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A19e Nitrogen - UNSTABLE


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Is there a guide for how to do your own biome and land shape?


Not that I know of.

helped me understand how to use a mask, but I learned how heightmaps and biome-maps work by looking at other worlds.


The heightmap is a greyscale image where black (RGB 0,0,0) indicates the lowest elevation and white (RGB 255,255,255) indicates the highest. Water spawns at "height" 33 (RGB 33,33,33) so anything lower will be underwater. One thing to keep in mind is that POIs have elevation limits. For reference, this is part of one of my early attempts at a custom heightmap:




Due to the POI elevation limits most of the landmass got only mountain POIs. Cities, towns, and other POIs were relegated to very near the coastline. You can change the POI elevation limits by editing the config file though.


As far as Nitrogen is concerned, the biome-map only matters for creation of the preview image. But it's pretty straightforward, five colors represent the five biomes. The only thing that can be tricky is making sure no colors are used other than those. When you make your own, you have to make sure there's no color blending, anti-aliasing, transparency, etc.

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Tried a couple of maps (one at 10K and another at 15K, but otherwise default settings). Is there a reason the game renders semi-distant terrain incorrectly? It's almost like the game is creating Minecraft-style Beta holes a couple hundred meters out then correcting the terrain as I get closer. I could see buildings that would just appear to float in mid air or an entire mountain get "cut" away in grid shaped chunks as I moved about the map. Water in some shallow areas will also behave oddly, clumping in small chunks like it's jello rather than liquid. Is this an issue typical of going past the 8K vanilla max or is this unexpected of the map generation regardless?


One more thing, what can I do to better generate maps are a bit more natural looking? The ones Nitro seems to generate sprinkles small cold/hot weather biome islands all across the forest biome in the middle which makes no sense at all. Also, what causes it to create those flat plateau-like craters? The maps look like the Moon in some places with those and I'm not sure how to keep those from getting in. Finally, I cannot tell if it's just the preview image files or not, but Nitro doesn't seem to be drawing in burnt forests or wasteland biomes. On the maps I actually test played on, I didn't really look for them but also never saw any such biomes, just the snow/forest/deserts.


Edit: Seems the graphical issue worked itself out...maybe just a bad bug with the game or it didn't like generating maps at exact intervals such as 15000. I'll report it again if it reoccurs. As for the craters, I've figured out some settings that seems to make them smaller, fewer, and less obvious. Doesn't solve it, but now they are much more subtle. Still cannot seem to get the biomes to draw consistent with any settings I've set, in fact it seems to ignore them all together. If I can get that sorted out, then I'd be set.

Edited by crash.7ds (see edit history)
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One more thing, what can I do to better generate maps are a bit more natural looking? The ones Nitro seems to generate sprinkles small cold/hot weather biome islands all across the forest biome in the middle which makes no sense at all. Also, what causes it to create those flat plateau-like craters? The maps look like the Moon in some places with those and I'm not sure how to keep those from getting in. Finally, I cannot tell if it's just the preview image files or not, but Nitro doesn't seem to be drawing in burnt forests or wasteland biomes. On the maps I actually test played on, I didn't really look for them but also never saw any such biomes, just the snow/forest/deserts.


To prevent the sprinkling of desert and snow in the middle of the map, you have to use the sliders to disable mountain and desert. IMO it sucks to have no mountains though, plus having just mountains sprinkled in the forest isn't so bad. So I set the sliders to F 8 / M 4 / D 0 / R 4 / Rn 0. You could also look through the options for the 'landscape' setting, but there is no option for "no deserts & no mountains". Note the sliders and the 'landscape' setting don't affect/override the option you chose for 'north/south'.


You get craters when 'biomes' is set to "add burned & wasteland" or "more burned & wasteland". The craters are the wasteland. AFAIK the only other way to get some wasteland is to set it as the border biome. The same settings for 'biomes' will produce little scribbles, that's the burnt forest. Again, AFAIK the only other way to get some burnt forest is to set it as the border biome.


FWIW, the biomes are a bit more obvious if you look at biomes.png: wasteland is orange and burned is purple.

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I think I'm figuring this thing out, but it seems I cannot have burnt/wastelands without those odd biome sprinkles. I'm gonna keep messing with settings to see if I can wrestle this thing down to making maps in a manageable way. I'm also starting to get that a vast majority of settings do not affect the poles at all, only the "north/south" setting exclusively affects it.


Btw, is there any way to adjust spawn points for the player or is that something built into the map? I see that there is a "spawnpoints" file that, in one map I've made, has some 70 or so spawn coordinates listed. Would adjusting, removing, or adding in my own points mess up the file/map?

Edited by crash.7ds (see edit history)
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First time poster here. Just playing the game since a few weeks and found this awesome tool to generate maps, however it gives me a weird bug and I couldnt find any information about it.

Hope someone here knows a solution.


So when I start a game on a newly generated map by nitrogen everything works fine. Then I start playing and finisihing the initial surviving quest. As soon as I place the campfire, I get the nullreferenceexception error in the console displayed forever.


I realized that its because the last part of the survival quest starts where I have to find the trader. The trader seems to not exist as the quest shows that the trader is 0.0m away from me.

I thought that its because no trader was generated (setting was "many" though), so I checked the prefabs.xml but it shows many traders and also the preview of the map shows them.


Anyone has an idea how to fix this? Tried 5 different maps so far and all gave me the same bug. Dont have the problem with maps generated without nitrogen

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I really love the Nitrogen the road, the terrain is awesome but I have some problem the way building are use multiple time in the same town, I can have 3 huge church in the same city...


In a map I just generated (using compopack) there is the pastebin and 3 example of building near each other;



<decoration type="model" name="xcostum_ArtGallery(by_Wsiegel)" position="-2665,47,2749" rotation="1" />

<decoration type="model" name="xcostum_ArtGallery(by_Wsiegel)" position="-2560,47,2283" rotation="2" />


<decoration type="model" name="xcostum_NotreDamn_(by_tehkarma)" position="-2061,39,2775" rotation="3" />

<decoration type="model" name="xcostum_NotreDamn_(by_tehkarma)" position="-2061,39,2627" rotation="2" />


<decoration type="model" name="xvanilla_skyscraper_01" position="-2461,47,2079" rotation="2" />

<decoration type="model" name="xvanilla_skyscraper_01" position="-2857,47,2373" rotation="1" />


Is there a way to control how many ''shopping center'' will spawn in the entire map or per town/city...? (doesnt make sense to have 12-15 of them on a 8k map)



I am having a similar issue, I end up with citys with 6 TV tower restaurants or two art galleries right next to each other.

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Does anyone have the string to add Eden Center Mall by CaptainWhiskerBiscuits and MentalNinja to the pre-fab list? I cannot fiigure out how/where to get the right numbers.


I am also trying to figure this out. I pulled the info from the xml file off the prefab editor after copying it to my prefab folder. And in my nitrogen folder i edited the prefablist.txt file with the following line under custom pois: Mall_DOD,COMMERCIAL;RESIDENTIALNEW;RESIDENTIALOLD;RESIDENTIAL,1,-1,137,66,118,industrial;downtown.


I have created about 6 maps now at 8k size and used the world editor to move around. I have yet to see one get generated. I have seen multiple Izea's and spiral library's which i modeled the settings after.

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Okay, I can't find the generatedWorlds folder to save my life. Inside of my AppData -> Roaming -> 7DaysToDie I have a folder called Saves and a folder called SavesLocal


Putting it inside the Saves doesn't bring it up.


also, I just realized my generated map doesn't contain any POIs


It also says it only took 42 seconds to generate an 8K world....

Edited by jdzane (see edit history)
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So I got a world to generate, and I just decided to make my own "generatedWorlds" folder.


It worked in that I can see my generated world name in the list, but I get to a certain point and then I get an IOException and the game got stuck (didn't go to "not responding" but sat there for so long I gave up at force quit it).


IOException: Sharing violation on path C:\Users\jaqdi\AppData\Roaming \7DaysToDie\GeneratedWorlds\ZanesVille\dtm_prcoess ed.raw

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So I got a world to generate, and I just decided to make my own "generatedWorlds" folder.


It worked in that I can see my generated world name in the list, but I get to a certain point and then I get an IOException and the game got stuck (didn't go to "not responding" but sat there for so long I gave up at force quit it).


IOException: Sharing violation on path C:\Users\jaqdi\AppData\Roaming \7DaysToDie\GeneratedWorlds\ZanesVille\dtm_prcoess ed.raw


@jdzane - You dont put the folder in the app data. The map generates in Nitrogen output folder and than you copy it to the 7D2D worlds folder, the worlds folder is in the 7d2d data directory, you just copy or paste the nitrogen folder with the name of your world in the worlds folder. When you load up the game pick the map you named. There shouldn't be anything you have to do with a generated worlds folder.

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So I got a world to generate, and I just decided to make my own "generatedWorlds" folder.


It worked in that I can see my generated world name in the list, but I get to a certain point and then I get an IOException and the game got stuck (didn't go to "not responding" but sat there for so long I gave up at force quit it).


IOException: Sharing violation on path C:\Users\jaqdi\AppData\Roaming \7DaysToDie\GeneratedWorlds\ZanesVille\dtm_prcoess ed.raw


I'm gonna assume the space in the filename ("dtm_prcoess ed.raw") is just a typo.

The IOException error usually means another process has a lock on the file. There's lots of ways to troubleshoot that, but you could always just log out and/or reboot.


You dont put the folder in the app data ... copy it to the 7D2D worlds folder, the worlds folder is in the 7d2d data directory


Well, even if you can do that, the OP suggests otherwise:


You will have to copy the created world-files folder to your 'GeneratedWorlds' Directory for 7 DaysToDie

It should be somewhat like this: C:\Users\--MyUserName--\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\GeneratedWorlds

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I am also trying to figure this out. I pulled the info from the xml file off the prefab editor after copying it to my prefab folder. And in my nitrogen folder i edited the prefablist.txt file with the following line under custom pois: Mall_DOD,COMMERCIAL;RESIDENTIALNEW;RESIDENTIALOLD;RESIDENTIAL,1,-1,137,66,118,industrial;downtown.


I have created about 6 maps now at 8k size and used the world editor to move around. I have yet to see one get generated. I have seen multiple Izea's and spiral library's which i modeled the settings after.


This string does work, but the footprint is massive; it might not be spawning for you if there is not enough flat space? Check the prefablist in the generated world folder; it'll list any that spawned. My current world is Mostly Flat, Very Flat, several of them spawned.


Thanks for that!

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Good evening,


First off, great tool, nice fresh worlds.


I was wondering if anyone could potentially help me with an issue and I apologise in advance if this has been covered and I have missed it.


I am trying to use a generated world on a PingPerfect server, previously I have generated a world on my own computer and successfully uploaded it for use on the server. However, I cannot get a world to successfully load with a map generated with Nitrogen. The generated map is uploaded to the generated worlds folder, then I attempt to create a seed on the server.


On my home computer, this works as it should and I can get into the map and all is dandy, but if I attempt to repeat the process on the server (or upload the seed from the home computer), the server either hangs at the "Starting game" screen with the world sound playing in the background or it just cant retrieve server information.


I am unsure as to what I may be doing wrong, considering I have had a successful upload in the past (not Nitrogen).


Can anyone please shed some light on this?


Many thanks,



I've been having this problem for the past 4 days and I'm out of options. I've read the stickied guides to no avail, has anyone found a fix to this problem after all these months? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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yeah but do you want a city if so how many?towns how many?or just houses huts and traders?


here link below




Thanks Pieman, cities - yes, at least a few. The sample you've uploaded is bit vast) only huts and a single trader I've managed to find. I don't really care about huts, but cities - yes it would be nice to have a few, don't really know how many you can fit in 8k without completely spoiling it. Traders - 8 would be fine.


Thanks in advance!

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Thanks Pieman, cities - yes, at least a few. The sample you've uploaded is bit vast) only huts and a single trader I've managed to find. I don't really care about huts, but cities - yes it would be nice to have a few, don't really know how many you can fit in 8k without completely spoiling it. Traders - 8 would be fine.


Thanks in advance!


Here is another city town etc..enjoy




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