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I started a game on Scavenger for more leeway in fights with the reduced A17 fps and to explore big cities. I agree that the number of zombies streaming out of buildings is too high on average, but I think that can be easily tuned and I'm having a blast with all the new POI's.

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as I said I don't want anyone to "have " to play my game in game settings would be fine even more diff settings would be fine or in game settings but as i said playing one level lower now


- - - Updated - - -


is there a way to shorten the reaper debuff?


Yeah I mean, if they would leave the game where it's at, along with a few balances, and give lower difficulties an easier time then sure. But as Roland just said, put it on Scavenger if you just want sandbox.


And yes, it should be... C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Data\Config\Buffs.xml

Hit ctrl+f (for find) and search for the... I think it's call near death? You should see value = 60(?it's one hr right? if so 60). It's in minutes, so lower accordingly.


Ah yes, I do think any hardcore game should have its easier options, indeed. It was, aside from the huge world/voxel/basebuilding/survival etc, the "you will die" the brought me to the game; as with people I know/play with. So yes, it should be a punishing game the way the creators wanted it to be. But yeah, if scavenger isn't easy enough maybe that should be looked at, but not turn the game into 16 where you had to mod the hell out of the game on the hardest settings and still fall asleep from the challenge.

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Yeah I mean, if they would leave the game where it's at, along with a few balances, and give lower difficulties an easier time then sure. But as Roland just said, put it on Scavenger if you just want sandbox.


And yes, it should be... C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Data\Config\Buffs.xml

Hit ctrl+f (for find) and search for the... I think it's call near death? You should see value = 60(?it's one hr right? if so 60). It's in minutes, so lower accordingly.


Ah yes, I do think any hardcore game should have its easier options, indeed. It was, aside from the huge world/voxel/basebuilding/survival etc, the "you will die" the brought me to the game; as with people I know/play with. So yes, it should be a punishing game the way the creators wanted it to be. But yeah, if scavenger isn't easy enough maybe that should be looked at, but not turn the game into 16 where you had to mod the hell out of the game on the hardest settings and still fall asleep from the challenge.


Actually he should head over to mod section and download the modlet, way you are telling him to do it is not best way because any change he makes will get over written on updates, modlets sit in mod folder and make it a ton easier to have multi-able modlets at same time.

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After years of watching some of my favorite games go from hardcore survival to a simplified mess due to complaining players it is quite refreshing to finally see it swing the other way.


Im all for these changes. There are dozens of other survival games out there being ruined by fair weather devs who are catering to the loudest complainers. My question is WHY is it SO wrong to want a challenge while you play. It seems like the only people who suffer in gaming today ARE the hardcore crowd. All their games get nerfed to hell over time.


Like it was mentioned before lower the difficulty and mod the game so that things spawn...less.

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After years of watching some of my favorite games go from hardcore survival to a simplified mess due to complaining players it is quite refreshing to finally see it swing the other way.


Im all for these changes. There are dozens of other survival games out there being ruined by fair weather devs who are catering to the loudest complainers. My question is WHY is it SO wrong to want a challenge while you play. It seems like the only people who suffer in gaming today ARE the hardcore crowd. All their games get nerfed to hell over time.


Like it was mentioned before lower the difficulty and mod the game so that things spawn...less.

Why is it SO wrong for the OP to want the game the way they want it? Why can’t you turn the difficulty up and mod your game so that things spawn ... more?

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Lower difficulty should not just be a simple damage calculation change (more damage by the player, less by Z)


The damage could even stay about the same.


It should rather balance the game to spawn differently:

Less "special" Zombies like Cops. More loot. Less sleeper Zombies overall. Less damage by vultures.

Faster XP Gain. Less duration of death penalty debuff.


This should make it more enjoyable for players who want less hardcore action, without changin the gameplay much.

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Why is it SO wrong for the OP to want the game the way they want it? Why can’t you turn the difficulty up and mod your game so that things spawn ... more?


EVERYONE needs to be prepared to mod the game the way they want. The devs are going to create the game according to their own set of preferences primarily. They may soften some of the edges based on feedback but for the most part if your own preferences don't line up with the devs then expect to mod the game.


If we have folks complaining the game is too easy and others complaining it's too hard then it's probably close to where it needs to be.

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The only problem I have is how easily bases get destroyed. Pretty much guaranteed death at the start.


But I'm sure it will get balanced in the next few builds to make basic forts viable vs 6 zombies.


If not I'll just either log out of server for horde night,ride a bike or drink alcohol like all good post-apocalyptic folks.

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