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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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- Three new vehicles


And more:

Completely new vehicle physics which will also work with air and water vehicles when those are done.

New pathing system, which people like to roll into AI, but it is a separate system.

Ragdolls are used by stuns and can blend back into standing anims.

Many sleeper improvements.

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Will water be stagnant or lake form only n A17 or will we have flowing rivers and waterfalls?


I would like to build under a waterfall and catch fish (hint: fishing)


They just worked how it renders, not how it actually behaves yet. All in due time it seems :)

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:) Fun things never need to be practical.


well I agree they are fun, we have had several zip lines on my property (Country in Texas) but unless I can have one over a watering hole or pool like we did and I can drop into it, I don't see the fun.


maybe setting one over a persons base so I can drop in? also shooting someone who is on a zip line might be fun.


instead give me mine carts and redstone :)

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well I agree they are fun, we have had several zip lines on my property (Country in Texas) but unless I can have one over a watering hole or pool like we did and I can drop into it, I don't see the fun.


maybe setting one over a persons base so I can drop in? also shooting someone who is on a zip line might be fun.


instead give me mine carts and redstone :)


Minecarts would be nice because trains could be in the game. But for hauling things, the backpack is already huge. Redstone-ish stuff would be a great addition to the electrical system, for sure.


I'd have a bunch of zipines leaving my base so when wandering hoards ramble by I can swoop in for battle. (Although this might happen only once with the new AI :) )

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Instead of spawning on the ground. We could parachute in. (no copyright) We're on to something!


It would be really cool if they did a cut scene showing us as one of those supply drop pilots and after laughing with our crew about dropping the last load into the middle of a lake, something goes wrong with the engines and we crash. We survive the crash but our crew dies and turn...

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It would be really cool if they did a cut scene showing us as one of those supply drop pilots and after laughing with our crew about dropping the last load into the middle of a lake, something goes wrong with the engines and we crash. We survive the crash but our crew dies and turn...



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It would be really cool if they did a cut scene showing us as one of those supply drop pilots and after laughing with our crew about dropping the last load into the middle of a lake, something goes wrong with the engines and we crash. We survive the crash but our crew dies and turn...


That would be great! Even better would be if that was one of a variety of cutscenes for the beginning of the game, and the game randomly chooses which one you get. OR with your plane idea, a group starting together could all be on the same plane.

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It would be really cool if they did a cut scene showing us as one of those supply drop pilots and after laughing with our crew about dropping the last load into the middle of a lake, something goes wrong with the engines and we crash. We survive the crash but our crew dies and turn...


I have better idea. You and your crew laughing, and then they throw you with supply crate. :smile-new:

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That would be great! Even better would be if that was one of a variety of cutscenes for the beginning of the game, and the game randomly chooses which one you get. OR with your plane idea, a group starting together could all be on the same plane.


We all land, about 100 of us. We have to fight against the zombies and humans. With the radition slowly forcing us in a tighter circle. The last person standing goes and gets to fight the blood moon horde.

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It would be really cool if they did a cut scene showing us as one of those supply drop pilots and after laughing with our crew about dropping the last load into the middle of a lake, something goes wrong with the engines and we crash. We survive the crash but our crew dies and turn...


That would be an awesome way to start the game. That way you could start with some basic resources. And a better starting quest.


Either that or be tied up in the trunk of a car captured by some cannibal driving you to his dinner party. You jump break free and jump out of the trunk. Following a set of clues to find him hunt him down and kill him.


Super easy basic storyline but it would give the game a purpose.


Feel free to pm me for a whole storyline. ;) I have a whole thing fabbed up in my mind.

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That would be an awesome way to start the game. That way you could start with some basic resources. And a better starting quest.


Either that or be tied up in the trunk of a car captured by some cannibal driving you to his dinner party. You jump break free and jump out of the trunk. Following a set of clues to find him hunt him down and kill him.


Super easy basic storyline but it would give the game a purpose.


Feel free to pm me for a whole storyline. ;) I have a whole thing fabbed up in my mind.


I was thinking more along the lines of a logans run. We are cast out because we are too old or for picked in a lottery. Rather then kill us, we are sent past the safe haven. They drop off weapons and supplies in hoping that we will thin the hordes. But there are others that have survived the hordes like the dukes and white rivers. Maybe the dukes are planning on attacking and raiding the safe haven as a plot. We can join him or stop him for a story.

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Far Cry + Dying Light + 7DTD would be a freaking awesome game.


I think the result would be yet another first person shooter in a survival cloak. I like the different approach of 7D2D and thus would at least not want to mix it with Far Cry ;)


Everything is a matter of taste, of course. Different people, different opinions

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I think this would be more fitting for the funpimps:


You start off the game with a cut scene of your character at a crazy party, then you do a few random scene flashes till it stops at you getting pushed out of a car onto the side of the road in the middle of the night.


You wake up in the morning dehydrated and hungry, with some random crap on you, in the zombie apocalypse.

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I think this would be more fitting for the funpimps:


You start off the game with a cut scene of your character at a crazy party, then you do a few random scene flashes till it stops at you getting pushed out of a car onto the side of the road in the middle of the night.


You wake up in the morning dehydrated and hungry, with some random crap on you, in the zombie apocalypse.


Sounds less of a plot and more like a monday.

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