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Why are the pimps no longer going to implement the Behemoth?


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I always have envisioned (hoped, might be a better word) that the game will flesh out with a story that the players COULD take part in. Sort of like Elder Scroll / Fallout games have a main quest, but you literally can ignore it and keep playing the game as if it wasn't there. These crazy boss things could be part of that and help advance a story around the outbreak.


But, I am pretty sure that isn't part of scope, so it is mostly wishful thinking at this point...

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I always have envisioned (hoped, might be a better word) that the game will flesh out with a story that the players COULD take part in. Sort of like Elder Scroll / Fallout games have a main quest, but you literally can ignore it and keep playing the game as if it wasn't there. These crazy boss things could be part of that and help advance a story around the outbreak.


But, I am pretty sure that isn't part of scope, so it is mostly wishful thinking at this point...

Actually, this is the plan. Or at least it will be on the Navezgane map. Implementing some of that in RWG will be a bit more difficult.

I think the hold-back currently is bandit/survivor AI, and that is something they have been actively working on since a15.

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Glad they nixed it as well.


All the game needs is a variety of zombies and maybe as you progress the waves or chances of random zombies increase.


So low levels and 1 zombie is a panic but by level 100 you have business as usual until you max out and even then... :D

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I'm glad they dropped it. It was retarded.


Agreed. Now, if only they could have also binned those glowing perma-run bullet sponges while they were at it.


So many of us want to be facing dozens of "normal" zombies instead of 8 immersion breaking bullet sponges. TFP shouldn't pander to people trying to run this game on a potato.

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Haha, CLEARLY sarcasm is lost on you. But since you are new, I will spell it out for you.


See how many posts I have? See how long I have been a member. I would say a good 80 percent of them are in defense of this game or kinda trolly comments towards people who criticize it to death. I LOVE this game, worship it even. My post was a parody on the types of posts we see around here that insinuate the Pimps do not work, or are not focused etc.


See now It's not even slightly humorous anymore :(


It wasn't funny, but that could be due to exactly the kind of pervasive attitude you mention here. Your comment seemed like you are one of those people. My mistake

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Agreed. Now, if only they could have also binned those glowing perma-run bullet sponges while they were at it.


So many of us want to be facing dozens of "normal" zombies instead of 8 immersion breaking bullet sponges. TFP shouldn't pander to people trying to run this game on a potato.


i agree. we need larger hordes of normies. and normies that are a bit smarter - and are willing to dig through anything if you give them long enough. these are the zeds from all the zombie movies.


not necessarily "up-leveled" zeds.

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Agreed. Now, if only they could have also binned those glowing perma-run bullet sponges while they were at it.


So many of us want to be facing dozens of "normal" zombies instead of 8 immersion breaking bullet sponges. TFP shouldn't pander to people trying to run this game on a potato.


I don't think there it is entirely pandering to potatoes here... I see people with pretty beefy computers run into serious performance issues with a moderate amount of zeds in game at the same time. I love the game, but it isn't anywhere near an optimized state... and I say it that way as I HOPE the TFP will be able to optimize to improve performance significantly. My fear is that they can't due to the way the game is built and the massive amount data bouncing around out in their voxel world.


BTW... I think someone should start a chip hop band named "Pandering to Potatoes"...

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The end game is way too easy, and the gameplay vs zombie is always the same. I was hoping for stronger zombie and zombie with special abilities like in left 4 dead. What will change in gameplay now there won't be a strong zombie ? It's still gonna be too easy to defend in end game.

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The end game is way too easy, and the gameplay vs zombie is always the same. I was hoping for stronger zombie and zombie with special abilities like in left 4 dead. What will change in gameplay now there won't be a strong zombie ? It's still gonna be too easy to defend in end game.


Intelligent and armed NPCs will be the end game threat. We don't need to make zombies into demons with magic powers or giants with endless hit points.

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As the lowly zombie are now chewing through reinforced concrete like they were soft tacos, where do you go with something an order of magnitude stronger?


Of course, I always wondered how I can kill something with basically, a stick, that can do damage a wrecking ball would be proud of.


This is not your grandmother's Zombie Apocalypse.

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It sounded amazing and now its a dropped feature.


My disappointment is immeasurable.


And my day is ruined.


This one will suggest to fight a zombie bear with only fists to make up for

that loss of challenge.


In my opinion however, the behemoth did not quite fit with the theme of zombie apocalypse.

It made as much sense as introducing aliens with laser drills to deal with underground bases.

Though, that is just my opinion, and less then 2 cents since i do this post in the sparetime, and

are not paid.

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The end game is way too easy, and the gameplay vs zombie is always the same. I was hoping for stronger zombie and zombie with special abilities like in left 4 dead. What will change in gameplay now there won't be a strong zombie ? It's still gonna be too easy to defend in end game.


On Insane ?

The gameplay maybe, but the Bulletsponges are a joke.

Wanted to loot a Bookstore on day 26


Couldnt do it, had only 150 Bullets for my Q570 Shotgun.

50% Headshots, but still killed only the half of the Zombies.


But no problem, now i again gater ammo for a week and try again to loot the Store.


Ohh btw i speak about the small Bookstore, and Gamestage 600-700

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I'm hoping AI improvements will help carry the weight of the lackluster difficulty curve. The behemoth was the equivalent of fixing the AI problem using a sledgehammer. "Our zombies are dumb as rocks and easily handled by any experienced player due to their terrible AI. So lets just make a giant monster that ignores the player's well thought out defenses and steam rolls through everything anyways." That was a crap solution and would not have been fun to play against. We need zombies that are better able to adapt to simple defensive strategies in some way. Not ones that ignore them all together.

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i agree. we need larger hordes of normies. and normies that are a bit smarter - and are willing to dig through anything if you give them long enough. these are the zeds from all the zombie movies.


not necessarily "up-leveled" zeds.


Pretty much my view also.


Bandits I'm all good with - it makes sense there'd be other survivors and that not all of them would as nice and sociable as I am.


Ultimately though, I'd like to be worried about being overrun by a TRUE horde of zombies, that, despite their lack of intelligence are an issue just from their sheer numbers, than having them break through reinforced concrete.

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I think more zombies at one go would solve the issue with needing strong Zeds. However. That's not going to happen easily.


Even with high end computers, as soon as you run reasonable graphics, and have a base with electricity, you're not going to be pumping out more than maybe 30 concurrent zombies at one go without seeing drastic FPS reductions. In my early A16 testing I went from 140 fps down to 40 when I had 60 zombies, just out in the desert, no electricity, no base, nothing else. For the average player's computer, 15-20 is probably already high.


So if you can't make more zombies, you need tougher zombies. I think they did pretty good in A16 with radiated. What I wish though, is that they implemented stun and decaps on cops, even at a very reduced rate, so that they are not so OP super spongy as they are. Right now 1 radiated feral cop is worth a wave of zombies by himself, due to high HP, stun/decap immunity, healing, AND he'l explode for a big area damage if you fail to put him down fast enough at the end.


So Behemoth would been nice, but since it shouldn't have come more than very once in a while (or per quest?) other things still are needed, so him not showing doesn't really alter the fundamentals :)


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The sum of a horde should be greater than its individual parts. A wall of zombies should be harder to defend against than a stream of a similar number of zombies.


My solution: make zombie damage increase based on the number of other zombies within a certain radius of them (configurable, hopefully).

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I don't really miss the behemoth myself. I don't really like that ziplines were cut, however.


I do understand though that feature creep is becoming a problem, so it's probably better that they were cut, as I can see how both features would be at the bottom of the list, and neither are very important to the core game IMO.


I don't think there it is entirely pandering to potatoes here... I see people with pretty beefy computers run into serious performance issues with a moderate amount of zeds in game at the same time. I love the game, but it isn't anywhere near an optimized state... and I say it that way as I HOPE the TFP will be able to optimize to improve performance significantly. My fear is that they can't due to the way the game is built and the massive amount data bouncing around out in their voxel world.


BTW... I think someone should start a chip hop band named "Pandering to Potatoes"...


Quoted for truth, this game is already resource extensive, and being a voxel game is a big part of that.


Also I gotta know, what's chip hop? Is it like hip hop mixed with chiptune, or is it glitchhop but with more chiptune elements?

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Zombie Bear is an OTT behemoth anyway, and I'd like to see it scaled down or ditched as well. It's total nonsense as it's implemented currently. Just a bullet sponge (or in my case explosive bolt sponge) with a (thankfully) faulty attack.

The last one pushed me through a wall, thankfully aiding my escape. While I survived 2 of them at once, it was total BS from the moment they were spawned in.

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