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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Bit harsh to associate TFP with Electronic arts and hello games... this team has far more integrity than that.


I suppose I should have singled out the one sentence I was repling to, but everyone here has ESP... except you. But we knew that already. :)


But seriously as I can get, I was talking about companies in general who raked in 80% (or more) of their profits in the first few weeks and the games were has fun as having a bad case of diarrhea.


No, over 2000+ hours playing 7D2D would make me the mother of all liars if I bashed the game.

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I don't see it as destroying immersion at all.


I mean, after all, these frames are each a meter cube - and you can carry lots of them in your inventory. So the obvious conclusion is that you aren't carrying them as cubes already fastened together at the corners. Clearly you're carrying the cube as a dozen long thin bits of wood - sticks, if you like - and you put them together to form the large cubic frame when you place it.


So there's nothing wrong with putting them together in a different way to form a ramp or other shaped frame at the time of placement. You're still using the same sticks that you were carrying. The crafting of the frame represented the making of the sticks, not putting them together into a cube.


So clearly a "master frame" looks like a bundle of sticks.


Yea it is not immersion breaking at all to me. There are games that already do that like Emperion. It made the building much easier.

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The thing about "Immersion" is it doesn't have to be realistic, but is does have be consistent with the rest of the game.


If you have magic, then more magic is fine. This is where 7D2D is.

If its suppose to be realistic, then everything should be realistic. Inexplicable things could have some advanced science explanation.

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I think that shape selection is great!


You have a bunch of shapes and a bunch of materials and any combination of the two is valid.


What this does is when devs introduce a new material, all the shapes for that material are ready and when they create a new shape, it is immediately available for all materials.


Such system would be much simpler and neat that what we currently have. Construction would be simplified a lot.


No more missing shapes for some materials. Like "Why is there no rebar frame for that shape?"


Yep, that would be great.

I'm eagerly waiting for this feature, altough it will most likely break all old saves cause block ids will likely change.

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No...why would a shape selector change the block ids if you are still getting the same shapes and all that is changing is how you get them?


People keep claiming the shape selector tool will reduce or change block ids and I wish to understand how.

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No...why would a shape selector change the block ids if you are still getting the same shapes and all that is changing is how you get them?


People keep claiming the shape selector tool will reduce or change block ids and I wish to understand how.


Correct me if I'm wrong, cause I have no idea how these things work, but by adding a shape selector tool aren't we getting rid of individual block shapes from the game's menu? I mean, instead of having two blocks (one being a cube and the other being a ramp) we got one block with a variety of shapes to choose from, isn't that how it works?

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So are block ids only for the block names in the menu and not for the physical blocks themselves? If I place a wood ramp Frame block and then a rebar pillar Frame block does the game not care at that point what the difference is between those two blocks? Doesn’t the game still have to pull their ids to generate them into my hands whether those blocks are in a list as they are now or whether they are selected from a graph?


Seems to me that every single block we have now must still be able to be called up by the game and wouldn’t they be called up by their block ids even if I’m selecting by shape instead of by name?


I do see how the selection tool will totally clean up the menus. I just don’t see it affecting the block ids at all.

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No...why would a shape selector change the block ids if you are still getting the same shapes and all that is changing is how you get them?


People keep claiming the shape selector tool will reduce or change block ids and I wish to understand how.


the selector should make it so you do not have to keep tons of blocks with you at all times (thats how it worked in another game i used to play), but... still every shape that can be made must still have an id associated to it for when the block becomes physical. you can still make those tons and carry them but you can also use the selector to make just one block for a special occasion. thats of course if TFPs go that route, they may be doing something completely different. also, dont hold me to that, but it is what i remember from a few years back so its not a new concept.

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No...why would a shape selector change the block ids if you are still getting the same shapes and all that is changing is how you get them?


People keep claiming the shape selector tool will reduce or change block ids and I wish to understand how.


Sneaky devil editing your quote to NOT include the part about the save. ;)


Well obviously if they do not change ids then no there is no need to wipe because of a shape selector. I wasn't commenting on the actual shape selector because there are numerous ways to implement that and we do not know which way they will go with it, if it is indeed included.


Would they be adding it to free up block space or to make building easier for regular players. Prefabbers would be up ♥♥♥♥s creek though. If the actual blocks were removed.

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2 Possibilitys


1: The Shape Selector is finaly only a different way to Craft and a other Menue. Means It uses the existent BLock ID´s and switch between them


2: The Block system is overhauled and there is only one master with one id lets say id "116" awning Master

And the new system would simply use one Byte of the saved Variable to Choose a shape As example

116 xxxxx0 = Block

116 xxxxx1 = Ramp


116 xxxxxa = Pillar


111 xxxxx. = Plate


The second system would be nicer and set really many Blocks ID´s (The 116 in this example) free. But i doubt that they would make such a big change, if it would be possible at all. (and i have no clue how exactly 7D2D saves a block, i know only that Texctures, Rotation, Meta Data and more must be included)

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2 Possibilitys


1: The Shape Selector is finaly only a different way to Craft and a other Menue. Means It uses the existent BLock ID´s and switch between them


2: The Block system is overhauled and there is only one master with one id lets say id "116" awning Master

And the new system would simply use one Byte of the saved Variable to Choose a shape As example

116 xxxxx0 = Block

116 xxxxx1 = Ramp


116 xxxxxa = Pillar


111 xxxxx. = Plate


The second system would be nicer and set really many Blocks ID´s (The 116 in this example) free. But i doubt that they would make such a big change, if it would be possible at all. (and i have no clue how exactly 7D2D saves a block, i know only that Texctures, Rotation, Meta Data and more must be included)


Im totally rooting for the second one because we need those extra blocks but i know prefabbers may riot over that. I have used every single block id in Ravenhearst and i have so much more I want to add. Very limiting.

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Well wasnt that spose to clear/free up block ids so we weren't left with such a stupid low amount of free blocks. Because mm had mentioned he was gonna work something out to sort out the ridiculously low block id count.


They definately need to sort the block ids. Because 2047 isn't enough. And there are still alot of block shapes missing, needing to be added etc to. So where does that solve the block of problems.


Maybe if the block ids had 2 xmls. 1 for actual blocks like the ramps. Wedges. Blocks. Glass etc and the other for the nitty gritty stuff like trees. Rocks etc all the other clutter.


Or just increase the block id limit to like 10 000 lol or what ever. Which would give plenty of ids for all that be needed by the pumps to add the extra block stuff as well as for modders.


Also if the block selector doesn't fix the block id problem then the block selector tool would just be a waste and wouldn't solve anything but rather hinder and slow game play/prefab building.


You would have to be careful with how it is implemented. Having 32+ varieties of wood, concrete, etc as a separate identifier could end up using more ids, or space within the data structure. This is because for a tree and other types, there is one type. So you may end up reducing the number from 2048 to 64, but some of them have lots of varieties and the others waste the space.


I am assuming that the critical factor is the amount of space per block required to represent what is displayed on the map. You could end up with a system of varying length identifiers, but they would all end up wasting the critical number of bit that are available.


I don't think I have explained that well, and I am so far behind I don't know why I did.

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I think that shape selection is great!


You have a bunch of shapes and a bunch of materials and any combination of the two is valid.


What this does is when devs introduce a new material, all the shapes for that material are ready and when they create a new shape, it is immediately available for all materials.


Such system would be much simpler and neat that what we currently have. Construction would be simplified a lot.


No more missing shapes for some materials. Like "Why is there no rebar frame for that shape?"


Wouldn't make construction slower because you have to select the shape (and orientation maybe) when you place the block? It would mean that it would be pointless carrying around a wet cement block, may as well carry cement mix and a trowel.

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Awfully selective rigor mortis to keep the muscles around the nipples contracted but not affect any other muscle.


Okay, the serious yet hopefully still SFW answer is it's the nipple rings. There's extra geometry for the rings, which catch the light and literally stand out more, and they just look like super prominent nipples until you look close.

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Imagine that I posted something profound about construction blocks using density to change collision instead of dedicated shapes and that it made sense. Somebody will fill in the blanks.


- - - Updated - - -


Awfully selective rigor mortis to keep the muscles around the nipples contracted but not affect any other muscle.


They use them to silently cut out the front windows of POI's to getcha.

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