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  1. i used arrow keys for when i played BF3 and 4, it was easier for me to use my kb keypad on the right to select different weapons etc, as they were closer, as in e.g. 0 was my melee, 1 2 3 main weapons 4 chuck grenade 5 heal or ammo pack was a lot easier to me back then
  2. im using midjourney my prompt was zombie apocalypse, burnt buildings and trees dead bodies https://imgur.com/a/QYjxp82
  3. UL is very polished, and has been worked on for a long time, I have a dedicated with it, and it’s very smooth, it’s a kind of a crossed vanilla (no super-duper overpowered zeds, with rockets firing from every angle) with subquakes ace changes and additions And no, the amount of changes that subquake has done, will NOT allow any other “major” additions! Just don’t even try
  4. For single player saves, not dedicated servers saves i wrote this batch file Winrar is needed (it’s a free prog that compacts files) https://www.win-rar.com/start.html?&L=0 Copy this into a text editor and save as “SP saves.bat” the "bat" part is important, dont save as a txt file, save as bat, so windows "knows" its a batch file, basically means its a "program to run" @echo off for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('wmic OS Get localdatetime /value') do set "dt=%%a" set "YY=%dt:~2,2%" & set "YYYY=%dt:~0,4%" & set "MM=%dt:~4,2%" & set "DD=%dt:~6,2%" set "HH=%dt:~8,2%" & set "Min=%dt:~10,2%" & set "Sec=%dt:~12,2%" set "datestamp=%YYYY%%MM%%DD%" & set "timestamp=%HH%%Min%%Sec%" For /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ("%DATE%") do ( SET YYYY=%%c SET MM=%%a SET DD=%%b ) For /f "tokens=1-4 delims=/:." %%a in ("%TIME%") do ( SET HH24=%%a SET MI=%%b SET SS=%%c SET FF=%%d ) SET savename="player save files"-%datestamp%-%HH24%%MI%%SS% SET xfolder=%appdata%\7DaysToDie\saves "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\rar.exe" a %savename% %xfolder% -inul Run it before you start your game, and after if needed It creates a backup file of single player saves, with date and time in the filename It will save a backup in the same folder where you put the bat file
  5. im a food professional aswell, love baked beans, its very windy where i am
  6. there is a mod that enables you to wrench them
  7. i use the free https://getgreenshot.org/ excellent options for screen grabbing etc, being using that for few years now, ace prog
  8. Now compile all this talk about mlink and %appdata% etc and then try to find a way to tell or explain to a player that has NO programming or any “folder” tech knowledge that just wants to play the game!! Why over complicate something that has worked for now? Just KEEP the mods folder in the SAME directory as the core game folder This game has been presented as “easy to mod” How is that going to be productive if by closing or minimizing the options of doing that? its like cutting a leg off to upgrade the other so it can run faster...oh wait
  9. if i want to play vanilla with my modlets on one of my dedis, then i can, if i want to play DF on my other dedicated then i can, i was thinking of downloading war of the walkers....but wait now i cant do ALL of these i can only do 1 now??? who cares about crossplatform, consoles wont be able to use mod files any way and will never be able to keep up with the pc version, so whats the point in this!!?!? "if its not broken dont try to fix it" by doing it this way, TFP will start to kill off a lot of big mod makers, they wont be able to do what they have been able to do so far, its hard enough working out ways for mods to work together, thats why players have more than one version of 7days in different locations this is NOT productive, changeing something that works
  10. thats true and we all know that, but it would be best if TFP fixed broken/bugged things 1st before introducing new bugged broken things
  11. Diane Abbott MP - oh wait you mean in game, let me think , nope still Diane Abbott
  12. way above my knowledge then, ill stick to plugging in usb cables, getting a 50-50 chance of getting it wrong way, and then always getting it wrong way!
  13. Ok ill try to help but Im struggling to understand your meaning are you hosting, or are you connected to a dedicated server? What do you mean by Windows domain? Are you talking about your computer?
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