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[A17 Spoilers] Claim Blocks!


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A17 allows players to have only one active LCB at a time.


This damages multiplayer both PvE and PvP.


One can no longer have multiple protected structures scattered around the map.

One can no longer increase the protection of a single structure by placing multiple LCBs.


IMO this change was unwanted and unnecessary.

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The new buff system alone will change the way PVP is played entirely. Imagine adding an age to a player, so that if you kill a new player, your reputation goes down. As you kill more people, your reputation goes up, even to the point where you're mere presence causes a new players screen to shake.


You guys will definitely want to stop thinking about PVP in terms of the way you have been playing it, and think about its potential.


A true faction system, a true reputation system, buffs gained and lost from dying in killing, it's all going to be grand.


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The point is this link Land claim block crap will be the least of your concerns.

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TAs you kill more people, your reputation goes up, even to the point where you're mere presence causes a new players screen to shake.


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The point is this link Land claim block crap will be the least of your concerns.


Guppy, is this "quakin in my boots" shake in game with a17 or are you sayin that with the new buff rules, this is a potential of what can be done?

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Only one claim block per player: what's going to happen to PvP?

Placing claim blocks on PVP server its like placing big banner "Hello! My base is here! Please raid and grief it as much as you can!". So I guess one banner is more then enough for this purpose.

Really, I dont see any other reason to use claims on PVP server.

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Placing claim blocks on PVP server its like placing big banner "Hello! My base is here! Please raid and grief it as much as you can!". So I guess one banner is more then enough for this purpose.

Really, I dont see any other reason to use claims on PVP server.


Have you ever played on PvP servers ?

Claim makes sure you can't just remove blocks with protection

1 claim = only 1 to remove before basicly destroying all blocks without protection


Hopefully we can make it so the claim can't be removed/destroyed

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Placing claim blocks on PVP server its like placing big banner "Hello! My base is here! Please raid and grief it as much as you can!". So I guess one banner is more then enough for this purpose.

Really, I dont see any other reason to use claims on PVP server.


I know, but WITH ENOUGH concrete and ENOUGH claims, you can build a giant tower that says "♥♥♥♥ you raiders" and it won't be raided.


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I would love for what you say to happen, but I understand it is only speculation for now... so what's going to happen in the immediate future?

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What are you doing? I don't know the pros/cons of land claim blocks in a pvp server as I have never ever played on one. I've purely played on PVE servers to be able to build big. I know of server owners/admins that spend considerable time making Lobby area's, Marketplace area's, player towns etc how is this going to be affected? I know the Map is considerably smaller than A16 I know there is POI's needed to fulfill mission/quest items. You stop people being able to build a base bigger than 1 Land Claim block in size (even if its increased to 100x100) you will lose quite a few people who mainly play this game due to the awesome building mechanisms and the finished end product looking damn fine. I know it's only in a experimental state soon, and I hope this is an oversight. Please reconsider. Apart from the above though great work, and thanks for taking your time to get it done right.

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What will happen? People will play to their strengths and get owned by people who adapt.


Your PvP future rests in PvP specific mods imo.


I'm thinking Mods like your Medieval one can now have even more sophisticated magic weapons.

All sorts of nasty spell debuffs and other goodies!


Going to be a whole new game.

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its bad idea. now you cant have multiple bases even on a PVE server it will be pain

IMHO, this is probably one of the best ideas for dedicated servers. No longer will people be claiming large parts of regions all to themselves.


Plus the server owner can set the size.


Other limitations can probably be modded. I can see having two active that are relatively well sized. However some things just shouldn't be allowed.


Like this...



Or this...




If you aren't aware, each green square is a LCB area.

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Like this...

This is exactly why.


It goes against the entire concept of a land claim block.

In a PVP setting the claim spam can not possibly be a good thing, which is apparent from some servers increasing the crafting cost to ridiculous levels... which only makes it more devastating if you get killed as a noob and lose the one claim block that you have.

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This is exactly why.


It goes against the entire concept of a land claim block.

In a PVP setting the claim spam can not possibly be a good thing, which is apparent from some servers increasing the crafting cost to ridiculous levels... which only makes it more devastating if you get killed as a noob and lose the one claim block that you have.


That said the range the one we do have covers does need a decent increase. I mostly play single player so I don't need them, but I can see it being an issue in MP with the current size of the block. It pretty much does kill big builds on a server with how prevalient greifers are in todays online game world. I actually find griefers rather pathetic in terms of how long they will spend in terms of time just to ruin someones day. I mean get a f---ing life or something.

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This is exactly why.


It goes against the entire concept of a land claim block.

In a PVP setting the claim spam can not possibly be a good thing, which is apparent from some servers increasing the crafting cost to ridiculous levels... which only makes it more devastating if you get killed as a noob and lose the one claim block that you have.


They dont balance for PvP though... so this was meant for PvE... which doesnt make it any better...

make it cost more. Or have a max of 5, but one is simply way to small for PvE.


(if they were to balance for PvP they had already changed the offline health to infinite as standart a LONG time ago. but they do not care about that portion of players)

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So I'm curious.


Which Dev's play on servers large enough that the images above posted by Sylven are going to be an issue?


If this is meant to be a co op/sp game with a max of 8 per server why does it matter if people want to build huge complexes?


What is the "problem" this is meant to solve?


How many complaints are raised about LCB's eating up all the available land? I've never read a single one.....

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This is exactly why.


It goes against the entire concept of a land claim block.

In a PVP setting the claim spam can not possibly be a good thing, which is apparent from some servers increasing the crafting cost to ridiculous levels... which only makes it more devastating if you get killed as a noob and lose the one claim block that you have.


Okay first I agree with you.

Just going to say that straight away.


I would, however, like to see the amount of LCB's adjustable on servers.


I don't see a problem with having say 3 LCB's each.

It's a nice compromise.


I realize some are just going to mod that in but it really should be a vanilla option imo.

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This is exactly why.


It goes against the entire concept of a land claim block.

In a PVP setting the claim spam can not possibly be a good thing, which is apparent from some servers increasing the crafting cost to ridiculous levels... which only makes it more devastating if you get killed as a noob and lose the one claim block that you have.


Man, having only one is going to make it very hard to defend from raiding.


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Okay first I agree with you.

Just going to say that straight away.


I would, however, like to see the amount of LCB's adjustable on servers.


I don't see a problem with having say 3 LCB's each.

It's a nice compromise.


I realize some are just going to mod that in but it really should be a vanilla option imo.


I agree! Good idea..


So every server owner can set how many LCBs one can have..


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What is the "problem" this is meant to solve?


How many complaints are raised about LCB's eating up all the available land? I've never read a single one.....




ahah whats the reason for this change, seriously?


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Does anyone know the exact new size?

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