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7DTD in 2020


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What do you expect in 2020?


For me, im hoping PVP is very refined by then, that is, huge worlds, massive actually, with ability to host big amount of players at once, 100+, taking advantage of next gen CPUs, like the newer Threadrippers by AMD etc. Super powerful servers.


Graphics: Another graphical update like the ones that we get from time to time.


New vehicles: A big truck to load massive amounts of items so you can travel around the big map without being stressed about running out of items. Ships, so there will be pirates living in the middle of the ocean, this will give another dimension to PVP. Perhaps add zombie pirates too in abandoned ships? Think waterworld. Some people would decide to live in oceans in a post apocalyptic scenario.


Cave system: A proper cave system, with zombies that only spawn underground. This will give underground bunker players also a new dimension, just another way to play, without ruinning the nice experience of living underground hidden.


Version: I hope we are at beta by then. Hopefully servers aren't forced to wipe the map with each update anymore. I would like to have backwards compatibility to run a permanent world that never resets. Unfortunately with the new random world generation server in which the world is created all at once after X hours of processing vs generating chunks as you walk, I don't see how that will be possible. If you generate chunks as you walk, you would generate the new biomes and items when you travel into never traveled before areas, just like the legendary 2b2t Minecraft server works. I hope this can be solved somewhere in the future to have permanent 7DTD worlds.


More POIs: With bigger world, there can't be enough POIs to keep things interested so players are incentivized to travel across big distances looking for more rareer POIs and items.


Polished: The game should be polished bugs wise, more solid.

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I'm hoping people will have finally figured out this isn't a PvP game. It's not designed to be, and was never intended to be.


It will be interesting to see 7 Days finished, and the console starting to get some nicer content.


I'll likely be in the kickstarter for their next big project as well.

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By 2020, I hope to be playing alpha 17. I also hope that they completely remove the ability to damage other players, structures built by other players, and taking crops or chest contents belonging to other players who you aren't teamed up with.


Seriously, Fortnite called. They want you to go back home and stop ruining 7 Days to Die.

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I think your hopes might be in vain, Sylen :D

I'm hoping modders will find the framework they need to turn it into a good PvP game. Because intended to be one or not, it has awesome potential to be one of a kind.


Also agree to OP's first point. TFP should at least consider swaying from the "for 8 players only" concept. More people to play with simultaneously (or against) really can make it more fun. Doesn't have to be MMORPG-levels but a stable 50 players game would rock, imo. PvE or PvP doesn't even matter to me in that regard.


Don't wanna dive too much into the old PvE-PvP dichotomy, I'm sick of the useless arguments over it tbh.


Speaking from the builder's/prefabber's perspective:

What I really hope for is that the game will offer a good functional set of tools to extract builds, edit them and share them online without any need for 3rd party tools at all. (No offense to Pille, HAL9000 and Co. Your work is essential and should serve as inspiration to TFP :) )

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I just hope MM posted his video he mentioned on Twitter yesterday by then..




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I'm hoping people will have finally figured out this isn't a PvP game. It's not designed to be, and was never intended to be.


Then what was the initial purpose of keystones? And why did they initially introduce damage player to player?

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Then what was the initial purpose of keystones? And why did they initially introduce damage player to player?


Adding PvP and some elements doesn't mean its intended as a PvP game. The game is primarily a PvE game and thats how its being designed.

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Adding PvP and some elements doesn't mean its intended as a PvP game. The game is primarily a PvE game and thats how its being designed.


I know it is primarily PvE, however there seem to be some elements of PvP that I think were intentionally added. So I was responding to this


...was never intended to be. (pvp)
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I'm hoping people will have finally figured out this isn't a PvP game. It's not designed to be, and was never intended to be.


I am tempted to reply every time I see such kind of a comment, even if I am at a 99% a, so-called, pve player. If I remember correctly Sylen you have played games that were not pvp games but did have a pvp system that enhanced pve like UO. In my eyes the game industry just needs to mature out of strictly pvp/pve games when it comes to open world games like this and more towards creating a virtual believable immersive world. It will happen eventually, mark my words.


Anyhow, what I am hoping for the game even if, again, rpgs are my favorite genre, is this - that they do not sacrifice survival elements to implement rpg elements and that it ends up having a meaningful, satisfying, immersive survival progression without gimmicks. Refined pvp is the last thing I wish for the game at this point.

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2020 you say?... I am guessing waiting anxiously for A18 experimental to drop. That is assuming they continue to follow the trend of 1 year + a few months between versions.


Seriously, though - I honestly expect they will be done with the game by then. I suspect their getting ready to call it good, move onto something new. Hopefully that means we will be playing a nice and shiny, well balanced game with no bugs and lots of fun!

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I'm hoping people will have finally figured out this isn't a PvP game. It's not designed to be, and was never intended to be.


It will be interesting to see 7 Days finished, and the console starting to get some nicer content.


I'll likely be in the kickstarter for their next big project as well.


Not going to happen, in terms of the pvp aspect, for pvptards "if it has pvp its a pvp based game" is pretty much how their brain works no matter how many times or by who they are told otherwise.


I'd like to see this become more of an actual zombie game: more zombies, maybe with randomized looks, Low health on them, but LOTS of them around in places that WOULD have lots, like a city etc. The whole carbon copy zombie clones we have now always bothered me immersion wise. I mean they used to be humans, they shouldn't all look the same for that type. I know its a performance reason right now though.


I been thinking of figuring out how to tweak diffculty in a16.4, leave the damage they deal alone, but remove the dmg reduction on player weapons that occurs on warrior and up. Bascally: zombies are easy to kill, but if they do hit you, its going to hurt like hell. Maybe up spawn amount as well a tad to counteract how they die easier.

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2020 you say?... I am guessing waiting anxiously for A18 experimental to drop. That is assuming they continue to follow the trend of 1 year + a few months between versions.


Seriously, though - I honestly expect they will be done with the game by then. I suspect their getting ready to call it good, move onto something new. Hopefully that means we will be playing a nice and shiny, well balanced game with no bugs and lots of fun!


I think A18 will come in less than a year, the reason A17 is taking so long is they bascally updated unity and well, their shaders iirc mostly broke and had to be remade, amoung lots of other possible issues from upgrading the engine the game runs on. A18 we may see some optimizations for the new engine, 2.0's of various systems like quests, AI etc. I REALLY hope that the devs are finally going to stick with a system finally, as changing most of the game every alpha is not getting the game anywhere fast.


Last few alphas had the skill system come in, then be largely changed around. A17 from the sound of the feature list sounds like a great launch pad to stick with and build on without re-doing most of the game over yet again in A18.

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I'm hoping people will have finally figured out this isn't a PvP game. It's not designed to be, and was never intended to be.


It will be interesting to see 7 Days finished, and the console starting to get some nicer content.


I'll likely be in the kickstarter for their next big project as well.


Most people want PVP because the AI gets boring after a while, specially in 2020 after years of playing it. By 2020 PVE-onlytards should have realized that a mix of PVP+PVE is the winning combination.


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By 2020, I hope to be playing alpha 17. I also hope that they completely remove the ability to damage other players, structures built by other players, and taking crops or chest contents belonging to other players who you aren't teamed up with.


Seriously, Fortnite called. They want you to go back home and stop ruining 7 Days to Die.


Single player called.


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I think your hopes might be in vain, Sylen :D

I'm hoping modders will find the framework they need to turn it into a good PvP game. Because intended to be one or not, it has awesome potential to be one of a kind.


Also agree to OP's first point. TFP should at least consider swaying from the "for 8 players only" concept. More people to play with simultaneously (or against) really can make it more fun. Doesn't have to be MMORPG-levels but a stable 50 players game would rock, imo. PvE or PvP doesn't even matter to me in that regard.


Don't wanna dive too much into the old PvE-PvP dichotomy, I'm sick of the useless arguments over it tbh.


Speaking from the builder's/prefabber's perspective:

What I really hope for is that the game will offer a good functional set of tools to extract builds, edit them and share them online without any need for 3rd party tools at all. (No offense to Pille, HAL9000 and Co. Your work is essential and should serve as inspiration to TFP :) )


It's really a waste of technology. All these huge maps, weapons etc, just to kill some dumb AI zombies, really? I hope they wise up to the big market that PVP+PVE combination is. In the apocalypse there are real people that are as dangerous as zombies or more, stop being pussies.


As far as blueprints goes, they ruin games like this, they really do, specially PVP. For instance in Empyrion, a survival game where you can travel across planets, people no longer bother building in game, they just build offline and then just farm resources until they can spawn their blueprints. Or they just don't even bother and download prefabs from other people, so you end up with a server filled with prefabs instead of building in-game with the constant threat of AI+players, as it should be.

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(Pve-PvP talk)


Like I said, I'm sick of the discussion. Some of your replies to others here are exactly the type of "civilized arguments" why.

Did you start this thread for people to share their wishes and hopes for the game's future, or just to lobby for one of the sides of the retarded dichotomy? Here's my take: Both sides have good arguments. Some people will never want to reconsile the 2 and for those people there can always be PvE only or PvP enabled servers to play on. To each their own. Fun Pimps and their mods can stick to their attitude of "it was never intended to be pvp yadda yadda", but should provide enough of a framework for modders to work with, which they seem to be going for, so I'm not too worried.


As far as blueprints goes, they ruin games like this, they really do, specially PVP. For instance in Empyrion, a survival game where you can travel across planets, people no longer bother building in game, they just build offline and then just farm resources until they can spawn their blueprints. Or they just don't even bother and download prefabs from other people, so you end up with a server filled with prefabs instead of building in-game with the constant threat of AI+players, as it should be.


Well I can see the point you're making and I can see how you associated my suggestion with the example you made.

So to clarify: When I say prefabs in the context of 7dtd I usually mean places to explore and loot and stumble across Zs, not neccessarily places to base in. I'm not suggesting any system that allows you to just pop in a full base during regular gameplay, but one where you may add new prefabs before you start a game, so that they will get randomly placed just like the vanilla ones. Think along the lines of what mods like Magoli's prefab pack are doing.

A server owner could preselect cool new places to explore from a vast database and add them to their map and if those places would be too OP as a base then there's always the option to do what many servers already do: Have a rule against building in towns or prefabs altogether.

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