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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. To do a quick check, remove the lines from the quests file I mentioned and start a new game on the same map. See if it points you to a trader.
  2. That's not crafting hordes though, that's a dance party!
  3. That's not true actually. When the unmodded Find Settlement quest starts, it looks for a trader in the Pines Forest only. This is the code in the quests data file Notice line 2 which states OnlyBiome (filter) and line 3 (Pine forest). If you don't have any traders in the pine forest, it will state that no traders are found. If you were to remove those two lines (or make them into comments), any trader would suffice for the quest. If you comment those two, and uncomment the two below it, any trader not in the wastelands would suffice for the quest.
  4. Or it is a custom map via KingGen/Nitrogen that has a single biome with no pine forest and no modification to the find settlement quest. In vanilla 7D2D, the find trader quest looks for one in the Pine Forest Biome only
  5. If you want to accuse someone of defending, you can accuse me as I am defending Roland not defending horde sizes. okay had to check that made sense to me. 😁 If you look at Roland’s posts, it is clear he was explaining why the developers made the decisions they did on a game in early development. He was not defending it, just providing context. Context is key as it shows the logic and why decisions were made. A good example of defending is actually debates. Each person picks a side and defends or promotes that side, even if they don’t agree with it. They minimize or gloss over the weaknesses and amplify the strengths. If you read Roland’s posts, you can clearly see he was not glossing over the weaknesses of limiting the number of zombies. If you look at the nuances in his posts, you can see the teacher in him giving us, the player base, some knowledge that we may or may not know. I also wonder if people already drank from the poison well, and everything they see associated with TFP as being poison.
  6. white knight is a common phrase in English
  7. You probably have a syntax error on the POI list and causing it to skip this POI. KingSlayer and crew made an outstanding effort to make it work with DF. Can you post your POI code so we can see it to determine why you are not getting her?
  8. Yes I did 🙂 Previously I would just show some self-restraint on using mods in them, but I found I would cheat here and there to reduce my stuff in inventory. So for preparation of Alpha 20, I will be modding out mod slots for Tier0 weapons, armor, and tools. Doing the same thing with starter quests and bringing back Q6 crafting. Alpha 20 will probably be slightly modified at first in my gameplays and then I will probably introduce my trader / loot overhaul changes I been working on.
  9. It’s why I mod out the ability of tier0 tools / weapons of having mod slots
  10. Maybe if you are nice, someone will make a modlet which is easy to install and increase the number of zombies in the world for you.
  11. Never played that game, but it doesn't look like the game is a fully destructable environment like 7D2D is. That's like comparing pumpkins (7D2D) to apples. Games like these can increase the size of hordes because they don't have the same environmental resource requirements like 7D2D does.
  12. Yes, I saw that. I did the same thing which is what my picture shows. You said you did a modlet. Are you using other mods? Where is the modlet load order? Can you also post the config dump file for items in pastebin?
  13. Yes that affects the stack quantities. https://imgur.com/a/HqO8eLm Right now, without anymore information on exactly what you did or your files for us to review, it looks like user error
  14. Link should be to a modlet I just created that will modify the file for anyone that is interested (remove conditions for initial trader quest) https://github.com/BFT2020/MyMods Let me know if this doesn't work (the link as this is the first time I am using github) KhaineGB has a quest file in his mod that does the same thing, except he excludes Wasteland biomes
  15. Yes I was (I looked in the file to verify - not being cocky here as I will admit when I am wrong) In the Quests xml file, you would need to change the following for the trader request I will see if removing those lines opens up to any biome. I think this was done to prevent people from having to go to harder biomes at the start of the game. Edit: yes, removing (or making into comments) the top 2 property name lines above fixes that issue. I just did a desert only map and it found the nearest trader.
  16. That's hilarious 😆 @Apoc Fyerah Try perking into Miner69r on the strength branch and see how the axe works for you. No need to mod anything as the values in it seems to align with what you are wanting.
  17. The trader quest is only for traders in pine forest biomes. If you got a single biome that is not pine forest, it won’t point you to the nearest trader.
  18. I want to first check the numbers to make sure (from a math perspective) that I didn't make it too OP to start with. I also want to make a minimum effort on the text to improve it (minimum effort as I am an engineer and wasn't hired for my English skills 😉 ) After I get that done, I will zip it up and figure out a place to upload it so you can download it. Make sure you can virus scan it as I am just someone on the net offering to help you. I know I got good intentions, but you should always verify (Trust but verify) 😉
  19. So this is the rough draft I was able to get done this evening https://imgur.com/a/sWfSi4x The text needs flavor, but you can see in the description fields on what it does. This is from the readme file I created with the modlet I will see what I can do with the descriptions. Iron axe entity damage starts at 15.1 and steel axe at 28.9 (clubs are 17.4 and 26.2)
  20. It's exactly the same. Spectating (watching an action movie, watching a sports game, watching a streamer play 7D2D) vs actively participating (performing an action stunt, playing a sport, playing 7D2D). Actually it is a correct comparison. Not every sports game is professional sports. Have you never gone and watch a youth game? Watching a bunch of 5/6 year olds play Tee ball is not the same as watching a professional baseball team play, but the entertainment value is still there. We get it. You don't care for streamers. That doesn't mean others don't get entertainment value from them. But just because you don't like it doesn't mean it should be taken from others. We will get the release of Alpha 20 on Day X (which is 2.5 days after the streamers get early access to play and stream the game online). Removing the streaming event is not going to change Day X. When the streamer event it announced, you will know that the release of Alpha 20 is just around the corner. Use that time to prepare for the release: Do a clean uninstall and remove all files so once Alpha 20 is drop, you can do a clean install.
  21. No planes there could also mean that every one of them were used to get away from the area when the zombies overran it. Might even make it look like that the last one got out before the perimeter was breached by a horde. Though I am not very creative myself to do POIs (or maybe just not patient enough) so what I think might look cool is actually something that falls flat on its face.
  22. *cracks his knuckles* Let me see what I can do on a modlet taking what you put in your post. I would probably put the perk tree in fortitude as it doesn't align with either Perception or Intellect.
  23. Sometimes we like to use items not because they are the most "efficient" use of X resources. When I build a base, I do go with generators at first because I don't have enough batteries or solar panels to setup an electrical circuit that is self-sufficient. However, once I do, I like to go that route as my gas needs drop significantly (just vehicles and auger). That reduces my trips to the desert to dig up oil shale. The last base I made from the ground up, I made a generator room to support all my electrical devices. Eventually, it transfered over to battery banks with a spare generator connected to several battery banks to recharge them (seems weird, but I found it mildly enjoyable to switch out fresh charge batteries from there and replace the ones in the banks supply the base). Eventually, as I got solar panels, I switch the base towards 100% renewable (and because I was planning ahead, I used the battery banks for charging to support new electrical equipment I was bringing online). Most efficient? Probably not, but definitely was enjoyable when I was playing that base.
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