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The Offtopic, A17 thread.

Royal Deluxe

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She is the only female zombie that has the same HP compared to the zombie from her categoty, the fat male zombie. Both have 300HP. This is wat i think they should do to the others normal zombies.


You say in the comment I have quoted, 'I think this is what they should do to the other normal zombies'. Take an average man, and an average woman. He is going to be broader, taller, more muscular and probably leaner. You can't refute this, this is basic human anatomy. an average, or 'normal' as you put it, male is going to be tougher to kill, and hit harder than a smaller but still average, female.


F=ma. That, is basic physics.


You seem to be getting riled up by men and women being 'equal'. This is not the case, in life in general. Men are better suited to some tasks, women to others. We evolved that way for a reason. You really don't have a leg to stand on in this argument. If they are of similar builds, similar heights, then yeah. Should have same hp and same strength. But it's not the case, lol.


I respect your devotion to your opinion, but it is simply incorrect. Mad Mole had it spot on in his response to you, and it should not be changed. If zombies were real, I'd much prefer to be in combat with an average female zombie than an average male zombie. In one of your other posts, you are talking about the men hitting harder. Have you ever been in a fight?


I'm a 240lbs boxer, and I've been in a few. I've also been hit by a few of my exes, one of whom was a boxer (and a drunk) herself! I can tell you for a fact men hit harder. Not even talking about in the ring with other heavyweights, but just on the street.


'Gender' isn't the issue, sex is. A male body will output more force and take more than a female, and the numbers reflect this. Basic biology and physics. It's as simple as that.

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...now, if there was a black zombie that had a faster run speed than the white zombies, you'd have a bone of contention, but so far after reading your arguments, I'm not convinced.


If you're going for stereo types, make sure that they also have good jump height and they're mostly found in the prison POI.

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thanks for the video Joel. damn me if it doesn't look awesome!

i hope the next update comes out in the southern hemisphere winter otherwise important things wont get done around here...

i think you fellers have worked out a winning concept and i am behind you 100%

btw after all the bitching about 'no info' and ''no video'', then all the posts about gender equality about frikkin ZOMBIES?!?!?!?!

straight after this huge 25 min showcase?


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thanks for the video Joel. damn me if it doesn't look awesome!

i hope the next update comes out in the southern hemisphere winter otherwise important things wont get done around here...

i think you fellers have worked out a winning concept and i am behind you 100%

btw after all the bitching about 'no info' and ''no video'', then all the posts about gender equality about frikkin ZOMBIES?!?!?!?!

straight after this huge 25 min showcase?



It was one guy stirring the pot, and a couple of guys took the bait and it turned into that, a prime example of why we can't have nice things because there is always one who screws it up for everyone.


PSA: Don't be that guy.

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Yeah woman are weaker, smaller and also even less intelligent. That's why female zombies do less damage and have less HP.


Thanks God for developers not actually being politically correct.


Uh Women are not less intelligent and the fact that you just said that means that you are either ignorant or not the sharpest tool in the shed, or maybe both.


Then you have the nerve to bring God into it to justify your argument, just wow.


Most of the time I won't bother with responding to stuff like this because people that talk like you can't be reasoned with but even I have my limits.


Go away.

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Yeah woman are weaker, smaller and also even less intelligent. That's why female zombies do less damage and have less HP.


Thanks God for developers not actually being politically correct.


It looks to me more like a small framed zombie vs large frame one. Look at big Bertha vs a nurse now think in real live if a big lady vs a small lady slap you and now I am not talking about Judo trained woman.

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Yeah woman are weaker, smaller and also even less intelligent. That's why female zombies do less damage and have less HP.


Thanks God for developers not actually being politically correct.


I find it hilarious that every time I see someone trying to say that women are less intelligent than men, they can't seem to tell the difference between the singular and plural forms of words like woman/women. My apologies if English isn't your first language, in which case at least you were close. I'm just starting to notice a pattern of people with low opinions of women not actually knowing how to properly express their opinions.

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Uh Women are not less intelligent and the fact that you just said that means that you are either ignorant or not the sharpest tool in the shed, or maybe both.


Then you have the nerve to bring God into it to justify your argument, just wow.


Most of the time I won't bother with responding to stuff like this because people that talk like you can't be reasoned with but even I have my limits.


Go away.


Yeah...... I have to agree with this here. Women are not less intelligent (learned this from personal experiences), and bringing God into such an argument.... is quite sad and petty for someone to do in the first place. *shakes head*

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Yeah woman are weaker, smaller and also even less intelligent. That's why female zombies do less damage and have less HP.


Thanks God for developers not actually being politically correct.


Woman being less intelligent? If you are as intelligent as your post, I'm afraid you prove quite the counter-argument..

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Uh Women are not less intelligent and the fact that you just said that means that you are either ignorant or not the sharpest tool in the shed, or maybe both.


Then you have the nerve to bring God into it to justify your argument, just wow.


Most of the time I won't bother with responding to stuff like this because people that talk like you can't be reasoned with but even I have my limits.


Go away.


it's been scientifically proven that women are less intelligent. If you don't believe it you are simply uneducated, cause I doubt you are an idiot. It's like not beliving that Earth is round. Don't believe in stereotypes.

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I don't really like how these biomes are going away.


I would really like to see what TFP's do to reshape the remaining biomes.


You and I both, mate.

This talk about representing them as a 'sub-biome' is by far nothing like the original biomes.



Ps. Roland, you haven't mentioned the removal of the biomes in the first/second post?


- - - Updated - - -


it's been scientifically proven that women are less intelligent. If you don't believe it you are simply uneducated, cause I doubt you are an idiot. It's like not beliving that Earth is round. Don't believe in stereotypes.


If it's been proven scientifically, I would be very grateful if you could provide me with some peer-reviewed scientific papers?

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it's been scientifically proven that women are less intelligent. If you don't believe it you are simply uneducated, cause I doubt you are an idiot. It's like not beliving that Earth is round. Don't believe in stereotypes.


If it's been proven scientifically, I would be very grateful if you could provide me with some peer-reviewed scientific papers?


What he said.

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Ah yeah, IQ's are different among men and women. Among younger and older people. Among races. Among continents.


But I guess you also know that IQ is a pretty poor way to represent intelligence, right?

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Yeah woman are weaker, smaller and also even less intelligent. That's why female zombies do less damage and have less HP.


Thanks God for developers not actually being politically correct.


Let me guess, you're single aren't you?


I'm pretty sure my last few partners have had more education and a higher IQ than you ever will achieve. How many degrees do you have?


- - - Updated - - -


Did anyone else listen to the great Mole when he said the biomes aren't going away, simply that similar biomes will now share a ground texture, nothing more.

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Ah yeah, IQ's are different among men and women. Among younger and older people. Among races. Among continents.


But I guess you also know that IQ is a pretty poor way to represent intelligence, right?


It's the same with maths, through many years men score more than women. Men invented almost everything, even tampax and mop.

Do you know many many women are in top 100 best chess players? 0.

Do you know which place the first women scored in polish theoretical physics olympiad? 18th


I feel bad for explaining why 2+2 is 4.

You also wanted scientific papers. I gave you 6 different and then you said: "Junk science funded by small men with small minds with an agenda. ".


I'll stop now. I know probably 90% of users here can not understand straight facts and that's okay. Good day.

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It's the same with maths, through many years men score more than women. Men invented almost everything, even tampax and mop.

Do you know many many women are in top 100 best chess players? 0.

Do you know which place the first women scored in polish theoretical physics olympiad? 18th


I feel bad for explaining why 2+2 is 4.

You also wanted scientific papers. I gave you 6 different and then you said: "Junk science funded by small men with small minds with an agenda. ".


I'll stop now. I know probably 90% of users here can not understand straight facts and that's okay. Good day.


This is the direct result of the limitations placed on women by men throughout history, I will debate you until hell freezes over on this issue.

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