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Alpha 18 Party Time!


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I don't really have any issues with the item queue at all because WB is really easy to produce and 4 slots gives you plenty of production unless you are not planning things out. As far as things like guns, I agree that you should get more than a few mech parts when scrapping something that takes so many mats to produce. Would not mind having a scrapping bench where scrapping higher items like guns would yield more than a single base component type. Not a bad idea.


And yes, we need way more to do with electricity. I find that it is really underwhelming in a general sense.


This is one of the big reasons I miss gun parts. Even old guns were useful via scrapping or combining. Now old guns are 100% useless except for selling or scrapping, and as you said, scrapping is very underwhelming.

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This is one of the big reasons I miss gun parts. Even old guns were useful via scrapping or combining. Now old guns are 100% useless except for selling or scrapping, and as you said, scrapping is very underwhelming.


Guns are no longer exciting to get but, to be honest, I hated the parts system from before. It was just a poor way of doing things and combining was utterly pointless - but that was the point as the parts system was always a placeholder. MODS are a MUCH better system IMHO. Guns do need to be more rare - by a lot - and there needs to be a larger variety of mods though.

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Guns are no longer exciting to get but, to be honest, I hated the parts system from before. It was just a poor way of doing things and combining was utterly pointless - but that was the point as the parts system was always a placeholder. MODS are a MUCH better system IMHO. Guns do need to be more rare - by a lot - and there needs to be a larger variety of mods though.


If only I had a nickel for every time this argument is used I'd be rich... LOL sorry not trying to be rude... it's just that I have had to respond to this exact same comment probably a dozen times at least now =P


Anyway, the response I always give is that I think mods are good too BUT they didn't need to remove ability to dissemble/assemble guns alongside adding them... And that I have no problem with even making it so parts don't even drop anymore, just that the ability to dissemble and assemble is restored, so that we can do more with old guns than just scrap them. That's all. Maybe even have another use for old guns... Like crafting turrets with them. Make it a requirement to have an SMG to craft an auto turret, and a shotgun to craft a shotgun turret... and the turret is better if the quality of the gun is better. for example.


And if we ever get colonies / hirable NPCs, make it so you can give guns to NPCs for defending purposes (again, higher quality = better for them)

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If only I had a nickel for every time this argument is used I'd be rich... LOL sorry not trying to be rude... it's just that I have had to respond to this exact same comment probably a dozen times at least now =P

Ha, that's not rude. I am sure you have seen it elsewhere. I really have not tbh - all the comments I see are talking about how they want the old system back and I cannot fathom why. All I did with old guns in 16 was sell them. I had boxes full of them that were waiting to be sold for solar panels.


I thin the rose glasses are strong with gun parts because many people want a Diablo type grind - hundreds of hours to get one nice piece of gear. I don't like that type of grind at all.

Anyway, the response I always give is that I think mods are good too BUT they didn't need to remove ability to dissemble/assemble guns alongside adding them... And that I have no problem with even making it so parts don't even drop anymore, just that the ability to dissemble and assemble is restored, so that we can do more with old guns than just scrap them. That's all. Maybe even have another use for old guns... Like crafting turrets with them. Make it a requirement to have an SMG to craft an auto turret, and a shotgun to craft a shotgun turret... and the turret is better if the quality of the gun is better. for example.


And if we ever get colonies / hirable NPCs, make it so you can give guns to NPCs for defending purposes (again, higher quality = better for them)


Meh, I disagree with assembly - it is a pointless system. You are spot on in needing them for something else though. I think there are better solutions than restoring assembly. Returning back to having to locate guns rather than producing them would be a start. Making them less likely but far more likely to spawn in a reasonable state (IOW, no more finding 10 quality 1 or 2 pistols on level 100) and I really like your idea with turrets requiring the weapon in question. Also remove things like turrets from the trader.


I think the crux of the current issue really is numbers though. It is not, IMHO, a problem of having little to do with guns you find but rather you find so damn many that they are not a good find anymore. I am going to craft my gun anyway so I can fit the MODS I need in them. I would add that quality was done better in 16 though - impact stats with quality again so there is more reason to covet that purple whatever over the brown one. By the time I have enough MODS to fill slots, I can produce the item with them.

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Yeah I think one of the reasons I dislike the new system is that it's just far to easy to get guns now. Not only do they drop like candy in virtually every POI, but on top of that, you can craft them quite easily as well. That and like I say, having some more things to do with them could be useful as well.


I think the same could be said for most items. It's one reason why end-game is rather lackluster currently. For the most part, continuing to find new stuff isn't as helpful end-game anymore except the usual mining resources, ammo etc. One exception are small engines - they have use even towards the end of the game as you need them to power generators.


Really then you can summarize the difference in tastes between A16 and A17 as follows


A17 - more streamlined but less logical, less reliance on RNG - results in less immersion (imo) and more "predictable" grind

A16 - less streamlined but more logical, more reliance on RNG - results in more immersion and more "perceived" grind


that's where there is a fundamental difference in playstyles. honestly, A17 made the game way too easy in many ways while needlessly increasing the grind in ways other than RNG. if you go combat specc you can become way too powerful way too early (IMO), whereas in A16 you had to work for it, and it took time, and that made more sense to me. funnily, often times in A16 I could get certain items faster than in A17, even though people complained about the grind in A16. Yeah rng can sometimes bite you, but I think overall it seems people tend to like "predictable" grind over rng, even if said predictable grind is a long time, you know it will always take x amount of time to grind y exp to get z item. as for me, I actually love RNG... both between progression as well as the old RWG (which, is supposedly getting fixed soon for A17, luckily)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Forget alpha 18,just give us an optimised version of current game and stop releasing shoddy alphas. How many times can you release an unfinished and unoptimised games with only changes to gameplay. I,m sure people dont want to hear this but Fun Pimps need to do something about optimisation. I have played 7DTD since alpha 12 and I can honestly say that in my opinion 17 is the worst yet.

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I honestly do not want bandits one bit, i've played mods with them before, they were not fun. They were bascally aimbots that would see you from a far way away, and kill you before you could find out where your being shot at from. If they do put them in, they need to give bandits special versions of the weapons with far less damage vs players.


You are kidding, right? Your comment was embarrassing to be honest. How can you compare a bandit mod (made by the community) vs bandits that will be officially implemented by TFP?


It was a MOD, do you think the community has the knowledge that could control how bandits were behaving and the aim and the range? No.


It's like comparing a homemade bed vs a king sized bed that is bought.


Anyway, what I want to see in A18 :

-bandits and npcs


-being able to pay to stay over night at any trader

-compound crossbow (modern crossbow with scope like Daryl Dixon had in The Walking Dead)

-an option to mod menu music, and ambient sounds, I want old ambients back as an option or as a pack

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You are kidding, right? Your comment was embarrassing to be honest. How can you compare a bandit mod (made by the community) vs bandits that will be officially implemented by TFP?


It was a MOD, do you think the community has the knowledge that could control how bandits were behaving and the aim and the range? No.


It's like comparing a homemade bed vs a king sized bed that is bought.


Anyway, what I want to see in A18 :

-bandits and npcs


-being able to pay to stay over night at any trader

-compound crossbow (modern crossbow with scope like Daryl Dixon had in The Walking Dead)

-an option to mod menu music, and ambient sounds, I want old ambients back as an option or as a pack


It wasn't a mod. It was in the actual game code - you just had to know what to edit and comment out to get them to appear in game.

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It wasn't a mod. It was in the actual game code - you just had to know what to edit and comment out to get them to appear in game.


It was a game code, an incomplete one! People, you need to wake up! That's the reason TFP didn't want to implement "incomplete" bandits in the game, because you are always complaining about stuff. Now I'm not trying to be mean or rude, but really, TFP didn't come to us to say :"Okay, there are incomplete bandits in the game, just mod the xml and enjoy them and tell us if you like the ideea".


Now because of that "bandit mod", most of our fellow gamers don't want bandits anymore, because they were terrible in the "mod". However, no one forced us to implement them by modding the xml files, right? You either wait for the complete feature, or you stop complaining, because no one has the right to say anything about bandits until they completely done in A18, which is what "Scyris" did.

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It was a game code, an incomplete one! People, you need to wake up! That's the reason TFP didn't want to implement "incomplete" bandits in the game, because you are always complaining about stuff. Now I'm not trying to be mean or rude, but really, TFP didn't come to us to say :"Okay, there are incomplete bandits in the game, just mod the xml and enjoy them and tell us if you like the ideea".


Now because of that "bandit mod", most of our fellow gamers don't want bandits anymore, because they were terrible in the "mod". However, no one forced us to implement them by modding the xml files, right? You either wait for the complete feature, or you stop complaining, because no one has the right to say anything about bandits until they completely done in A18, which is what "Scyris" did.


I don't want them either. Never played a bandit mod; basing my opinion - and it's MY OPINION - off the quality of the coding thus far, pathing, AI of all of the creatures, and the inevitability that bandits will move around like morons, look stupid, and - yes - end up being aimbots.


And that's based upon what I see in the game and what I think TFP can deliver.


FFS, zombies destroy one block at head height and then move on two blocks and do the same, trader jen has a voice deeper than ROland himself ... and you think this thing is going to be anything BUT aimbots?


you are deceiving yourself.

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... and you think this thing is going to be anything BUT aimbots?


you are deceiving yourself.


Bandits will probably be the biggest challenge yet for TFP...

I personally don't have very high hopes for how they will turn up. I do hope they are not too prevalent though - and more of a rarer enemy.

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We are in alpha 17 and the zombies and animals are still a bit clunky.

Not to mention the combat system.


Both are better then they ever been but is far away from as good as I think they should be.

I hope TFP focuses on that first before they start adding new enemies.

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First and foremost, optimization. Not to sound spoiled, but I'm running a 8700k 16gb ram and a 2060, all oc. No reason why even with shadows off I should get any stuttering at all. Not hammering the devs st slo, I'm aware of some unity issues, and completely aware it's an alpha, but I'd much rather see no game changes at all in a18 but lag and stuttering fixed than any new game features.


After that, I feel my next concern is making it worth looting with a high gamestage. The loot has to increase with the zombie difficulty. Otherwise it's not worth the ammo.


After that, more guns, more mods, and especially important, more corner blocks for building. Setting up iron bar defense is a PITA on corners, gotta rotate them 45 and they dont line up, or move one to an outside block, where they dont line up.


A bunch of new changes came into effect with a17. I'll admit, it feels pretty unbalanced for single player with the points system, so some more balancing would be cool, but just cleaning up the fps and fine tuning building and the rest of the game(and rwg) would be an awesome update in my eyes.

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Like the perks and attributes, but would like to see gates changed to skill books.


As I mentioned somewhere before, Subnautica has the most brilliant system of gating ever seen in all my years of playing games.


The problem with the 7D2D book gating system pre-A17 is that it was totally random. You could be level 100 and still not find a minibike book, etc.


So my proposal for A18 would be to enhance the questing system with a17 to include the gating using books.




Get a quest at level 15 to bring the trader 1000wood and 500 stone(or some crafted items), and he rewards you with a quest to clear a POI where the prize at the end is a skill book for iron tools. So while there is still a level 15 gate, the level requirements could be hidden in game by the quest not be available at trader. Now, in addition to the quest, gate skill books start having a random chance to drop at level 15. A very small chance (like .1 %) cause want to encourage the player to do quest. Each level gained would increase the chance, unless skill was already learned.


IMO, this would solve most of the whines people have about the perk gating system.

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Ohhh, this is a tough one, but let me give it a whack:


1. Optimization (really, this one is a must guys),

2. Eating and drinking should be a thing throughout the playthrough, 'cause now the more you can grow and make, the less you need it (there should be a minimum daily "calorie" and water intake and eating good quality food gets you some good buffs worth the trouble that last for a long time if you keep it up, while eating crap for extended period of time makes you ill until you rectify it... or something.),

3. See 1 and 2, the rest is fine... OK, well, maybe you can tier the Zomberts like in Ravenhearst now and randomize them (clothes and walk style).


Edit: Yes, also schematics are just silly and you should do away with them.


Me: "Buddy, I just made this Silencer for you."

Buddy: "Thanks man. Are you gonna make yourself one too?"

Me: "Make what?" :strawberry:

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I don't want them either. Never played a bandit mod; basing my opinion - and it's MY OPINION - off the quality of the coding thus far, pathing, AI of all of the creatures, and the inevitability that bandits will move around like morons, look stupid, and - yes - end up being aimbots.


And that's based upon what I see in the game and what I think TFP can deliver.


FFS, zombies destroy one block at head height and then move on two blocks and do the same, trader jen has a voice deeper than ROland himself ... and you think this thing is going to be anything BUT aimbots?


you are deceiving yourself.


I am not deceiving myself. Since TFP made great progress in lots of things, it can do it with bandits as well. Regardless, whether you want bandits or not, they will still be in the game.


The only thing that disappointed me was the fact that I don't have a compound crossbow, optimization is missing and they took out the old ambient sounds, in rest, I am pleased with the game. I play since Alpha 1 and I think I have a right to say that 7 Days to Die is going in the right direction, not like some Alpha 14-15 whiners that came later and they don't like the game. Now I'm not saying that they did everything PERFECTLY, no, not at all, you are right, but let's wait and see what they will do until we draw conclusions about bandits and npcs...

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the ability to import from a menu and not have to mod that into it.


more dye colors


a fruit tree and recipes


wheat and recipes


fishing and trapping


more paintable storage box textures (clothes, vehicles, tools,farming)


more paintable textures (bones, flames, icons, camo, animal fur, etc)


working sinks, toilers, ovens and make them craftable


bandits, bandit mobs, bandit towns, storylines,


really give us a reason to play at max level..

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