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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Unless we get some clarification from Joel that contradicts the following, this is what I understand:


Bicycle is a definite for A17.

Motorcycle is a definite for A17.


The 4-wheel Jeep is currently a drawing and they are beginning work on it while using current cars in the editor as placeholders for the jeep to get the physics and collisions worked out. The jeep is a maybe for A17.


Repairing and driving existing cars as a feature is unkown. I got the impression that the devs are just using them as temporary placeholders but I could be wrong. I've never seen the feature of repairing and driving the cars listed anywhere but they might decide to do it if they are getting the cars up and going as placeholders anyway. It certainly is an often requested feature by the fans. I've asked Joel about this and am waiting to see what he says on the subject.


Boats and Gyrocopters are low priority goals so shouldn't be expected for A17 but depending on how things go they could end up being a nice surprise.



Hey Roland. While your talking to him. Why don't you ask him to clarify what flying machines he plans to put in the game.


Up until the last video it was all about gyrocopters. But now he is talking about putting in helicopters.



There's a big difference between them. So which is it?



Thanks. :)

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Man I am so damn happy to see the motion capture getting implemented.


I don't think a lot of folks realise how much this will improve the game, especially from a multiplayer standpoint. It's going to look so much better and be so much more immersive. To actually see where your team mates are pointing their guns is gunna be great! Maybe even a broken leg animation to come as well?


Also confirmation of weapon upgrades and attachments / power melee attacks made me a little bit hard. Combat is going to improve significantly. I just hope we get actual projectiles as well instead of just ray cast laser bullets.


Assuming the zombie AI breadcrumb system gets the attention it needs then i'm going to be pretty damn chuffed when A17 drops.

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Have fun everyone tearing apart every last word MM says. -snipped the rest-


you my friend hit the nail on the head and i have seen it several times already, oh well we cant stop it and kids will be kids (and some adults will be kids too... i mean seriously look... we are all playing games). :)

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So much more is being done that has not been talked about so who knows wait and see what comes from it. Right now is a little to early to say.


i hear ya there just being hopeful, I am sad that they are not gonna do the behemoth at all now that was kick ass for sure lmao, was good fun thinking of the players i would kill with it lol.


But that HOG OMG LOL...

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Ok just some shameless promotion lol looking for some opinions one of my canada servers sms omega do you think this is a good way to showcase a game server?


The music i have permission to use i now work with a couple youtubers.


and this be a nice debate break for some of you.



I do like the idea of a PVE server.


I don't like how the images are cut out so fast. I did not have a chance to look at them unless I pause the video.

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Wow some really cool updates! Will the spikes on the front of the hog be an upgrade? I'd kinda prefer to just see the wheel at the front, plus it would make the bike better to ride off road as that spike will hit any uneven terrain.


Love the sound of the upgrades for weapons and vehicles, its going to make it worth looting and scavenging materials for much longer into the game to get all the cool new items. I just hope there is an added threat to counter these new powerful items.

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Gotta agree with this, that or just tune them down some. I'd rather be able to communicate with my friends in Skype than have immersion deafening my eardrums. It'd be nice if the auger and chainsaw were tuned down for the same reason.


An extra slider in the Audio settings for enginesounds would be a good middleway to go for those who wants roaring engines in ther chainsaws and cars!

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An extra slider in the Audio settings for enginesounds would be a good middleway to go for those who wants roaring engines in ther chainsaws and cars!


I think it's unlikely considering it was probably added so that it was intentionally loud. Keeps you on your toes as you can't hear who or what is coming from behind. That said, reducing the volume of the auger a little bit wouldn't be such a bad thing.

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Unless we get some clarification from Joel that contradicts the following, this is what I understand:


Bicycle is a definite for A17.

Motorcycle is a definite for A17.


The 4-wheel Jeep is currently a drawing and they are beginning work on it while using current cars in the editor as placeholders for the jeep to get the physics and collisions worked out. The jeep is a maybe for A17.


Repairing and driving existing cars as a feature is unkown. I got the impression that the devs are just using them as temporary placeholders but I could be wrong. I've never seen the feature of repairing and driving the cars listed anywhere but they might decide to do it if they are getting the cars up and going as placeholders anyway. It certainly is an often requested feature by the fans. I've asked Joel about this and am waiting to see what he says on the subject.


Boats and Gyrocopters are low priority goals so shouldn't be expected for A17 but depending on how things go they could end up being a nice surprise.



That is what I got also. bicycle, different minibike (I think of it as a moped), hog bike will be in. If they get the roads cleared they can get the cars to work, but they will have limited uses in the woods, trees, bushes, boulders and more will make it extremely hard to drive them around in the woods. Run into a wandering horde and having them beating on the car would not be a good thing, expecially if it explodes with you and all your loot.

The 4 wheel Jeep is being worked, impression was it would not be ready for A17, and personally, I can't see it until A19. Same with boats and copters, not in A17, hoped for A18 but there will always be problems that will delay it. Bandits, remember how long we have waited for them due to the problems in getting them to work the way they want them to? Same could be for the Jeep, copter, boats and who knows, even the bandits could be delayed until A18, then the rest until A19.


So, yes I am excited, but I prefer to think of them as coming later, much later than get my hopes up for A17 and then be disappointing, listen to those who want to believe what they think they heard and then start to whine, gripe, make negative remarks and more because they didn't pay attention to what was said. Partly, maybe, because it was hard to hear and understand over the loud noise of the bikes.


Just my two cents on what I could hear.

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That is what I got also. bicycle, different minibike (I think of it as a moped), hog bike will be in. If they get the roads cleared they can get the cars to work, but they will have limited uses in the woods, trees, bushes, boulders and more will make it extremely hard to drive them around in the woods. Run into a wandering horde and having them beating on the car would not be a good thing, expecially if it explodes with you and all your loot.

The 4 wheel Jeep is being worked, impression was it would not be ready for A17, and personally, I can't see it until A19. Same with boats and copters, not in A17, hoped for A18 but there will always be problems that will delay it. Bandits, remember how long we have waited for them due to the problems in getting them to work the way they want them to? Same could be for the Jeep, copter, boats and who knows, even the bandits could be delayed until A18, then the rest until A19.


So, yes I am excited, but I prefer to think of them as coming later, much later than get my hopes up for A17 and then be disappointing, listen to those who want to believe what they think they heard and then start to whine, gripe, make negative remarks and more because they didn't pay attention to what was said. Partly, maybe, because it was hard to hear and understand over the loud noise of the bikes.


Just my two cents on what I could hear.


If it isn't ready so be it I will understand.


But with that said at 12:50 he said it was ready and on top of that he said he wasn't going to show off stuff this time around that isn't going to be in A17. So I would think that the 4x4 will be in A17. Maybe will still need work as far as those weapon mods and stuff for it might not be ready but the vehicle it self should be in.


But like I said if it isn't then so be it I personally would understand and not pay it no mind.

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mm: Thank you so much for this. Ok, maybe not. My knees and elbows now hurt. Can't wait for A17. Does anyone know if there are any cryogenic companies that have progressed past the need to remove your head from your body?



1. Awesome to be able to walk over or even drive a hog over a bridge - and not have it collapse. (I couldn't have been the only one...)

2. Bicycle wheelies! (intentional or not...)

3. Please make sure Michonne gets her Katana back.


So glad to be a part of this. Thank you Fun Pimps.

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I think it's unlikely considering it was probably added so that it was intentionally loud. Keeps you on your toes as you can't hear who or what is coming from behind. That said, reducing the volume of the auger a little bit wouldn't be such a bad thing.


Not thinking it is completely unlikely. They are embarrassing the streaming side of things and realizing how much it can help spread and promote a game. If they want their new motorized stuff promoted then streamers are going to have to be able to talk over the motors when riding or doing stuff. A silent stream is a dead stream and won't promote anything to anyone.

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Not thinking it is completely unlikely. They are embarrassing the streaming side of things and realizing how much it can help spread and promote a game. If they want their new motorized stuff promoted then streamers are going to have to be able to talk over the motors when riding or doing stuff. A silent stream is a dead stream and won't promote anything to anyone.


That's fair enough I respect that. As I said it definitely could come down a bit. When i'm augering I run with the game sounds at 6% so i can hear folks on discord :-)


I do play PVP though and if they start to provide independent volume controls for tools and vehicles in the game we could end up with some players having an advantage over others and you would just end up with everybody turning off the sound of the auger / car.


I guess the best way around it would just be to make the auger and vehicles significantly quieter for everyone.

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