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Harvest back to E ?!


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sorry if it's wrong. delete lookup if it is incorrect

I personally think harvesting on E was the best. 😀

Definitely think they should go back to it again. 🧐

I have a lot of problems when hitting, so I hit the seed instead of the plant opposite 😔



What do you think? 🤔

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Pressing E is more comfortable but on the other hand E is also used for other activities like jumping out of the gyrocopter ;)


Personally I have no preferences in this respect. If you wanted to make it realistic you would have to harvest the plants with a knife which actually works well in the game because you can aim more precisely.

I know there were mods for A18 that brought this back but I don't know if they still work for A19.

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definitely ... removing it was completely pointless i bet everyoneoften hit blocks around /already harvested seed next to target

just to facepalm and replant it


14 hours ago, RipClaw said:

Pressing E is more comfortable but on the other hand E is also used for other activities like jumping out of the gyrocopter ;)


Personally I have no preferences in this respect. If you wanted to make it realistic you would have to harvest the plants with a knife which actually works well in the game because you can aim more precisely.

I know there were mods for A18 that brought this back but I don't know if they still work for A19.

well iam sure you dont need to jumping in /out your vehicle while aiming on your planter


sure and to counter all that realism .. lets make mutated supercorn punch you back for lack of care

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Ugh, this again. Yes, you can mod in for E to pick up, and its fine for starting out game. With new skill for the extra harvest, E still only gives 1. TFP could not get it working with E, and neither could modders. So you are going to have to except its gone from vanilla.

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9 hours ago, Dethar said:

Ugh, this again. Yes, you can mod in for E to pick up, and its fine for starting out game. With new skill for the extra harvest, E still only gives 1. TFP could not get it working with E, and neither could modders. So you are going to have to except its gone from vanilla.

this. In order to allow people to use the new skill that makes you harvest 2 and 3 they had to change how we harvest. Everything else calculates harvest amounts and stuff when we hit it. Neither side has figured out how to get the perks to apply with the use of the E key.

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2 hours ago, alanea said:

even if this was truth ( doubt)  its no biggie  to require shovel to "destroy" seeds so people dont have to replant half after every harvest

So you doubt the several expert modders - and the developers themselves! - that getting the perk to work with the "interact" function instead of the "attack" function is not currently possible? On what basis? These are literally the people with the best knowledge of how the game works and how to change it. You know better, do you? I apologize for my tone, but man the distrust of expert opinion - an epidemic in my country (and literally contributing to another epidemic) - really, really frustrates me. It's no sign of weakness to acknowledge that other people know significantly more about a topic than you (or I) do.


Your shovel idea is good, but I dunno about "no biggie". Maybe maybe not. Ever since I learned to look slightly up when harvesting (never looking down at the plant) I haven't lost but maybe 1 in 100 seedlings to harvesting. Spacing rows out with a 1-block gap helps also.

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Here's an idea . . .


Instead of expecting the designers to change the game to fit your inability to adapt, how about you change the way YOU do things?


I too had a problem with accidentally hit seeds and having to replant them when I was trying to harvest. What did I do? I adapted and found a better way; standing in a different spot, arranging my plants in a slightly different way, etc. And guess what? Now? I rarely (if ever) accidentally harvest a seedling when trying to harvest a fully grown plant.

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3 minutes ago, Reckis said:

I too had a problem with accidentally hit seeds and having to replant them when I was trying to harvest. What did I do? I adapted and found a better way; standing in a different spot, arranging my plants in a slightly different way, etc. And guess what? Now? I rarely (if ever) accidentally harvest a seedling when trying to harvest a fully grown plant.

I have noticed that using a hunting knife helps to harvest the plants without hitting the seeds. The newer plant models generally seem to have less of a problem with accidentally hitting the seeds. Apparently they have adjusted the hit box to solve this problem. The hitbox of the old models such as golden rod and chrysanthemum does seem a little wonky.

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15 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

 The hitbox of the old models such as golden rod and chrysanthemum does seem a little wonky.

Well, that is true, but I never plant those two (or cotton) for purposes of harvesting them. Decoration only.


Do people actually farm goldenrod and chrysanthemum? WTF?!? It is literally everywhere!


And cotton? Seriously? Past the first couple of hours it is much more efficient to get cloth from the POI's, which you are going to be in anyway.

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2 minutes ago, Reckis said:

Do people actually farm goldenrod and chrysanthemum? WTF?!? It is literally everywhere!

I will keep just one plot of goldenrod, but I do a bunch of chrysanthemum. It is literally everywhere, but over time it does deplete and it's just easier to have it close to base.

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Actually had a discussion about this with another server owner last night, and they brought up an issue I hadn't considered.


Say you plant your plants. They're all out there in the open, but protected from other players farming them because you have your LCB covering the area. Right up until you change it so they can be picked using the E button. As soon as you do that, anyone can pick your crops.


As others have stated, adjusting to the change took me all of about 30 seconds. I accidentally "destroyed" maybe 5 plants and had to re-plant the seed I harvested on destruction. Next harvest I adjusted the way I was doing things, and haven't had the issue since but one time where my finger had a spasm and double-clicked.

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5 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

Say you plant your plants. They're all out there in the open, but protected from other players farming them because you have your LCB covering the area. Right up until you change it so they can be picked using the E button. As soon as you do that, anyone can pick your crops.

That's pretty strange. You would think that it shares the same code as trader protection (picking up rocks).

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I can relate...Coffee and Hops seem the worst offenders in my experience, but find the sweet spot and it happens less.  Reality is though, the game has more important issues so it's probably one of the quirks we're going to have to deal with. 

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10 hours ago, Boidster said:

So you doubt the several expert modders - and the developers themselves! - that getting the perk to work with the "interact" function instead of the "attack" function is not currently possible? On what basis? These are literally the people with the best knowledge of how the game works and how to change it. You know better, do you? I apologize for my tone, but man the distrust of expert opinion - an epidemic in my country (and literally contributing to another epidemic) - really, really frustrates me. It's no sign of weakness to acknowledge that other people know significantly more about a topic than you (or I) do.


lol  never put  developers and moders next to each other moding  7 days  is extremely easy  thing requiring almost no knowledge calling those "experts"  is quite ridiculous

but yeah i dont doubt devs ... i doubt that  post itself no dev ever would call anything impossible  as  you can turn 7 days into VR mario game

at most it  may " require more work than its currently worth to spend on it"

7 hours ago, Reckis said:

Here's an idea . . .

Instead of expecting the designers to change the game to fit your inability to adapt, how about you change the way YOU do things?

yeah why should anything in game change ... we can adapt to every poorly designed thing :) time to stop whining about loot  because you can simply mod it out  or change gamestage on start

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12 hours ago, Reckis said:

Do people actually farm goldenrod and chrysanthemum? WTF?!? It is literally everywhere!

Both are at the very end on my priority list what to plant but once I've covered everything else I always plant some chrysanthemum and goldenrod so I have them at hand when I need them.


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10 hours ago, alanea said:

yeah why should anything in game change ... we can adapt to every poorly designed thing :) time to stop whining about loot  because you can simply mod it out  or change gamestage on start

I think you are missing the point.


I don't think the game shouldn't change, it has changed, and will change. That is the nature of EA.


What I have a problem with is people continuously @%$*#!ing about systems that have been changed and TFP has clearly stated will NOT be reverted, instead of adapting to the new normal, or going and getting a mod that tickles their nostalgia for a legacy system.

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1 hour ago, Reckis said:

I think you are missing the point.


I don't think the game shouldn't change, it has changed, and will change. That is the nature of EA.


What I have a problem with is people continuously @%$*#!ing about systems that have been changed and TFP has clearly stated will NOT be reverted, instead of adapting to the new normal, or going and getting a mod that tickles their nostalgia for a legacy system.

well this isnt any game changing system .. is simply return to older less user friendly  behavior probably just as temporary solution before they dont want dump time ont hat  right now flaming people asking for change is like defending lags or memory leak " hey you can just restart game every  20 min complaining"


i dont see anywhere tfp telling people  it wont be under E in future all we have is one  guy who clearly knows nothing as calling something "impossible" in  development is just hilarious

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