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Darkness Falls: They mostly come out at night...


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The base game already has a 2 person vehicle and I removed the gyrocopter because I felt it was overpowered...


Are we even talking about the same thing? I'm just talking about vanilla A17 and it's added vehicles, namely the bicycle, the bike, the 4x4 and the gyrocopter (you might have a point with that one). The mod just has the minibike from A16, which didn't have a 2 person vehicle, right?

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Hmm. I must've mess up somehow. I installed using the mod manager, and when I run the mod it says A17.1(b9). But if I launch a game with cheatmode (I tried first without cheat mode and just looked at the recipes) I can only spawn the minibike and it's parts.

Do I need to install a manual update somehow?

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Hey KhaineGB,


Loving the mod so far, running my own dedi with me and a few mates, but having issues with getting stuck on "creating player" after a log out or game crash,


any ideas or suggestions ?




****Just found your post regarding fixes and the discord channel, downloaded your latest files, added to my machine and my server and so far seems fine ! thanks for your effort and keep up the awesome work !!! ****

Edited by dansv8 (see edit history)
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Vehicles are entities, so you need debug mode and F6.


I was looking for the parts, and I think I just misinterpreted there still being a skill book for building the minibike but no books for the new vehicles ... or something, even in the normal cheat menu the new vehicles are impossible to overlook. Heh.


Thanks, this makes it highly likely that I switch my next game to this mod. Fantastic.

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The Mod Launcher will reset to "1" .. anytime you pre-sync the mod or use the Auto refresh .. This is the original way the mod (Darkness Falls) is loaded into the Launcher ..


I have the same issue .. Now .. I have just gotten into the habit of Pre-Sync first _ then turn off Auto Refresh and going back in file using a desktop shortcut folder and resetting .. (yel .. a bit of a pain .. but I have gotten use to doing things like that to make games work for me like I like) … the Old Gamer .. :02.47-tranquillity:


PS: And setting it to "0" is not 100% guarantee that you will not get gore blocks all the time .. I still get them ONCE in a while and it depends on weapon you use sometimes. Just a Thought .. Have Fun and Enjoy


EDIT: 01-27-2019 @ 10:50am EST ..

I started to have a problem again with Gore Block set to .. "0" .. I had to reload game thru launcher and Now .. Most of the time .. it is Going Back to .. "1" .. after starting the Game ..

I know the Launcher re-copies the "Darkness Falls" files each time you play game and it might be having an issue with the XML reset that we do .. and .. changing it back to " 1 " as original file is.

Maybe Sphereii can shed some light on this issue and a way to fix.


This makes a lot of sense. Thank you! One of those things where I had a hunch something like this was the cause, but I didn't know enough about the launcher to be sure. Feel better knowing someone else had the same issue too. I believe I'll skip the launcher for this particular mod and see how that goes.


From one old gamer to another, thanks again.

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This makes a lot of sense. Thank you! One of those things where I had a hunch something like this was the cause, but I didn't know enough about the launcher to be sure. Feel better knowing someone else had the same issue too. I believe I'll skip the launcher for this particular mod and see how that goes.


From one old gamer to another, thanks again.


You have to change .xml under Temp mods in

H:\7D2D-MODED\Alpha17\Darkness_Falls\Darkness_Falls\TempMods\KhaineGB\DarknessFallsA17Client\Data\Config --> entityclasses.xml depends on what drive you installed it, thats the path to the .xml you need to change.


Change all CorpseBlockChance" value="1" into ...value=0 and you wont get any more goreblocks. ( there are 2 lines containing this - just turn them both to 0 and voila ).

Ofcourse if you are starting it with launcher than you need to uncheck the Refresh Mods Automatically and Update Registry otherwise every time you will just rewrite the changes.. Save all games Local to Mod is the only one still checked for me. Hope it helps.

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You have to change .xml under Temp mods in

H:\7D2D-MODED\Alpha17\Darkness_Falls\Darkness_Falls\TempMods\KhaineGB\DarknessFallsA17Client\Data\Config --> entityclasses.xml depends on what drive you installed it, thats the path to the .xml you need to change.




Not all xml's?

to get my ragdoll and vehicle custom xml's working, it's where they are normally found where they need to go, that's what works for me anyways, using mod launcher.

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Hey KhaineGB...


did you hear?

Roland says 17.2 will have xp gain, bloodmoon frequency settings\random day stuff settings (and fixed 25% loot abundance setting)


If true, alpha 17.2 is the most gameplay significant decimal point upgrade this game has ever had. I hope you'll still have gas left in your tank to go through the murderous process of updating your mod for it. Here's to hoping it doesn't completely ruin all your code lol. :smile-new:


Can't be as bad as upgrading from 16 to 17 though I'd imagine.

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Darkness Falls V2.01 is now on GitHiub, which means you can use your launchers to update. :) Patch notes as follows.


- Cvar tracking removed from weapons and transferred to buffs. This helps with the creating player bug, but does not fix it.

- Hunter and Survivalist quests changed to Gather Shiv instead of Craft Shiv to help with a rare NRE.

- Animal Snare and Chicken Coop now have the right loot lists.

- Butchering Tools had a max level of 1. Should have been 2.

- Bowl of Water can now be crafted in the campfire.

- Scavenging now works a little better. It also levels up from using the wrench to disassemble things.

- New food and drink items should show how much food and drink they give.

- Fixed the winchester rifle perk not unlocking the winchester rifle gun.

- Stone axe should now power attack.

- Removed time from the map because that was supposed to be a thing.

- Changed the FIRST class quest of every class to reward items in a different way to prevent NRE's.

- Hornet doesn't get a tomahawk missile stuck in it now.

- Zombie corpses now persist for 120 seconds instead of 5 to help with gore blocks in dungeons.

- Gore blocks eventually disappear on their own. Approx 10 mins on 60 min days.

- Clothing now shows how many backpack slots it unlocks.

- Potato seed changed to always_unlocked due to it sometimes not unlocking for some reason.

- Wheel's were missing a recipe, which has now been added and is mechanic-specific.

- Mining Tools action skill wasn't applying bonuses due to incorrect tag. It now has the right tag.

- Advanced Forge now fixed and working.

- Bow weapons changed from 1 level to 2 levels, because that's what it should've been.

- Carry slots unlocked by strength now unlock properly.

- Scrap pickaxe sell value adjusted to be in-line with other scrap tools

- Scrap tool durability readjusted to be higher than stone but lower than iron.

- Stone hammer set to same durability as other stone tools.

- Serrated and Tempered Blade can now be installed on spears, except stone.

- Changed blunderbuss to needing scrap iron for repair.

- Increased blunderbuss damage from 11 to 25 so it's the same as stone arrows.

- Mortar and Pestle disabled in the Advanced Forge as a temp fix for the "flashing" issue.

- Iron and Titanium Spears can be scrapped.

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It'll probably half ruin it :D


Such is the sad life of modders, game updates often screw with things and make you have to redo parts of it. We <3 you guys and gals for it though, I know without mods i'd not still be into 7dtd as I am.


Also, that NRE I mentioned? I figure out how to kill it, you have to abandon the "go to a trader" quest in order to get it to stop.


Also I found a few skill books but I haven't been able to use any of them, Found the Bikes for dumbshyts book on day 1, but it'd never let me read it.


I assume I just download the new version from the a17.1 link in the first post to get the updated version? Then slap it over my current install?

Edited by Scyris (see edit history)
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You have to change .xml under Temp mods in

H:\7D2D-MODED\Alpha17\Darkness_Falls\Darkness_Falls\TempMods\KhaineGB\DarknessFallsA17Client\Data\Config --> entityclasses.xml depends on what drive you installed it, thats the path to the .xml you need to change.


Change all CorpseBlockChance" value="1" into ...value=0 and you wont get any more goreblocks. ( there are 2 lines containing this - just turn them both to 0 and voila ).

Ofcourse if you are starting it with launcher than you need to uncheck the Refresh Mods Automatically and Update Registry otherwise every time you will just rewrite the changes.. Save all games Local to Mod is the only one still checked for me. Hope it helps.


I talked with Sphereii this morning .. and .. you did what he said to try .. Thank you for doing the full pointing .. and by the way .. we use the same storage drive .. Just a thought. … the Old gamer .. :02.47-tranquillity:

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Thanks KGB! One more question - looks like I have a bug, started my game using the launcher this morning and noticed two issues , not sure if it refreshed with the latest version of the mod (which you said would release tomorrow) or my current version got a bug somehow. Log file is at https://pastebin.com/RMMfcPCb :

1. No time on the map. Yesterday I could see the current time when I bring up the map.

2. Loot was working fine, then my inventory filled up, and after I freed up a slot there is no more loot anywhere. I'm opening crates, opening fresh bird nests, garbage etc. No loot at all, everything is coming up empty. Tried restarting the game, still the same issues.


Did I get the new mod somehow and got new bugs, is this fixable?

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1. Was time removed today? I know that getting a watch is the right way to do it, just wondering how it worked on the map until this morning. EDIT: Just saw your patch notes KGB, never mind this question, I see it was removed.


2. Any suggestions on things to try? Exiting the game and coming back didn't fix it.

Edited by factura (see edit history)
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hey @KhaineGB


First of all, I want to tell you that you are doing great work, and look at the one or the other Twitch as the mod is running.


I have a question where you may be right on the head stuck: D but .......: D


Is it possible to turn off the behemoth zombies with a command ???


I would like to play alone, already with zombie but not with rambo zombies: D


Would appreciate an answer very much.


Thank you.


German.... ;)


hey @KhaineGB


Erstmal mِchte ich dir sagen das du super Arbeit machst, und bei dem einen oder andere Twitch guckst wie die Mod so lنuft.


Ich habe eine frage wo du dir vieleicht direkt an den kopf fest :D aber .......:D


Ist es mِglich die behemoth zombies aus zu stellen mit einem befehl ???


Ich mِchte in ruhe alleine spielen, schon mit zombie aber nicht mit rambo zombies :D


Würde mich über eine Antwort sehr freuen.



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I downloaded the mod and took a look at the xmls. There are only 12 entries in the entitygroups.xml for the behemoths so it should be pretty easy to remove them. Just search for behemoth and remove each line that has them. That would be the fastest method but would require doing it every time the mod is update. You could also make a modlet to remove them.


Create a folder named something like BehemothBegone and in that folder make a text file called Modinfo.xml and put this in it.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

	<Name value="BehemothBegone " />
	<Description value="Removes the big baddies" />
	<Author value="Your name here" />
	<Version value="1.0" />
	<Website value="http://7daystodie.com" />


Next in that folder make a folder named Config and in that folder make another text file called entitygroups.xml and put this code in there. This should remove the behemoths although, I have not tried the remove xpath with entities yet but it works for recipes without a problem.

   <remove xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup/entity[@name='DFzombieBehemothFemale']" />
   <remove xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup/entity[@name='DFzombieBehemoth']" />
   <remove xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup/entity[@name='DFzombieBehemothFemaleRadiated']" />
   <remove xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup/entity[@name='DFzombieBehemothRadiated']" />


Edit: Figured I would try my hand at adding attatchments. Also, put a z in front of it to make sure it loads after Darkness Falls. My game is too butchered to test it out properly. I did do a quick test removing burnt zombies and that seemed to work.


Edited by scwanobi (see edit history)
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i got to ask, out of curiosity, has the game become more mod freindly? i feel like i been seeing more mods for alpha 17 then i did for 16... by that i mean more... intricate mods. new weapon models and stuff that doesnt need SDX. rather then adding a M16 thats just the AK model but has a different icon. have the fun pimps focused heavily on making the game far more mod-able with alpha 17? or is it still just as much a pain to make mods for.

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i got to ask, out of curiosity, has the game become more mod freindly? i feel like i been seeing more mods for alpha 17 then i did for 16... by that i mean more... intricate mods. new weapon models and stuff that doesnt need SDX. rather then adding a M16 thats just the AK model but has a different icon. have the fun pimps focused heavily on making the game far more mod-able with alpha 17? or is it still just as much a pain to make mods for.


It has, its designed to be a "modders wet dream" <-- quote straight from the devs.

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Attempt 2 fail-


Sadly the stuck on character creation screen still happens for other players joining, this time it happened the first time, last time it took 3 log outs to happen, so it seems worse now heh. I never seen this bug in vanilla unmodded- I know you said it can happen there but, it would seem to me, this mod has something not set right. I hope you can find what it is someday. I'll have to just run through it in single player until then, I am having a great time otherwise.

If only there was a way to fix it and keep progress, instead it's a showstopping bug. Restarting game didn't help either, it just keeps happening. =<

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