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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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I am trying read every post in this topic but probably i missed one thing. I don't mind if weapon mods are not removable but are mods able replace / overwrite old mods? For example can i replace old x4 scope with new x8 scope?


That is the whole point of detachable mods, if you cannot detach you cannot attach new. And if developer choose not to make it detachable is because they want you to find new Gun to use 8x Scope.

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I am trying read every post in this topic but probably i missed one thing. I don't mind if weapon mods are not removable but are mods able replace / overwrite old mods? For example can i replace old x4 scope with new x8 scope?


Roland said you can change one line for each Item Mod you want replaceable.

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obsessing over gun sats is a bit odd

as is comparing pc specs

and holden vs ford (most likely australaisan bathurst thing)

and how long your dong is

its all the same as far as i can see

not quite sure where i am going with this but surely it is not the wand but the wizard that waves it

if a gun/club/chainsaw(all hail the mighty Ash) is in your hands then use it. now. and make it count.

who really cares if it has plus 2 to some_stat as long as you can aim straight and apply it in a gruesome and satisfying manner.

unless that plus 2 is to interior decorating like tfp has hinted at.

red all over!!

yes i am a bit jaded

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Question: Will there be items that are only for Server or only for SP. Like Points/skill, you can do most or all stuff, just don't get efficient with specialization, but in SP people want to specialize everything so they can really enjoy all benefits. Going in that concept, can XML has item attributes so that Mod author can make a feature available for SP only or Server only. they can do it by having two version. But I am sure mod author love to maintain single XML for it.


I think you would have to do it as 2 separate mods, because in a17, single player and multiplayer are the same thing. Single Player just means you're the only one logged into the game at that moment.


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There's the real difficulty setting right there!


Keep the 200 levels as is, but have a difficulty level option at game start.


Easy mode is +2 skills per level,

Hard is -2,

Insane is you gain 1 skill point per level, dead is dead.


You're welcome. :)


As someone who dislikes bullet sponges as an easy solution to difficulty, I approve this message. Another possibility could be adjusting the XP curve so it takes longer to level up on higher difficulty settings. Or you could have increased game stage based on difficulty settings.

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I think you would have to do it as 2 separate mods, because in a17, single player and multiplayer are the same thing. Single Player just means you're the only one logged into the game at that moment.


- - - Updated - - -




As someone who dislikes bullet sponges as an easy solution to difficulty, I approve this message. Another possibility could be adjusting the XP curve so it takes longer to level up on higher difficulty settings. Or you could have increased game stage based on difficulty settings.


If you need more exp per level a person could just min/max exp and the game would end up not being much harder.


An average person is not going to become the clone of Bruce Lee, Macgyver and Chuck Norris in three months like your average 7D2D character. So, not being as super powered, is the only fun way I can think of to make the game harder.

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Is there a chance we could get the xml files in advance ?? for the modders we can see what changed and already make some mods in advance. om later stadium we just need to coppy past it and tune it to be perfect ?


No not really. If they are still working on things then it will change before it is released. Then all that time you spent will need to start over. When they are finished they will release it at least to a handful a few days earlier to streamers. So at the most you would get it maybe if lucky 5 days in advance. So by that time why even bother and just wait until they release it to the public.

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How is noone responding to this?



In my case, because I have gone to bed. Also discussing with you would probably be easier if you didn't go over the top. Ok, you don't like it. We got that. Now calm down a little. You know that all caps on the internet is equivalent to shouting?


AND what are all these arguments of "realism"?


Carrying 500 Lumber isn't realistic. BUT CARRYING LUMBER IN SMALL QUANTITIES IS.

Falling on a haybale and getting no fall damage isn't realistic. BUT FALLING INTO A MASSIVE HAYBALE BREAKS YOUR FALL.


Screwing a car with a wrench to get stuff is unrealistic. BUT COMPLETLY DISMANTLING THE CAR AND GETTING PARTS THAT AREN'T BROKEN ISN'T.


So, if I see a working workbench and dismantle it, why can't I put it up somewhere else exactly like it is? This is a quite comparable situation to the removable mods.


Not beeing able to remove weaponmods is unrealistic (illogical).. BUT... but what? There is no "sometimes you glue them on the weapon for extra stability" at least not to my knowledge.

And I'm strictly anti gun in reallife (from germany where guns are restricted heavily thankfully)... I only know what I've seen in documentaries or have seen in more or less accurate games. So I'm not special... pretty much everyone knows that attachments aren't permanent.




Think of it this way. What you call a workbench and wrench and tools are not the excellent and efficient tools we are accustomed to. The wrench you have is just some iron scrap bolted together to function as a wrench. Your screw driver is round and chipped on the top and only one size for everything. If you screw anything on with it you are sure the screw is ruined after that and you will never be able to remove it again. Removing is done with a hammer, at least the hammer always works reliable (as long as the head doesn't come off which it does quite often). The weapons you find are all rusted and practically it's a wonder you don't have malfunctions after every shot.


Zombie spit is acidic, mods usually are defect after 2 days in the field or fused to the gun if the acid gets to the joints of the mod. This all isn't simulated in detail but the effect of it is you need a lot of mods in your guns.


You are no weapons expert, there is no internet to teach you everything. When you wake up in the wasteland you know where the bullets come out of a rifle, that's it. You will ruin dozens of rifles when you try to repair them and learn the basics.



I once watched the movie "Impossible Mission 1" and the helicopter in tunnel finale ruined the movie for me. I talked to others and nobody had the same reaction. It was just me. Everyone's immersion breaks differently.

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How is noone responding to this?


I think Roland did. He just didn't do it directly.


As he said in a sum it up kind of way. This is phase one of the new change. They have to get it into place before figuring out what needs to change and or be added. TFP are talking about it still to this point and if it doesn't happen in A17 some mods (might) change to be removable by the next alpha. Until then it is open to make the change in the XML files to make it removable if you wish. I think that is the short easy way of summing it up for the most part.

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Any news what so ever on where we are atm?


Bug squashing? Major feature bugs? Hidden videos? Holiday break? On a zipline?


Or is the gaping silence the sound of Devs locked in a box working 24/7 screaming ROLAAAAND!!!! TOILET!!!


You forgot to "cough cough video cough cough"


Roland is on vacation he took the zipline way to the blimp to fly up and see the behemoth.

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Basically, I'm thinking, this kind of (IMO) bad decisions make me start up a creative world and try out all the mods so I would know what mods I want on which weapons so I would not waste the mods in survival game by trying them out.


I'm assuming the low quality versions of any mod will be quite numerous and only the high quality versions of the same mod will be increasingly scarce. So you can try out every mod type in your equally numerous Q1-2 weapons but they won't let you reach A16 Ak47 level until you found a good set of better mods and guns in the meantime.



Some snarky freandly ribbing for you:

I thought adding grind just for gind's sake is one step before adding microtransactions for buying yourself out of the grind!


If you are refering to the unremovable mods, that's the anti-thesis to grind. Because as a consequence they will be found more often in the world and they add a little strategy and thought ("what mod into what weapon?, which of these two weapons with different mods in them is better now?") into the weapon scavenging grind.

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All the talk about permanent or removable mods....


I'm just going to wait and see what we actually get, and how it actually works in the game, once A17 drops.

That is the entire POINT of alpha/beta. Try things various ways, see how it works out, change what doesn't.


The fact that there is a can/cannot be removed tag is good.


Just gimme the blasted A17 !! (I'm on vacation next week) :D

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When did I do that? I even got clarification from a dev that showed that they are still discussing removability for some attachments and through modding those who want specific attachments to be removable contrary to what the devs decide can go and do that.


If I had some agenda against that playstyle why would I do that?


Yeh, but you cheated and asked a dev; you're supposed to guess wildly and make sweeping generalizations like the rest of us. Gesus, Roland... you used to be cool...

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Oooh, I have the perfect solution...


...allow players to gain as many skillpoints and levels as they desire... uncap those badboys... for as long as they live. Give them the reward of being all powerful if they earn it!


As long as they live.


They die? All that crap gets reset to 0. =)

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Oooh, I have the perfect solution...


...allow players to gain as many skillpoints and levels as they desire... uncap those badboys... for as long as they live. Give them the reward of being all powerful if they earn it!


As long as they live.


They die? All that crap gets reset to 0. =)


that´s a bad idea... all high level skills will never be tested by the pimps because they allways die before getting to the good stuff... basicly it will not be tested and full of bugs ^^

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I think if everyone starts using “attachment” for weapon mods and “mods” for game mods it would clear up some of these posts. Because some are talking about weapon attachments and being responded to as if they are taking about game mods.


Weapon attachments can’t be replaced by putting a new attachment over their slot.


I think Meganoth nailed it for rationales that you could tell yourself in order to make mods being permanent make sense. It’s the apocalypse and you are forcing attachments not made for your gun onto your gun. Everything is juryrigged and made out of rusty scrap and stripped screws. We will be crafting our own weapons at the workbench so you know they aren’t factory made and sophisticated.


Nothing is set in stone yet. With the ease that it is to mod it also means there is no point of no return for the devs to make some be permanent and others removable if they change their mind later and/or get overwhelming feedback along those lines from the community.

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Oooh, I have the perfect solution...


...allow players to gain as many skillpoints and levels as they desire... uncap those badboys... for as long as they live. Give them the reward of being all powerful if they earn it!


As long as they live.


They die? All that crap gets reset to 0. =)


Maybe a survivor of this particular apocalypse is someone where the Z infection resurrects them back to a baseline rather than turns them into raving cannibals. You lose all memories and all or most of your stuff is scattered or broken (depending on setting), but you mindlessly wander back to the place you last slept, where you eventually wake up and the infection runs out (for why you aren't now Deadpool or Wolverine).


Game start might not be Day 1, it might be day 10K but each time is new to you, and it explains why you have no clothes ( Can we eventually get a start fully naked setting :-) ) and very little stuff.


A nicer version would be you only lose some XP, but it's possible to die enough times in quick succession to lose it all. So Day 1 still might be day 10K but you had a really bad string of days.


Anyway, I'd love this. My wife says I play too recklessly and this would give me more incentive to be less reckless.

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With me its always lighthearted and friendly ribbing. :)


The copy machine technician joke was actually me poking fun at my own previous analogies. And well..."specializing in everything" struck me as hilarious. Couldn't help but point that out....


.....but I was always laughing with the guy and not at him. ;)


Don't you worry sir. I'll still tease you. :)

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Qyzer: That has a gripping plot to it! Like a Groundhog Day or an Edge of Tomorrow except you forget.


Was your last "incarnation" just seconds from curing the zombie virus? Or were you an unspeakably evil bandit overlord? Or were you both at one time? Are YOU The Duke of Navezgane??


Would make a great TV series, each season is the highs and lows of one special persons journey through eternity until their death.

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I think if everyone starts using “attachment” for weapon mods and “mods” for game mods it would clear up some of these posts. Because some are talking about weapon attachments and being responded to as if they are taking about game mods.


Weapon attachments can’t be replaced by putting a new attachment over their slot.


I think Meganoth nailed it for rationales that you could tell yourself in order to make mods being permanent make sense. It’s the apocalypse and you are forcing attachments not made for your gun onto your gun. Everything is juryrigged and made out of rusty scrap and stripped screws. We will be crafting our own weapons at the workbench so you know they aren’t factory made and sophisticated.


Nothing is set in stone yet. With the ease that it is to mod it also means there is no point of no return for the devs to make some be permanent and others removable if they change their mind later and/or get overwhelming feedback along those lines from the community.





Ouch! As to the third paragraph. I never thought about it that way. I wonder if we are going to see firearms break or even explode randomly in the game in latter Alphas...?


As to the forth, I like the idea that the devs will keep an open mind on this.

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