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Enough for the developers to do in this way, you kill all my desire to play your game after the update. I’m talking about streamer priority access to new content. I can’t immediately play after the update while streamers are playing, I watch how they play and after I go into the game I look around and turn it off. PLEASE LET PLAY EVERYTHING IMMEDIATELY.

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Devs said it consistently. Either everyone gets it on Monday or streamers a bit earlier and the rest on Monday. No matter what you say they won't give people the chance to play the game earlier. It had never happened (apart from A17 perhaps, *cough*months*cough* earlier).

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There will be no public release on a Friday.


Not happening.


Whether the streamers get their promo version earlier... or not... has no effect on a release Not Happening on a Friday.


I've spent decades in IT system support. #1 rule of change is don't do it on a Friday.

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At the OP, I know your itching to get your hands on the latest version (A18), but don’t get your hopes up, it won’t be a stable version and it’s not be expected to be one, everyone knows it


Patience is what’s needed here, the streaming is going to be for testing purposes, it will be watched by TFP, all the streamers will find possible bugs and errors whilst playing


It will allow TFP to fix things for a future stable release, it’s always been that way, and should always be that way


I hated a17 on 1st release, and I made posts saying so (and I here apologise for that, sorry guys)


A17.4 works well for my server and players, although the ram usage is huge for the world map

Hopefully that will be fixed/sorted I don’t know


I won’t be changing my server until a good stable a18 is released, and that all my players agrees to update


Patience is needed as always is

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I don’t need stable alpha, moreover I only play solo. I just want to feel the new content myself, and not see how all weekend streamers play. I’m only talking about the fact that it discourages me from playing after the release of the update for several months. And this is not at all honest with the community, in the last alpha 17 streamers were allowed to distribute keys to friends for playing together. I just don’t understand why some people have a priority over others, just like everyone else I bought a game, and I want to get access to it on an equal footing with everyone. sorry for my English

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I just want to feel the new content myself, and not see how all weekend streamers play.

Then don't watch and play fresh on Monday. Problem solved.


I just don’t understand why some people have a priority over others, just like everyone else I bought a game, and I want to get access to it on an equal footing with everyone. sorry for my English

The same reason that the press gets advance access to movies and albums and such: To drum up publicity. Pretty simple and not preferential.

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Then don't watch and play fresh on Monday. Problem solved.



The same reason that the press gets advance access to movies and albums and such: To drum up publicity. Pretty simple and not preferential.


Well, what's the problem? let streamers stream and attract new people, I think that those who are already waiting do not need to be lured, they have long acquired the game. you say nonsense. I don’t understand why I still need to be lured when I already bought everything for a long time.

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I don’t need stable alpha, moreover I only play solo. I just want to feel the new content myself, and not see how all weekend streamers play. I’m only talking about the fact that it discourages me from playing after the release of the update for several months. And this is not at all honest with the community, in the last alpha 17 streamers were allowed to distribute keys to friends for playing together. I just don’t understand why some people have a priority over others, just like everyone else I bought a game, and I want to get access to it on an equal footing with everyone. sorry for my English


Simply do not watch.


Personally I had not watched any of the update videos from Madmole either. I do not care about seeing how to die, which he is great at, that and screaming like a schoolgirl when zeds creep on him, LOL JK.


Seriously though, I simply tell myself TFP will do what is right even though fixes appear to be the least of their concerns, given we only had 4 releases with 17 and still had lots of stuff that needed fixing, and was passed up on.


Like many others I have had this game since Alpha 8.3.

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We should not stand for this!

We need to fight!

Aye, fight and you may die.

Run and you'll live -- at least a while.

And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!!




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Well, what's the problem? let streamers stream and attract new people, I think that those who are already waiting do not need to be lured, they have long acquired the game. you say nonsense. I don’t understand why I still need to be lured when I already bought everything for a long time.

And why let the press see Avengers: Endgame first? All of those people who got advance tickets don’t need to be lured. You say nonsense. The lure isn’t really for you. There is no universe (within the vast multiverse) in which you will be correct.

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Jealousy is silly.


When streamers get the product has exactly zero impact on you. If streamers were not receiving the game early you would STILL have to wait until Monday to play it. So why complain that there is a hype campaign to build up interest? You actually do benefit from it after all, it is what helps make the game successful and that success ensures more development and content.

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Enough for the developers to do in this way, you kill all my desire to play your game after the update. I’m talking about streamer priority access to new content. I can’t immediately play after the update while streamers are playing, I watch how they play and after I go into the game I look around and turn it off. PLEASE LET PLAY EVERYTHING IMMEDIATELY.


who cares if they get it a few days early, just dont watch them. most of them are terrible anyways and just go into cheat mode after a few hours because they suck at the game.

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I actually think the streamers are bad for the game. I've watched 3 streams for about 10 to 15 minutes each now and they are so bad they make Joel look like an e-gaming pro (luv ya Joel). You can even tell they haven't bothered to read the patch notes; and the chat comments suggest others are just as frustrated - at times almost screaming at them in frustration how to play or explain / correct what was changed this update lol.


It's cringe-worthy to watch and I honestly can't see how they can be building hype given most of them are exposing the horrible start to the game we all have to push through when re-starting. TFP could at least suggest they cheat mode their way to level 30, start a base, and get into the action with a handgun and some ammo. 7D2D is a great (but not flawless) game and people should see how awesome the game is after the first 5 to say 10 hours because it's not like most games where they throw you into the action; it's a slow burn and each Alpha for me has been over 100 hours gameplay, but the start is always dreaded.


I have no issues not playing the game until it's released, just fail to see how these streamers are doing anything positive for the game because if I stumbled across the streams I've watch thus far, I wouldn't have an urge to buy the game.

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I actually think the streamers are bad for the game. I've watched 3 streams for about 10 to 15 minutes each now and they are so bad they make Joel look like an e-gaming pro (luv ya Joel). You can even tell they haven't bothered to read the patch notes; and the chat comments suggest others are just as frustrated - at times almost screaming at them in frustration how to play or explain / correct what was changed this update lol.


It's cringe-worthy to watch and I honestly can't see how they can be building hype given most of them are exposing the horrible start to the game we all have to push through when re-starting. TFP could at least suggest they cheat mode their way to level 30, start a base, and get into the action with a handgun and some ammo. 7D2D is a great (but not flawless) game and people should see how awesome the game is after the first 5 to say 10 hours because it's not like most games where they throw you into the action; it's a slow burn and each Alpha for me has been over 100 hours gameplay, but the start is always dreaded.


I have no issues not playing the game until it's released, just fail to see how these streamers are doing anything positive for the game because if I stumbled across the streams I've watch thus far, I wouldn't have an urge to buy the game.


It's okay. There is a huge demographic that you aren't a member of that feels the opposite of you and absolutely loves to watch streams for all the reasons that make you cringe. Most likely the people typing suggestions weren't doing it out of frustration-- they were feeling like they were a part of the game and the decisions being made. People love telling the streamer what to do and how to do it better.


Like I said, they aren't you. :)


And many get the game because it makes them feel closer to the streamer more than any real desire to play. Creepy right?

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The world of Game Devs is usually - "It will be released when its ready", of course this was before early access, not to add to or from any point of view but that was usually what you would see when a new game was in development. Usually after 100 posts of "when will it be released" or "when is the release date" you will read: "It will be released when its ready".


I almost miss those days, waiting on Call of Cthulhu Dark Corners of the Earth and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. was an anticipation I enjoyed. Everybody was furious that Call of Cthulhu Dark Corners of the Earth was coming out on the Xbox first, which made sense to me but there is nothing you could do about it. Demos were enjoyable too, you could find them on a Magazine CD or downloadable, like a free game to fool around with.


All in all no matter what is said he will still have to wait anyway so it is not necessary to scold him just because he does not get it.

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its ok let them pretend streamer weekend "helps" them in any sort of way if it makes them feel cool :)


twitch boycott is in full swing, no one who matters will be on there anyway ;)


- - - Updated - - -


people learn about streamers from games, not vice versa.. try to remember that.

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