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Can't Craft Springs


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Are we trying to phase out crafting from the game entirely?

Sorry but that seems wrong. Why do you need springs ? To... to... To craft stuffs, yes.

Crafting is still there and is unavoidable.

On the other hand, most of the elements necessary to the final craft must be looted. In a game whose goal is to promote BOTH exploration AND craft, it seems to me an excellent thing.

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I admit that "can't craft springs" in the patch notes was the one that I kinda made McKayla Maroney face at. Why arrow rest haz 10 springs TFP, why? Every dang thing requires 10 springs. You can't explain that.


If it becomes an issue, I can always nudge the drop rates from cars.



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I admit that "can't craft springs" in the patch notes was the one that I kinda made McKayla Maroney face at. Why arrow rest haz 10 springs TFP, why? Every dang thing requires 10 springs. You can't explain that.


If it becomes an issue, I can always nudge the drop rates from cars.


The Q5 apartment building is also a good source of springs and mechanical parts. Wrench the beds and you have a good stock.

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Ooh, right, beds. We haven't done an apartment or hotel yet, tho the Ostrich is next on our to-do list. Probably that'll set us up for a while in the springs required for a polymer bow-string seriously why these recipes so strange? The intern is copy-and-pasting XML again!

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Removing crafting of both springs and mechanical parts is... weird. I mean, I really would like to know, what was the reason or logic behind this? Before that change we could split items into groups:

a) raw - iron, lead, cotton - most of them have no use in the way they exists, but they can be processed into something else

b) generic - pipes, springs, electrical and mechanical parts, glue, duct tape, forged iron - some may be used as repair material, most of them are used in creating a final item, used in many recipies

c) essentials - weapon parts, armor parts, beakers - loot-only items needed for a final item, used only in few recipies


And now we're moving mechanical parts and springs from group B to group C... But what's so special about them? Why weren't pipes or duct tapes treated the same way? Personally I find more plausible that the electrical parts to be uncraftable btw xD .

Was this change made to limit mod crafting? Or garage door crafting? Maybe we just need tweaks to some recipies, so that they won't be as easy to craft?


But the worst thing about this change, is that crafting is not as fun as it used to be. Now it's all about RNG and scavenging POI's. Grab a wrench, dissasemble anything that can't run away from you, get a new quest in that POI to reset it and repeat. And/or buy all necessary parts at trader. It's not that this change is bad, it's just that we don't have a choice anymore.

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Sorry but that seems wrong. Why do you need springs ? To... to... To craft stuffs, yes.

Crafting is still there and is unavoidable.

On the other hand, most of the elements necessary to the final craft must be looted. In a game whose goal is to promote BOTH exploration AND craft, it seems to me an excellent thing.


Well Hek Harris let's see how many people share the same opinion as you now and how many disagree. I'm getting my imaginary pop corn from my digital corn farm.


Edit: And I'm not sharing.

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I admit that "can't craft springs" in the patch notes was the one that I kinda made McKayla Maroney face at. Why arrow rest haz 10 springs TFP, why? Every dang thing requires 10 springs. You can't explain that.


If it becomes an issue, I can always nudge the drop rates from cars.




We get most of ours from beds with a small number coming from cars that aren't also loot crates, we try not to dismantle things that drop loot so we can run back after every couple of horde nights and harvest them again :) Goes out the window when we need things like engines of course ...

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The recipe for springs was pretty expensive as it was, so it's not a major loss for me, but it's just one of those things where you ... dampen your drawbridge and 4x4 with mattress springs. I mean.. sigh.


And why? Someone was able to craft grenades at 100 iron a pop? I just.. I had to check the recipe list, I guess it's a "gating item" for a crapton of mods, half of which it doesn't even make any sense for, and the best source for your springs for your weighed head is still .. beds.

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It's more that they want you to actually get out into the world and play the game. Rather than you sitting on your bum making elite gear and only halfway playing the horde night.


And that right there is the problem, you and them are assuming that is how I play because I support crafting. I know they got my money and they want new money. 7 Days to Fortnite incoming...

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I have been cheesing the system and as a result have a surplus of mechanical parts and springs.


Every time the game sends me to a factory as a tier 5 quest, because let's face it i guess there are only 3 tier 5 quest locations? i wrench up all the cars before starting the quest, and load what i get into my 4x4 doombuggy. so i have almost a thousand springs and mechanical parts.


Not really complaining about the lack of crafting items, just complaining about the constant repeat quests....

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Wrench beds, both the big ones and the ones with the mattress with metal frames. Wrench cars in front of poi's your about to quest at, so you can wrench em again when you start the quest. I've never, ever had to craft springs, electrical parts, mechanical parts and the like as I often have way more than I need from wrenching things, and this is without even having the salvage ops perk. King size beds give 6 springs with no salvage ops and 12 with it maxxed. The other bed gives I think 3 or 4 base.


As for quests, I usually stop doing them once I unlock tier 5, as the T5 quests just aren't worth the time for the most part, There are 4 T5 quest Poi's that I know of. The shotgun messiah factory has pretty crappy loot for being a gun factory, and by the time you'd be doing a t5 quest in the shamway factory you should be rolling in food. The T5 quest in the apartment building is not bad, but the best one overall? Is the T5 in the hospital, Lots of medical loot, and stuff to wrench, it also doesn't have BS rooms like the other 3 where second you walk in you have 6-8+ zombies charging you. I'll usually do a t3-4 quest over a T5 anyday, as they just take much less time. Though the T5 fetch/clear quests are good for pretty much being guarnteed a tier 6 item of some kind as a reward when you turn it in.

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It feels like there are way more things I can craft now than there was in A16. I don't understand how anyone could think they are getting rid of crafting.


Not only the number of things you can craft counts, but also the depth of the crafting system.


You process raw materials into usable materials that are then processed into parts and these are then assembled into more complex shapes. Mods like Ravenhearst take this principle to the extreme.


Let's take tallow as an example. In earlier alphas, animal fat was processed into tallow which was then used to make candles or torches. This intermediate step has now been omitted and you can now use animal fat directly when crafting torches or candles. This means that one level of crafting has been lost due streamlining.

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Not only the number of things you can craft counts, but also the depth of the crafting system.


You process raw materials into usable materials that are then processed into parts and these are then assembled into more complex shapes. Mods like Ravenhearst take this principle to the extreme.


Let's take tallow as an example. In earlier alphas, animal fat was processed into tallow which was then used to make candles or torches. This intermediate step has now been omitted and you can now use animal fat directly when crafting torches or candles. This means that one level of crafting has been lost due streamlining.


And that is bad?

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So the idea behind forcing people to loot springs is to promote exploring, yet the end result is to keep resetting the same tier V POI in order to have a renewable resource for them.


I am at the point now where I repeat the same day every day:


1. Visit trader and get tier V POI quest

2. Reset POI and just get the resources I need (plastic, main loot, etc).

3. Leave without doing the quest

4. Repeat 1-3 at least two more times before dark

5. Craft and mine all night.


I dont loot anymore. I speed rape POIs.

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And that is bad?


Yes. Removing "unnecessary steps" from crafting is like removing digging from Buried Supplies quests. You work towards getting something, which makes the end result valuable to you.


Any single example never really matters, but the totality just becomes bland and not really rewarding.


No-one here seems to have crafted springs even when it was possible, but removing the ability to craft them at a pretty high cost (steel, 4 per, which for a mod recipe with 10 springs was an extra 40 steel) just feels straight up silly.


The reason, "go out and scavenge" is silly, to the point of insulting; The springs are gated by steel. Mods are gated more so by their recipes, which you won't find at home. The only thing you can mass produce without "going out" by crafting springs is:

couple mines (the other half of which you can still mass produce)

both grenades (you can still do pipe bombs just fine, use two for same effect), once you've specced into INT 10 AND PER something.. 5 for the normals?

doors and safes (convenience, not exactly the defining feature of a base usually, and these will take bones / duct tape, ie "going out" )


Oh, BEDS. Damnit, I agree, can't have a fortress of beds, gotta ban them springs... :)

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Yes. Removing "unnecessary steps" from crafting is like removing digging from Buried Supplies quests. You work towards getting something, which makes the end result valuable to you.


Any single example never really matters, but the totality just becomes bland and not really rewarding.


No-one here seems to have crafted springs even when it was possible, but removing the ability to craft them at a pretty high cost (steel, 4 per, which for a mod recipe with 10 springs was an extra 40 steel) just feels straight up silly.


The reason, "go out and scavenge" is silly, to the point of insulting; The springs are gated by steel. Mods are gated more so by their recipes, which you won't find at home. The only thing you can mass produce without "going out" by crafting springs is:

couple mines (the other half of which you can still mass produce)

both grenades (you can still do pipe bombs just fine, use two for same effect)

doors and safes (convenience, not exactly the defining feature of a base usually, and these will take bones / duct tape, ie "going out" )


Oh, BEDS. Damnit, I agree, can't have a fortress of beds, gotta ban them springs... :)


I feel like this is similar to metal pipes. No one ever crafts those because you get so much just harvesting for other things. But if that was removed in favor of looting them people would be upset.

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I feel like this is similar to metal pipes. No one ever crafts those because you get so much just harvesting for other things. But if that was removed in favor of looting them people would be upset.


True, althou a lil backwards.. I do deliberately aim for springs already (as in, take all beds apart), and I accidentally end up with enough pipes mostly while doing that.


But yeah, I'd be upset too; it's nice that not every resource is loot-only, with pipes I now have a choice of scrapping them for space, if made loot-only I'd have to drop them in a drop-off box next to the two mechanical parts that I'm actually never gonna bother with... :)

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Normally while looting, I'd auto-scrap Springs and Pipes to Iron, to save an inventory slot, safe in the knowledge that I could make either of them if and when I needed them.


Now that I can't make Springs on demand, I need to not scrap them when looting, thus reducing my carrying capacity. So this is an annoying change that I hope they don't take any further.

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