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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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That motorcycle is a monstrosity. It should never be added to the game. No one in there right mind would ride that in a zombie apocalypse. I demand it be excluded from being put in the game. It's just not fitting in with the...............damn it I can't do it. Yes I want to ride it, but I am always the last one on a server to get a minibike....if I even get one at all. There are suppose to be 2 bikes added. Guess which one I will be sitting on when everyone rides up beside me on their new hog. Think they will envy me when I ring my shiny bell...... Didn't think so... (sigh). Guess I can always mod in a pair...

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That motorcycle is a monstrosity. It should never be added to the game. No one in there right mind would ride that in a zombie apocalypse. I demand it be excluded from being put in the game. It's just not fitting in with the...............damn it I can't do it. Yes I want to ride it, but I am always the last one on a server to get a minibike....if I even get one at all. There are suppose to be 2 bikes added. Guess which one I will be sitting on when everyone rides up beside me on their new hog. Think they will envy me when I ring my shiny bell...... Didn't think so... (sigh). Guess I can always mod in a pair...


Lol :)

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Sounds great but I was hoping that this would help out the game and make it better. It is after all something that MM wanted to add to the game.


Would TFP's be interested in adding this?


Was there actually a horde of zombies able to stock up and make stairs to edge of your wall with only that edit?


Cant imagine it did actually.


Would love to see that!



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Man, I can only imagine once we get this bad boy. It will remind me of Terminator 2: Judgement Day and "Bad to the Bone" being played in my head each time we be rollin on it.


Also, I second the idea of maybe letting the Hog have a larger storage space. Maybe like make it require 2 storage baskets to assemble for the storage space as opposed to one for the mini-bike. We thereby can double the storage of it essentially.

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That motorcycle is a monstrosity. It should never be added to the game. No one in there right mind would ride that in a zombie apocalypse. I demand it be excluded from being put in the game. It's just not fitting in with the...............damn it I can't do it. Yes I want to ride it, but I am always the last one on a server to get a minibike....if I even get one at all. There are suppose to be 2 bikes added. Guess which one I will be sitting on when everyone rides up beside me on their new hog. Think they will envy me when I ring my shiny bell...... Didn't think so... (sigh). Guess I can always mod in a pair...


After modding in a pair, you can also add pink tassles to the handle bars, a pinwheel and a basket. That will get you some...uh....respect. :)


You know, I just might take up modding so I can add those things for the sole purpose of peddling around wastelands on it.

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Ziplines are listed in the dropped features section. God why you do this to me?


When MadMole showcased a working version of ziplines in one of its video (months ago) it seemed like they were coming soon... Sad day today


I had my Darth Vader "Noooooooooo!" moment as well. There is always hope for possibly post release or maybe in the sequel.

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Simple questions to the devs/peeps with inside knowledge:


Bandits. What can we expect here? What will they actually do?

And if they will have some behavior pattern built in, that makes them try actively not only to destroy your base walls and dig down into our safe bunkers on bedrock, but also empty your containers with loot:


What are the chances we'll see some basic options for this feature to customize our game without the use of notepad++?

Options similar to what we already have/had for zombies. Something like "Off", "Passive" (will keep to themselves in their camps or can only be encountered in the wilds) and "Agressive" (actively try to raid the player(s))?

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I never once said that I care to know nothing about modding.


Actually I think modding is interesting and at least we have the flexibility to have features put back in. Nothing wrong with that.


I was simply pointing out that anyone with knowledge of modding or whatever should not off the cuff or condescendingly answer genuine requests in telling people who have no idea about modding or how to mod - to mod.


This thread has given us nigh on nothing about A17.


The video shows at least a 1 and a half year old hog and gyro model, one could even be inclined to complain what took so long.


We saw the bike and some physics workup? Noone answered the other players query on whether or not this workup would affect water or JUST vehicles.


I could have sworn MM mentioned the hog being a 2 seater (im more than happy to be corrected) but the current one is just a single ride. Is the 2 or more player vehicular travel gonna be saved for cars?


I said the hud seemed like a senseless removal because I wasn't in the game so early on and I was ignorant to why they removed the stuff.


Thats why I asked before you pulled a powermove when you could have just answered me, like you did after the post was moved. Now anyone else that was wondering why the hud was removed is denied that infulormation unless they go link hopping, which they likely wont since, as you said, the post is bejng buried in the thread.


Just to end, whereby I would love some nice A17 banter all I saw is complaints about bugs (including my own), the bike, physics, and already in hog, as well as endless speculation.


Edit 2: I think the front shell of the bike should have a steel bar welded to the side rims and the body of the bike where crash bars would normally go. Would add a nice touch and rid the bike of that flimsy front look.


Edit 3: @MadMole - Do you have any content available on the gyro that you could share with us? Since the physics are being done up would that include any functionality to the gyro?


[insults, off topic content, and complaints about moderator/developer actions removed as per the rules.]

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There are benefits to being the owner in a privately owned forum. =)


Lol Gazz dont you start :p


You have any info on the phys? MM wont notice as long as you just tell us quick then delete your post 😂


Actually not just the phys but the next build to fix the game corruption? Any news?

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If MM responds cruelly to a post that is just calling things out as they are then what does that say about him?


Depends on how you look at it. I have friends that own two bar and grills. Each place makes over 200,000 a day each. Friday and Saturday between the two make between 600,000 to 800,000 each day. They opened up in 1992 and still going strong. They don't put up with jack and will tell you straight to your face customers are not always right. If they come to your table and you have your phone out they will tell you how rude that is and will come back to you later to take your order. They have a lot more they don't put up with and don't care if you like it or don't. So I look at TFP kinda the same way. I have no problem with them being blunt, straight forward, what you call rude if they have to be. The answers you are looking for have been answered many times here and other threads If you can't read I have no clue what to tell you. Not trying to jump on you but you have talked about people plenty from what I have read but you fail to take responsibility for the way you have talked as well. Maybe this is you and your personality and you don't see it the way others are but I'm just pointing out from what I have read your post are no better then anyone you are saying being a troll, rude, disrespectful. But hey sorry you feel the way you do. Keep letting everyone know how that is working out for you.

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Depends on how you look at it. I have friends that own two bar and grills. Each place makes over 200,000 a day each. Friday and Saturday between the two make between 600,000 to 800,000 each day. They opened up in 1992 and still going strong. They don't put up with jack and will tell you straight to your face customers are not always right. If they come to your table and you have your phone out they will tell you how rude that is and will come back to you later to take your order. They have a lot more they don't put up with and don't care if you like it or don't. So I look at TFP kinda the same way. I have no problem with them being blunt, straight forward, what you call rude if they have to be. The answers you are looking for have been answered many times here and other threads If you can't read I have no clue what to tell you. Not trying to jump on you but you have talked about people plenty from what I have read but you fail to take responsibility for the way you have talked as well. Maybe this is you and your personality and you don't see it the way others are but I'm just pointing out from what I have read your post are no better then anyone you are saying being a troll, rude, disrespectful. But hey sorry you feel the way you do. Keep letting everyone know how that is working out for you.


Lol I also dont have any problem with them being blunt.

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Lol I also dont have any problem with them being blunt.


You only seem to have a problem with modders being blunt (if saying you can mod someting in qualifies as blunt anyways). I know who has the double standards here. And you do too. :)


-edit- things need to be written with a special sugar coat and a cherry on top for you appearantly when i comes to something you are suggesting for the game. Again a standard you cant hold yourself. Imo you just find yourself to darn important. Narcissism that is called.



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Thanks, I actually remastered every biome. Some are subtle changes but unity 2017 did a number on the spectrums so it was just easier to redo them than to try to "fix" the lighting to look like it used to. The end result was all the biomes look better than ever so it was worth it.


With the new hog, player collision fixes, this, and who knows what else, I seriously just got goose bumps... Massive kudos MM and TFP. Thank you!

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Was there actually a horde of zombies able to stock up and make stairs to edge of your wall with only that edit?


Cant imagine it did actually.


Would love to see that!




I looked, but the screenshots must have been on the old computer. I had a 5 meter high fort and the gore blocks came up and over the wall. That was an interesting night! :)

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After modding in a pair, you can also add pink tassles to the handle bars, a pinwheel and a basket. That will get you some...uh....respect. :)


You know, I just might take up modding so I can add those things for the sole purpose of peddling around wastelands on it.


Lol, if I am sitting there on my pedal bike and someone rolls up on that beast you think pink tassels, pinwheel and a basket will make me look any less manly.

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You only seem to have a problem with modders being blunt (if saying you can mod someting in qualifies as blunt anyways). I know who has the double standards here. And you do too. :)


-edit- things need to be written with a special sugar coat and a cherry on top for you appearantly when i comes to something you are suggesting for the game. Again a standard you cant hold yourself. Imo you just find yourself to darn important. Narcissism that is called.




Ad hominem is also what thats called.


I dont mind people being blunt. That includes modders. But there is a difference between being blunt which is something everyone can understand, and answering people with no knowledge of modding by telling them to mod.


Thats a cheap and ineffective response inappropriate for some peoples competency levels or, like I said, those who love the taste of vanilla.


I wont insult the intelligence of the community by expanding on that further.


Calling someone a narcissist wont help your argument. And let me reiterate for the final time, whether Im a narcissist, a sadomassochist, or whether i like having unadulterated gangbangs with everyone dressed as a pikachu bears absolutely no relevance to the content of my posts pertaining to the game and genuine inquiries into past/current features.


One more thing just while ive got you, perhaps you are hard of understanding, full disclaimer:




I put it in all fancy big letters to make it easier for you to read.


Also, on the narcissism note, did I not admit my ignorance to the earlier alphas in my post above? Maybe I am a sadomassochistic narcissist then, that seems legit. Either that or im doing narcissism wrong. lols


Aside from bashing my post do you have anything to contribute to the physics question or twos up on the new motorbike? Or gyro? Or water? Or you just here to post count?


Like I said, content of the post. Keep the thread on topic.


And speaking of on topic...


I wonder if we could get some pics of some other sections of the redone biomes. I must admit on first impressions the biome does look very pretty.


Also people have mentioned sharpened sticks, how about a forged metal javelin? Or some tapered pole for some zombie sticking.


Food for thoughts 😁

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I looked, but the screenshots must have been on the old computer. I had a 5 meter high fort and the gore blocks came up and over the wall. That was an interesting night! :)


was it back in alpha 11 or 12? but i remember the gore piles getting higher and higher.. i think i spent more time shooting the gore blocks to stop being over run than shooting zombies! then there was the cheaty storage chest fences... zeds wouldnt hit them and would just move along the wall...lol

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I have not really been a part of this argument just been reading and like I said from what I have read I read both sides and one side is no better then the other.


I understand what you have been trying to say. I don't mod either but I also don't see the way they said mod it yourself or such is as bad as it has become an issue. I have only changed one thing that I recall in this game and that was for more flat of a world in the rwgmixer. Someone said the same thing to someone else and explained how to make it flat or more flat then it was. It wasn't that hard.


I also agree more options are better but I also say that with a grain of salt. More options for people is better but with that said they can't make options for every little thing. Yes it be good but it be bad as well. Think of it like this and I admit I'm no programmer so I could be wrong on this. But more options would mean more specs to run the game. Putting the options in the game would mean it would have to use some kind of space and memory for the game so the specs to download the game increases. So if you start putting options for every little thing then you are limiting the player base because only those with really high end computer could run it. So what people are trying to say is not everything needs options some stuff you can mod and this game allows that to happen. So as much as I would love to have options I have to take that as a grain of salt and look at the bigger picture.

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I changed the maple forest to more of a fall look.


Wow, the maple forest looks awesome!

We already had summer and winter, now we've got fall. A little bit of spring and some transitions and we have SEASONS!!! :D


(Don't mind me, just keeping the dream alive.)

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