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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Edit:// Not exactly A17 related but related to a 7dtd discussion that is related to A17 which we're having in this thread so pls don't move, or move all related posts please (hobgoblyn and mine and 2-3 other that would be). Also apologies for the wall of text. I appreciate everyone reading through the whole thing even if you disagree. But tl:dr: 7dtd can't be compared well to the other survival games out there but if you insist on a comparison, it will always win.


Can't argue with most of what you said and I even made alot of these points myself which makes me think that you didn't really read all of what I wrote. My comment was more of an addition and slight correction, not an answer to yours.


As for comparing 7dtd to Rust and Ark (and DayZ).

You really cannot compare them at all. The only thing they have in common are that they are all open world survival games.

A brief description for each of them:



A game that was released into early access as a zombie survival game based on the concept of the original dayz mod which meant you were in a static open world map with structures on it, crafting your way and having the ability to actually properly start a base. The world cannot be mined, only certain objects in it can be. Loot is scarce. It was sold as a zombie survival game, then the developer removed the zombies, effectively scamming everybody who had bought it as a zombie survival game until then, without making refunds. And pretty much nobody called him out for that (WTF??). Then it turned into a purely pvp game with no real gameplay. Just find other players and kill them. Don't bother grinding your gear, you can just kill another player and maybe they have better loot than you and thats how you progress. Its kill on sight with a toxic community and nowadays mostly empty servers. Rust was released not all that long ago and was a complete failure, most people with a brain have moved on by now. The sales are all from the early days when Rust was the new kid on the block and the dev promised to give the players of the old dayz mod a standalone game that would deliver the playstyle they were looking forward to and not getting in the DayZ standalone that was already going down at the time.



DayZ is an incredible static open world survival game and best example of developers just wasting huge potential and flushing their concept down the you know. The distances in this game are incredible, and so is the atmosphere. Unlike most other games you don't leave a village and immediately end up in the next. You have to take a long walk and the terrain is realistic. DayZ also has the best gun system I have ever seen in a game with the different gun types, ammo types respectively, attachments, finding ammo in ammo cardboard boxes, and different mag sizes for firearms with external mags. That is an incredibly in-depth system. And thats where the depth in DayZ ends. The engine is clunky, the rendering is godawful, movement is clunky, melee combat is clunky, the health system is just godawful. You eat something that may or may not have a bad effect on you, or a zombie hits you. Some time later you check into your inventory and see a text telling your status as "sick". And it gives no further indication as to what is wrong with you whatsoever. And medication is so scarce that its impossible to survive said sickness anyway. Not to forget that there is essentially no food in loot and you start off hungry. And you have to eat every 15 minutes in a game with essentially real-time day durations. By the time you arrive in the next village, you are almost starved already if you already were hungry the moment you arrived in the previous village and didnt find any food there, which happens extremely often. DayZ is practically unplayable, has a very small community left, will never get out of Alpha and the community that it has is trained to kill on sight so the lone wolf assassin or the "group of murderous ♥♥♥♥heads" are the only two possible playstyles where you might have a chance to actually get good gear at some point. Oh and the servers are empty as well.



I don't even understand why people bother to compare Ark to 7dtd. Ark is basically just a huge grind, taming the big dinosaurs takes hours and hours and by the time you leave the server, some russian clan might just hop on minutes later, walk around, find your half-tamed dinosaur that is probably goin' to leave the area by the time you come back anyways, and kill it. And there you go, hours of your life wasted getting food for that thing that just takes ages to tame. Apart from that you have a mediocre building system, as a newspawn you run into level 30 dinosaurs that just easily kill you in seconds all the time, and players also just kill on sight. The game technically even offers endgame content with technology and all that, but you'll never get there. I've never seen anyone get there and I've been following this game ever since its earliest phase. What else.... hm. The graphics are gorgeous but thats to be expected from a game with a static game map that cannot be mined. It has almost no gameplay to offer outside of mediocre base building, taming dinosaurs and the progression that is so slow and gets prevented by so many factors that its pointless. I guess it works as a jurassic park simulator but I don't see this game getting any better anymore, since the devs already announced its the release version now and they will only occasionally patch in small additions. Small community of fanboys, big community of russian guys hopping from server to server griefing best as they can. Really not something you wanna get into.



Completely destroyable world composed of blocks in a voxel sandbox system that prevents it from looking as gorgeous as Ark because its not a static map and so a ton of calculating has to be done for rendering, shapes and textures. People say it looks ♥♥♥♥ on console but so does everything else. People even say it looks ♥♥♥♥ on pc despite it being the best looking destroyable sandbox game out there by far. And especially with distant terrain, the render range is bigger than pretty much anything besides space based games and Crysis maybe. The gameplay has alot of depth ranging from the skill system to the crafting and the different crafting surfaces, the trader, the looting, the building, the farming and the hordes themselfes, as well as exploring and questing. The game has so much danger and also gameplay to offer that the community are not like the other games where they just go out and kill on sight hunting other players as their main goal for the game. In 7dtd, those 7 Days until the next horde... you need those. To gather materials, to loot, to fortify your base, to level up so your attacks will be more lethal against the enemies, to have a save place to use your chem station and workbench and cement mixer and all that. If you go out before reaching endgame to hunt other players, you will be unprepared for the next 7th day horde, and you will either die or at least your base will take heavy damage. Unless you're the kind of chicken who just spends the horde nights on top of some roof without any fortification and hope that the building doesnt collapse. The health system actually tells you when something and wrong and what is wrong, and you don't have to permanently eat and drink all the time, especially if you have the right kinds of food and drink.


Anything more I have to say? In a reasonable comparison, 7dtd will win against any other of these so called survival games. Which are not survival of the elements or survival by skill, but just surviving other players or in the case of DayZ, surviving starvation (which is almost impossible nowadays) and sickness types you don't ever find the medicine to heal.


Why are the others selling better, or having more players?

Ark was being hyped by the review sites which gave them a huge kickstart early on, and with the "full" release now it got hyped by the big sites once again.

DayZ was being hyped early on by its own community from the dayz arma mods and so also got a huge kickstart early on, and it kept selling better because DayZ was an established name people already knew and so they weren't very cautious as to what they are actually buying there, and nowadays pretty much all of them stopped playing.

Rust was being hyped as the new great thing after DayZ has failed and drew alot of attention from the big sites which all promoted its early access and gave it good reviews despite the game even to this day still playing like a barebones proof of concept and not like anything finished. With the release now it brought back a number of players who haven't been around since legacy Rust who are giving it a shot, but give it a year and the game will be just as dead as DayZ again... I'd bet good money on that.

7dtd was never hyped, review sites gave it bad reviews for the most part, it was very often just called a "more mature minecraft" and seeing it compared to minecraft already drew off alot of people who didn't bother to look into it after reading that. 7dtd also doesn't have graphics as good as most other games in the genre, but its the only game with a destroyable voxel world and for that, the graphics are actually brilliant. The name also drew off some people who didn't bother looking into the game just assuming that it was a "spend 7 days in the game preparing for the horde and then the game is over and you either win or you lose" kind of game. I've heard that presumption from alot of gamers and it took me years to convince some of them to give it a try and make them understand that the name doesn't really describe the gameplay and that its nothing likey they assumed it was.


So there you go, my two cents on the whole 7dtd vs survival games thing.


Hope you enjoyed reading,

have a nice day everyone!


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The best April Fools joke was when Capcom , for Resident Evil 2 , showed that you could unlock Ryu from Street Fighter...took him out of Street Fighter 3d and superimposed him into a screen from RE2 with the zombies head being blown off with a shotgun , but made it look like he did it with a dragon uppercut...


They said you had to beat the game with Tofu...which was an unlockable joke character , literally a giant block of Tofu that couldn't do much...without healing sprays OR saving the game...people tried for YEARS to do it and unlock Ryu...even after they told everyone it was just a joke...eventually...

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Hey Roland, just outta curiosity would there be any chance of having out characters needing sleep or needing to use the bathroom in the future? I'm only asking cause it would add to the survival aspect of the game not to mention it would be amusing to be looting a house and need to sit in the bathroom hoping a zombie doesnt hear or smell your presence lol.

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Just curious who thinks A17 will drop around July 5th? I hope it will be early but the FUN PIMPS have been hard at work making another awesome Alpha (that's almost like a new game every time) and that takes a lot of hard work. So thanks Pimps keep up the good work I can hardly wait to play the next version.

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Just curious who thinks A17 will drop around July 5th? I hope it will be early but the FUN PIMPS have been hard at work making another awesome Alpha (that's almost like a new game every time) and that takes a lot of hard work. So thanks Pimps keep up the good work I can hardly wait to play the next version.


Still hoping August.

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Just curious who thinks A17 will drop around July 5th? I hope it will be early but the FUN PIMPS have been hard at work making another awesome Alpha (that's almost like a new game every time) and that takes a lot of hard work. So thanks Pimps keep up the good work I can hardly wait to play the next version.


Still hoping August.


Remember when Alpha 16 was going to drop by 4th of July or Madmole was going to eat his beard? Good times...

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Just curious who thinks A17 will drop around July 5th? I hope it will be early but the FUN PIMPS have been hard at work making another awesome Alpha (that's almost like a new game every time) and that takes a lot of hard work. So thanks Pimps keep up the good work I can hardly wait to play the next version.


Well the bar is now at 50% and its been a long time. Im thinking that 2019 is going to be more accurate.

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Well, it's been almost a year, and the progress bar is only 50%. So looking at a Christmas release.


The bar was only put up about 1.5 months ago and started at full and it's down to half already, so yeah not Christmas haha.

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a few days over 6 Months. Yes its nearly next Century....


Alpha 16 Experimental was out in June 2017, and the 'regular' version in July 2017.

So depending on which version you count as the release, it's either 9 or 10 months ago.




Oh and the B1-joke? Haha. You so funny.

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I think it needs more monster type enemies in general, especally if the zombies are all copy paste clones. Before you complain about realism in A17 we'll be able to make guns out of random scrap iron we find laying around so don't try the realism line, not to mention how we can carry 1000 pieces of wood and such.


Actually diversity of all sorts would help. two or three new animals to hunt, some new zombies classes (preferring an underground threat version of whatever kind!), maybe two or three new health and food items.


Now, I know the game is moddable, yet I think having a decent variety in vanilla will help a lot towards establishing a stable playerbase and last but not least, the first impression people get from a game is almost alwaya vanilla, not War of the Walkers, Ravenhearst or Starvation.

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Actually diversity of all sorts would help. two or three new animals to hunt, some new zombies classes (preferring an underground threat version of whatever kind!), maybe two or three new health and food items.


Not, I know the game is moddable, yet I think having a decent variety in vanilla will help a lot towards establishing a stable playerbase and last but not least, the first impression people get from a game is almost alwaya vanilla, not War of the Walkers, Ravenhearst or Starvation.


Not only different zombie classes.

But different shirt and trouser colors would already make a huge difference!

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