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The Fun Pimps New Game After 7D2D: What would you like?


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So we know that the Fun Pimps have some ideas on what there next game would be. I want to ask what would you like to see?

Please don't negate these premises:


1. Your wish can't be a sequel (even though there is strong evidence for this case)


2. Mechanics of the game are open world voxel, similar to 7D2D, these are core mechanics.


3. Have fun.




I'd like to see an 80's futuristic aesthetic (like Back To The Future II mixed with an Arcade flair) with you fighting run amok robots and A.I.


Your turn-

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I would love a game set in our world but with a dark "Upside Down" dimension you can travel to. Monsters can come through portals into our world and eventually you could travel to the other dimension. Things you change there would have an effect here and vice versa.


Think Minecraft's Nether meets Stranger Things the t.v. show meets Zelda: A Link to the Past

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I think they should do a small simulation game called Whine... They can take all the experiences from here and the steam forums and combine them into the next biggest selling game on the planet. No tutorial will be needed as so many are already masters. Just being cynical today I guess... :smile-new::cocksure:

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I would love a game set in our world but with a dark "Upside Down" dimension you can travel to. Monsters can come through portals into our world and eventually you could travel to the other dimension. Things you change there would have an effect here and vice versa.


Think Minecraft's Nether meets Stranger Things the t.v. show meets Zelda: A Link to the Past


Yes, I'd also love to see someone re-do Minecraft with a better focus on combat. I enjoy MC from time to time, but the combat is just terrible in it.


It would have to be vastly moddable to, so that the Feed The Beast style modpacks through major overhaul mods like IndustrialCraft etc could be implemented as well.

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I would love a game set in our world but with a dark "Upside Down" dimension you can travel to. Monsters can come through portals into our world and eventually you could travel to the other dimension. Things you change there would have an effect here and vice versa.


Think Minecraft's Nether meets Stranger Things the t.v. show meets Zelda: A Link to the Past


Sounds awesome to be honest. I love games with drastically different worlds you can experience in a single game. Especially when they have their own unique ecosystems. Ex: Growing an earth mushroom on mars would create an entirely new thing, etc.

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I want a flying carpet and to shoot zombies with fireballs and stuff.

Okay, fine. I want MC3.


Can't those MLP fly? Or at least some of them? That would work, too.

Putting on Ride of the Valkyries while raining down meteors and firestorms from a pink pony.

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I'd simply like them to try another implementation of the voxel engine but this time having the time and experience to get it working as fast as possible using the techniques that they've never had a chance to try because of the impatience of the players.


Seriously, take about a year or two and implement octrees or something, if I had the time I'd do that for fun :-)


Taking the time to implement modding from the ground up instead of as an afterthought would also help immensely. Most of the standard assets in the game could be a Fun Pimp created mod, you're then implementing modding on a fundamental level.


Don't just scrap the code-base, strap on the rose-tinted glasses, and try something completely different. The work that's gone into 7dtd is a valuable resource and one that shouldn't be discarded or squandered.

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I think they should do a small simulation game called Whine... They can take all the experiences from here and the steam forums and combine them into the next biggest selling game on the planet. No tutorial will be needed as so many are already masters. Just being cynical today I guess... :smile-new::cocksure:


and have it run natively at Linux :p

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I just want infinite worlds similar to minecraft so you never need to reset your server and wipe everyone's hard work. A persistent world. I like the zombie theme myself but also like sci-fi like Empyrion


I just want a gorram persistent PVP like 2b2t on Minecraft. I hate server wipes. I want big worlds, I want a nice lore on the servers, I want to travel and find bases that were built years ago, discover stuff made by other people and so on.


So many great modern voxel games like 7DTD and Empyrion but their PVPs suck, most server suck, so I see myself going back to gorram Minecraft but im sick of blocky games at this point.

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For my two cents worth ...They should buy out palladium books and they use that to build a "RIFTS" type set of interconnected worlds,each with a different theme but all using the same core mechanics. That way,should you get tired of post apocalyptic survival setting you could search out a gateway to an old west type world, or whatever suited your fancy.

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For my two cents worth ...They should buy out palladium books and they use that to build a "RIFTS" type set of interconnected worlds,each with a different theme but all using the same core mechanics. That way,should you get tired of post apocalyptic survival setting you could search out a gateway to an old west type world, or whatever suited your fancy.


Kind of give Portal Knights the same treatment they gave Minecraft. That could be cool and with the Rifts setting they would have plenty of story material.

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what was the one they flew on dragons and incinerated the thread as it fell for if it landed the planet got infected....

it happened when another planets orbit came close

that would give flyng on fire breathing dragons (nice), scope for planet defense scenarios, multi player coop fits well, have to dig into ground to eradicate whats landed for hand to hand

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As long as it has a strong story, clear objectives, and timely updates, it could be anything.


For setting, something between Shadowrun and Mad Max. That way they could keep a lot of the gathering/crafting mechanics.

See also Dying Light meets Crossout.


The Shadowrun influence would put into play a scenario of "2 teams took the same job, but only 1 team can get paid" PvP.


It could include a lot of different parts to make vehicles, from motorbikes to war rigs a-la Fury Road.


And since the fully-destructible voxel world has proven to be such a limiting factor, they should really move away from that until they can really get it optimized and water behaving as a fluid.

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