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I want this back in the game more than anything.


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Give this a listen if you haven't heard it before or have just forgotten.


This creepy ambiance really set the tone for the game and it is beyond me why it was removed after Alpha 12. Since it was removed, the game's feeling of urgency, dread, and overall creepy tone has significantly degraded. Sound/music plays a HUGE part in horror. They always say, "if you don't want to be scared while watching a horror film (or playing a game), cover your ears, not your eyes". I heard some people thought it was repetitive or annoying, but you could turn it off. If this ambiance ever makes it back into the game, maybe it could just be localized to bigger POI's of a biome, and play once as you enter the biome. For example, you walk in to the desert biome, and the music plays for one loop, then plays again as you enter the city. Either way, this needs to be re-implemented.


EDIT: Based on what I've read below, I have some more ideas for the ambiance. The more you listen to them, the more you realize the audio track is more like a compilation of a bunch of sound cues over environmental sounds. So, what do you think about having the individual sound cues added into the game as indicators of some events? Example: The wailing sound in the Plain biome could indicate a wandering horde had just spawned. Some of the creepier sounds could increase tension as you are sneaking up on a zombie for a stealth kill. Also, more elements could play as you get to a POI to increase tension as you scavenge, and stop playing once all the sleepers are killed. Lastly, the more "musical" elements should increase in frequency throughout the week as you draw closer to the Blood Moon horde (you'll really get that feeling that 'something' is coming). Imagine the buildup. This way, not only will we get to keep the old sounds, BUT they won't loop endlessly, AND they will actually be informative.

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I agree this was greay! I am trying to figure out how to mod sounds in game right now. I want to add more varied zombie sounds and custom biome music. From what I found it takes a tone of changes. I was hoping it was as simple as adding in sounds (ZombieA1, ZombieA2, ZombieA3) and have a RNG pick a random zombie loop for a more varied feel.

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Ya, the ambiance really added to the experience. I always remember the monstrous roar some place off in the distance. When people remember old games, the thing that pulls on the heart strings the most was the sound and music. Not just games, everything in life actually.

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100% agreed there. The only ambiance left is in the wastelands -- I do like that fallout-3 sorta vibe there; won't catch me building in one due to the 100,000 landmines per square inch, though lol. The ambiance in the game is terrible now, to be honest. Not talking about lighting or decorations and etc, but having 100% nature-only background noise actually kinda makes me fall asleep.

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Baby crying in the distance and the out of tune music box in the burnt biome was always creepy


Roland, I don't think you can give Joel a sweet talk about it....? Every time I and others suggested this he just said "Maybe" and if he agrees with it, I think he would tell the devs to make even more creepy music which we don't want, we want the OLD AMBIENT SOUNDS back.


Now really, it should be extremely easy to implement it back...or to release those ambient sounds for modders to implement it into game, because not all players want it back, but for us who played since alpha 1 and liked it...it would be a big "+".


Those ambient sounds and the main menu theme were just fine, I always play the old versions just because of them. They gave the game that feeling...I don't know how to describe it...like "Man, I'm playing 7D2D"...they made the game unique and creepy. Very nostalgic...

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I agree this was greay! I am trying to figure out how to mod sounds in game right now. I want to add more varied zombie sounds and custom biome music. From what I found it takes a tone of changes. I was hoping it was as simple as adding in sounds (ZombieA1, ZombieA2, ZombieA3) and have a RNG pick a random zombie loop for a more varied feel.


If you can make a mod with JUST these added ambient sounds, please do it. The best way to get the sounds would be to download Alpha 11. I don't know where the sound files would be, but if you have to, just clip under the ground in each biome and use OBS or Audacity to get decent sound clips. Good luck!

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I didn't like the sound because I couldn't base in burnt forest or plains XD


Baby crying in the distance and the out of tune music box in the burnt biome was always creepy


My personal favorite was the Plains. I always thought the distant wailing and whispering made the Plains feel haunted. The Burnt Forest has to be the second creepiest.

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My personal favorite was the Plains. I always thought the distant wailing and whispering made the Plains feel haunted. The Burnt Forest has to be the second creepiest.


oh yeah it was super creepy and added a LOT of ambiance. like i legit was constantly on edge in those biomes. i think the problem isn't so much the sound itself as much as it got really really repetitive if you were there for 1,000 hours. also it didn't actually serve any purpose like say if it were to play when a horde spawned, or if it were to play when you were in a certain type of factory building, etc.


lots of good ambiance in the snow biome though, i miss that. i actually feel cold just listening to this again. almost forgot about these sounds.

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Really unbelievable how the sound now is so poor compared to this.


There really needs to be a complete sound redesign and balance with proper directional accuracy and relative volume levels.


They actually completely redid the sound in like A13 iirc and I hated that whole update, everything about it. I mean I still play and love this game and love a lot of the updates they're doing, but the sound update was by far one of the worst "overhauls" they've ever done. Many people will argue with me over this, but I loved the old sound radii. Basically if you were playing multiplayer you could hear a forge forging metals from 1-2km away, and an auger from up to 3km or so away. You could hear trees being chopped at 500m+ and gunshots at over 1km. Not to mention all that ambiance (even though it could have used some tweaking). It made the world feel more alive. I do hope they work on the sound again to some degree.

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100% agreed there. The only ambiance left is in the wastelands -- I do like that fallout-3 sorta vibe there; won't catch me building in one due to the 100,000 landmines per square inch, though lol. The ambiance in the game is terrible now, to be honest. Not talking alabout lighting or decorations and etc, but having 100% nature-only background noise actually kinda makes me fall asleep.

OK about the mines there's about a couple hundread in total in the waistland biome (navsgame) probably spelt wrong. But the mines are spread far apart to were u half to walk like 50 blocks straight to hit one then another 50 for the next land mine they are not near any poi unless modded or in certain ones like the crain at the construction site and the military camp and so on. Also really miss the old sounds too

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I miss the "sounds" that the female character used to make when jumping, becoming exhausted, resting....it was all so good! I can't remember which alpha that was, but damn....it made me feel young again. Now why won't someone bring ~that~ back?? :dejection:




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I miss the "sounds" that the female character used to make when jumping, becoming exhausted, resting....it was all so good! I can't remember which alpha that was, but damn....it made me feel young again. Now why won't someone bring ~that~ back?? :dejection:





You can't fight age...


Though "Morloc" does sound a bit mythical... You do magic? Wizardry? :p

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Based on what I've read, I have some more ideas for the ambiance. The more you listen to them, the more you realize the audio track is more like a compilation of a bunch of sound cues over environmental sounds. So, what do you think about having the individual sound cues added into the game as indicators of some events? Example: The wailing sound in the Plain biome could indicate a wandering horde had just spawned. Some of the creepier sounds could increase tension as you are sneaking up on a zombie for a stealth kill. Also, more elements could play as you get to a POI to increase tension as you scavenge, and stop playing once all the sleepers are killed. Lastly, the more "musical" elements should increase in frequency throughout the week as you draw closer to the Blood Moon horde (you'll really get that feeling that 'something' is coming). Imagine the buildup. This way, not only will we get to keep the old sounds, BUT they won't loop endlessly, AND they will actually be informative.

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Really unbelievable how the sound now is so poor compared to this.


There really needs to be a complete sound redesign and balance with proper directional accuracy and relative volume levels.


I'd also like a sound effects slider, so I can tone zombie/mining/gas powered tools volume down. I usually crouch when I mine or such things because otherwise its way to damned loud.

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