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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. I thought it was just lootstage that changed via biome, not gamestage
  2. Are you sure they weren't just the military boots? I just checked both the loot and traders xml files and armorMilitaryStealthBoots are not in either of those files. It is a craftable only item in vanilla 7D2D that you can get to Quality 5. Search for armorMilitaryBoots Search for armorMilitaryStealthBoots If you are playing a modded game, they might have been added in those files.
  3. Not a link, but I can direct you there- Red banner link above, click on known issues link (The Known issues) in the thread to pull up Google matrix, row 231 (or just search for blades)
  4. More than likely (never done it myself). You should look at the items xml file for armor to see the tag for those bits and then just add it where you want to. Also, with the code above, you are doubling headshot damage by players at all times. If you look in the progression xml file, it shows how they do it based on leveling up attributes.
  5. You're welcome. If you decide to swap any guns to 44 cal, they would need the revolver tag to work correctly in regards to damage.
  6. Correct. LoTL 2 and 3 just speed up the process and reduce the costs for a bad harvest. - Clarification by costs I mean your ratio of harvests vs crops needed to convert seeds. I should have said your excess increases, not costs decreases.
  7. Good thing TFP didn’t add the debuff “small bladder”
  8. You got to add the 9mm tag to it. Look at the pistol for reference.
  9. It might be some time before a fix comes out for this issue. They (TFP QA) first have to confirm and reproduce the bug in their test games and then report the details out to the developers who will then start looking through the code to find what might be causing the issue. FYI This is a reported bug in the bug list
  10. BFT2020


    Heck, I am just glad they are using the terms cement and concrete correctly..... You got to take your victories, no matter how small they are 😉
  11. The thing is, in my mod, I removed all the recipes from the perks so you have to either find them in loot or buy them from the traders; yet I am still able to setup farms with Alpha20. It's all about patience. Until I find the seed recipes, I just plant the seeds I find while looting. Then once I get the recipe, I can convert my harvests into seeds to replant if I fall low on them.
  12. Farming now requires actual effort and you have a chance for failure. I typically start farming once I got LoTL at perk 2 and then start making a sustainable farm at LoTL 3.
  13. Pssst https://ethereum.org/en/developers/docs/consensus-mechanisms/pow/mining/ https://minerstat.com/miner/lolminer
  14. Maybe not mine ethereum while running a game that is known to use a lot of resources?
  15. Interesting. I was looking into the xml file for this and the question I have is, how is the layer depth specified between the very top layer and the bedrock area <layers> <layer depth="1" blockname="terrForestGround"/> <layer depth="3" blockname="terrDirt"/> <layer depth="*" blockname="terrStone"> <resource blockname="terrOreIron" prob="0.6500" rwgGenerationType="all"/> <resource blockname="terrGravel" prob="0.7830" rwgGenerationType="all"/> </layer> <layer depth="3" blockname="terrBedrock"/> </layers> Would you just change the value * to a specific number? I assume that, when the game reads *, this is hard coded in the game files. If you were to change * to, say 10, that would override what the game normally does and would only go 10 layers down of stone / oreIron/Gravel after the top 4 layers, and then add the 3 layers of bedrock. After posting this, now I am thinking that wouldn't work as the game wants to make the bedrock at a specific distance down from 0 height. The * is used because of elevation changes at the surface so it would account for hills and such. That way, the game always specifies the bedrock layer as X, the top layer as 4 layers deep, and everything in between is filler to match the contour.
  16. This is the starter quest to get the survivor to go to the nearest trader in the pine forest <objective type="Goto" id="trader" value="5" phase="1"> <property name="biome_filter_type" value="OnlyBiome" /> <property name="biome_filter" value="pine_forest" /> <!-- <property name="biome_filter_type" value="ExcludeBiome" /> --> <!-- <property name="biome_filter" value="wasteland" /> --> <property name="nav_object" value="go_to_trader" /> </objective> The comment lines allow you to exclude specific biomes (in this case wasteland). You can comment out the first two and uncomment the ones that are and the quest will look for the nearest trader not in the wasteland So I believe you need something similar to start out the quest (since you are not going to a trader first) but I am not sure what values you would enter for ID or Value on the objective type
  17. I don't know man. If you connect the dots......... TFP changes farming where you have to replant each time and may not get seeds back..... TFP removes the farmer zombie from the game..... TFP increases the number of farms in the game....... We see additional farming equipment in the game, like combines...... Therefore, TFP is changing 7D2D to 7D2D: Farming simulator 😁 /s
  18. That was my way to indicate action rather than words. I am not as hip as the young people with Social media so I probably using the wrong characters or something 😉
  19. Safety first (If 7D2D had safety glasses in it, I would be wearing them in game) 🙂
  20. No, but I did make adjustments that I am currently testing out: Loot - probability of Q3 or higher is now a flat 0.05 Traders - only sell Q6 gear and jacked up the prices. Also limited the number of Q6 gear offered at each trader. Haven't touched the trader quest rewards yet, but I think that will happen eventually. Q6 is gated though. In my vision, the main perk (for example Boomstick) only allows you to craft up to Q3 for T1, Q2 for T2, and Q3 for T1. You have to unlock a new perk in Int tree to craft higher (3 perk levels for T1, 4 perk levels for T2, and all 5 perk levels for T3). So to craft a Q6 T3 equipment, you need one perk in the main and unlock all 5 levels of my new perk in Int tree (requires Int 10). Still testing to determine if that is the best way or maybe tying it into another perk like Advanced Engineering <insertBefore xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkBoomstick']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='BlockDamage']"> <passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="1,2,3,4,5" value="1,2,2,2,2" tags="T1Shotgun"/> <passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="1,2,3,4,5" value="0,0,1,1,1" tags="T2Shotgun"/> <passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="1,2,3,4,5" value="0,0,0,0,0" tags="T3Shotgun"/> </insertBefore>
  21. I always strive to get the higher tier food recipes unlocked so I can start making them. Eventually, I want to get away from grilled meat / bacon and eggs as it is nice to eat one thing and have it bring my food levels back closer to max rather than having to eat an entire stack of grilled meats. I typically make all the different foods available as sometimes I need a medium boost to my food level or need a much larger burst. Also, I never thought about "wasting" any by eating food that has more counts than needed (say I need 98 and spaghetti gives me 120+). The same thing could be said about First Aid kits at the beginning of your game. Sure you didn't benefit from the 130+ HP heal from them; but when it is the only thing you have left and you are very low on HP, I would rather "waste" the excess HP regeneration rather than dying but saving a first aid kit. In an 1 hour game, 30 minutes is the equivalent of 12 hours. Eating every 12 hours doesn't seem unrealistic to me.
  22. FYI - Unless I am playing a Fortitude heavy character, I usually just do Fort 4 and get the last increase via the Tough Guy Glasses. Saves me a perk point at the beginning for something I use more often - though note you have to remember to swap out to the glasses before you harvest to unlock LoTL Level 3 and get its benefits. Eventually when I got my other stuff maxed out, I will put a point into Fort to get to Level 5 so I don't have to swap out glasses.
  23. Vanilla game, correct. There are some mods out there though that brought back Q6 crafting. I am currently modding my game to give the player the ability to craft any item Q6.
  24. ****saws off the limb Boidster is on Check your files, I think you switched them up 😉
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