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[A17 Spoilers] Claim Blocks!


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As developers, y'all want to make a great game AND make lots of money. Listen to your players, it's pretty obvious what they want. This change is a step, a big one, in the absolutely wrong direction. This not only takes away from the game, it could hurt sales as well. We want the freedom back that we had for years, the devs want money. This should be a no-brainer, y'all. We win, y'all win, everyone gets what they want.

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LCB's exist for the sole reason of protecting a players base. the game IS designed for that, pvp or pve is irrelevant as you well know


Um.........no. LCB's for PvE (which is what the game is designed as) games exist for:


a.) blocking zombie spawns now in A17

b.) Allowing you to pick up workbenches/lights etc that you have crafted. THIS is the primary use for the LCB.

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As developers, y'all want to make a great game AND make lots of money. Listen to your players, it's pretty obvious what they want. This change is a step, a big one, in the absolutely wrong direction. This not only takes away from the game, it could hurt sales as well. We want the freedom back that we had for years, the devs want money. This should be a no-brainer, y'all. We win, y'all win, everyone gets what they want.


As far as I can tell, Madmole wants to make a Skyrim style RPG with voxels, farming, zombies, and base building. He doesn't care about you and me, or how we have come to play (and enjoy) the game. This is not an open world survival experience that allows for you to explore, do as you please, collaborate and/or compete with each other. For the unimaginative and uncompetitive, that sort of recipe spells boredom and q tabs after about 30 game days. More content you say? Blasphemy. Make existing content last longer is much easier to code plus we can set it up to include microtransactions for players with wallets so they can bypass the grind, for a fee, of course.

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Um.........no. LCB's for PvE (which is what the game is designed as) games exist for:


a.) blocking zombie spawns now in A17

b.) Allowing you to pick up workbenches/lights etc that you have crafted. THIS is the primary use for the LCB.


okay number one, i dont like your attitude. number two, in a16.4 it literally says under the lcb's description that it is used to claim your base in -PVP- or something to that effect. I'm triggered, your wrong, and please show yourself the door.


I'm so tired of all the PvE players like this acting like this game can only be for one or the other. if given the right balance, both forms of play compliment each other extremely well.


oh and as far as im concerned there was no issue with the way LCB's were before this update. if you have players taking up too much land on a server IMO it is the administrators responsibility to moderate that, not the devs, not your mothers, not the governments.....admins. if they deem that it is acceptable play, then thats the way it is.


if there is a game issue with them, then it just needs to be fixed by the devs or a new (but equal) solution needs to be put in place.



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A17 allows players to have only one active LCB at a time.


This damages multiplayer both PvE and PvP.


One can no longer have multiple protected structures scattered around the map.

One can no longer increase the protection of a single structure by placing multiple LCBs.


IMO this change was unwanted and unnecessary.


Could not agree more. From my own thread on the subject of suggestions for A17.2 here https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?94302-A-Few-Thoughts-amp-Suggestions-for-17-point-TWO&p=872526&viewfull=1#post872526 ;


"Why not implement some basic good design policy here?


Example: When changing core gameplay mechanics like range of sound or land claim functionality where there are likely to be massive divides in not only desired outcomes between different game modes, but even between servers -- why not make these changes simple server configurable options?


Specific example #1: Sound PVE Mode On [0/1] going into A14 would have been a godsend. The PVP servers with old sound range would be so much more fun -- and popular!


Specific example #2: Claim PVE Mode On [0/1] going into A17 --> nobody complains about the claim situation at all. Want the solution provided here in A17 to the issue of POI's being claimed? Enable Claim PVE Mode. Hell, have it enabled by default if you think it's the best. Watch all the PVP players continue to explore much more complex and useful mechanics that come from being able to layer, overlap, hide, and sprinkle claims around [for a significant resource cost and investment in crafting time] for various complex purposes/battles. No complaints from them it's an easy option to solve in this case.


Just an idea that would make everyone happy and completely solve the issue :jaded::rapture: "


I also had a bunch of other detailed reasons why this change is ridiculous & unnecessary in my original (wordy) thread. Thought I'd just copy & paste the obvious and relatively easy solution for everyone the devs could realistically implement here.

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That's fine. That's the job of designers. =)


With 3 blocks you need a system/UI to determine which blocks are active or to activate/deactivate individual ones, more bookkeeping, stacking/overlapping rules. A whole bundle of issues made that decision.


The previous spam of claim blocks was a cancer that had to go.


Sadly I am forced to agree with everyone else that said this is insanely ignorant/oblivious.


More importantly, it actually doesn't solve the problem you just brought up -- and hilariously, there are much better/easier ways I can think of in 2 seconds that do solve it and wouldn't result in this huge crapstorm.


"The previous spam of claim blocks was a cancer" --> even with this ridiculous single claim limitation you'll still have [noobs] joining servers left and right and claiming POI's. Of course, now the claim blocks will have vastly larger radius and strength because of this change, actually making the problem you are trying to solve directly worse.



"The previous spam of claim blocks was a cancer" --> so the obvious non-ridiculous game-mechanic-destroying way to cut down on "cancerous" amounts of claims blocks make them have a much higher crafting resource cost by default. 10x the current cost still resulting in cancerous amounts of claims? How about 100x? Is mining iron for 2 hours with an auger to get enough to make a second claim finally getting down to non-cancerous levels? Great --> set that as the default.


Of course, still doesn't solve the problem of tons of what a majority of noobs inevitably, on every server, do with their original claim blocks (go to the nearest POI's and claim them). The "cancer" you are referring to, lets be honest.



"The previous spam of claim blocks was a cancer" --> Actual solution to the actual problem of tons of "cancerous" POI-claiming noob claim blocks? Server-configurable anti-claim POI protection settings. Gee, as the game was in A16 I couldn't claim within a good radius of the traders even on a big random gen map. Gee, perhaps that same functionality could be made configurable and applied to certain POI's? Gee, wouldn't that perfectly solve the problem without destroying all the good and existing freedom with the mechanic as is?




It's a head scratcher. :cocksure::jaded:

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Um.........no. LCB's for PvE (which is what the game is designed as) games exist for:


a.) blocking zombie spawns now in A17

b.) Allowing you to pick up workbenches/lights etc that you have crafted. THIS is the primary use for the LCB.


Complete rubbish and you know it


LCB have always been about protecting peoples bases, end of, the spawn thing was, up to A16, supposed to be done by sleeping bags, get your facts right

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The bedroll as Z-spawn stopper was never good, because usually you wanted no Z-spawns in a home base, especially POI ones, but as soon as you'd drop a new roll to have a closer spawnpoint to whatever dangerous activity lay ahead, your home would get rekt. Also It didn't work when offline. The bedroll should be your spawn and that's it. So that part is cool now in my book.


But the claim as spawn stopper now has the same old flaw, because of the one-only limit.

And even if the one-only limit would be buffed to a say 3-5 only limit to allow having more than one base, it still would be bad for defense in PvP.



The claim block no longer is an actual block but rather a marker only the player, who placed it can see and also remove?

Or if the block was always invincible to the degree of not abiding the laws of game physics, meaning it would have the SI of an air block (none) and even if every other block of the base around it would get carved away, it would still float in the same position?


There could be a variable limit of how many such marker blocks a player can have (for more than one base) and instead of deactivating older blocks when placing new ones, the player has to manually remove an old one themselves first to free up a "slot" for a new one.


Then the claim could have all the functions old and new, or not?

The only impact it has on PvP is that raiders now couldn't remove it at all, but compared to a base with 100s of claims as it's been described by the Pr0s, would not having the option to un-safe a base you're raiding be that much of a loss?

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It's why their needs to be two block types. As stated many times before in this thread, the sleeping bag should have held the purpose that the current LCB does.


Agreed. Having the bedroll prevent zombie spawns was a good idea that was also lacking. I think we need two different blocks to work with, regarding zombie spawning and land claiming.


Land Claim Block: Does what it says. Let the player have as many as they feel like crafting. Works like in A16.4, and is somewhat expensive to craft, like in A16.4


No Spawning Block: Only one can be active, only one per player allowed in world. Must be placed in area protected by LCB. Costs little to nothing to make. If there must be a recipe, make it one Small Stone. Give it the same hit points as LCBs so that it can't easily be destroyed by zombies should they attack it.


I believe this would solve a lot of the problems. As for people determined to claim POIs like skyscrapers, there's nothing you can to about that beyond letting server admins do their jobs. Griefers and inconsiderate players will always be in the game, but that doesn't mean you have to restrict 99% of legitimate players just to try to head those types off at the pass.

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A17 allows players to have only one active LCB at a time.


This damages multiplayer both PvE and PvP.


One can no longer have multiple protected structures scattered around the map.

One can no longer increase the protection of a single structure by placing multiple LCBs.


IMO this change was unwanted and unnecessary.


Im totally agree

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Bring back the old Landclaim system new sucks want to have more than one landclaim




If they just wanted to fix the zombie spawn problem then add a craftable, zombie machine that scares away zombies. You could even make it a powered/mid-game item that adds value/enriches the base building aspects of the game.


The baby is laying outside with the bathwater.

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Complete rubbish and you know it


LCB have always been about protecting peoples bases, end of, the spawn thing was, up to A16, supposed to be done by sleeping bags, get your facts right


Um, read much? I specifically said A17 for the spawn blocking and yes, since this IS primarily a PvE game the primary purpose of the lcb is for the PvE AND PvP requirement for it to be able to pick up stations you craft. The protecting base power of the lcb only applies in a PvP game so not ONCE have I used it to protect my base as I do not play PvP.

Yes since you are a PvP player you UTILIZE the base protect power of the lcb more but that does NOT make it the primary purpose.

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Um, read much? I specifically said A17 for the spawn blocking and yes, since this IS primarily a PvE game the primary purpose of the lcb is for the PvE AND PvP requirement for it to be able to pick up stations you craft. The protecting base power of the lcb only applies in a PvP game so not ONCE have I used it to protect my base as I do not play PvP.

Yes since you are a PvP player you UTILIZE the base protect power of the lcb more but that does NOT make it the primary purpose.


Bro. A15 you didn't even need a claim to pick up workstations (something I think should be changed back). Its called a LAND CLAIM block. Not a SPAWN BLOCK or a WORKSTATION PICKUP block.

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The protecting base power of the lcb only applies in a PvP game so not ONCE have I used it to protect my base as I do not play PvP.

Yes since you are a PvP player you UTILIZE the base protect power of the lcb more but that does NOT make it the primary purpose.


Can I get that server name? I want to play in a nice neighborhood also.

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Um, read much? I specifically said A17 for the spawn blocking and yes, since this IS primarily a PvE game the primary purpose of the lcb is for the PvE AND PvP requirement for it to be able to pick up stations you craft. The protecting base power of the lcb only applies in a PvP game so not ONCE have I used it to protect my base as I do not play PvP.

Yes since you are a PvP player you UTILIZE the base protect power of the lcb more but that does NOT make it the primary purpose.


A lot of the players on PVE servers I've played on seem to enjoy building houses, shops, towns, train stations, community areas etc. They were all land claimed to prevent accidental damage and griefing. PVE servers are just as susceptible to griefing as anyone else. Now, those players have lost the ability to protect their assets.

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Um, read much? I specifically said A17 for the spawn blocking and yes, since this IS primarily a PvE game the primary purpose of the lcb is for the PvE AND PvP requirement for it to be able to pick up stations you craft. The protecting base power of the lcb only applies in a PvP game so not ONCE have I used it to protect my base as I do not play PvP.

Yes since you are a PvP player you UTILIZE the base protect power of the lcb more but that does NOT make it the primary purpose.


Except LCBs have never worked in such a way before. In all other alphas in the past, they have always been used to CLAIM LAND, hence the name. They were always meant to protect a player's base or an area of land. This has always been true in both PVE and PVP. It has never prevented zombie spawns, or protected a base or other structure from being damaged by zombies. That is what we are talking about, not what they've turned it into now. If you've never used one in PVE to protect your base, and never had a cheater or griefer attack your base, then you must be only playing SP games, on password-protected servers, or you haven't played on servers that are public and popular. Using an LCB to pick up workstations, lights, etc., was only introduced in A16. Before that, in A15, you couldn't pick up lights at all, and had to use a wrench to pick up workstations. Before that, there was no picking up the workstations.

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Um, read much? I specifically said A17 for the spawn blocking and yes, since this IS primarily a PvE game the primary purpose of the lcb is for the PvE AND PvP requirement for it to be able to pick up stations you craft. The protecting base power of the lcb only applies in a PvP game so not ONCE have I used it to protect my base as I do not play PvP.

Yes since you are a PvP player you UTILIZE the base protect power of the lcb more but that does NOT make it the primary purpose.


ehm... in PvE is complete necesary use claim blocks to protect your buildings from raiders, in my server usually u can see awesome buildings created by players and they only can be protected from raiders with the Claim Blocks, so it is used and must be used in PvE games, because everyone is not a friendly player, if people find a base without claim, they raid it, even if it is PvE, but if u can use claim blocks, they cant raid your buildings.


Bring back the old Landclaim system new sucks want to have more than one landclaim

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