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Mixer in A 18 and Cement


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Hi there

The changes to Cement in general are pretty crazy i have to say.

With a full Furnace of stone i was always able to make 6000 Cement. now it is just half because it got so expensive.


than when u finally have the 6 k cement again and start the Mixer in A 17.4 it was like 40 minutes or so.


NOW even i have advanced engineering fully up i need 175 Minutes for 6k Concrete ? Really? that's bad and way to long.

I checked even books and all kind of perks if i missed something but no, i id not see anything that helps with the mixer


yes you probably say use more mixer but still than there's the furnace thing that u only get half the cement from a full furnace.

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The recipe for Mix lost a small stone, and it was added to the forge recipe. Cost of Mix remains the same. (talent changes made it about 10-20% more expensive, to be bought back by INT perks, I suppose)


The Forge was given Mods to double the smelting speed => you can feed your stone in twice as fast. It says 50%, maybe it is, or maybe it is Fun Pimps Math... who knows.

=> same time for twice the mats, double mats. So forge should be relatively unchanged, just needs a little babysitting twice as often.


No idea how long making the mix used to take, I've got two mixers mostly standing idle.. or making stone :)

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if you want to fortify the outside walls of a small base, your cement mix speed will see you able to slowly get the upgrade done and have enough to keep it repaired no problem.


If you want to build a concrete fortress in it's entirety, maybe use more than one forge and mixer?

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It's 20 Cement to upgrade a Rebar Block. Isn't that higher than it used to be too?


That's double the previous, sure, but well, I consider that a fix. Doesn't make much sense to get a double block for the same price, the rebar frames having been as cheap as they were.

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if you want to fortify the outside walls of a small base, your cement mix speed will see you able to slowly get the upgrade done and have enough to keep it repaired no problem.


If you want to build a concrete fortress in it's entirety, maybe use more than one forge and mixer?


I'm the concrete fortress type of type of player and even with 4 Mixers running 24/7 it's still a nightmare making Concrete Mix. Takes so damn long now. And I need double what I used to need. The perfect storm.

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The Forge was given Mods to double the smelting speed => you can feed your stone in twice as fast. It says 50%, maybe it is, or maybe it is Fun Pimps Math... who knows.

They mean +50% smelting speed, so it reduces the actual time taken by 33%.


Example, if you need to smelt 100 units and you smelt at 100 units/minute, it takes one minute.

If you smelt at 150 units/minute, it takes you 40 seconds.

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They mean +50% smelting speed, so it reduces the actual time taken by 33%.


Example, if you need to smelt 100 units and you smelt at 100 units/minute, it takes one minute.

If you smelt at 150 units/minute, it takes you 40 seconds.


Have you verified this in-game? I haven't done an official test, so I won't claim otherwise, but couple times I've dropped about half the fuel it needs to smelt my stuff at 1 unit per second, and it seems to clear the stack.


(EDIT: Ok, I did a quick test, 50 secs of burning smelted 50 (49) iron without bellows, 75 (74) with them, so it seems to be actual +50% speed. Who'd've thunk.)


Yes, the way you read the math is how I would read it, but I've given up on reading anything into any given percentages in 7 days to die since Better Barter "+10%". It was in actuality "well, you start at getting 10% price, and you get 20% now, so it's correct, but also a 100% increase in your gameplay .."

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That's double the previous, sure, but well, I consider that a fix. Doesn't make much sense to get a double block for the same price, the rebar frames having been as cheap as they were.


Yup, now a reinforced concrete block costs 20 concrete no matter how you get to it.


Upgrading wood -> flagstone -> brick -> concrete (costs 10) -> reinforced (costs 10)

building rebar -> reinforced (costs 20)

concrete (costs 10 and time in the mixer to make) -> reinforced (costs 10)


rebar just uses less time at the cost of needing metal (don't have to wait for regular concrete to dry first)

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I don't see much of a problem though...


From the heat perspective, i'm running regularly 3 forges, alongside 2 cement mixers, sometimes with a campfire (food and drinks) and workbench. I get sometimes a horde or a screamer, but not more often than usual.


From the usage of materials, i'm on 4th point for Miner 69'er and Mother Load. I'm not only mining for various resources, but also looting, making quests and exploring POIs. If I only focused on getting rocks, sand and recrafting everything, i'm sure i would manage to run 4 Mixers alongside 6 forges or even more, making enough Concrete Mix in a couple days to create a fortress.


Also, if i need to gather materials in a span of multiple days for a big fortress, i feel i achieved something. Having this in one day or two tops, wouldn't feel much of an achievement. This just goes back to what TFP want from the game - stretch gameplay somewhat to not have everything from the start or very quickly.

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I'm using 4 mixers and yeah, probably going to up that to 8.


Also going to need 4 chem stations, not 2 for making gunpowder, and then 4 workbench (not 2), to make bullets.


2 campfires is fine.


4 forges for making cement is ok atm, 1 doing iron/steel, 1 for lead/brass.


IF I do the dart trap thing then I'll need 2 more forges and have all 8 making darts. Takes a LOT of darts to fill 60 traps.

(I'll let y'all do the math. heh)

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We very quickly had to set up a second forge, because we needed one for iron/clay and another for cement. (stone in both slots, making nothing but cement)

Then we set up a third one for brass/lead, but quickly ended up using that for concrete too.


I will say that you'll probably be better off building your house/fort out of cobblestone, rather than rebar, that way you can upgrade it block by block instead of having to build it all at once before the horde hits.


Or living in a cobble/brick building while slowly stockpiling enough mix to just throw a whole castle together in one day.

But yeah, taking a shovel to bags of cement is a good way to stock up. Bob's Boars has a ton in the basement.


You can be doing that while your forges are running, and your mixer is pre-grinding some sand, then by the time you get back, you'll have two sources of cement, some sand and whatever rocks you dug up waiting for you to set turning into mix.

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couple of the POI have stupid amt of cement. Gracies farm being one of them.


I have a 10x10 room on bedrock away from the base, and use the 4 forges for smelting rock, as it's faster. then 4 mixers.

only for the speed. Once I have a stockpile, I stop and rebuild the stone part. (have to grind stones into sand, as it's really easier than

digging sand. I tend to get lots of rock when mining.)



I'm gathering the goodies for the forges, and I'll end up doing a few days of making a boatload of steel, to upgrade the concrete.


After a certain point, I don't need a lot of concrete. (but keep a full box of mix ready, just in case) :)

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I go a lot on loot tours in all kind of buildings but the ton of zement someone is talking about i did not see so far.


My issue is more the Time !


i skilled Advanced enginer all up and i still need 175 real time minutes for 6k concrete ! come on, if companys in rl always need 3 hours for a bit concrete, the buildings never get done....... 175 minutes is WAY TO LONG

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I go a lot on loot tours in all kind of buildings but the ton of zement someone is talking about i did not see so far.


My issue is more the Time !


i skilled Advanced enginer all up and i still need 175 real time minutes for 6k concrete ! come on, if companys in rl always need 3 hours for a bit concrete, the buildings never get done....... 175 minutes is WAY TO LONG


The cement mixers now belong to a union. That's why it takes longer.

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I go a lot on loot tours in all kind of buildings but the ton of zement someone is talking about i did not see so far.


My issue is more the Time !


i skilled Advanced enginer all up and i still need 175 real time minutes for 6k concrete ! come on, if companys in rl always need 3 hours for a bit concrete, the buildings never get done....... 175 minutes is WAY TO LONG


Companies in RL probably use two or more mixers because of this :cocksure:

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I go a lot on loot tours in all kind of buildings but the ton of zement someone is talking about i did not see so far.


My issue is more the Time !


i skilled Advanced enginer all up and i still need 175 real time minutes for 6k concrete ! come on, if companys in rl always need 3 hours for a bit concrete, the buildings never get done....... 175 minutes is WAY TO LONG


It is to balance the fact that engines drop more often now, just make more mixers :p


If you want to produce like a construction company, you gotta put in the work vs. the screamers you might attract.

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Companies in RL probably use two or more forges because of this :cocksure:


The problem isn't the forges. With an anvil and a bellows they process stone into cement much faster than in A17.


However, the cement mixers are not adapted to the speed of the forges. I've finished the second load of cement when the first one hasn't completely passed through the mixer yet. You need 2 cement mixers per forge if you want to produce concrete continuously.


Funny. In the past I often got the comment that the amount of workstations in my base is overkill. Now it's almost not enough. :)

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