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Which is the LESS important main feature of the game V


Which is the LESS important main feature of the game V  

160 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is the LESS important main feature of the game V

    • Enemy Hit Point Bars that pop up when they are targeted
    • Open versions of containers that aren't containers
    • Keep them both! In Pimps We Trust!!!

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This one is going to diverge from the usual format in two ways. The first is that instead of focusing on what new features we want to gain, we are going to focus on what new features we want to lose.... The second change is that I am offering a third option instead of the traditional two based on the feedback from the last poll.


So which of these two is the most important feature for the devs to please forget about and to do something different thank you very much? Feel free to discuss how you think it should be implemented differently.

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Kinda tough but I voted to keep both.


Player side: Says to get rid of the health bars.

Modder side: Keep them for testing and I'll just mod it out later.


The open/closed cupboard doors don't bother me and will help with making every poi seem like it's been through an apocalypse.


Going to reach a bit but guessing: Maybe they'll be randomized open or closed?

example: House A and House B. Look the same and has the same layout but one has x amount of cupboards open with no loot, while other has a different x amount open with no loot. If done that way would make 2 of the same poi's a touch more unique.


Probably wrong but going to take a chance :p

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Fake containers add a flavor of realism. There are more important things to take care of, but it is not something I see negatively. HP bars do the opposite, harm immersion, "remind you" you are playing a game and would fit an arcade-y shooter much more than a supposedly immersive survival experience.


So I think it's a no-brainer to cut the HP bars.



PS: Roland I didn't read the OP before I voted (typical), so I thought cut = keep, please change my vote to the HP bars.

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Fake containers add a flavor of realism. There are more important things to take care of, but it is not something I see negatively. HP bars do the opposite, harm immersion, "remind you" you are playing a game and would fit an arcade-y shooter much more than a supposedly immersive survival experience.


So I think it's a no-brainer to cut the HP bars.



PS: Roland I didn't read the OP before I voted (typical), so I thought cut = keep, please change my vote to the HP bars.


Agree 100%

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I'm not sure whether to vote that the open containers should go, or whether to vote to keep both.


I definitely think that the health bars should stay.


Can someone explain in more detail how these open containers are going to work? I don't think I know enough about them yet to decide whether they should stay or go.


Some percentage of containers (e.g. fridges, ovens, cupboards, etc) in a POI will be graphically presented as "opened". These objects are not containers but are just static blocks that decorate the room with variety but no interaction. Thus you can enter a room and know to skip anything that looks open and only search things that appear closed.


The criticism of this is that it will effectively reduce the lootable containers in every POI and also be meaningless decoration that the player will just instantly process as irrelevant. The upside is that it will bring greater visual variation to POI's.


In my mind it is a missed opportunity to create containers that have an open/closed presentation and could create more looting scenarios. This game (to me) is all about interacting with everything and the more static blocks we have in the game rather than interactive blocks the more like other games this one becomes. I don't hate it like I do the HP bar but I'd like to see it develop further than is currently planned. If it turns out the current implementation is just the first iteration then Happy Day!

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We need a get rid of both option if we have a keep both option, in fairness of course.


I voted HP bars. They're so ugly they make open containers look like a good idea.


The keep them both is the "none of the above" option for this round. You are voting FOR the one you want gone with the most prejudice. If you don't want either completely 100% equally then you are out of luck in this poll but you already admitted that you only hate the one with the heat of 1000 suns whereas the other is just a bit of a sunburn. :)

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IDK does this game really need more loot opportunities? That's why I don't care about the open doors deal.


Hey Roland.

Since your in the poll thang lately..

How about the next poll be about keeping or getting rid of the "Quality Joe" perk?

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The health bar thing is easy just make it an option they can turn off/on, make both sides happy. I also like the helper blocks for looted stuff etc because it gives a feeling there are others in the world that might have been running thru the house in a rush checking for things. I mean in a post apoc situation who the hell is going to take the time to lock their door when they are running for their lives?

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The keep them both is the "none of the above" option for this round. You are voting FOR the one you want gone with the most prejudice. If you don't want either completely 100% equally then you are out of luck in this poll but you already admitted that you only hate the one with the heat of 1000 suns whereas the other is just a bit of a sunburn. :)


Im with you on this one. The less on the UI the better in this case for sure.


- - - Updated - - -


The title literally asks which one do you want to cut.


And the journal in game clearly tells you where to find which ore in which biome.... but we still get a hundred questions about where to find what. Que Sera.


Reading comprehension does not seem to be a guarantee alongside such talents as stilt bases and for stylish bedrock dwelling.

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