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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. I just recently changed some T0 equipment to not have any mod slots. Not sure if 8 will work (you might have to adjust the UI) but here is the code that you would need to change: Look for this line in the items.xml file <passive_effect name="ModSlots" operation="base_set" value="1,1,2,2,3,4" tier="1,2,3,4,5,6"/> Tier is the quality level of the item, value is the number of slots available at that quality level
  2. More than likely. Did you see the icon indicating the overall direction and distance to the satchel?
  3. I have done the same world 4 times now, so Hugh I spawned nearby on a previous character. Rekt I spawned next to in my current playthrough and opened up Jen by trader special mission. I am on Day 14 right now. Nope, just played the same world multiple times. I am on Day 14 and only on Tier2 missions with Rekt. I typically do one mission a day.
  4. You got bad luck with cooking pots it would seem, though why haven’t you made a forge yet and just make your own? In my current world, I found 3 traders and all are different - Rekt, Jen, and Hugh
  5. Yes it does. Sorry my bad. When I clicked on your link I only saw the first picture on my tablet and didn’t notice the scroll bar. I will try running that seed on my computer later to see if I get the same result.
  6. What is your map size? Maps need to be in increments of 1024 to generate correctly, and the issue you are showing indicates you might not have put in the correct map size
  7. Not I. I was never bothered by auto awake when I went stealth that I never thought about doing any analysis on it.
  8. I didn't see it on your list so I added one that I find cheesy 7) Bases where the zombies think they have a path, but just continuous fall down. Rinse and repeat zombie behavior. Option 4 was my favorite melee focus base (at the beginning but traps and guns for later stages), but I always gave the zombies a fighting chance (i.e. no false paths - if they can get past the sledge turret and not be killed by me or any other trap, they can beat down on my columns and eventually reach me if they can).
  9. Affect Base Bonus Percentage Bonus Notes Lucky Looter (Perk 1) 5% Lucky Looter (Perk 2) 10% Lucky Looter (Perk 3) 15% Lucky Looter (Perk 4) 20% Lucky Looter (Perk 5) 25% Pine Forest 0 0% Burnt Forest 10 50% Desert 10 50% Snow 20 100% Wasteland 30 150% POI (Tier 1) 3 5% POI (Tier 2) 6 10% POI (Tier 3) 9 15% POI (Tier 4) 12 20% POI (Tier 5) 15 25% Looty Goggles 3 Eye Kandy 5 5% Affects dLootGamestageFlat and dLootGamestagePerc This is how the game affects your loot chances outside of leveling up your loot game stage (sorry I made the table in Excel and then copied, doesn't copy over nicely). This goes with the changes made to the looting file so that people have a chance of finding better loot on Day 1. I was finding iron tools (quality 1 though) on Day 1 in the pine forest biome with no perks or goggles. Definitely a push to bring better equipment sooner than later through looting. I even found a crucible schematic at the trader to buy on Day 13 with no better barter perks. I am probably going to next work on modifying both the traders and loot files next. I prefer more struggle at the beginning than what Alpha 20 has brought. I also like to play sometimes in the Desert, Snow, and Wasteland biomes to start with, but I don't want that big of a loot bonus (don't want T2 equipment on Day 1).
  10. What is your world version and world size?
  11. Don’t forget to put it the world via crafting, looting, and/or traders.
  12. Loot abundance doesn't affect your loot stage, just how much loot you find. Right now, Biomes and POIs will affect your loot stage. OP was in the snow biome which gives a large bonus to your loot stage. Wasteland even more.
  13. Windows 10 Client side only 32 GB Ram Nvidia 2080 Super After generated a 10k map, I saw the Ram usage at 22 GB. I wasn't paying attention throughout the generation, but I saw at the end that the game was using that much Ram. So higher Ram usage (though mine didn't crash) and it doesn't release the memory even if you back up to the main menu. Need to quit and restart.
  14. Ahhhh, I have them at a higher tier than what they actually are.....steel tools are considered T2 not T3. However, the first opportunity to get Q6 Steel tools is loot stage 116 per the file. That's a significant jump in loot stage if you can get the chance by Day 1.
  15. YW Others in this community have answered my questions in the past so the least I can do is pass it forward
  16. If you want for the right now, I am working on a modlet to change how T0 equipment is in the game; though if you are able to get T3 gear in 30 minutes by just going and looting cars in the snow biome, I think I need to look deeper in the loot file also. But to be honest, I should not have been surprised that you can get a T6 Q6 steel tool in the first day. it seems that loot has swung hard the other way compared to Alpha19.
  17. Yeah loot containers went from ID to names, so anything involving those will have to be updated, along with the massive changes to the block file. And that doesn’t include any changes they might have made to the underlying code. If you have already been converting them, then you are already ahead of the game as you know how they work.
  18. Best thing to do is to delete all your mods, and only install ones that have been updated for Alpha 20. Some might be okay, but there are enough changes that an Alpha 19 mod could break your game. Other than that, you would need to look at each mod individually to see which ones would still work properly.
  19. Your right, that is not normal.😆 What game are you playing, because we must be playing different games. I am currently waiting on Day 6 to start (I stopped playing night of Day 5) and the best tools I found so far are Q1 iron tools (and 5days in at 1 hour days is 5 hours of game time).
  20. You mentioned streaming. Have you tried it without streaming? Based on your CPU, it shows 4 cores which you want at least 2 cores for streaming. That only leaves 2 cores for gaming, and CPU intensive games would start seeing a problem. If you get better performance without streaming, that would point to a CPU bottleneck.
  21. I will try it tonight (currently at work). I got 32GB Ram on my machine also. I did generate one but it was an 8k world.
  22. I am on day 5 and I have found a total of 25 7.62 rounds. I used up 20 of them defending myself during a wandering horde that was alerted to my presence at night. RNG plays favorites it seems 😉
  23. 👍 to this. Nothing was more frustrating on upgrading your base than to realize that things didn't dry in time because you were away the entire time.
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