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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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I just don't see the reason. This is a pvp or pve game, if someone betrays you in a trade just kill them. I mean doesn't it create an interesting social dynamic trading with someone? Even if we did make some trading interface they could still shoot you and take your stuff afterwards. What good would it do? I feel like I'm not seeing the use case.


I'm sorry you feel it is useless.

I think that in a rpg/survival game a decent trading system is a must-have. It's exciting to see what a stranger haves to offer in the moment, the bargain in the process, not making a chest in every trade, i dont know...maybe it's me and the cool trading memories that i have from Diablo 2

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As for the trading interface subject, I would love to see this also.

When we are out away from base and 1 person has something another person needs we currently have to say "ok, face me and I'm fixing to drop it" then hope the other has time to pick it up before it disappears and/or rolls down a hill.

Making a storage chest for no reason in the wild and/or having full inventory at the time shouldn't restrict a safe trade, right?

Again why should we spend weeks or months making a trading interface maybe 5-20% of the players might use when all you have to do is be bothered to walk to a flat open space like a road and drop your items there or go to your friends base and use a chest to do the trade, or build a chest on the spot, or use a POI container etc. You hold E and it vacuums things up too you know.


I've managed in 2000 hours of Ark and Rust with no trading interface just fine.

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hope I get to play the same game testers are playing tho, because so far no one seems to experience the same as them.


quite a few times we get the sporadic build that is completely broke by a file corruption during compile or regression that was unforeseen or simply because of devs testing something new, as they will or do from time to time ....


if the public got those builds there would be major !@#$%


<stops looking into the crystal ball> :)


its not about getting it before everyone else... for us its about getting it out there for all of you who want to test.... test!

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Newer Unity versions should not change how we would add such features.


A drawbridge is really the same as a door. It would not take very long to add more doors apart from making the art for it.


Dealing with something that changes size and you attach/interact with it is something very different.


Interesting. So if I'm following that then a retractable ladder would be quite a bit different (and more difficult) than a raisable ramp; basically a drawbridge that wasn't 'flat' when 'down', but angled down from the floor above to touch the floor below and was climable. right?


Like when you're just opening a door you can ghost through the moving part, the actual door, but as soon as the animation is over the door is solid again.


So potentially, low on the list, but maybe, a raisable angled ramp might be possible?


Was mainly thinking of alternate ways of getting into your base, &/or other means of isolating an upper floor, or different trap combos... :)

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Zombie Gator like a bear but only spawns in water blocks


I think it would be really cool if TFP could add a swamp biome, with things like moss-covered trees and overgrown decrepit mansions. And of course, gators.


And maybe we could get swamp zombies, living skeletons dripping with old flesh and rotted plants, and that's always cool.


And maybe a theme song:

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Can we expect to see more done with water in A18? examples:


-- Buckets that STACK when empty

-- fish/fishing?

-- quest that involve finding a chest or something in a lake

-- Water/breaking Mods?

-- pump and pipe to move water to my base

-- water catcher

-- ICE and Ice fishing :)

-- Gators! :)


I remember back in A15 and A16, on the multiplayer server I played on. There was a chance when doing a treasure map quest, the chest would spawn in a lake. Mind you the lakes back then were pretty deep.

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I think it would be really cool if TFP could add a swamp biome, with things like moss-covered trees and overgrown decrepit mansions. And of course, gators.


And maybe we could get swamp zombies, living skeletons dripping with old flesh and rotted plants, and that's always cool.


And maybe a theme song:


Basically, drop the wasteland and burned forest biomes, and add two other "normal" biomes to the game.

Next to swamps I could also image biomes such as dunes + white sand beaches, "deep forest" with thicker vegetation and some darker, foggy ambience, a savanna type biome...

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Basically, drop the wasteland and burned forest biomes, and add two other "normal" biomes to the game.

Next to swamps I could also image biomes such as dunes + white sand beaches, "deep forest" with thicker vegetation and some darker, foggy ambience, a savanna type biome...


Wasteland is necessary but burnt is retarded and should be a sub biome of forest. Add plains back.

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Hm... one would think that once you start doing tier 5 quests, the number of dukes rewarded would go up. Right now from looking at my in-game quest log a Tier 2 Fetch/Clear quest rewards 1621 dukes and Tier 5 Fetch quest rewards, 2,573 dukes. I would think I would make at least 5k dukes would be better as a reward for Tier 5 quests.


Or at the very least duke rewards for a quest should uniform. Why does a Tier 2 Clear quest only reward 937 dukes but a Tier 2 Fetch/clear quest reward 1,621 dukes? Should they both reward in the 1K duke range.

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Again why should we spend weeks or months making a trading interface maybe 5-20% of the players might use when all you have to do is be bothered to walk to a flat open space like a road and drop your items there or go to your friends base and use a chest to do the trade, or build a chest on the spot, or use a POI container etc. You hold E and it vacuums things up too you know.


I've managed in 2000 hours of Ark and Rust with no trading interface just fine.





Just use the vending machine!!

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Wasteland is necessary but burnt is retarded and should be a sub biome of forest. Add plains back.


I had tried but some wacky things happened like square patches of terrain. Also with distant terrain it looks like crap.


<a href=plains-test.png' alt='plains-test.png'>

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quite a few times we get the sporadic build that is completely broke by a file corruption during compile or regression that was unforeseen or simply because of devs testing something new, as they will or do from time to time ....


if the public got those builds there would be major !@#$%


<stops looking into the crystal ball> :)


its not about getting it before everyone else... for us its about getting it out there for all of you who want to test.... test!


I apologize. I made a comment ironizing the comparison of xp - that builders level faster than those grinding zombies -. I'm not the type of guy that goes around randomly criticizing people and didn't intended to question the work you do.


Maybe TFP can make the vending machines with an option to trade!


maybe we could learn to trade by using them

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I had tried but some wacky things happened like square patches of terrain. Also with distant terrain it looks like crap.


<a href=plains-test.png' alt='plains-test.png'>


That actually looks amazing. My gripe with the burnt forest biome is that there is all those debris on the ground. But, in your picture that looks more like a realistic burnt biome. Since grass does eventually regrow.

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Been running a bit short on bones. Wanted to add exploding bolts for last horde (for the first time) but couldn't afford them.


Wondering if maybe vultures could drop a bone or two when harvested?


Question for folks; I added a point into the hunting perk, hoping for more bones, but hasn't seemed to help. Does anyone know if or when it starts to kick in for more bones?

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I seriously think there are too many dungeon POIs.


You said recently that you are adding more ruined houses and reducing the sleepers, but I don't think this is quite enough. I don't like that 99% of the houses are dungeons filled with dozens of zombies. Where do all these people even come from? Seriously 1 village with 20 buildings has 300 zombies. Wtf?! It doesn't feel right. It's immersion breaking. I think many houses should be empty. Like they used to be. I'd rather see a lot more wandering zombies outside and need to run inside for protection than the opposite, and so many other players think the same. @Roland maybe this is an idea for a poll.


I think you guys should just randomly determine if a house is going to contain sleepers or not, with something like 50 50 chance. I miss normal empty houses with no sleepers.


totally agree.

Currently, every building has many zombies, that gets you excited because you already know what you are going to find and of course it takes interest in entering the building.

In addition, the reward that you can find in looting most of the time, if not all, does not justify the risk of entering.

if you do not know, if in a place there are zombies or not, you risk

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What good would it do? I feel like I'm not seeing the use case.


Let me try to help.




As a player, I want to be able to trade items directly to another player, so that in dire situations we can switch items between eachother with relative speed and ease without dying.

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