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When will the controls for the gyrocopter be fixed?


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There is absolutely no use for the gyrocopter. At this point, remove it from the game. Yes it can "fly" although its called a 'copter" but needs a runway. The controls are so bad and it is so slow that it isn't worth the stress of having to learn the recipe, nor taking the time and using the resources required to craft it. Because the controls are so bad, I can use my minibike---  yes you read that correctly, my minibike... to travel to the same location faster. This has been a problem since 2019 of my knowledge. How much longer after 2 years is it going to take to fix the controls for the gyrocopter? I always try to bear in mind the staffing of the team as well as time restraint and resources but after 2 years of the same problem... what is going on? I noticed A21 will revamp skills. Well... the game isn't even worth playing to begin with if it doesn't even preform properly. I have 300 hours clocked on steam and this game has a special place in me and my identical twins gaming library, please fix what is most important. The skills in A20 are not 'game breaking' so why prioritize A21 skills over the actual performance of the game?


This is merely me roughly venting because I died nosediving my gyrocopter due to the controls of whoever designed them.


Fix it.. Please for the love of Buddha!

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A gyrocopter is not the same as a helicopter. The large rotor on top is in flight not powered by a motor, but is moved by the wind.

Gyrocopters also need a runway in real life. So this is quite realistic. On Youtube you can find many videos of gyrocopters taking off and landing.


The biggest advantage of the gyrocopter in the game is that you can easily fly over uneven terrain. In addition, it has a large inventory. Accordingly, I always use it when I visit my traders.


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Thy gyrocopter is so slow and the controls are so bad I get to my destination faster with my minibike. Yes I agree it is easier to fly over terrain but that is pointless if I can get to my location faster with a minibike. Not only that, but you cant reverse in the gyrocopter. Almost literally, the vehicles kind of 'skips' when trying to reverse. Lets say it is the most realistic vehicle in any video game ever made. That doesn't make it any less stressful to go out of my way to spend a skill point and the resources crafting it. 

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57 minutes ago, Nunhappy said:

Thy gyrocopter is so slow and the controls are so bad I get to my destination faster with my minibike. Yes I agree it is easier to fly over terrain but that is pointless if I can get to my location faster with a minibike.

The controls take some getting used to, but I've seen worse in games.


As for speed, the gyrocopter is faster than a minibike. It just looks like that it is slower because of the altitude. But if you compare how long you needed for a distance with the minibike and how long with the gyrocopter then you will see that the gyrocopter is faster.


58 minutes ago, Nunhappy said:

Not only that, but you cant reverse in the gyrocopter.

I agree. Reversing with the gyrocopter is frustrating.


51 minutes ago, Nunhappy said:

That doesn't make it any less stressful to go out of my way to spend a skill point and the resources crafting it. 

At least as far as skill points are concerned, this will no longer be a problem in A21 with the learning by looting system. As for resources, that will probably be so late in the game in A21 that you will have the steel and the other parts in abundance.


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Died .. by nosediving? How? :) The thing doesn't gather enough speed to kill you or even itself, unless both of you are already at 5%.


The controls are fine for a gyro, just the eject button is a little close to the elbow.


For takeoff, it requires realistically about 10m of flat ground and then some 20m of space to gather enough altitude. Pretty much any road will do, might want to knock out the random shopping cart there.


For landing.. it can land on a dime, but I don't bother.. I just crash it to some suitable wall... :)

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It needs time to get used to it. Once you mastered it, it is the fastest way to travel for longer distances. Anything over 1km is faster than the minibike with the gyrocopter. Propably even anything above 500m depending on the terrain.


Good luck driving trough downtown with a minibike.


Also the ability to land on a few blocks up on any roof makes it superior. Taking off from a roof is easy even with no room, as long as it´s high enough you will be able to stop the fall and fly normally.


Just needs some training.

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  • @theFlu I was heading back from a clear quest and had 15hp. I wasn't used to the controls and when I pressed 'C' to decline, I WAY overdid it and flew straight into the ground. This was mainly due to user error. But I was so mad because I hate the 'NearDeathTrauma' debuff. 
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2 hours ago, Nunhappy said:

Thy gyrocopter is so slow and the controls are so bad I get to my destination faster with my minibike. Yes I agree it is easier to fly over terrain but that is pointless if I can get to my location faster with a minibike. Not only that, but you cant reverse in the gyrocopter. Almost literally, the vehicles kind of 'skips' when trying to reverse. Lets say it is the most realistic vehicle in any video game ever made. That doesn't make it any less stressful to go out of my way to spend a skill point and the resources crafting it. 


The minibike has a max velocity of 7/10 and needs fairly level terrain to traverse.  If you got mountains and hills between you and your destination, you typically need to travel around objects which will lengthen the time to get to your destination.  The gyro has a max velocity of 9 and 15, and can go in a straight line to your destination once you get higher than the trees (some POIs are higher, but you can easily steer around them).  So having a higher speed than the minibike and having the ability to easily travel in a straight line makes the gyro a better choice for long trips, especially if you are traveling between all the traders you found in a day when their inventories restock.


The gyrocopter needs a little bit of a runway to land properly and take off, though in a pinch you can crash land the gryo by slamming in the ground and then exiting it during the bounce up.  You do it in the correct timing and you won't take any damage.  If you run out of fuel, you will simply glide downwards and not die, so it is very safe to use normally.


The gyrocopter uses a pusher style thruster, which allows it to take off on a short runway.  Because of the design of those types of systems, it does not go very fast in reverse on land (as the blades are not designed to push air in the reverse direction).  It also behaves like a plane in terms of flight controls, but will be more rudimentary compared to modern planes.  Modern gyrocopters have better flight controls, but you are building this one in the game out of parts you salvaged, so it is more realistic that the controls are not like modern airplanes.


I play single player, but typically have at least 3 of the vehicles by end game.  The bicycle is typically my first as it is the easiest to get early game and improves my mobility, then I either wait for the motorcycle or the 4x4.  I always strive to get the gyrocopter later as I find it best to travel between traders later in the game to stock up on ammo and parts when they restock.  That allows me to do it in one day typically and then I just use the local traders for quests and normal day to day interactions.  However, I don't use it when I have short trips as it is better to use a different vehicle.  It is similar to tools.  Yes I can use my pickaxe to break down a wooden door, but an axe is always going to be a better choice.


You died because you nosedived and had very little health to begin with.  That is not a fault of the controls or of the gyrocopter, but clearly a death caused by user error.

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Jumping out on the bounce causes damage (not that an occasional repair kit matters at that point in the game, but, you know, in principle).  You actually want to jump out just before the initial impact, and drop 5 feet to the ground.  Because of how vehicles work, the copter will just stop in mid air and then drop straight down to the ground, no damage.  It actually makes it ideal for "landing" on tall buildings, because you just fly a few meters above, and straight across, then hop out at the right time.  Getting off the building usually involves breaking out a piece of the edge of the roof, or if you feel gutsy, place the copter on the edge of the roof, and hop in super quick.  With good placement, it will tip forward off the building, getting you the momentum you need to pull and fly away.  With bad placement it falls off before you get in, and you have to walk down normally to recover it (or eat some candy).

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if I was to guess, less than 10% of players have ever legitimately gotten a gyro without cheats. I have over 1000 hours in game and I have never even gotten a real motorcycle.


The point I am making is this affects a very small subset of players and things that affect a majority of players are the obvious priority.


They absolutely can't let the game go gold with the controls being as janky as they are. If they do, we will all drag them through the mud for it.


I would 100% expect this to be fixed prior to full release.

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I think it is fine as is. It's a basic aircraft, it shouldn't be easy to fly. It allows you to go straight from point A to B without worrying about terrain or zombies. While it isn't very fast, it's still going to be faster than any other land vehicle for long trips. If you aren't covering more than a kilo or so then you'd be better off with a bike or 4x4 unless the terrain is especially bad.

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4 hours ago, warmer said:

if I was to guess, less than 10% of players have ever legitimately gotten a gyro without cheats. I have over 1000 hours in game and I have never even gotten a real motorcycle.


The point I am making is this affects a very small subset of players and things that affect a majority of players are the obvious priority.


What? Are you serious? You are doing something WAY wrong then. Motorcycle is easy to get. 


The gyro needs some looting luck, but 10%. Nah. Many people go better barter simply for a better chance to get a crucible at the trader and that also increases chances to get the gyro recipes. Also the recipes can be looted quite often once you reach a certain gamestage plus you can find the chassis/accessories in loot boxes also.


Later in game money isn´t an issue, buying it isn´t super hard either.

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19 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:


What? Are you serious? You are doing something WAY wrong then. Motorcycle is easy to get. 


The gyro needs some looting luck, but 10%. Nah. 

Later in game money isn´t an issue, buying it isn´t super hard either.

Not to start a fight or w/e, but this.  I have never had to cheat to get a vehicle.  If it's important, then you spec for it.  Not hard at all.

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11 hours ago, warmer said:

if I was to guess, less than 10% of players have ever legitimately gotten a gyro without cheats. I have over 1000 hours in game and I have never even gotten a real motorcycle.

I have never cheated to get a vehicle and I have had several playthroughs where eventually I had all of the vehicles. 


It might be 10% or it might not be, not sure how you got your statistically number there.

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I originally had a lot of trouble with the gyro, way back when it first came out.  Flew in a circle trying to figure it out, crashed a few times, said "Forget it, I like motorcycles just fine."  Next playthrough, I stuck with it and really figured out the controls.  Now I have no issues at all.  Easy to take off, easy to land, I can get anywhere with it. Loved it ever since.

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12 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

I have never cheated to get a vehicle and I have had several playthroughs where eventually I had all of the vehicles. 


It might be 10% or it might not be, not sure how you got your statistically number there.

Fair question. The Intellect level requires a huge investment. That's the gate. It was purely a guess by playing with 20+ odd people over time in private MP servers and none of us had ever gotten one legit. Vehicle tier investment is really rare. Way more people go for strength than intellect given how effective a strength upgrade is for most of your actions while grinding for resources. It would be interesting to see the stats in player level choices if TFP has those metrics.

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3 hours ago, warmer said:

Fair question. The Intellect level requires a huge investment. That's the gate. It was purely a guess by playing with 20+ odd people over time in private MP servers and none of us had ever gotten one legit. Vehicle tier investment is really rare. Way more people go for strength than intellect given how effective a strength upgrade is for most of your actions while grinding for resources. It would be interesting to see the stats in player level choices if TFP has those metrics.

There are two other ways to get a gyrocopter without investing into the intellect tree. You can find the schematics for the accessories and the chassis or you can buy a gyrocopter from a trader. On multiplayer servers there is even another possibility. Someone else can craft a gyrocopter for you.


I am surprised that there are no Intellect specialists on your multiplayer server. They are usually the ones who sell things to the traders and craft the vehicles for the other players.

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@warmer So you rely on luck finding all the recipes for minibike, forge, workbench, chemstation and first aid in MP? I don´t even do this in SP. Also you can reduce costs for crafting in the forge with advanced engineering. Better barter so you don´t have to rely on luck for the crucible is also a must have imo.


We do play on survivalist and getting a motorcycle legit is not a problem at all and we still can have enough points invested for mining troughout the group. With at least one having points in intellect and better barter we usually can buy the recipe for the  4x4 and the gyrocopter from the trader or loot it at some point.





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Unless you're only going a couple hundred meters, gyrocopter is by far faster. Even as short as 3-400m, the gyrocopter is faster unless you're literally going in a straight paved road. For cities, I do prefer to carry around a motorcycle or a 4x4 with me due to the density of buildings making taking off again after landing a bit slower. So I'll fly to the trader, and pack away the gyrocopter, and use the car for most quests which are under 300m. But even for intra-city quests >300m, I'll still use the gyro.


I get the feeling this post was just a bit of a rage complaint. Died, and therefore the gyrocopter is at fault.



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Gyrocopter is fine, it takes practice.


That being said though, on my last server we had 7 players and almost none of them except me used a gyrocopter consistently.  She's a harsh mistress.  But a fun and useful ride for those that can handle her.

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