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6 minutes ago, Outlaw_187 said:

Then when going back into the betas tab, the "opt into latest experimental" option is no longer there. So how do I get back to 19.1 b8 or the so called stable 19.1?

If you want to have the latest stable, you have to opt out of every beta branch.


Since there currently is no "latest experimental" anymore since 19.1 became stable, the option is gone. And even if it would be still there, as the name says, it would give you the latetst EXPERIMENTAL... not the latest STABLE.

Edited by Liesel Weppen (see edit history)
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1 minute ago, Blake_ said:

Mmm. Do you mean right now?

Yup, I just figured it out. Had to opt out of experimental. Geez, lol

2 minutes ago, Liesel Weppen said:

If you want to have the latest stable, you have to opt out of every beta branch.


Since there currently is no "latest experimental" anymore since 19.1 became stable, the option is gone. And even if it would be still there, as the name says, it would give you the latetst EXPERIMENTAL... not the latest STABLE.

Yup just figured it out. Thanks for the quick reply tho 👍

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1 minute ago, Liesel Weppen said:

If you want to have the latest stable, you have to opt out of every beta branch.


Since there currently is no "latest experimental" anymore since 19.1 became stable, the option is gone. And even if it would be still there, as the name says, it would give you the latetst EXPERIMENTAL... not the latest STABLE.

Yes, what this quote said. The a19 stable is actually b180. Just by opting out you get 19.1 b8 because that is the latest and it is not actually listed.

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40 minutes ago, Phoenixshade35 said:

i am kinda enjoying that new door breaking animation, still looks a bit clunky but im not much for graphics over fun gameplay, would we soon have this same kinda breaking effect for walls and other types on blocks down the road or strictly doors?  I imagine it would work well with windows too

That's not 7 days to die 1.  TFP said this title is sticking with 1m blocks. Now, some structures, like thin walls and stuff like that, idk. I didn't expect the doors to go full Battlefield though. Very nice.

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Have been doing missions from the traders to unlock all the traders in my game...I am based near the first trader it sent me to Bob...

Then got a mission to find trader Joel , Then trader Jen...and last night while playing and finally doing enough missions to get there...

It gave me a mission to find ANOTHER trader Jen...


Is that normal? or a bug? seems odd and annoying that I might not have the other trader in my world

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8 minutes ago, Demonoid74 said:

Have been doing missions from the traders to unlock all the traders in my game...I am based near the first trader it sent me to Bob...

Then got a mission to find trader Joel , Then trader Jen...and last night while playing and finally doing enough missions to get there...

It gave me a mission to find ANOTHER trader Jen...


Is that normal? or a bug? seems odd and annoying that I might not have the other trader in my world

The trader to trader quest sends you to the nearest White River Settlement that you haven't received the quest for. For example, in my last world I got a quest from Trader Joel down to Trader Rekt down South. Once I had graduated tier 2 quests, I went to see Rekt, who offered me the quest for Trader Joel back up North. Not accepting the mission, I went back up to Joel and took the quest from him, and he took me to Trader Jen about 2 km East. She was obviously the only trader out there because when I completed the tier 3 questline, her quest led back to Joel's, and again, Rekt was at Joel's, so I had to go back to my first trader to accept the quest.


Make sense?


Edit: I misread your comment slightly. Again, the trader to trader quest sends you to the nearest trader that you take it from that you haven't explored yet via the questline. Your world might have 4 Jens and you might get a quest for each one after the other; coincidence.

I'm pretty sure all RWG worlds have at least one of every trader by the way, or at least that had been my experience so far.

Edited by MechanicalLens (see edit history)
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3 minutes ago, Roland said:

Nope! And thanks to you, there will continue to be posts generated that end up here.

Well, at least you're persistent, I'll give you that.

But as far as I can see, as long as public comments are allowed in the dev diary, this thread's position isn't entirely official*. Perhaps you should consider hammering that nail in the coffin @Roland? I'll try to be better of course, but I highly doubt that you're going to keep all of the goslings in line.


*That doesn't mean I won't attempt to respect it. But what would really seal the deal is that "stamp of approval" I spoke of above.

And I'm being honest Roland, unless you want to move comments here from a ton of users every single day and thus making more work for yourself, if I were you, I'd take my suggestion quite seriously, alright?

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This is the base I came up with! Build it near any Trader, and you're protected from whatever comes your way. There are plates in between the wood frame wedges and the hatches, to prevent dogs from jumping through. I've lured bears to it, direwolves, fought hordes on horde night (while running around with pipe bombs and molotovs, coming back to base to heal or gather my bearings). The cave beneath gives me that classic alpha 15-16 feel, the nostalgia of a safe underground place to call home. All in all I'm very happy with it, I built one identical to it in the snowy biome near Trader Hugh, only minus the cave below because at present, my storage isn't overflowing and there's not a surplus that I need to divide between two bases. I'm on permadeath, still alive during the night of day 10, Navezgane, Warrior difficulty, 60 minute days. Going strong >=D Level 4 intellect for the necessary workstation and vehicle unlocks, and level 7 strength (with a cigar boost) for mining and clubbing. Just got myself a flashy new level 3 Baseball Bat from a quest, got a spike mod put in it for extra badassery, and I managed to buy a level 1 Pump Action shotgun for 800 dukes on day 2, that's been helping keep me alive a LOT.

I just wish someone told me months ago the proper way to address leveling in single player. I was always confused, always felt like I was missing out on too much just so I could invest in what I wanted. Prioritize things: first 4 points, 2 into strength, 2 into sex rex. After that, for the first week, invest entirely into intellect to get necessary workstations and vehicles. Then add to whatever build you want afterward, investing in your weapons and perks of choice throughout all the attributes. I can't help but put 1 point into daring adventurer and living off the land after investing my first 4 points into sex rex. Having a blast, enjoying myself very much, hope you all can have just as much fun with it. Just invest in what you need first, then invest in what you want. That's single player in a nut shell. Slay on my friends \m/ 





Edited by Promethean Winchester (see edit history)
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@Promethean Winchester Your images were obviously moved for a reason. If the images you just posted above are indeed the pictures you were talking about beforehand, then take two seconds to think about the situation. It's not rocket science. Your images were moved, so reposting them here is counter-intuitive. Even I don't repost messages that were migrated elsewhere, and that's saying something.


(If I'm misunderstanding the situation though, feel free to inform me.)

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1 minute ago, Promethean Winchester said:

I didn't post them here, I posted them in the alpha 19 discussion forum when I intended to post them here. Foolish error on my part

Well, they don't really belong here. Where you posted them before was just fine, or perhaps try Images and Videos. :)



Apologies for Promethean's and my own human error @Roland. Care to move our interaction elsewhere? 🙄 🥺

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48 minutes ago, Promethean Winchester said:

I didn't post them here, I posted them in the alpha 19 discussion forum when I intended to post them here. Foolish error on my part

You posted them in the dev diary and I moved them here. This is the second set I've moved here now. Dev Diary is for asking questions of the developers or responding to something they say. General Discussions is for sharing base designs and discussing strategies etc.

47 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:

Well, they don't really belong here. Where you posted them before was just fine, or perhaps try Images and Videos. :)



Apologies for Promethean's and my own human error @Roland. Care to move our interaction elsewhere? 🙄 🥺

Junior Moderating also doesn't belong there. Instead of discussing how wrong his post was you could have just reported it and let us handle it. But you clogged up the thread even more with your desire to enforce stuff on others. Forgiven sure. But please in the future just report or even just ignore and let us decide if it should remain or not.

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5 hours ago, Roland said:

Junior Moderating also doesn't belong there. Instead of discussing how wrong his post was you could have just reported it and let us handle it. But you clogged up the thread even more with your desire to enforce stuff on others. Forgiven sure. But please in the future just report or even just ignore and let us decide if it should remain or not.

Apologies from my end. I used to moderate a couple of small sites back in the day so sometimes these habits just resurface. I'll leave it up to people in charge next time.


And yes, I admit that I've always been a little bit power hungry, ambitious even. Nothing wrong with that, I just have to learn to wield such desires properly and respectfully, and above all else, not around here. I'm working on it.

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50 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:

Will hatches be given the same treatment as doors will in the future? New physics, one stage instead of multiple stages, etc.


Also, will vault hatches and/or fully upgraded iron hatches be nerfed at some point? Using them as a retractable wall has become the new pole wall into terms of a meta defense.

One option could be increasing the amount of damage that zombies deal against hatches by 6x. Just spitballing here, in fact this entire point I brought up is nothing more than a giant spitball.

lol, still waiting on a barred hatch and a barred hinged security door. and the other way to"fix" hatches. if it is open, they can walk through. no need to up their damage.

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3 hours ago, wolfbain5 said:

lol, still waiting on a barred hatch and a barred hinged security door. and the other way to"fix" hatches. if it is open, they can walk through. no need to up their damage.

Personally I would love if zombies learned to close doors/hatches that were in their way. As that seams like the more logical approach instead of being able to walk through open doors/hatches. Which may be viable by making them physics objects so that doors and hatches can be pushed closed. However that comes with a whole new can of worms.


I am very curious about the extent of the new doors and what is possible with them. As redoing them really opens the door on a lot of possibilities.


Edited by Danidas (see edit history)
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46 minutes ago, Promethean Winchester said:

I'd like to board the hype train for alpha 20, so I was wondering, what's in the works for it?

So far it looks to be some of this stuff based on all the hints and posts from the devs.


1.) Trader re-balance to reflect game stage

2.) Pipe Guns for all

3.) Better Doors

4.) Junk Drone

5.) T1 melee weapon for Intellect

6.) Vehicle mods (add a turret to jeep, etc)

7.) Vehicle crits (maybe flat tires, over heating, bad starter, or other performance limiting issues that must be fixed)

8.) Poi and biome game stage loot bonuses based on tier.

9.) Increased difficulty in high tier areas to go with 8

10.) Normal performance/graphical enhancements (Might be updated to a newer Unity version)


However with all things it is up to the devs and how long they give them selves before their targeted release date.

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1 hour ago, Promethean Winchester said:

I'd like to board the hype train for alpha 20, so I was wondering, what's in the works for it?

Things that are confirmed (sort of):


New pipe weapons for all (EDIT: idk if is actually all or some ?) fireguns. The blunder will be deprecated along with its ammo and replaced for a pipe shotgun which is basically the same and uses shells.


New special infected Zds. As of right now, only the Gasser has been revealed. The fatty warty one in the screenshots. It produces a cloud of gas when hit.

Other special infected have been hinted at, like a Zd that can resurrect dead Zds. This is probably one of the main features of a20. And one that will extend gameplay to infinity even before npcs.


Quest pages, allowing players to select quests from tier 1, 2, 3 , 4 and 5 for a total of 5 pages when they are unlocked of course.


RWG version 0.9999. A total remake of the RWG algorithm to make it better, more robust, as bug free as possible and optimized. 16kx16k maps could be a thing if everything goes well.


New doors.


New POIs.


Every Zd that wasn't touched will be looked at to see if they make the cut design-wise. Cheerleaders and Football players are used very little and are meh. Say goodbye to those two specifically. 




A ton of fixes, more decoration/ stuff, optimizations, work, testing, more work.


That's 8 months of work. But we can expect surprises.


Things that are unknown: This is going to be eventually in, as for when, we don't know.


Vehicle mods with a new book

Legendary Weapons and Armor

Npcs and Bandits ( It's an almost certain NO for a20. They are trying to make a nice thing with character creation programming, so better wait ).

New quests (most of them are tied to npcs, but I wouldn't discard new non-npc ideas on that front, like scavenging for specific materials or decoration -which would also be cool for npc quests as they actually planned-).


From here, we know a few more things, but I won't tell you the whole thing. Just wait for @The Fun Pimp to spill the beans at the streaming a20 announcement which will happen Soon™️


Edited by Blake_ (see edit history)
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Does anyone know how long it takes steam to update a 19.1 stable branch ?

everytime a new stable hits players have to go through this and it confuses alot of players who dont know they have to opt out to get the new branch.


currently im looking at the server list of servers on a19.1 its very obvious alot of players haven't switched to a19.1 more than likely because they dont know you have to opt out.


in my opinion this issue should have been addressed a long time ago as it doesnt make sense to continue to confuse the player base.

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1 minute ago, Grandpa Minion said:

Does anyone know how long it takes steam to update a 19.1 stable branch ?

everytime a new stable hits players have to go through this and it confuses alot of players who dont know they have to opt out to get the new branch.


currently im looking at the server list of servers on a19.1 its very obvious alot of players haven't switched to a19.1 more than likely because they dont know you have to opt out.


in my opinion this issue should have been addressed a long time ago as it doesnt make sense to continue to confuse the player base.

The last experimental patch that was released and a19.1 are literally the same exact thing. So it should not matter at all if your on None or Latest Experimental.

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obviously you must boptions.PNG.84f9035438fc078eda75356941f9d2fb.PNGe confused to :  ill try to make it more simpler for you to understand this time: when players dont see an option for a19.1 stable to choose theyll remain on the a19.0 stable branch because they  assume two things : First: if they opt out their choosing an experimental branch when in fact that branch is a19.1 stable, Two alot of players wont play experimental. Either way alot of players dont realize in order to get a19.1 stable right now you have to opt out since there is no option in steam to choose a19.1 stable. This goes back to my original question: Does anyone know how long it takes steam to update the branch to a19.1 so players arent confused?

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