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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Just a suggestion for those that are getting antsy and have access to the PC. Try modding.

I'll guarantee it'll do at least 2 things.

1) Give you a slightly better understanding on just how much TFP have actually done to try and give ppl the tools to try out certain suggestions they would like in the game.

2) Frustrate you enough to realize just how much TFP have gone through to bring you this game so far.


Want a world that fits your needs? Build it!

Want zeds to react more how you want them? Tweak them.

Want more items or items to be more complex? Have at it.


Will you be able to do everything you want? Maybe! Depends how far down the rabbit hole you want to go.

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Just a suggestion for those that are getting antsy and have access to the PC. Try modding.

I'll guarantee it'll do at least 2 things.

1) Give you a slightly better understanding on just how much TFP have actually done to try and give ppl the tools to try out certain suggestions they would like in the game.

2) Frustrate you enough to realize just how much TFP have gone through to bring you this game so far.


Want a world that fits your needs? Build it!

Want zeds to react more how you want them? Tweak them.

Want more items or items to be more complex? Have at it.


Will you be able to do everything you want? Maybe! Depends how far down the rabbit hole you want to go.


I agree 100 percent here. Since working on my stuff I have come to appreciate NEVER giving a release time and FULLY support the term Soon more than I ever have. It is NOT easy especially when you have everyone telling you different things when it comes to balance etc.


I totally get them wanting to step away for a bit and just work on their vision. I really do wish some of the people who demand it now would give modding a chance so they can experience a tenth of what Pimps have to go through in releasing an Alpha.

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Just a suggestion for those that are getting antsy and have access to the PC. Try modding.

I'll guarantee it'll do at least 2 things.

1) Give you a slightly better understanding on just how much TFP have actually done to try and give ppl the tools to try out certain suggestions they would like in the game.

2) Frustrate you enough to realize just how much TFP have gone through to bring you this game so far.


Want a world that fits your needs? Build it!

Want zeds to react more how you want them? Tweak them.

Want more items or items to be more complex? Have at it.


Will you be able to do everything you want? Maybe! Depends how far down the rabbit hole you want to go.


Sorry guppy. Tin for president now lol .........


Exactly. Spot on with that

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This is why doom and gloom posts are not allowed. It causes a ruckus with people taking sides for and against the predictions of failure-- and all of it is pure conjecture of a negative nature. This forum does not exist to discuss the business practices of The Fun Pimps. It exists to discuss the game. There has never been a positive result from people criticizing the developers and how they progress on their roadmap to gold. All it does is drag down the mood and atmosphere of the forum.


Let's keep things positive about the future. If you feel like you've defended and stood behind the developers for the last 3-4 years but now you no longer can do so then just move on. No need to announce your intentions or create drama. I quit playing a dozen games this year and never once went out of my way to announce the fact. It really isn't necessary.

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We /literally/ just had an a16 update... not seeing why we're asking for 17 just yet... there's still plenty to do IMO. <shrug>


Alpha 16 came out 5 months ago.

I pay I demand, sorry but they should do everything they have done in 1 year with a good team. You know we shouldn't be good for developers but be angry-like so they work harder and don't think we are total ♥♥♥♥heads and be happy of "omg these TEXTURES ARE AWESOME, OMG WHAT A FANTASTIC DOE MODEL" like most of the people on the forum are?

I see no future of this game, besides mods.

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Put out a small patch halfway through the Alpha development....Put the new POIs out when done....throw people a bone...POI's are not affecting the new systems being worked on.


I just want to point out that this is categorically false. I'm sure that those who build prefabs know that since A16 came out buildings are no longer just a collection of blocks slapped together in aesthetically pleasing ways that obey SI laws. Now there are sleeper volumes that should also be applied to POI's because sleepers are a thing now and the sleeper system is affected by POI's.


But that isn't all. I can't go into details on this but much the same way that sleeper volumes have been added to POI's the new quest system is also going to be woven into POI's in such a way that simply putting out a few new dungeon POI's for funsies midway through the development of A17 is going to create extra work.


Even the 2.0 version of the sleeper system involves some cool changes that will also work with the quest system.


The point is that at this stage of the game everything affects everything and the developers are not holding back because they want to build suspense. They are putting things out once they know that all the systems that affect each other are ready to work with each other.




Feed us some crumbs. =)


There you go. Quests are coming and if you want your prefabs to work with them you'll have to do things with the super cool tools the developers are building for us. That's all I can say.

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Are you completely head damaged? Alpha 16 came out 5 months ago.

I pay I demand, sorry but they should do everything they have done in 1 year with a good team. You know we shouldn't be good for developers but be angry-like so they work harder and don't think we are total d*ckheads and be happy of "omg these TEXTURES ARE AWESOME, OMG WHAT A FANTASTIC DOE MODEL" like most of the people on the forum are?

I see no future of this game, besides mods.


Quite possibly, but it has nothing to do with my opinion... no, 16.4 (the current incarnation of 16) came out fairly recently. It had new stuff, ergo, they're still developing it.


I heard a rumor on the wind that there will be a 16.5, which should bring even more changes. So, again, progress.


17 is going to have a crapton of stuff in it (Roland's list is scratching the tip, you can take that to the bank), so I'm not terribly worried about it coming anytime soon. I have zero expectation it'll come out before June or July of 2018, and I'm perfectly fine with that.


- - - Updated - - -


Point in fact, the stuff Roland just mentioned has never been mentioned before... and again, he's still scratching the tip.


- - - Updated - - -


Coincidence Roland and I are always on at the same time? I'll let you be the judge of that.

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Quite possibly, but it has nothing to do with my opinion... no, 16.4 (the current incarnation of 16) came out fairly recently. It had new stuff, ergo, they're still developing it.


I heard a rumor on the wind that there will be a 16.5, which should bring even more changes. So, again, progress.


17 is going to have a crapton of stuff in it (Roland's list is scratching the tip, you can take that to the bank), so I'm not terribly worried about it coming anytime soon. I have zero expectation it'll come out before June or July of 2018, and I'm perfectly fine with that.


- - - Updated - - -


Point in fact, the stuff Roland just mentioned has never been mentioned before... and again, he's still scratching the tip.


lily pad teleports for the win! ;)

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They are putting things out once they know that all the systems that affect each other are ready to work with each other.


To elaborate on this further, every modder and anyone who pays attention to the xml's has seen "things" in there that are temporarily disabled or nerfed, but quite obviously have been meant for bigger and better things... the new AI system for instance. Bandits. Hell, driveable cars have been around since like a10.


...my point is, these are foundations for when they're ready to be implemented, and it just so happens, A17 will implement a lot of the stuff we've been seeing lying in wait, and well, it takes time. =)


Quests alone... geesh, the potential there... I've said it before, it's got the potential to be the most powerful system in the game, and from Roland's crumb dropping lately it sounds pretty awesome.

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Wow, didn't think anyone else here would have listened to that song :D




Not sure if this will work, but here it for anyone who is wondering what the heck is in the year 2525. I love that song, occasionally it get stuck in my head and at least it is one that I like.

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Are you completely head damaged? Alpha 16 came out 5 months ago.

I pay I demand, sorry but they should do everything they have done in 1 year with a good team. You know we shouldn't be good for developers but be angry-like so they work harder and don't think we are total d*ckheads and be happy of "omg these TEXTURES ARE AWESOME, OMG WHAT A FANTASTIC DOE MODEL" like most of the people on the forum are?

I see no future of this game, besides mods.


Fact: A16.4 did only just come out. Fact: calling someone with the respect guppy has as something wrong in his head can literally backfire (and has) and fact: guppy is correct......


You don't get to demand ♥♥♥♥. You paid to play am alpha not tell a developer what to do. Your post merely truly suggests that you are a d*ckhead and that is how you have come across.


You can demand all you want but nothing will change the devs process and path they have followed since a1.


And it won't even deter the devs from ignoring your posts even if it is actually game related.


- - - Updated - - -


Bullfrogs confirmed. =)


Nappies also confirmed for all those whom crap themselves fighting zs haha

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People been saying this over a year now and it hasn't yet so go figure. Plus technically the game isn't out yet it is just playable while in development. 5 years isn't really that long for a game in development. I know games that take 6-8 years in development and they are a huge company with way more people working on it but the difference is they don't let you play while working on the game so you don't hear about the game until they get closer to a release date.


And that is the reason why so many feel that the fun pimps aren't doing a good job. We are playing the game while they are working on it, for us, there is no period of no game, no alphas to play where it is being worked on, bugs fixed, thing added or deleted to make it better or work or fix what has been broken. Those who bought those games didn't have to deal with all that, so they saw it all as good.


I'm not saying the pimps are doing a bad job, or even a good job, what I am saying is that what has hurt them is that players, who have no idea of what goes into a game, don't understand that a previous game they bought took the five, seven or eight years of being made before they bought it when they bought this game and became a part of the development stage do not understand why it is taking so long.


Two people go to buy a car. One goes and sit and pick out what they want then have to wait for the car to be made, getting impatient as they wait for it. The other goes to different dealerships and look at the cars that are on the lot and picks out one, and drive out with their new car, spending a couple of weeks looking at cars before they bought theirs. While the one who ordered it to be made sits and wait, and waits and waits and . . . .

That is what is happening today. We are the ones who are sitting and waiting for our car to be built and some just don't have the patience and don't understand why it is taking so long. Last car they had, they went and picked one out, bought it, drove it home and had their car. Game wise, they went to a store, looked at games, picked one out, bought it and took it home and played it. Now, they are sitting and waiting for it to be made and are upset.


Are the fun pimps taking too long? Should they have gotten their act together and hired more help earlier? Are those who are complaining being to impatient, don't understand what goes into creating a game so are being unfair?

I don't have the answers, I do know that I really, really like this game and I am willing to wait for it to be finished. I also know that I get frustrated at how long I have to wait for the next alpha, but I also had to wait nine months for my babies to be born and at six months I was ready to have them be born so I could stop feeling miserable while I was carrying them. I dealt with it, I had no choice.

We are going to have to deal with it, we have no choice. Go play another game, check out other zombie games you may like them better or not.

What we have to realize, we can't do anything to get the fun pimps to move faster, so stop stressing ourselves out. If they lose customers because it is, in those customers opinion, taking too long, well, that is life. We have good and we have bad things in life we have to face. If the fun pimps have messed up in getting the game ready, they will have to pay the consequences of less sells, fewer people willing to buy any other games they put out and work to change the publics perception of them.

If in the next alpha and the next one they put out are great alphas that lets everyone see a great game, then people will forget the frustration and forgive the long wait. Most will, anyhow.

Only time will tell, for right now, I am willing to wait, play other games that I can play, watch videos, read posts here and respond and hope that I don't get Roland mad at me.

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This is why doom and gloom posts are not allowed. It causes a ruckus with people taking sides for and against the predictions of failure-- and all of it is pure conjecture of a negative nature. This forum does not exist to discuss the business practices of The Fun Pimps. It exists to discuss the game. There has never been a positive result from people criticizing the developers and how they progress on their roadmap to gold. All it does is drag down the mood and atmosphere of the forum.


Let's keep things positive about the future. If you feel like you've defended and stood behind the developers for the last 3-4 years but now you no longer can do so then just move on. No need to announce your intentions or create drama. I quit playing a dozen games this year and never once went out of my way to announce the fact. It really isn't necessary.


Exactly. I have always thought that those people who come on to game forums saying they are quitting if the game does X or the devs don't do X are only trolling to create drama and garner themselves attention. They have an over-inflated opinion of themselves and think their particular viewpoint is suddenly going to make the game devs have an epiphany and change their ways.

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Exactly. I have always thought that those people who come on to game forums saying they are quitting if the game does X or the devs don't do X are only trolling to create drama and garner themselves attention. They have an over-inflated opinion of themselves and think their particular viewpoint is suddenly going to make the game devs have an epiphany and change their ways.


Depends, as long as a player really quit playing i give a "Sorry i leave because of...." post more value than 100 Posts of people that have a meaning that matters not enough for themself to take consequences.

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I was just looking at some old pictures from Alpha 8 (I think), and it's amazing how far the game has come since then. In reality the Pimps could have gone gold with the game back then with what we now would probably consider less than half of a game, and you still would have gotten your moneys worth out of it. Everything they have done since then has not been owed to us despite the delusions of upset or impatient players. Some of their ideas have had to grow on me, but overall I haven't been disappointed yet with their decisions. Just enjoy the game for what it is and have a little patience and trust that The Fun Pimps know what they are doing.

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Just a suggestion for those that are getting antsy and have access to the PC. Try modding.

I'll guarantee it'll do at least 2 things.

1) Give you a slightly better understanding on just how much TFP have actually done to try and give ppl the tools to try out certain suggestions they would like in the game.

2) Frustrate you enough to realize just how much TFP have gone through to bring you this game so far.


Want a world that fits your needs? Build it!

Want zeds to react more how you want them? Tweak them.

Want more items or items to be more complex? Have at it.


Will you be able to do everything you want? Maybe! Depends how far down the rabbit hole you want to go.


Now that I am into modding, I actually like the longer time between releases. I might get incredibly frustrated if I had to completely redo all of my work every couple of months. As it stands, I already have to do some extra work whenever there is a minor release (like 16.1, 16.2, 16.3, 16.4). The changes from one alpha to the next are a lot more involved than the changes in the minor releases. Entire systems get reworked.

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I agree 100 percent here. Since working on my stuff I have come to appreciate NEVER giving a release time and FULLY support the term Soon more than I ever have. It is NOT easy especially when you have everyone telling you different things when it comes to balance etc.


I totally get them wanting to step away for a bit and just work on their vision. I really do wish some of the people who demand it now would give modding a chance so they can experience a tenth of what Pimps have to go through in releasing an Alpha.


I just want a optimized and least buggy experience possible, major updates are just additional icing on the cake

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Now that I am into modding, I actually like the longer time between releases. I might get incredibly frustrated if I had to completely redo all of my work every couple of months. As it stands, I already have to do some extra work whenever there is a minor release (like 16.1, 16.2, 16.3, 16.4). The changes from one alpha to the next are a lot more involved than the changes in the minor releases. Entire systems get reworked.


Glad you took the jump! Welcome aboard! It's a rewarding experience.

I mean, how can you go wrong when you're setting up things as close as you can to what you want? ;)

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that's what the 3rd one was called dead matter lol, i am waiting for that one the city is in my province can not wait for it lol.


and it looks super polished already either way i can host both but take awhile to rack up 2500+ hours on it


Yep, Dead Matter really looks good. Good looking means you will have fun looking at stuff the first 10 hours until you have seen (nearly) everything. Then lets see if that game has the necessary depth and will really keep you playing for 2500 hours too. Then and only then come back and tell us of the shipwreck that 7days supposedly is.:cocksure:


sadly i think that game can derail 7dtd easy and it releases first quarter 2018,


How can it derail a game that already successfully **released** to more than 2 mio. people? If everyone stopped playing Skyrim today, would doomsayers come out and declare Skyrim derailed and a failure?


And notice that Dead Matter releases in first quarter of 2018 as an EA game as well. Anyone have a good guess on how long it will stays in EA? (Actually, since it isn't voxel, it probably will be out faster, but well, voxel is what makes 7d special)

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