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Cooking has now become obsolete

General Dexter

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No, I'm not worried, but I'm disgusted with getting that.

Again, this is neither thought nor estimation. This is my EXPERIENCE.


Well you've been a very unlucky person because getting food poisoning almost 20 times in 42 days is, mathematically, very unlikely. In (just guessing) about 200 days over various playthroughs I think I've been poisoned 2 or 3 times.

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I don't care about realism.

I just need fair payback(reason for me) to pay risk.


But..., I hope you and your wife get better sometime.


Meh, they are chronic conditions with no current cure. Most of the time it's under control. ;)


My point though is that the game *IS* a game. So "realism" takes a bit of a backseat.


I have slightly altered my playstyle but only to do one of two things (well I might sometimes do both):


1 - Primarily, fill up the tank before I leave (this way if anything horrible happens I can fix it)

2 - If I do take food on the road, use "safe" food; and minimize risk as much as possible (carry a stack of Meat Stew as it is easier to recover)


For me, the benefits of cooked food do give enough of a slight bonus that I find it worth it (also, in which case I take a larger stack than needed and leave a with plenty of time to counter any setbacks for what I'd like to accomplish). I look forward to all the additional "high-end" recipies to be added to the game. (Though I guess if one wanted, they could mod them in already to help give reason for the cooked food. Though I suppose if one is modding files anyway, one could probably just mod away the food poison percent chance. I've never looked at the files, so I dunno.)


(Also, even though I quoted your post, I wasn't necessarily picking out out of the crowd; your quote just seemed to summarize well the main arguments I've seen for the risk vs reward feel of the food poisoning mechanic.)

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Yep, I feel as I'm very unlucky too. But I'm not sure if this is unlikely happens.

There are 37000 people at peak who playing 7d2d. Doing statistic on 37000 samples give ok result, so statistical inference will give how many unlucky men like me exists.


okay okay....I admit I have a link established to Alphado's computer and I have a macro that lets me give him food poisoning whenever I feel like it. I'll lay off of it now, man. You should be fine starting now. ;)

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okay okay....I admit I have a link established to Alphado's computer and I have a macro that lets me give him food poisoning whenever I feel like it. I'll lay off of it now, man. You should be fine starting now. ;)


Your sarcasm in all honors but such edge cases exist and should be considered in the design.


For example, the food poisoning debuff could reduce the chance of food poisoning by 4 percentage points for the next 60 seconds. This would ensure that it doesn't happen multiple times in a row which could lead to frustration for the players.


I know it's very unlikely that it will happen twice in a row but also very unlikely events can happen. Ask the dinosaurs :)

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Food poisoning is not that bad, its a decent game mechanic. Sometimes the game will kick your arse repeatedly,yes its just a game but "survival" is a large part of it.

They could have went all out and added cholera, plague, rabies or any number of things so much more dangerous than the squits.

Its a minor irritation, nothing more. Its rarely fatal and makes you more careful for a bit, unfortunate in early game but still manageable .

Taking away from the random nature of the game does far more harm than good, reintro of books/schematics is a prime example.

Having to hunt down recipes etc brings back the need for exploration and more risk.

If you want nothing to hurt you play god mode, leave the rest of us the good stuff thats left.

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Sure, animating the vomiting could be hilarious.


For this current implementation though, rather spawn in temporary versions of a beer cooler, a grill, couple of lounge chairs, maybe a picnic table around the player. It's apparently a party in the apocalypse, what better way to party than the roman way; we shall feast 'til we hurl and once we hurl we eat some more and more .. and more. :)

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Bless you too :)


okay okay....I admit I have a link established to Alphado's computer and I have a macro that lets me give him food poisoning whenever I feel like it. I'll lay off of it now, man. You should be fine starting now. ;)


Lol. It makes sense that my experience is completely different with other's. :p

Hmm, will try dev make change in any manner, maybe.


As has been mentioned the only thing wrong with poisoning is the lack of visible vomit spraying out of the mouth. Especially in multiplayer being able to see someone else blow chunks would be priceless.


Yeah visual feedback will be awesome in mp. I'll eat cooked food just for this, lol.

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For me, in the end, the food poisoning mechanic is two things:


1) annoying


2) uninspired


Honestly, if the purpose was to "get around food spoilage", add a spoil timer to food stuff and introduce refrigeration (hello Ark).


The negative effect is uninspired too...."4% chance to need to eat more food".


The negative effect should be more akin to dysentery (over a period of time) and should have a cure, not a prevention. I mean, food poisoning is not a one and done thing....you don't just have one huge puke, wipe your mouth, then say "I'm hungry" and start right back in on eating.

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because getting food poisoning almost 20 times in 42 days is, mathematically, very unlikely


it is really not. if you are at food 50/150, maybe 50/200, you need to eat like 5-10 pieces of something. single one of the bad dice rolls sends you back to 50. chance of surviving that is chance raised to power of number of runs, eg 0.96^5 for 5 runs, making it 0,81, eg 19% chance of getting poisoned at least one during that. 34% for 10 pieces of food. that is a lot. so being hungry and having to eat 10 pieces of boiled meat is nothing you should do without vitamins, as long as that boiled meat is scarce resource to you.

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it is really not. if you are at food 50/150, maybe 50/200, you need to eat like 5-10 pieces of something. single one of the bad dice rolls sends you back to 50. chance of surviving that is chance raised to power of number of runs, eg 0.96^5 for 5 runs, making it 0,81, eg 19% chance of getting poisoned at least one during that. 34% for 10 pieces of food. that is a lot. so being hungry and having to eat 10 pieces of boiled meat is nothing you should do without vitamins, as long as that boiled meat is scarce resource to you.


5-10? What are you eating? Most of the food that can give you food poisoning restores 30+ hunger.


Do people really let themselves get so low? I almost never get below 75% hunger once I get a farm going.

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5-10? What are you eating? Most of the food that can give you food poisoning restores 30+ hunger.


Do people really let themselves get so low? I almost never get below 75% hunger once I get a farm going.


Most of the food giving you 30+ really needs a farm set up to obtain the ingredients and need schematics as prerequisite. If I remember correctly grilled meat is available from the start and one of the alternatives to canned food in early game.

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Most of the food giving you 30+ really needs a farm set up to obtain the ingredients and need schematics as prerequisite. If I remember correctly grilled meat is available from the start and one of the alternatives to canned food in early game.


Yup, thats why I said most of. You should never eat grilled or boiled meat unless you have no choice.... those restore the same amount of food as canned but with risk.

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Yup, thats why I said most of. You should never eat grilled or boiled meat unless you have no choice.... those restore the same amount of food as canned but with risk.


It isn't that black and white. Eating grilled meat for the first half of your breakfast and filling up with canned meat reduces food loss greatly. Vitamins are common enough to let you feast on meat a few times a week. The only thing you probably should not do is take meat with you on the road as a snack.

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