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This feature needs more prominence.


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Hello, everyone, I do apologize if this has been posted before, but I'd really like to see this feature throughout the game instead of for just the first five minutes as it is a really cool feature, and there's really no reason you would be able to use it at first, but then lose the ability later.


Imagine being able to tag pipes, and see the objects which deliver them marked with an icon. Imagine being able to tag eggs so you could efficiently gather them. I take this time to officially request that this feature exist outside of the first five minutes of gameplay.


Perhaps it could be included with the hunter perk, or be added as it's own new skill? Tracking resources is actually a widely used technique in real life.


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Tracking resources is a thing in RL. But there is nothing that points you at that resource. Otherwise it wouldn´t be a skill. Everyone could do it if there is signs showing where the resources.


Wouldn´t mind if this was added. Just as an optional skill please, so i don´t have to see all that stuff on my screen.  I do hate screen clutter.

Edited by pApA^LeGBa (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, DarkWestern said:


Perhaps it could be included with the hunter perk, or be added as it's own new skill? Tracking resources is actually a widely used technique in real life.



Isn't the basic technique of tracking just opening one's eyes and looking around for those resources?  🙂


I cancel out the starting quests immediately so I don't ever have this option even at the start.  I prefer this not to be added to the game, or at least, as an option or have the ability to mod out.


Fallout 4 had a similar function, but it didn't point out the resources to you - it just tagged items in the containers you are searching if disassembling them gave you the materials you were looking for (like screws for example).  Even then, it didn't have icons popping up in your screen pointing to where you need to look to find them.


The purpose of the initial quests having those icons pop up are for new people starting the game and needing some assistance to find them.  After that, they want you to search and explore.

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Interesting, you all hate it! I am pretty surprised to be frank. Well, I guess nevermind then, it seems unanimous. I thought it was a really cool and underutilized feature, but I guess you'd all rather it be removed entirely than even exist in the first place.


Very interesting stuff! Thanks for all your feedback!

55 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

I cancel out the starting quests immediately so I don't ever have this option even at the start.  I prefer this not to be added to the game, or at least, as an option or have the ability to mod out.


You know, I've got something like a combined 8 or 9 thousand hours in this game. I played it on PS4 before I knew it was a PC game back in the day. I only found out it was a PC game later as the PS4 game was an impulse buy, but I kept on playing the PS4 version simultaneously with PC. I used to use the PS Vita remote play so I could play 7D2D while slacking off at work, BUT-


I have never once thought to manually fail the starting quest! I didn't even consider it due to the 4 skill points you are given. Do you still get them if you fail it?

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27 minutes ago, DarkWestern said:

I have never once thought to manually fail the starting quest! I didn't even consider it due to the 4 skill points you are given. Do you still get them if you fail it?


No.  You don't get those (along with the quest to find the first trader).  I can't answer for everyone that cancels them out, but I tend to cancel them out to make the start of the game more difficult.

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31 minutes ago, DarkWestern said:

I have never once thought to manually fail the starting quest! I didn't even consider it due to the 4 skill points you are given. Do you still get them if you fail it?

You do get the points as long as you complete the tasks before cancelling. If I'm playing no trader, I complete the tasks then immediately cancel the quest when it directs me to a trader. Still have 4 points to spend.

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Those tags are indeed meant for new players doing that very first quest. We found that new players had a hard time seeing stones on the ground sometimes and would punch boulders feeling frustrated. They also went right to punching trees like Minecraft skipping over the little woody brush. Finally, unless a nest was right in view they didn’t often know they needed to search for nests on the ground to get feathers. The tags help with all that.

 I also cancel the first quest. I hate doing the tasks and I like finding the trader on my own. The first time I did it, missing the four skill points was painful but now I don’t miss them at all. It is a MUCH more satisfying way to start, imo. 

Edited by Roland (see edit history)
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I actually like it, and if it were a skill I'd want it to be for something less common like ammo piles or even hidden crates. 

I used to have terrible luck finding the first bird's nest. I also wouldn't mind having an option to simply skip the opening quest altogether. I've done it a gorillian times, unless it adds something new like a unique follow up at the end, I'm good. 


I take no issue with how it's handled for new players though. The game is a beast to take on the first time, and it took me a while to really feel like I had a solid grip on it. 

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I once watched someone who Knew Nothing about the Game. Had never seen it, played it, or watched it before. He struggled with the campfire for soooo long since it looked liked the pot and grill where already there. It only lasted for 1 in game week and had commentary by seasoned 7dtd who watched it. (the player & one of the commentators are related)

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/25/2022 at 10:09 PM, Jinx_DG said:

I once watched someone who Knew Nothing about the Game. Had never seen it, played it, or watched it before. He struggled with the campfire for soooo long since it looked liked the pot and grill where already there. It only lasted for 1 in game week and had commentary by seasoned 7dtd who watched it. (the player & one of the commentators are related)

That would probably be IGC's Fresh Meat series for anyone who's interested in seeing it. (Some of it is hilariously funny, other bits are tremendously frustrating to watch.)

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On 6/5/2022 at 7:40 PM, drgnkght said:

That would probably be IGC's Fresh Meat series for anyone who's interested in seeing it. (Some of it is hilariously funny, other bits are tremendously frustrating to watch.)

Correct, but I had already posted their link in a different thread and didn't want to be seen as spamming it. Thank you for linking it and it's great you know of them. :)


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Why? You can already easily track resources. Mineral nodes are dots on the map, with coloration relative to the type of ore. Water is the easiest of course. There's already a skill to track animals you can hunt.


As for anything that's not natural – pipes, paper, gasoline, polymers, etc., you just have to think where you usually find those in real life. You need Vitamins? You'll search a drugstore and not the gas station.

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On 5/23/2022 at 11:02 AM, DarkWestern said:

Hello, everyone, I do apologize if this has been posted before, but I'd really like to see this feature throughout the game instead of for just the first five minutes as it is a really cool feature, and there's really no reason you would be able to use it at first, but then lose the ability later.


Imagine being able to tag pipes, and see the objects which deliver them marked with an icon. Imagine being able to tag eggs so you could efficiently gather them. I take this time to officially request that this feature exist outside of the first five minutes of gameplay.


Perhaps it could be included with the hunter perk, or be added as it's own new skill? Tracking resources is actually a widely used technique in real life.


I’m not sure about resources (for me personally) but I could see this being nice for a few things, like:

- Generator/battery bank running low

- door/hatch/etc block about to break

- there are mods out there (like the beehives/chicken coop) where over time they “populate” with resources. It would “be” kinda nice there.


So “having a status marker attached to a block with some status” might be neat to have available, but I’m not sure the vanilla game wold work well as a “default on” option. I personally like not knowing when or what status something is at …. Usually. Just for immersion.


but, I could see it being useful to have as an option or at least a moddable thing if it could be attached to blocks, so if you really hated say, mining or looking for eggs you could turn that on, but it would likely have to be “global for everyone” or specific things to perk into like the animal tracker (which has been mentioned).


Also: I love options 


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On 5/23/2022 at 8:06 PM, DarkWestern said:

Interesting, you all hate it! I am pretty surprised to be frank. Well, I guess nevermind then, it seems unanimous. I thought it was a really cool and underutilized feature, but I guess you'd all rather it be removed entirely than even exist in the first place.


Very interesting stuff! Thanks for all your feedback!

I wouldn't take what the echo chamber in here says to be unanimous.  With over 10 million copies sold, there's all kinds of people playing with different desires. 


I don't think it's a bad idea to have a skill like you suggest,. Don't know if I would spec into it myself, but that's because I subsist mainly on what I loot rather than harvesting/mining.  My husband would love it though because he is always looking for eggs and stuff to mine .


It could even work with a hotkey - like you hold alt to see all the things you've tagged - similar to how you hold down alt to see loot on the floor in Diablo/PoE.

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I would like to change the big yellow questmarkers into anything that fits into the world like a blinking phone on the ground or anything else. I would vote for removing the treasure digging radius circle too and replace it with anything non HUD clustering.


Every HUD, overlay, flashing color marker, HP bars, is removing immersion, is straight up removing immersive gameplay feeling. This needs to be reduced to the absolute minimum possible, so pls dont add more of this at all. Better start removing allready existing immersion breaking stuff.


I want the naked real world and not a year 2050 soldier with full headupdisplay scanning every information. At very best move the info for gasoline into the cardashboard and away from the hud. Vehicelrepairstatus should be seen at the amount of damage the carbody has visible and not in a HP bar.


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10 hours ago, playlessNamer said:

I would like to change the big yellow questmarkers into anything that fits into the world like a blinking phone on the ground or anything else. I would vote for removing the treasure digging radius circle too and replace it with anything non HUD clustering.


Agree especially about the questmarker.

For treasure digging I just can't imagine anything immersive that could replace it.


10 hours ago, playlessNamer said:


Every HUD, overlay, flashing color marker, HP bars, is removing immersion, is straight up removing immersive gameplay feeling. This needs to be reduced to the absolute minimum possible, so pls dont add more of this at all. Better start removing allready existing immersion breaking stuff.


I want the naked real world and not a year 2050 soldier with full headupdisplay scanning every information. At very best move the info for gasoline into the cardashboard and away from the hud. Vehicelrepairstatus should be seen at the amount of damage the carbody has visible and not in a HP bar.



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19 hours ago, meganoth said:
19 hours ago, meganoth said:

For treasure digging I just can't imagine

A specific looking rock pile that is only used for buried quests? An old tattered flag & pole stuck into the ground? A different type of tree used only for buried quests? 


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A specific looking rock pile that is only used for buried quests? An old tattered flag & pole stuck into the ground? A different type of tree used only for buried quests? 


And how do you show an area with it or shrink it after digging 10 blocks?


I meant without changing the functionality.


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17 hours ago, meganoth said:


And how do you show an area with it or shrink it after digging 10 blocks?


I meant without changing the functionality.


I was just spitting ideas for the  !  mark. Border mark and functionality could be kept as is. 

You said:

On 6/11/2022 at 4:59 PM, meganoth said:

I just can't imagine anything immersive that could replace it

I gave ideas for visual quest marker change only that could be seen as immersive, as in belonging to the landscaped area instead of big bouncing yellow exclamation mark. 

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If it was a togglable skill like a sense skill in Last of us or batman games, I be okay with it.  But I'm also one of these boomers that really hate snail trails, arrows pointing you this way and over highlights - screen clutter annoys me, I like looking with my eyes and learning what needed things look like and knowing where there be.


Finding Goldenrod is easy, all you need to look for is a cluster of mixed flowers - often the white cotton flowers gives that away.

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