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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Admin managed blocks? As some one who's hosted in the past, hell no. Don't make me have to do more than setup the server and tweak the fun points. I wouldn't want to have to manage individual blocks and figure out all the ways to mess with it and try to counter them.


I'm willing to bet those would be yanked out of the blocks.xml in a heart beat.


Changed my mind :)

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I dunno. Using a "thing" to fix a bug by just laying on top of the bug it self is no guarantee the bug won't resurface some how. Especially if this thing has the density of a neutron star, may just end up itself sinking to bedrock.


I'm holding out for World Genned Air Pockets getting wrapped in Granite and SI getting fixed where it's busted.


Is it really a bug because SI calculates correctly.


Maybe the terrian block has not upgraded or generated correctly which i have seen then that is a bug but not SI at fault.





Please add handbag of devastation to the admin tools.


One swipe and horde or building (chunk maybe?) cleared.

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I dunno. Using a "thing" to fix a bug by just laying on top of the bug it self is no guarantee the bug won't resurface some how. Especially if this thing has the density of a neutron star, may just end up itself sinking to bedrock.


I'm holding out for World Genned Air Pockets getting wrapped in Granite and SI getting fixed where it's busted.


That's alright, I hold out on them fixing it one way or another as well. Not every idea is golden but even with the granite idea its nothing more than using a "thing" on top of a bug that may resurface somehow. <shrug> so it's pretty even.

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Oh I also mean to thank all of the forum people here, your silliness completes my own!


And yes, I think many would look to function over form. But as I mentioned earlier. I find, even for my story and my own little way, its the little things that separate me from the dead. Apart from a pulse that is. Funny, though, having said that. It would be awesome to beat a herd to death with either a handbag ( not that you mention them) or a shoe to be riveting.


It wouldn't be out of the realm of possibilities to take on a herd with a handbag, especially if that hand bag has several stacks of concrete in it!

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I am hoping we get an A16.4 Drop for Halloween with something special in the game. another game I play that rhymes with RUST would do stuff like add jack-o-lanterns and special clothing items.


PS: Why does 7dtd not have a trading card and clothing option? I would love to find rare items that I can trade/sell.

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I have a very serious new NPC request. I want a wandering Mademole modeled bag lady, beard and all, slightly hunched, and generally miserable looking. That wields a gaudy ugly purse as a weapon. "He's" a wandering grumpy trader of scavenged goods.


I'll stop asking for anything ever again.


Think Joel in drag? Fishnet and heels?



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That's at a minimum part of the loot balance issues. There needs to be a way to scale up loot with a player level. Real late game should be more about these mini dungeons just for the sake of doing them. But if they had mad stacks of Duke coins, that'd be pretty awesome too. I kinda hope treasure hunting dies and finding crazy good loot becomes a real game play rich task.


Treasure hunting turned into abandoned bandit base hunting would be way cooler.


Basic homes having only basic materials for loot but the tops of sky scrapers is where you get your AK-47. Weapon stores are now home to bad ass bandits. Stuff like that.


AND loot respawn is directly tied to POI zombie respawn!


I don't disagree with anything you say, but it still doesn't matter to me. I have everything at quality 600, any extra stuff I want, it's simpler to get from a trader. That includes the AK-47 you mention: it's WAY easier to go to 15 traders than do one Dishong. Coins? Wet concrete blocks, machete blades, king sized beds, garage doors: sell these things, and you'll get plenty coins.


The one thing that would get me to loot a building? A quest. Give me XP for going into a Dishong and finding some secret schematics that are meaningless in-game, but some NPC wants.

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Screwing realistically would certainly alter the gameplay.


Yeah, imagine that... have to right click to turn the screwdriver clockwise and tighten the screws, and left click to turn it anti-clockwise and loose them. Oh, wait, that's not what you meant, is it? You meant actually moving the mouse clockwise and anti-clockwise! That would be something indeed!

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Yeah, imagine that... have to right click to turn the screwdriver clockwise and tighten the screws, and left click to turn it anti-clockwise and loose them. Oh, wait, that's not what you meant, is it? You meant actually moving the mouse clockwise and anti-clockwise! That would be something indeed!


Then we could debate left/right handed threads countersink vs sunk and a whole multitude of different types of fixing sockets flat, posi, hex,torx, spline.


Yay choices and options.

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I dunno. Using a "thing" to fix a bug by just laying on top of the bug it self is no guarantee the bug won't resurface some how. Especially if this thing has the density of a neutron star, may just end up itself sinking to bedrock.


I'm holding out for World Genned Air Pockets getting wrapped in Granite and SI getting fixed where it's busted.


I don't think SI is necessarily bugged. It works as intended and is consistent within its own ruleset. It's just that the current ruleset causes limits I'd rather not have in the game: namely limits on underground caverns and limits on building without full knowledge of what blocks might not be able to be placed or what part of your base might suddenly collapse.


I'm not trying to fix a bug per se. I simply want a builder to be able to see all the factors that will affect his building and if he can start from a foundation and not have to worry about anything below that then it makes it a lot less aggravating. I also want people to be able to tunnel and for TFP to be able to create awesome complex caverns and not have it destroy SI for topside builders.


Perhaps there is a completely different way to calculate SI instead of trying create surface or near surface platforms for the current system. The reason I like the foundation idea if there is any way to make it happen is because it feels more in line with actual building. But I totally see how this could add more problems than it solves and for all I know something like it was proposed and ditched a long long time ago by TFP internally.

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I did think of having a tool that basicly projected a cube where you pointed it and was either red or green to show if SI was being subtracted on that block or not.


You would have to survey the land thst you build on.


It isnt very realistic but testing it so it is realistic is out of scope IMHO.


Also it doesnt prevent from zombies creating holes underneath but i think we could in time get used to that change.


Building supporting columns to bedrock would be that choice of trying to make your base the safest but i understand the problems that causes.

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I'm not trying to fix a bug per se. I simply want a builder to be able to see all the factors that will affect his building and if he can start from a foundation and not have to worry about anything below that then it makes it a lot less aggravating. I also want people to be able to tunnel and for TFP to be able to create awesome complex caverns and not have it destroy SI for topside builders.




I have to kinda agree/disagree. I like realism in the game, and building on the surface, should be part of the game, to have to worry about whats underneath. In real world you have to take in account whats below, before you build. Sinkholes have been a problem for a long time. A sinkhole opened up under the Covette Museum, and several cars fell in. I think it should be a threat, in some sort of way, to worry about SI

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I don't disagree with anything you say, but it still doesn't matter to me. I have everything at quality 600, any extra stuff I want, it's simpler to get from a trader. That includes the AK-47 you mention: it's WAY easier to go to 15 traders than do one Dishong. Coins? Wet concrete blocks, machete blades, king sized beds, garage doors: sell these things, and you'll get plenty coins.


The one thing that would get me to loot a building? A quest. Give me XP for going into a Dishong and finding some secret schematics that are meaningless in-game, but some NPC wants.


Trader loot needs balancing too IMO. I don't think you should be able to always or almost always buy the best stuff in game from a trader. That and I'm pretty sure they're already planning on nerfing what you can sell to a trader on a daily basis. How, I don't know. A trader who can buy anything is rather OP regardless.


And agreed. I would like it if an NPC handed out a quest to shimmy up that tower. Definitely would make me more apt to go there. Both for Player XP and Faction XP. :-D


- - - Updated - - -


I don't think SI is necessarily bugged. It works as intended and is consistent within its own ruleset. It's just that the current ruleset causes limits I'd rather not have in the game: namely limits on underground caverns and limits on building without full knowledge of what blocks might not be able to be placed or what part of your base might suddenly collapse.


I'm not trying to fix a bug per se. I simply want a builder to be able to see all the factors that will affect his building and if he can start from a foundation and not have to worry about anything below that then it makes it a lot less aggravating. I also want people to be able to tunnel and for TFP to be able to create awesome complex caverns and not have it destroy SI for topside builders.


Perhaps there is a completely different way to calculate SI instead of trying create surface or near surface platforms for the current system. The reason I like the foundation idea if there is any way to make it happen is because it feels more in line with actual building. But I totally see how this could add more problems than it solves and for all I know something like it was proposed and ditched a long long time ago by TFP internally.


I was only asking because based on your rule set, it seems the foundation would be more problematic.


Foundation itself can collapse

Foundation is crazy heavy.


That's all that threw me for a loop. If the foundation itself is now more prone to collapse, then it doesn't matter if it resets SI for what's above it.


Though I may be missing a point here. :-/

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That's alright, I hold out on them fixing it one way or another as well. Not every idea is golden but even with the granite idea its nothing more than using a "thing" on top of a bug that may resurface somehow. <shrug> so it's pretty even.


I can see what you're saying but I'm also not trying to resolve a bug persay. I'm simply trying to use this SI resetting Granite to make Caves, Caverns, and Tunnels that TFP seems to want to put into the game, and I'd personally love to see, viable within the bounds of the current SI system. Basically, a means for the game to generate wanted air pockets that don't cause SI failures.

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If someone were to place down a large 2-block-high slab of concrete the zombies would have to just about completely dig out all blocks under it to collapse it, and they won't do that because they'll follow the player around, not gleefully break all blocks in an area. The player would have to consciously lead them around the entire area from above/below to make a collapse happen.


No procedurally generated tunnels would be wide enough to prevent such a slab from being placed in the first place, so if you start off with such a foundation it's pretty much guaranteed to place properly, and then anything built on top of it should be safe. Unless you go out of your way to make single-point-of-failure buildings, and if you WANT destruction that much who are we to say you can't have it?

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I can see what you're saying but I'm also not trying to resolve a bug persay. I'm simply trying to use this SI resetting Granite to make Caves, Caverns, and Tunnels that TFP seems to want to put into the game, and I'd personally love to see, viable within the bounds of the current SI system. Basically, a means for the game to generate wanted air pockets that don't cause SI failures.


heh I'm with any potential idea, Rolands, Yours, Maharin's... etc,. Just trying to find a way. I want perlin cave systems back :)


So my idea: Why not create another "Air block" specifically one that gets place underground that has structural integrity that the player can pass through? SI mechanic calculates it as just another terrain block, basically making it think its a solid, thinking the cave/tunnel is filled in?


its fun to have a round table discussion even if it goes nowhere at times :)

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It wouldn't be out of the realm of possibilities to take on a herd with a handbag, especially if that hand bag has several stacks of concrete in it!


Devs handbag of Doom:

Hand bag that would be found only on an old cat lady's arm. For some reason it is sporting a massive beard, and seems to have a cross face looking out at your opponent. Bottom of the bag has a destinctuve anvil shape. Does double damage on holidays, and causes all NPCs to comment on a mysterious fish smell, mixed with gunpowder.


During Halloween the beard teleports to the person using the bag. Lasts until the end of Halloween.



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heh I'm with any potential idea, Rolands, Yours, Maharin's... etc,. Just trying to find a way. I want perlin cave systems back :)


So my idea: Why not create another "Air block" specifically one that gets place underground that has structural integrity that the player can pass through? SI mechanic calculates it as just another terrain block, basically making it think its a solid, thinking the cave/tunnel is filled in?


its fun to have a round table discussion even if it goes nowhere at times :)


Yes, the round table is fun! :-D


And... Airblock for underground that functions as supported? So... You could stick a regular block right in the middle of a cavern?

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In my assessment granite, as it's been described, comes up short. ... You can dig out everything on all sides from the granite, and since it has bedrock-level structural integrity, it will float in air.


If this is the problem with granite, then it isn't a problem. If granite resets SI calculation for anything above it but not for itself then it still needs dirt or stone below it. In other words it will not float.


Please correct me if I'm wrong here.

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