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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. So in all seriousness, if we pay extra for this game, does Roland come to our house and spend the entire time behind us telling us what to do and what not to do?😁 Cause I paid the base price for this game and I have yet to have anyone from TFP show up at my home to tell me how to play the game . I feel taken advantage of since I am not getting this feature πŸ€” πŸ€ͺ
  2. You got a lot of POI errors. Someone has Alpha 19 POIs in a Alpha 20 game.
  3. Midnight Queen has a mod called TextureStreaming while you don't. Have you guys tried removing that one and seeing if it fixes the issue? I am not sure if that is the issue, but that was one difference that jumped out at me quickly Sorry, I got the two pastebin files mixed up. The server has a mod called TextureStreaming while MQ's doesn't. Should that mod be loaded up on both client and server side? Or maybe removing it altogether and seeing if that helps?
  4. If you can't find it, you can also search output_log__ in your drives and Windows will find it for you
  5. Possible if you removed recipes from progression perks and have yet to find the forge schematic. πŸ™‚
  6. If the zombie apocalypse were to occur tomorrow, I would have to start trading my engineering skills for a spot in some survivors colony. While I got a lot of skills that would allow me to survive on my own or with others, I am a realist. With the breakdown of nations / states / economies/ manufacturing, I figure I would be fine for a few years. However, once I run out of medical supplies to treat my eyes, I wouldn't be much use with a weapon. So I better quickly establish that my engineering skills are needed πŸ™‚
  7. I seen this issue in Alpha 19. Lost half my elevated farm and the only thing I could figured caused it was my support not loading in before the SI calculations kicked in
  8. Sounds like a mod issue actually as I never saw this happen in game (and the majority of time in Alpha 19 was vanilla for me). In Alpha 19, the controlled animal spawn numbers by having an invisible animal spawn as a chance. So you got a new entity in the game but it was invisible. <entitygroup name="WildGameForest"> <entity name="invisibleAnimal" prob="50"/> In Alpha 20, it just doesn't spawn anything now <entitygroup name="WildGameForest"> <entity name="none" prob="50"/> I wonder if that has overall caused an increase in animal spawns compared to A19. The invisibleAnimal entity would count against the total entities in an area from Alpha19 while now it doesn't spawn anything and so the total entity count doesn't increase by one in Alpha 20. So now the total amount of animal spawns will be actually entities you can interface with while Alpha 19 was a combination of actual animals in the game plus invisible animals.
  9. Another possibility is shader cache updates. I had a small update for 7D2D pushed down yesterday, but when I check both the file dates and the update date, it shows the last update was 12/21/2021 for the main game and 12/27/2021 when I had it download me a new copy of traders.xml after I messed it up accidently. Try going into Steam -> Settings and at the bottom is Shader Pre-Caching. Unclick everything and you should stop seeing those micro-updates happening. However, it does note at the top that allowing Steam to do this makes Vulcan and OpenGL games load faster and have more stable framerate while playing (that is what it says, I am not validating their statement). As an experiment, I unclicked it so it cleared everything and then re-clicked it. Steam then downloaded updates to at least 6 of my games right away.
  10. You might want to take a look at this "Other forms of monetization of our intellectual property for commercial purposes are not permitted (including limiting access to our content for payment of any kind) or licensing our content to another company for a fee of any kind." Are you planning on pricing the app? If so, that would fall under commercial purposes. Also, some assets that TFP are using may be licensed assets. If that is the case, you can't use them for monetization purposes as you don't have the rights to them. This is not something you can hash out in the forums. Your best bet is to work directly with TFP on your idea / app to make sure you don't have any legal issues.
  11. So we should expect it in the next hour or so? Don't worry, Star69 has the General Support section covered while you work on it πŸ˜‰
  12. The point of Motherload is to increase the amount of resources you get with each harvest, not to increase one's exp rate gain. The only difference really is that Miner 69er and Motherload is broken up into two perks while Salvage Operations does both in one perk. I never had an issue with that since the Strength attribute is very strong overall compared to Perception. I checked both Alpha 19 and Alpha 20 progression files and both the Salvage Operation and Motherload perk have the same changes to PlayerEXP based on Perk Rank: <passive_effect name="PlayerExpGain" operation="perc_add" level="1,5" value="-.1,-.4" tags="Harvesting"> You might be seeing more experience gained from Salvage operations if you compare it 1 action to 1 action, but how does the overall gain of experience from, say, 4 hours of salvaging compared to 4 hours of mining ore? You are also getting a better improvement in block damage with Miner69er compared to Salvage operations Miner: <passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="perc_add" level="1,5" value=".3,1.5" tags="perkMiner69r"/> Salvage: <passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="perc_add" level="1,5" value=".2,1" tags="perkSalvageOperations"/> I have never felt like I have to grind quests rather than focus on building in this game, even with Alpha 20. I will typically just take one quest a day, and then decide if that day I want to run that quest or do other activities. Sometimes when I am building, I have to stop that to gather resources, but never felt like I had to grind quests - maybe go to a POI with a lot of construction materials or visit a POI where I could get new tools from if I cleared it out.
  13. Your machine has A19 and earlier mods on it. Have you tried removing your mods and seeing if that fixes the issue?
  14. Not a lot of information to go by to help. You are getting an error but don't report the error.
  15. Did you read the commented section in the quests.xml file? It goes over some of the things in the quest structure. Also, I would recommend paying attention to the starting quests in the game and then seeing how the text in the xml file for that quest corresponds to that quest. That is the best way to learn about the quests and what each section really does. This is what I did to learn how to make my own quests (observation and then trial / error). I don't think anyone here is going to give you a detailed explanation of the quests.xml file, but are more than willing to help you troubleshoot issues. Also, Guppycur's discord is a good place to ask modders specific questions on things you are trying to do and what you tried so far with mixed results (again, expectation is for each person to do some trial / error work before asking questions, not to simply ask fellow modders to write the code for you).
  16. I think what you want is materials in the items file actually (not an expert). This looks to tell the game what the item scraps back to. This is from the stone axe <property name="Material" value="Mstone"/> iron axe <property name="Material" value="Mmetal"/> pump shotgun <property name="Material" value="MShotgunParts"/> Not sure on what the purpose of weight is as it is not on every object in the items file (maybe it limits the resources back?). Also not sure you can change 0 to 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. It probably is limited to a single value (say from 0 to 6).
  17. I typically do: Melee (perked), melee (Backup), bow, ranged weapon, oh crap ranged weapon, tool, tool, frames, coffee, first aid Right now, my survivor is using: Hunting knife, iron axe (doubles as tool and backup melee), bow, pipe pistol, pipe machine gun, wrench, wood spikes, frames, coffee, and first aid bandages
  18. Yeah, I think in one group I noticed they repeated schematics (I think it was dynamite and grenades). That's the nature of development work as you make changes, add things, and remove things. As they get closer to final release, they can start to polish and clean up the xml files.
  19. Don’t forget the Minibike for Dummies book.
  20. Go to Users/"ComputerUserName"/AppData/Roaming/7D2D/Saves. Search for the world name you were playing in and you should see folders with the saved game names. Delete the save game name folder and you can restart a new game with the same name. Since your computer crashed while playing and you can't see the game when you select continue, the save was more likely corrupted. There are backup files. You can try to fix the corrupted save (follow the instructions in the link below) but this doesn't always work
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