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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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That wasn't my intention :p.


OK, I can dig myself out of this.


So, what is Conventional Zombie Lore (by Aldranon the Wise).


-TWD has the most exposure to its theory(?) of Zombie lore.

-TWD lore has the more (Viewer-hours) than any other lore. (Source: Al's Marina and Zombie Lore Tracking Service)

-So as Viewer-hours = cash and cash = win. So Multiplying TWD lore by infinity and adding Win, you get a Infinite Win Syndrome! Also known as Conventional Wisdom or Conventional Zombie Lore in this case.


I hope that cleared it up for you. :)

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I just finished watching the first season of The walking dead. I see a lot of similarity's between that TV series and this game.


Is this like a model that TFP's are trying to follow in making this game?


It might be Fun Pimps inspiration, but I, personally, don't see it. One might say that the one thing The Walking Dead introduced into the theme was that humans are bigger threats than zombies, though, honestly, that's the case on almost every zombie movie I can recall. But, I'll grant it, never as prominently as on The Walking Dead.


Are humans the bigger threat in 7 Days to Die? Well, if so, then there's truly a lot of development to come, though it does seem that alpha 17 is going in that direction. And maybe that's the case on multiplayer -- I couldn't tell. As far as single player goes, though, I just don't see any influence whatsoever from TWD.


Post-apocalyptic games and movies seem to be a much stronger influence, even stronger than zombie movies. The "base" concept is a traditional staple of zombie movies, though usually as "prefab" adaptations, so to speak. :) And the idea that zombies eventually find a way of wrecking your perfect base.

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A pile of #%§# is allways a pile of #%§#

It doesnt matter how large the pile is

(by Royal Deluxe the bread)


I wasn't sure if your avatar was bread, cheese or a scary Sponge Bob! :)


Now take a look at my avatar:

A young, possibly Asian girl, on a mission:

-Maybe she is exploring the post apocalypse (using an Airship), looking for a new place for her people.

-She has a katana (a high skilled weapon - also used for cutting bread)


So its obvious that my avatar is better than your avatar! That proves everything, according to Al's Marina and "Win with Logic (and a gun) in the Apocalypse!" School.

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Airship, Katana ..... pff noob.


I dont even need arms.


Oh that's it! My avatar will meet your avatar at the old café in the central city. You bring a butter knife and some garlic butter and she will bring her Katana "Loaf Slicer". It will be settled over lunch...


Oh could you bring some wine, one glass is fine.

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Oh that's it! My avatar will meet your avatar at the old café in the central city. You bring a butter knife and some garlic butter and she will bring her Katana "Loaf Slicer". It will be settled over lunch...


Oh could you bring some wine, one glass is fine.


Stay away with butter, its my kryptonite. (No butter in 7D2D XD )

No whine needed, i drink your blood ^^



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If there is going to be faction controlled territory I'm sure it will be limited to Navezgane. Random gen will just be random.


That's a huge relief for me.


I'm probably in the minority here, but I want the whole faction stuff to be Navezgane only, so that I can ignore it by not playing Navezgane. I'm hoping that random gen will still be you-against-the-zombies survival rather than an RPG with NPCs, factions, and quests.


Basically, I prefer the feeling that you're on your own trying to survive; rather than there being all these organised groups around that you're doing jobs for in the hope of being accepted by them. If there are any groups of survivors, I want to be the one recruiting and organising them; not the one trying to work and bribe my way into joining an existing one.


So I don't mind the occasional wandering bandits attacking you or something like that, but I'm glad to hear that there's likely not going to be fixed factions holding territory in random gen.

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That's a huge relief for me.


I'm probably in the minority here, but I want the whole faction stuff to be Navezgane only, so that I can ignore it by not playing Navezgane. I'm hoping that random gen will still be you-against-the-zombies survival rather than an RPG with NPCs, factions, and quests.


Basically, I prefer the feeling that you're on your own trying to survive; rather than there being all these organised groups around that you're doing jobs for in the hope of being accepted by them. If there are any groups of survivors, I want to be the one recruiting and organising them; not the one trying to work and bribe my way into joining an existing one.


So I don't mind the occasional wandering bandits attacking you or something like that, but I'm glad to hear that there's likely not going to be fixed factions holding territory in random gen.


Honestly I would enjoy both gameplays: lone survivor and rpg with factions.


I think that 7 days to die is a zombie game, zombies are what fans want from this game and the devs know that. So if they will add npcs, factions... I think that you will still be able to enjoy killing zombies.


RPGs are about making choices, so I hope that they will allow us to decide not to join a faction. But I am really looking forward for more RPG stuff!

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That's a huge relief for me.


I'm probably in the minority here, but I want the whole faction stuff to be Navezgane only, so that I can ignore it by not playing Navezgane. I'm hoping that random gen will still be you-against-the-zombies survival rather than an RPG with NPCs, factions, and quests.


Basically, I prefer the feeling that you're on your own trying to survive; rather than there being all these organised groups around that you're doing jobs for in the hope of being accepted by them. If there are any groups of survivors, I want to be the one recruiting and organising them; not the one trying to work and bribe my way into joining an existing one.


So I don't mind the occasional wandering bandits attacking you or something like that, but I'm glad to hear that there's likely not going to be fixed factions holding territory in random gen.


I'm not, though.


It comes a time in the game when everything starts to feel empty. There's only zombies, and when you build a huge base and you're a walking tank it becomes dull. Think of how boring The Walking Dead would be without humans, without bandits, without other survivors. To limit faction territories to Navezgane only is very frustrating to me, cause I don't play Navezgane, and for that reason I don't get to enjoy one feature of the game.


At the very least I hope there will be still hostile and friendly survivors in rwg too.

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I'm not, though.


It comes a time in the game when everything starts to feel empty. There's only zombies, and when you build a huge base and you're a walking tank it becomes dull. Think of how boring The Walking Dead would be without humans, without bandits, without other survivors. To limit faction territories to Navezgane only is very frustrating to me, cause I don't play Navezgane, and for that reason I don't get to enjoy one feature of the game.


At the very least I hope there will be still hostile and friendly survivors in rwg too.




I don't expect a story line on rwg because it be hard to do with how random things spawn and such so best leave that to navezgane map. But still hope that the rest of it will still come to rwg at least for the most part.

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Completely agree, they have to make Navezgane interesting so people choose it, so far Random Gen is vastly superior for obvious reasons.


They don't need to do that. Navezgane is the "seed" a new player will normally choose. I played Navezgane first until I had visited practically every poi that existed there then switched. And everyone else I know did as well.


Also, sandbox is not for everyone, the story alone will make sure that some people will play navezgane and navezgane alone.


And handcrafted area design and placement has its advantages. Actually Navezgane will always be the best designed "seed" you can select until you outgrow it.

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At the very least I hope there will be still hostile and friendly survivors in rwg too.


Yeah, you'll notice that I said I don't mind wandering bandits and the like.


It's the idea of there being established factions that on the one hand are so elitest you can't join them or live with them unless you pay or gain enough "reputation" with them; yet on the other hand you're expected to want to deal with them to progress the game rather than just ignoring them and doing your own thing. That's what I'm not keen on.


To me, the ideal model for the game is something like the original Dawn of the Dead. The heroes there take an old shopping mall and barricade it to make it a zombie-proof fort. They have issues when a group of bandits try to loot the place - and have to fight them off, but there's no point where they start going to do quests for the bandits in order to be allowed to join them (or do quests for a rival organisation to the bandits in order to be allowed to join them either).


Basically, I'm perfectly fine with "wandering monster" bandits and other NPCs; and maybe even with a bandit base that you can steal from; sabotage; and eventually destroy. But if there are going to be any factions of survivors then I feel that since you're the protagonist of the game it should be your faction. You should be the one inviting NPCs to come and join you. You shouldn't be doing fetch quests for NPCs for the privilege of being able to joint them.


Of course, what I want doesn't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world.


My preferences certainly won't influence the what the devs do. Which is why I'm hoping that the faction stuff will be limited to Navezgane, so that I can ignore it in random gen, and pleased at Roland's hinting that that might be the case.

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My problem with Navezgane is that I know exactly where to find what, I need random gen for the actual survival challenge (at least in the beginning). If they want us to return there, in my opinion there needs to be some randomness added somehow - e.g. quest NPCs can spawn in different locations, etc.

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Love the way you put each trader with there own special goods to sell!

Taming wolf is going to be BadAss!!


In TFP I Trust.........


It might be Fun Pimps inspiration, but I, personally, don't see it. One might say that the one thing The Walking Dead introduced into the theme was that humans are bigger threats than zombies, though, honestly, that's the case on almost every zombie movie I can recall. But, I'll grant it, never as prominently as on The Walking Dead.


Are humans the bigger threat in 7 Days to Die? Well, if so, then there's truly a lot of development to come, though it does seem that alpha 17 is going in that direction. And maybe that's the case on multiplayer -- I couldn't tell. As far as single player goes, though, I just don't see any influence whatsoever from TWD.


Post-apocalyptic games and movies seem to be a much stronger influence, even stronger than zombie movies. The "base" concept is a traditional staple of zombie movies, though usually as "prefab" adaptations, so to speak. :) And the idea that zombies eventually find a way of wrecking your perfect base.


Humans will always be a bigger threat to humans. Zombies don't suffer from those pesky emotions like we do, maybe except for the hunger one. We on the other hand have jealousy, fear, anger, etc. We have seen lots of instances where when cornered it is the person that is suppose to have your back is the one that shoots you in the leg (or won't open the door, drop you the rope, etc) so they can escape or getting rid of you for something you have that they want.

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I actually like it. At least it has humor, Walking Dead is just a Romero movie streched out endlessly.


Amen Brother, Z Nation is humor with zombies and some cute girls now and than, TWD is snores fest most of the time.


Still IMO both series and maybe Z World are good foundations for Zombie rules, storyline, does and don't. Z World for example are more like Ferals, they are not dead but some virus. So maybe we can introduce some sort of doomsday virus that needs to be researched or we all start to turn into zombies.

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My problem with Navezgane is that I know exactly where to find what, I need random gen for the actual survival challenge (at least in the beginning). If they want us to return there, in my opinion there needs to be some randomness added somehow - e.g. quest NPCs can spawn in different locations, etc.


That's my issue with Nav's. When Golf comes, at least a Nav's map shuffle in order to make Nav's an actual new experience.


It'd be cool if they decided to use Nav's as simple a test area for full story mechanics and had a completely different Nav's map setup for Gold.


Either that or the story and quest system is SERIOUSLY on par with Fallout where the NPC's are incredibly rich, quests don't use little quest notes, and the immersion is solid.

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Wasn't Random Gen the hybrid? Nav's, Random Gen, and Horde modes?


Someone else posted after I made that comment that the devs could probably designate individual cities as faction controlled or neutral to have Random Gen have a semblance of it. That or have it be coordinate based so that any city or trader spawning within the zone of coordinates would be that faction.


All I meant was that a carefully thought out and designed map of territorial zones that would support a story would be limited to Navezgane.


None of us know the full extent of what this will become or how much will work for both Navezgane and Random Gen. We'll just have to wait and see. Madmole uses a lot of qualifiers like "possibly" "we'd like to" and "hopefully". So there aren't any definitive answers yet.

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Someone else posted after I made that comment that the devs could probably designate individual cities as faction controlled or neutral to have Random Gen have a semblance of it. That or have it be coordinate based so that any city or trader spawning within the zone of coordinates would be that faction.


All I meant was that a carefully thought out and designed map of territorial zones that would support a story would be limited to Navezgane.


TFP should go all Bethesda in this aspect! Thousands of generic quests that are so freaking long to finish that we can get lost thousand of times doing thousand of different things, mini quests along the way, roleplay before we actually finish even the generic quest given by a generic NPC and by the time we go to bed it's already 6 am again, oh well... :sleeping:

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Would be great to not see an Army camp in almost every town/city on RWG. Also a fire station in each town/city would be realistic and maybe a police station every town/city or every other town city.



People see the hog and go yay

I see the hog and go lag (holding out that yall fix the lag that bikes and future vehicles generate)

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